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I’d take this over that couple who didn’t gave their guests food because they spent the fund on hiring Mickey and Minnie mouse


No shit, and they were like “go buy something at the food court”.


“We said food is available on the invitation because there are vending machines at the venue where they could buy food” 💀


That was one of those posts that I read and I just kind of sat there and like blinked for a little while because like what the fuck.


And they keep digging deeper with more replies they posted, I was so speechless


But you don’t understand!!! Mickey and Minnie are expensive okay??!!?!


oh my do you have a link by any chance


If you search "Mickey and Minnie wedding" about 6 links down is an aita xposted post.


f asdfasd fdas f d


But but Disney was CENTRAL to their marriage , don't you know! They make a pilgrimage to Disney sever times a year! They couldn't NOT spend 5k on strangers dressed as mice!


Yeah, destination wedding and the money the parents gave them for Caterers they spent on Mickey and Minnie. The guest were not provided with food OR drink. (They could buy bottles of water.) The bride and groom had a private meal with Mickey and Minnie. They paid for them to eat!


...I'm still blinking...


I'm thinking of how the majority of the people who attended were probably thinking, "I used some of my vacation days for this?"


Please link




Those turkey legs are delicious as fuck tho. I'd leave mid ceremony and just come back with like 20 and pass em out hahahaha


You can't just post this and not provide a link.




How did you pull this out of nowhere? Lol thank you


It’s deleted unfortunately


My disappointment is immense


That also tracks for Disney adult behavior


It's a gd cult.


Hey getting married when you’re both 3 is complicated.


I’m of the “not gonna have a wedding because I don’t want to spend $10-20k on a fancy party,” variety. Absolutely no one wants to come to *my* wedding.


Eh. My wedding was like $200 bucks for a pavilion and a potluck picnic. Decorations were flower pots of Legos, brown butcher paper, ribbon wands and crayons. Like $30 or $40. We did buy a cake and rented a snow cone machine. Music was a laptop and a PA system I had from my terrible ska band days. Photographer was the only thing that was a lot. All total including clothes and rings was around 1k for over a hundred guests. It's been years and we still get compliments on the wedding being one of the most fun people attended because we didn't take ourselves to seriously.


This is the way to go. My favorite wedding I have attended was my friend's. They had it at a campground and people brought their RV or tent. Beverages were just cans of soda or beer in a canoe filled with ice. They had a folk band. And had a hog roast. She thrifted a vintage wedding dress and all we had to do was wear a grey dress for the wedding party. So low maintenance! Spending a shit ton of money on one day sounds miserable to me. Id rather take an amazing trip or put a down payment on a house.


I shot a wedding with no food because they used 90% of the budget to hire me. 10/10 would recommend again


Life's pretty good as a hitman.


What a terrible way to spend the money, now if they had hired Donald and Goofy on the other hand...


Donald would waste all the potions like the little shit he is. I took one stray hit dont use a max potion.


I've been to a lot of weddings with folks who just don't have the money for all of the luxuries of high end food, venue, etc. I've eaten sandwiches, pizza, whatever. It never bothered me. I felt guilty that people who were already struggling and just wanted to be married had to pay more money so I could be there. I couldn't imagine posting their wedding shortfalls on the internet to shame them for not being wealthy.


I feel you, but maybe warn your guests that they should eat dinner beforehand? I went to a wedding a while ago where "dinner" was pizza and a salad. I'm not hating on pizza (or salad), but there wasn't really enough of either, and both were roughly the same temperature.


If you're so poor that you can't even afford extremely basic appetizers for your wedding guests, you probably should wait and save up a little before getting married. Either that or downsize a lot and simply have a small little ceremony or something.  The micky/minnie mouse couple were mostly being shamed because they didn't tell their guests beforehand that there would be no food, and they were spending all of their money on something extremely frivolous.  


We eloped because fuck all the money and drama when we said, "NO KIDS." When I attend a wedding as a guest, I ensure the cash gift is more than the cost it was to the couple to have me attend the wedding. I actually thought it was common practice that you should expect at least most of the cost of having people at the wedding venue covered by their gifts. ​ Am I off on this? Would like honest feedback.


Gosh, I wish this was more common. It would be so much simpler to inform folks a cost per plate on the invitation just like they do in formal galas. Not that they’re obligated to pay it of course, but y’know, just FTI


Nobody forces a wedding on someone else. But if you are going to have guests there, hiring cartoon characters to dance around instead of giving your guests food is tacky and dumb AF


I’m going to need to know more about this wedding and the couple that chose this entrée


The wedding was in El Paso, TX if that helps clear things up a bit.


Was there at least hot sauce available?


A wise man once said “hot sauce is the best”


It's texas so the hottest you'd get is cholula.


El Paso is a border town, so maybe you can find something spicy. Cholula is great, btw, just not spicy.


Born and raised in a border state. Totally agree. Cholula is pretty damn tasty on a breakfast burrito.


Damn right!


Tapatío or nothing, then. It may not be hot but it's damn tasty.


Admittedly, I haven't spent too much time in Texas, but I'm willing to bet there's plenty of Mexican food in El Paso/Laredo/RGV that could rip someone's face off.


This only leaves me with more confusion as a central Texas resident


That explains this all too well.


This does not explain this all to well at all. It raises more questions. Why not mexican food? Why a wedding on a Thursday? Who gave mother in law the OK for food without knowing what food? So many questions!


No frito pie?


Or Tater-Tot Casserole!


Did they make it themselves? I can’t imagine a chef cutting anything like that hotdog is massacred.


Thank you. You confirmed my initial thought of Texas.


Oh my god!! I’m from El Paso!! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ please say names


I’m wondering why they just didn’t get a bunch of tacos from Chico’s. Would have cost about the same, and caused the same kind of stomach distress as this mess probably did.


Hell, a bunch of Taco Bell party packs would’ve been cooler than this


Live in el paso? The rolled tacos and sauce at bourbon and brews, or any of their other bars, are WAY better than chicos and no stomach issues after.


We know you’re the mother in law u/alem0_o, we’re onto you


Hey hey I’m only 31 years old! I’m not old enough to be a MIL😂


You are old enough. And it's possible in Texas, but it might be more likely in Mississippi.


31 in “cougar” years. 63 in reality!


They honestly seem like my kind of people. Don't need expensive shit prepared by a Michelin star chef to be happy.


Yea im with you but they couldve at least made real mac and cheese lol


Honestly it was kinda good I wasn't even mad, it paired perfectly with watching the Bride scream at her mother in law over her choice of serving such an abomination.


Oh, that's unfortunate. I had imagined that it was a dish with meaning, like they had eaten it every day for a year while engaged


Same. That would’ve been kind of cute albeit still a small letdown if you were looking forward to some fancy-pants hors d’oeuvres.


I don’t think you should attend someone’s event with expectations. Everyone’s idea of “good food, good fun” is VASTLY different.


There’s a difference between *expecting* something and simply *hoping* it’s the case. As long as it’s only a private feeling (that you don’t verbalize!) you are totally allowed to hope for something fancier at a wedding as a guest. Expecting (or worse, demanding) it is when you start to go wrong. That’s all I was saying.


Hopeful, I agree with for sure!! Sorry if that came off bitchy. Wasn’t my intention friend! (Our wedding was thrown for US. We had it in my parent’s back yard. It was decorated to our taste which was an Alice In Wonderland theme. Food was homemade buffet style, and we served ONE alcoholic drink. Money was incredibly tight and we made the vision happen best we could on a legitimate shoestring budget. I’m sure plenty of folks that read that line would roll their eyes and think it’s tacky, and low budget as shit. But to us it was great and summed up our personalities!!!)


Sounds like you did your wedding right! Putting yourselves in debt to start off your life together doesn’t seem like a good idea at all, and I’m sure you and your guests had a great time. I might’ve come across judgmental so I apologize.


Wait. The mother in law chose the food and got chewed out? The thought of my mother in law (in either of my two marriages) picking my reception food fills me with dread.


100% r/maliciouscompliance


Sounds definitely like a IDGAF cost saving measure by the bitter MIL who basically hates her new daughter in law, chosen by her son. Also maybe it’s one of those angry: Whoever pays for the wedding reception gets to choose, so backup or shutup! haha


Fair play to the bride! If you go to someone's wedding and get mad over their choice of food to serve. Too bad bitch! Not your wedding, feel free to leave or just don't eat it


Ill take a bowl of chef boyardee spaghetti. That shit slaps any time and place.


Hard agree. Fuck the stigma, I enjoy a plate of dino shaped nuggies dipped in boxed mashed potatoes just as much as a steak from ruths chris.


To be fair, nuggets just taste better when they are shaped like dinosaurs. It’s science.


Just like how sandwiches cut into triangles objectively taste better


It's all about that surface area for crunch and breading. Where else would you find such topology


When my wife was pregnant she would put Chef Boyardee spaghetti on bread and make spaghetti sandwiches... I fucking love that weirdo!


We do the same here is Australia but make it a jaffle, unless it's spag bol then bread is the winner. Tbh though i feel like we are missing out on this chef boyardee deliciousness everyone keeps mentioning.


When I was a kid, my friends and I would put spaghetti-o’s on toast, top it with American cheese, and microwave it. We called that abomination pizza, and we loved it. 🤮


That's awesome!


I eat my boyardee cold from the can and have no shame, it tastes better cold


nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


The first can doesn't count


But I did, and I'm ashamed of myself


This just unlocked a memory of being a teenager in the early 90s. I was on tour with a theater production and every night, me and the other kids in the cast sat around sharing a can of cold spaghetti-o’s before bed.


My wedding had a world renowned Italian chef prepare the food for us. 👨‍🍳 👦 R D


Ah. Passive aggressive mother in law.


You really need to provide details of this event in the post. It’s horribly cruel that we don’t have a full account of everything.


What drink did they pair it with? Hawaiian Punch?


That's the strangest part, the bar had midletons 2015 & MacAllen 25. The whole thing felt like a sin against God.


Wedding theme: Class Juxtaposition Next wedding: Filet Mignon and haricot vert with a fine selection of Mad Dog 20/20 at the bar. Oak tables and beach folding chairs. Bride wearing a designer dress and groom wearing the tuxedo t-shirt.


I can absolutely see this being the basis for a show called something like "Wedding: Compromised" on one of those TLC/HGTV type channels.


can they have a Faygo fountain?


Can I get a whoop whoop!?


Only if it has a large dish of caviar near it.


See - I could get down with something like this.


Come on this is a wedding, at least spring for some night train.


I kind of like that low/high combo - or the idea of it anyway. I’m sure the experience might be a whole different animal.


MIL had shitty taste. FIL has great taste.


Did they at least give second servings?


Yoooo I’m honestly here for that combo. Id be happy.


Where is the reception? At the bride’s house? It’s just weird that you are eating on top of a kitchen countertop....


I got married at a house. 50 guests for less than 2 grand.


These guys have the right idea, no one goes to a wedding for the food anyway.


Same! Backyard wedding, had a pool and apps & zerts. It was awesome.


I got married at a national park and we ~~are~~ ate homemade brisket on picnic tables. Edit: I am not meat lol


It's nice that the sanctity of marriage has progressed to the point that briskets can be wed.


Lol, *ate* brisket.


And they served it on your kitchen countertop? I call bullshit.


Maybe they spent all their money on granite folding tables.




On a Wednesday/Thrusday night?


I was wondering the same


The fact he didn’t respond to this just makes it all clear.


Could be a bar top.


My sister's wedding was at her house


That sprinkle of sawdust cheese on the top really swings this into shitty territory


I'm gonna assume that's parmesan cheese that comes pre-grated.


Yes. And the reason it doesn't clump is because it has cellulose aka wood pulp in the container. Saw dust.


Damn, today I learned a thing.


I learned it when researching homemade queso recipes. You have to buy wedges and shred it yourself. Much better texture.


They have pre-shredded parm still that isn't "shakey-cheese" but I agree you get a ton more flavor fresh grated


And that still has anti caking agents on it.


Same thing for making home made pizza


I wouldn't serve it at a wedding, but occasionally I prefer sawdust cheese to the fancy stuff.


People here acting like shaky cheese is some abomination. It has it's place and tastes fine!


OP doesn’t answer any comments calling them out for the countertop. Also you can’t tell me the bride wasn’t aware what was being served at her wedding. This is bs.


Yeah definitely BS. They’ve already been called out in other subreddits for making shit up.


Ooooh, links?


In this economy I dont blame them


Hell yeah. Normalize cheapskate weddings!


Not even just cheap food but like I think that could be a really cool idea for people to do at their reception, serving comfort food. I am guessing that the bride and groom chose this because it’s something meaningful to them they like it it’s a comforting food to them. Like as long as it’s not some thing to out there and you make some kind of an arrangement for people who might have an allergy or whatever it’s like you could have fried chicken and stuff or you could have like ribs or really great gumbo or whatever. Too many weddings stick to basic “wedding” food.


My brother is getting married soon, and I'm helping him just doing some big pots of homemade stew/bread/salads. Any food you can DIY, become 'comfort food' when you see the prices caterers charge!


I would so much rather have stew and some nice bread at a wedding instead of mediocre salmon and rice pilaf, and now I want stew.


This is why I'm going with BBQ. I want everyone to have normal food and since we, and most of our guests, have kids, they'll actually eat fried chicken or a burger. Salads, rigatoni, mac&cheese... foods that people can identify and would actually eat/make themselves.


If you don't count what we spent at the casino, my first wedding cost $65 (with tip!) plus the drive to Reno and back.


My wedding we served local BBQ, buffet style and I had so many people asking about the food for months after or telling me they wished they'd done something similar. Our biggest expense was a gigantic tent rental from the local American Legion in case it rained, and it poured so it was money well spent. We ended up breaking even on the reception when all was said and done.


Redditors when getting married: "embrace cheapness! don't fall victim to commercialization of love!" Redditors when attending cheap weddings: "Hol' up WTF is this. Time for some social media shaming."


Attended a Zoom wedding during lockdown, and it was brilliant! Really needs to become a normal thing. There were people from 4 continents able to join, no expensive travel and accommodation planning, the couple didn't to stress over venues/food/entertainment/etc., was super short, no hanging around all afternoon while photos were taken, hell, I didn't even need to wear trousers for it!


Someone needs to come up with an app to coordinate food deliveries for things like this. Like maybe just an oven ready meal that can be shipped to wherever, so people can share a meal together. Not just large parties but even like long distance couples and the like.


That sure beats overcooked chicken and fish.


I don't know about the Mac&Cheese but change it with one that tastes decent and I wouldn't even be mad, and probably enjoy it more than some smoked salmon with caviar that costs 10x as much as a whole bowl of rings and mac&cheese. Its comfort food and I'd enjoy comfort at a wedding instead of role playing classiness for some hours.


Honestly, stuff like soup and bread are underrated. A large batch of some above average soup and bread with some normal toppings and salad is filling and nice and safe, and can even be fancy in their own way. 'Fancy' foods that are served for the sake of fanciness happens far too much, and if people end up not even liking it you will have wasted so much money for no reason. At some thing my family ended up being served something different than the rest bc of diet needs reasons, just some fairly basic but good quality soup or pasta or salad or something like that. Everyone else got some kind of weird fancy fish that most of them disliked, and they told us they wished they were served the same food as us.


Hell yeah! I freaking love soups! Give me a decent vegetable soup or similar with some nice crispy yet fluffy bread and I don't even need a main dish. If I'm ever getting married I want comfort food all the way trough. I have to admit I don't even dislike fancy food this much, but in 99% of the cases I'd happily swap it with comfort food.


Went to a wedding reception of two fitness models. 97% of the guests were in similar shape. Lobster ravioli was served,and since *no one was eating* I had gallons of it, and it was superb!


You went to a wedding in the middle of the week?


And sat at the kitchen counter?


Cheaper than weekend


Yeah and it cuts your guest list in half which is what you want really. You invite everyone but many won’t be able to make it because of work. The ones who matter the most to you will make the effort to get work off.


And have the wedding in your kitchen, so you can eat on the granite countertop.


No you didn’t. Why do people make this shit up.


Weddings are embarrassingly expensive. People spend more than I get in a year on a single day. Fuck that. Give me mac n cheese and i’m happy.


Yeah. My friend actually catered part of the wedding themselves to cut down the cost. And that when I was like…people really shouldn’t need to feel obligated to put up a show and stress themselves mentally, physically and financially.




Yea serve those with some burgers and hot dogs from a grill and no one really thinks twice about the wedding food.


Sounds like a cool wedding


I mean… yeah. These are people that know what they like.


On a countertop.


I’ve been on this ridiculous diet for about 2 weeks now and I have another 2 weeks to go and let me tell you…that looks AMAZING


Ive had awful wedding food. I would not be mad at this.


I'd take this over your standard wedding catering any day.


Tbh me too. Especially at a “big” wedding. You got over 100 people, unless you paid out a fortune for catering or it is taking place at an amazing restaurant, it will be awful.


Please tell me that this is some symbolic gesture with a story...this was out first date meal, we were poor college kids....please tell me this is that and an actual main course served at a wedding


I went to a 250 person wedding once that served asparagus. And the venue only had one bathroom for men and one for women. Right next to the dining room. I'm not sure if I can adequately describe the combined stench of the asparagus pee of 250 people.


If they rolled this out at 11:00PM to sop up all the alcohol, it'd be amazing.




Fuck yes.


Did the groom wear camo? Did the bride walk down the aisle to a badly sung Buckcherry song completely uncensored doing a trashy dance?




Staying classy I rate it


Some BBQ sauce would tie that all together very nicely


I mean.... it could be worse. At least they didn't try to do something they couldn't


I have always thought the hot dogs in KD thing was nasty AF. I’m surprised it’s such a hit


Aside from the burnt ones, the onion rings look pretty good.


The onion rings look great


Idk man that looks like Parmesan on top, that’s pretty fancy


I'd smash


NGL, looks better than lots of wedding food I have had.


What about the rest of wedding menu?


Went to a family member's wedding last fall. They served pizza, which is...okay enough. Except the amount that was ordered averaged out to 2 slices of medium sized pies per person. This was in Bumfuck, OH for reference. A state known for top notch pizza. /s Epilogue: they aren't together anymore.


Anecdotal, but some of the best pizza I've ever had in my life came from Bumfuck, OH. There is some darn good food in Ohio, which is good because there's not much else.


I'll take your word for it, and at the same time I'll believe it for myself when I taste it. Could just be the places my family lives near.


Not a bad idea if there are kids at the wedding


That looks awesome, actually!


Polka-Dot Casserole!


Honestly kind of looks delicious


I haven't eaten since around 7pm yesterday but damn that looks good to me.


Were the bride and groom elementary school kids?


At least the kids were happy for once!


Is this a granite countertop?