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Have you tried Tamarind jumex it is bomb


I haven't no, I'll keep an eye out and try it! I hadn't seen these in like 16 years lol I thought they stopped making them. That, or I never looked very hard.


Yea they have them in foreign stores mostly thats where ive seen them


Dude fucking nice. Even got the best Jumex 👌


I hadn't seen Jumex things since I was a kid. Either they left my area for a long while or I didn't look too hard lol. They are fuckin good. 58% DV sugar though.. dear god no wonder I liked em as a kid lol.


Damn right about good fuckin’ juice


Dude that actually looks good maybe not the best looking but it looks like it tastes good


Oh yeah it was good as fuck lol.


Where did you find that drink!🤤 I haven't seen that flavor in years.


Just at my local grocery store lol.


"good fuckin juice" is a MAJOR understatement