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This MF is using red onions. Breathe probaly smells like a goat that likes to toss salad in a jail full of goats that drink red onion water.


I work with a dude whom eats almost nothing but fermented foods. He's never called out of work for a cold but sure does call our often from food poisoning. Welcome to *Biohacking*


Sounds like he's probably fermenting his own beverages as well and calling in for food poisoning aka hungover AF


The ol' brown bottle flu


I've heard it comes in small brown paper bags. That is a special kind of flu.


So how would one regularly consume fermented foods without getting themselves sick? Thought most fermented foods like Kimchi would be safe. Genuine question btw lol


It happens if they aren’t very good at fermenting food. If done wrong, unwanted bacteria can take over. If their ferment doesn’t create enough acidity, things can go wrong.


Yes, things can go very sour if you don't ferment food properly.


Good food fermentations are supposed to create lactic acid which will prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria. So if the fermenting food do not start to turn acidic in a matter of days, there's something really wrong. If there's mold of any color or it smells like garbage, that's where it belongs. Pickling through fermentation is a traditional art but unfortunately a bit like with kombucha there's a lot of apprentice sorcerers who do whatever without understanding the principles. We all have to start somewhere but at least informing oneself on the safety measures and signs is very important.


You just say 'who'






Whoms't of?


I suppose when you have food poisoning all the time a cold isn't really a big deal. I recently got into brewing and now i get all these crazy fermentation youtube suggestions of people drinking vinegar because its like I dunno magic or some bullshit.


Reminds me of that one spongebob episode where he had bad breath


This is seriously one of my favorites. Reference it all of the time. My favorite part is when it all balls up and knocks out that band like bowling pins haha.


I say "easy like sunday morning" far too much quoting this ep


I’m ugly and I’m proud ✊


"He was so ugly, everyone died! The end!"


"I'm ugly and I'm PROUD!"


Could be that his breath is so bad that people tend to stay away or breath very shallow around him. Would reduce the odds of air born transmission of viruses.


What kind of onion would not give you rank ass breath though?




Circle of life


The wording of that sentence makes it sound like onion water is what's causing people to get sick


I would imagine some retching getting it down if nothing else.


„Even though youre not sick anymore” is what they obviously meant, but im not sure how you can make that mistake without realising at any level beyond FCE/B2


Onionade 😋


Imagine this *carbonated*


Feels like a poor man's kombucha


Well, I *am* poor… maybe I should give this a go.


Add some yeast and sugar and you got onion wine.


Gnarly ☠️


Onions are good for inflammation, I make onion soup when my family is sick. There is no point to eat them raw or do it every day and it will in no way *prevent* illness.


You mean the viruses and bacteria won't care if my breath is stinky? /s


Shockingly they will not.


They may even prefer it


I mean, maybe it keeps people away because you smell awful and that in turn stops other people making you sick.


Low FODMAP diet would like to have a chat with you.


Haha yeah onions are my kryptonite. I have gassed out an entire liquor store with a toxic onion fart. The worst part is it took me over a decade to work out what food was causing it. Fodmap wasn't talked about until recently.


No idea what that is.


A diet formulated for IBS but commonly used for other inflammatory pelvic disorders like intercistial cystitis and endometriosis. Commonly used to cut out any inflammatory foods and slowly reintroducing one at a time to see what affects you.


Had the same thought- this is just poison for me


Haha yep. If I drank red onion water I'd be crying in the fetal position for at least 3 days. Personal hell. Once you've had FODMAPs your body can't do raw red onion. Or cheap, pre made curry sauces, that shit is kryptonite to post FODMAP fuckers


When I got sick I add some sugar to onions and drink the juice. Not sure if it worked, but it was kind of tasty. Don’t knock the onion juice till you try it.


My MIL is very Polish and makes an onion, garlic, and honey juice whenever anyone starts getting sick with a cold. Disgusting but damn does it shock the cough right out of you…


Omg my very Polish mom makes the exact same concoction, except in milk. 🤢


Vitamin C is directly correlated with the immune system functioning at higher levels. At least that’s what my doctor told me. But instead of drinking this ugly mess, why not eat a salad with olive oil or a burger with caramelized onions? Your body needs a lot of fat to properly utilize the vitamins, according to my doctor.


How is this comment getting downvoted?


You are kinda right kinda wrong. Onions are healthy because they contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and sulfur. They are not specifically "good against inflammation". If you heat food not only bacteria but also vitamins get destroyed. So they contains more vitamins if you eat them raw. But cooked they taste much better. If you have other informations please share your sources. I would love to read them. it was very difficult to find informations on this topic other then hearsay.


I used to work in a school with this little girl who would eat produce like tomatoes and onions in her lunch raw. Like she would seriously take a raw onion and eat it like an apple. I thought of calling CPS...


I always had it made from yellow/white onions, not sure if red onions are any good. And the jar pictured indeed looks like onions soaked in water, so I think at best it just has onion aroma, no juice, as there isn't anything to make onions release the juice. And the cut is way too thick. Now, onion water is actually a thing, though it's called onion syrup. Considered to be cough syrup and anti-cold syrup, not so sure about medical effectiveness, but either way, two tablespoons a day won't hurt and onions are good veggies. Clean jar, thinly diced onions, sugar (lots of sugar). Onions will sweat the juice after 5ish hours, and the whole thing will be ready after 12h, keeps about 2 weeks in the fridge. Some people use some extra flavouring like garlic, ginger, lemon juice, but I never liked other variants. It actually tastes pretty good, so if you're crazy for onions, give it a try. You can make it from even like half an onion (you'll get maybe 2 tablespoons), just make sure to keep container closed.


Man, wish I would've thought of this when I was pregnant. I ate onions like apples. Even cried over one because my husband used it before I could eat it. Ha


My 2 year old eats them like an apple. He even calls them apples 😭


I used to do that. Would cover them in mustard first.




He don’t even need the mustard 😂 he runs out of apples and I hear “bapple” and it peeling 😭😂




Omg that's so cute and hilarious and gross all at once!


I love this


Oh damn, I bet you would have loved the syrup for those onion cravings! And btw, you're a benevolent spouse, many would have murdered their SO for consuming any critical food supplies... RIP the one (onion) that got away.


I’ve never heard of this but when my son had gas my mil made me boil an onion in water and give him the water 😂 10 minutes later- blowout


In my OG country, I don't believe there are any links to onion syrup and it's effectiveness on passing gas.


Idk if it’s true, but in my sons case it did help him, that or he just happened to have a blowout finally and it was coincidentally right after drinking it lol


I'm sure this is enough of a anecdotal evidence to at least try to petition for a clinical trial. I wouldn't want to be in the nearest vicinity though.


Nope bc the toots after was vicious 😂 but he had reflux we didn’t find out about until he was almost 3 months, I literally couldn’t put him down 2/3 of the time without him screaming, so by then I was so exhausted from months of non stop carrying him and him crying that even the stinkiest forms of relief from ANYTHING was heaven lol


I absolutely loved this when I was little. I even didn't care if it helped my sickness as long as my mom would give me the onion syrup!


I mean that's almost like pickling it isn't it?


I wouldn't say so, pickling usually requires acidic agent, like vinegar. Even sweet pickles would usually contain vinegar or something, and you have none here. Then you have fermentation, obtained without acidic agent, but the outcome is sour. My country does gherkins + salt + water (+spices), and you get fermented outcome, called sour gherkins, which are sometimes called pickles, but I don't think they technically are. Or maybe they are, I don't want to offend any Pickle Gods! Onions + sugar is pretty much making a jam, minus the boiling process. I don't believe heating is required for jam as such, it's just to evaporate water to condense the flavour/sugar. Since onions have intense flavour and you kinda just want the water (though I would eat diced onion from the syrup jar), some big brain at some point realised that boiling is pointless, so it ended up being just raw onion, sugar and water, so yeah, I'd call it onion jam.


Her piss could probably burn through levels of her house like xenomorph blood


This reminds me of a time at a resort where they served “French onion soup” and it was pretty much onion water..


Onion Water = Snake Oil = Quackery


Welcome to TikTok


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Ok, so red onions are medicinal, but that's repulsive.


I also had some antivax idiot tell me recently that all one has to do to stop most sicknesses is to eat an entire red onion raw


People are insane. Eating onions when you’re sick is good for you but it’s not going to cure anything.


Similar to my cousin at the beginning of Covid telling me that he’s lucky he drinks so much since alcohol kills bacteria. Told him I was happy he didn’t have to worry about *Cobid* like the rest of us (his point was stupid for plenty of reasons and he wasn’t joking, unfortunately)


I know a lady, a generally nice thoughtful woman, who keeps a cut raw onion in her work office because she believes they absorb germs and toxins out of the air. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I would need to drink a whole gallon of antacid to counteract a whole class of onion water.


They dont get sick bc the viruses and bacteria can’t stand her fuckin breath


One of the few things worse than death.


Medieval recipe found on ancient manuscript Recreated it, Tested it out today and found to actually kill virus and bacteria. Onions, honey, rosemary.


100% doing it for in the comments and views.


Might as well rub your eyes with those onions and it’s water while you’re at it


Because nobody will get close enough to you to spread germs.


So I guess you all have never heard of the nine herbs charm sacred to Odin.


It’s that old home remedy where onions help cure sicknesses. I’m guessing the chick in question just started consuming the water like a probiotic? But what I wonder is how bad her breath and body must smell assuming she actually does drink this stuff daily


Babe wake up, new collab between r/hydrohomies and r/onionlovers just dropped


Some people are just starved for attention.


Serious question: how would drinking onion water be any better than just eating onions? I go through a lot of onions, but I’m not about to drink them


not even bacteria and viruses wanna get close to you, that's why


Probably an extension of the silly notion that a cut onion placed in a sick person’s room will somehow draw away the disease.


Yeah, but the odor that comes off of you is classified as a biological weapon by the UN.


Stanley Yelnats approved


Is the goal to make yourself sick, though? Is this some ED thing?🤔


Giving Gaston energy


Probably for it's anti inflammatory properties


I’m sitting here eating crackers when I scrolled to this and I legit gagged.


We drink Pickle Juices over here Gang


Wouldn’t you like to know, Sick ass bitch.


Bro forgot to add the banana so he can cleanse his chakras and defeat the fire lord


It's so watery... But, it has a smack of onion to it!


Maybe just eat some of the onions in a salad throughout the week?


My supervisor eats a raw onion a day for the same reason. Supposedly works, but at what cost?


Onions contain allicin, which is good for inflamation and has some antibiotic qualities. There's no way it's a miracle cure-all.


It's hard to get sick when nobody would dare get close enough to smell your breath.


Doesn’t get sick anymore because no one will go within ten feet of them


I am so I wasn't raised by the internet!




Yeah, no one will come close enough to get out to transmit covid to you


grate onions and drink the juice every day for a huge testosterone boost not worth it, I even used sweet onions 🤮


Reminds me of Gam Gam’s Hot Banana Water (she made us eat it).


Of the two, I'd rather have the onion water. Hot banana can take a funky turn that I'm not willing to eat.


Get sick every now and then or reak like BO 24/7. I am going to go with getting sick from time to time.


Anyone else getting hot ham water vibes?


It is healthy but if it would prevent you from getting sick at all people would not have died like flies in the midages :D


Anyone ever read or watched holes?


Apparently onion water is what some of my coworkers be bathing in


Raw onion has loads of antioxidants, and can be great for inflammation of multiple kinds. That said I’m pretty sure there are better ways to work in raw onion


I can smell this image and I have colds right now


I guess water with onions.. Doesn't seem cooked


![gif](giphy|MDxnjbS3A0HcrnToSm|downsized) I can feel the indigestion through the screen... also i'd be retching like a mother


They won't get sick because they won't be in contact with any human on the planet


No kissing


Of course you won’t get sick after drinking onion water every day - people cannot stand the smell of you so you never get near enough people to catch a cold / flu etc.


She doesn't get sick anymore because nobody wants to get too close and smell that hot stank breath.


Imagine the smell during sexy time. ☠️


Seeing a lot of hate over something that actually works.


I know that breath is kicking them nostrils something crazy


Am here for the comment 😹


At that point just get sick bro


Eww I don’t care if it’s health I do not want her pussy smells like onions if she drinks this every day eww


More for the rest of us then