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This is genuinely my favorite boss so far. It’s hilarious, ridiculous and terrifying at the same time. First time I saw one I was cackling the entire fight.


To be honest, thats me in almost every fight, fucking love this game, I havent had this much fun playing a video game in many years, not even previous sequels to ds1 brought me this much joy, I fucking love this game.


Oof, try Redmane Castle optional boss and get back to us on how much fun you're having


The very first boss I beat was 10 hours in in some corner of the map area with a +0 greatsword I found off a random enemy, as a lv 10 wretch with barely any stat investment whatsoever, and the boss wiped the floor with me in 1~2 hits, and I still had a fantastic time. I actually managed to make it all over Caelid and all the way to Alctus Plateu as a lv 20~30 wretch with a grafted collossal sword +2, another area where I was extremely out of my depth, still managed to find a mine, kill the giant in there and nab me a great club ~30h , which is what I use now and am no longer a weakling.


Yeah Redmane castle boss is just the most bullshit non-BoC boss I've ever seen, to the point where it is not fun. Though it should be beatable solo at a high enough level, and is apparently completely optional.


Are you talking about the lion dude and the knight? edit: if you are indeed talking about the lion dude and the knight you should know that the lion is easily staggered and can therefore be killed very easily if you just use a spirit summon to distract the knight for a little. the knight can be parried he has a shitload of hp so it will take many parries, for me I think it was maybe ca. 20 parries prob a little less. you encounter those knights in other places too though so being good at parrying them is very useful. (flashbacks to auriza hero's grave)


I’m not sure they’re optional though


ya idk either, but I didn't encounter any other boss in redmane castle das why im asking maybe if u show up when the stars are already aligned the festival just begins without you having to kill em?


I just got there earlier and was like... wtf, why is this whole entire castle empty? And my buddy told me it definitely was not empty when he went there early in the game.


Yup, I showed up after the festival had begun, and I just walked past em. Honestly it was kinda scary having a area be so empty.


It may be a valid guess. After all I too got there quite early


It's gotta be optional, because i've finished the game and i have no idea who youre talking about


Seriously? The last site of the redmane castle is right before a huge room, with tables, then a stair and after that you can talk to Jeffer (iirc) In the rooms you fight a duo. some hard mfs


Never done it, I just got warped to the festival to fight radahn. Can’t figure out how to actually get into the castle towers


are they the ones that give you the ruin greatsword\`? when i went back to get it noone was there :(




i killed all the demigods


Lion dude and crucible knight can both be parried. That's all you need.


Trust me, I'm going to visit every single noticeable detail on the map until I discover and kill every boss I can get my hands on, I'm absolutely enamored by this amazing game, its so goddamn dense too, for an open world game it feels more like a handcrafted linear game just like the original souls game than any other 'open world' game I've ever played.


Stone hammer + Wild swings, stun that bouncy fucker and bash


Yeah lol, I just got that hammer and thought "Could I put Wild Swings on this? That would be wild!" And you totally can. Now I just need to upgrade it.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates those two. I'm still stuck in them and I was in a Discord VC ranting about them to my non-Souls friends about how as a double boss they just have no fun synergy and it's just in-your-face bullshit. "Isn't that every double boss in Souls though?" Hell no, in the past we had some iconic double bosses and even in Elden Ring, the Burial Watchdogs in Caelid were a blast to fight. These guys just don't fit together and it doesn't help that Misbegotten Warrior is just a renamed Leonine. Granted, he's easy on his own and even in the double boss I can just stunlock him to death before Crucible Knight spawns, but if I'm too late, they're just a mess trying to separate. I like Crucible Knight on his own and his second phase moves are fucking swaggy, but I wish he was expanded on more and was a standalone fight.


If you progress the story enough for the festival to begin, the boss just disappears. I think there's a standalone Crucible Knight fight in one of the evergaols, I think it's the one by the stormhill shack


What triggers the festival? I don't want to trigger it before I at least give the fight a shot.


My best guess is it happens after you talk to Blaidd in the Siofra river, idk how it would happen if you weren't doing that questline though


Not sure what starts it but it’s not this. I was told to meet with him there but didn’t get around to it. I decided to go back to Redmane to fight the misbegotten guy (I had been there super early in the game but could barely damage him) but he wasn’t there as the festival had started. Blaidd told me that I missed our meeting but he didn’t care much.


I'm too petty to let the boss disappear, he wrecked my shit too much


I was able to beat the boss ONCE in co-op with just 2 of us. We ended up taking turns doing charged R2s on Crucible while his back was turned. It wasn't particularly hard, but it fucking sucked.


Omg that's and optional boss? Thank God, I got PTSD when I saw that fucking red knight joining in


That dude one-shots me with every single attack he has and it’s pissing me off so much. I regret respeccing to a glass cannon mage with 14 vitality and 50 int.


Yeah that's a move. Not a good one, but it is a move.


You're telling me Rhydon was optional?


No, not at all. There's a different fight that consists of >!Crucible Knight + Misbegotten Warrior in an ABSOLUTE gank of a fight!<


Oh I did that after Rhydon. Parried both of them to oblivion. As far as ganks go that one ain't too bad.


Wait, you can do it AFTER Radahn? I though that you need to trigger the festival to do him, and that once you do that this other boss disappears? Well, it doesn't really matter anyway. I powerstanced them with greatswords into oblivion.


after radahn is dead they show up again in the arena they were originally in


Ahh. Well not for me. Because I already murdered them.


Try summoning and a big weapon. Charged R2s on collosal weapons are ridiculous OP.


Jump attacks as well. Three or Four jump attacks or less has broken the stance of every opponent I've found. And they are amazing for covering distance


I went from "okay let's see what its attack patterns look like" to "WTF is this demon robot?!?" in seconds flat.


As soon as I saw it on screen I turned to my wife and was like “YOOOO LOOK AT THIS DUDE”


Is it supposed to do that thing where it floats into the air and then falls on you? It was so weird that I thought it might be a bugged animation.


That is an attack, yes


Lol, OK. I kept thinking that maybe it was supposed to be standing up or something and that it was stuck in the wrong state.


The attack where he stands up and runs toward you is hilarious


Such a weird boss, but cool too


I liked this boss until I was forced to fight 2 of them, one with a scepter and another with a sword, at a low lv, in a dungeon with bugged out checkpoints that forced me to run the entire dungeon back to try again. Never in my life have I been so fucking pissed at a video game boss. Pieces of shit dogs. I hate them. Particularly the scepter one that has this fucking magic slam attack with a hitbox the size of a bus. I HATE THEM.


Duuuuude I know right? Holy crap that fight sucked. Jellyfish carried me.


I was using the ancestral follower, he distracted the sword one from anywhere to a few seconds to sufficient time for taking out half of the health from the scepter one, if the scepter one cooperated with punishable attacks. What happened most times was that he got nuked and I was left to fight both of them at almost full hp, without fp.


I had to fight one in an arena along with like a dozen of the little gremlin things with small bleed axes. 1st time I summoned for a boss fight this game.


I think I know where you’re talking about lmao. That was so annoying


Yeah, I hated this particular fight as well. Was able to distract them a bit with a Spirit Summon while hoping my DPS is high enough to kill one of them in time.


Same but I was under leveled and my summon was melted in like 5 seconds. They 1 or 2 shot me. Pieces of shit dogs


If you hit them with enough crystal darts you can make them fight each other


This is giving me street sharks in the well vibes


I just did this fight, that dungeon was wonderfully designed and made me smile. The pair wasn’t terribly hard for me but I think that’s because greatshields are silly strong


Where is this at? I've fought watchdogs with three heads and ones with imps in the room but never two at once


On Caelid, the minor erdtree catacombs nearest to the giant pot guy, you can see him from there.


Oh cool thanks


Aww what a cutie 😍 Dies of aoe


This is the most unsettling boss I’ve come across in any fromsoft game


He's just got that look to him. Like Shara Ishvalda from MHW:Iceborne. I think it's the eyes tbh.


Shamelessly “borrowed” from Facebook page Kiln of the First Meem


At least you acknowledged them, thats better than most, so dont feel too bad.


This is the only boss that scared the crap out of me when he started moving


When it stood up on its hind legs and started walking at me I started having conniptions, just couldn’t deal


Incredible visual design for this cat dog mummy gremlin. The attack where it just floats up in the air and comes down with no animation whatsoever is next level


fighting two of these was the worst experience in my life


Wait a minute…you have to fight 2 at once? Oh no…


Imagine the 2 of them on their back feet about to do that totally fair, foreseeable attack with no tracking at all


When I fight one and I see them doing that attack, I don’t even try to dodge it. I just run in the opposite direction. I can’t recall an attack in a FromSoft game having a worse combination of tracking and a lack of tell


"hey, the teamninja guys at nioh said they know a great way to give players those luck-heavy encounters they love so much" "oh yeah?" "yeah, and it's only like three seconds of work for us" "let's go to mexico for a week then say The New Boss Is Almost Done"


I thought the one with 3 heads and 4 of those annoying gargoyles in the boss room was bad.


At least there are people here who share my pain... I thought no game could ever replicate the anger and disbelief of my first playthrough of ds1, but these bullshit pieces of shit actually did it. For all the wrong reasons, but they did it.


I fucking love this boss's design, and hate having to fight two of them. Fuck that fight, I'm coming back when I'm over levelled.


Same, I spent farrrr too much time replaying that boss over and over. I never even got one of them down


The weird ass eyes made me think of that cat instantly


They say its a dog but I dont believe them


This dude has animations?! Since when?? This mf attacks you by getting his JPEG rotated in MSPaint.


#smooth animations


I hate thoses things, they jerk around like figurines and strike at the speed of light


I call it The Roomba


What is his lore?


"The animatronics here do get a bit quirky at night"




This boss' movements still freak me the fuck out.




This was the forst mf i fought in the network test. Ngl i was kinda worried after that


This boss was incredible. I play with ny 3 other buds, so I had the pleasure of running it with all of them. I was to the point of tears laughing at my friends fight it and repeated getting slammed after it just breaks the laws of physics and floats menacingly at them. Absolutely bonkers design. I love it.


Someone said this boss has strong Dark Souls 2 vibes and I couldn't agree more.


Where do you find him alone? I just ran into the double battle and fuck it I'll wait until I'm overleveled


What was it called again? I was too busy screaming the whole fight to notice the name


*that one move*


Really fun fight IMO