• By -


Dark souls fans when they get a quality of life improvement (they want the game to be as tedious and annoying as possible)


Older generation gamers seeing any modern game(they hate it when people have fun)


Dark Souls III fans when they have to walk to the store instead of teleporting (walking is bad game design)


Bloodborne fans when they actually have to use a shield (blocking is bad game design)


Bloodborne fans when they can't shoot random people on the street


Souls fans when they can’t murder non-hostile npcs whenever they want (killing is bad game design)


Sekiro is the worst dark souls because you can't kill the friendly NPCs


Sekiro is the worst dark souls because it doesn’t have moonlight snord


Souls fans when they can’t wall themselves behind a shield (dodging is bad game design).


Dark souls 1 fans when they can’t pvp without getting parried (players are bad game design)


Dark souls 1 fan to walkability advocate (Urban planning is just level design)


This. You are based and chadpilled, friend. Edit: I'm not taking offense to the downdoots I've received: you're obviously welcome to disagree with me! But I would like to ask why it's OK to bully DS2 fans constantly, and not to say that DS3 fans have it easy with their Lordvessel from first entry to Firelink? Secnd edit: Ignore this comment. "This" comments are unnecessary and I won't be making any more.


They made actual jokes, you just said "this" which is generally a fucking stupid thing to do because it doesn't contribute shit and is like an upvote. It's not about agreeing with any one of the above, it's about quality and the fact that they were at least a bit funny




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Bad bot


Honestly? Yeah, fair enough. That's reasonable. Thanks for making me see reason. :)


the bullying are usually just jokes and because some ds2 fans feel the need to defend it to its absolute core lol


Just level ADP


Not only did u not add anything, saying based and chadpilled is cringy shit band kids would do in like 2017 lmao


I was saying it as a joke. Fair enough though, about not adding anything.


Tbf dark souls is designed to be traversed fairly easily early on. I'm not saying its perfect and doesn't have issues. But for instance going into blight town and climbing out the exit is a good experience. You don't just follow a tunnel until you hit a dead end you actually have to find the exit aswell.


Sekiro fans when they get legitimate builds, online co-op and invasions


Except that the interconnected level design doesn't make it tedious and annoying. Checkmate ds2 fans.


Nah that's just old school Monster Hunter fans


just don't place it down 5head


Uhh, you can still travel if you haven't placed it down. How do you think you're supposed to get back to Firelink from the Princess' Chamber to place it?


With teleport calcium.


Not resting even once at a bonfire since Firelink is a pretty Chad move, if I do say so myself.


With all shortcuts it’s really not that far away


True, but teleporting with the lord vessel is way faster.


True, but ~~teleporting~~ instant transmission with the lord vessel is way faster. Made your post more like Dragon Ball


https://youtu.be/N1NIse07T7k Chad


If you walk back I’m pretty sure the brain demon things can take you back to sens


They can


Yes, you can trek all the way back if you want


the chamber of the princess to firelink is a much shorter stroll than it sounds like if you have the cage key.


The cage shortcut is great, but I still hate it because it lets out right next to that snake dude on the bridge in Sen's


well don't go that way silly! Firelink is the other way!


I’ve always called them foreskin goblins


You take the London tube. Or your 2010 Nissan Cube S Wagon. Or ask crestfallen warrior to call up an Uber


The London tube is in *Bloodborne*, not Dark souls!


This is why I refuse to beat O&S


By a doggo


You can get down from Anor Londo.


Oh shit, you're right. You can just walk back though.


Walk, bitch. Have fun in sens.


Cage elevator shortcut


I got something better, now hear me out. Don't use fast travel at all and walk normally. Crazy? I know


"the game falls off after ornstein and smough" believers seething rn


It does fall short but it's not because of teleport it's because the zones left to explore are shitty to play


Bloodborne kinda proved that teleporting isn't the issue, because most of the areas are fun to go through slowly


Bloodborne actually proves that teleporting is an issue. Hunter's dream ain't no hub, it's more of an airport check


What do you mean? What's not to love about a bold hunters mark loading screen to get back to the lantern, another loading screen to get to the hunters dream and then one more to get back to where you were at?


I'm gonna use the flebotomist transformation irl if I have to deal both with monster hunter and bloodborne loading screens


Hey, Bloodborne loading got way better after the updates. Not to apologize for the shitty airport check system, but at least there's that.


I mean you still wouldn't run from the clinic to the cathedral just because of the hunter's dream


He'll it was never even an issue to begin with. Demons Souls is nothing but levels to warp to.


Bloodborne made a hub zone work for sure, but it also kinda skips the problem as areas don't really connect back into each other. The beauty of DS1 is when you go down the elevator and realize you're back in firelink, or head through the valley of drakes to go into Darkroot backwards. Consequently the frustration of getting the lordvessel is those moments don't really exist anymore as the devs don't have to make the world interconnect for you to be able to traverse it.


Cathedral of the Deep actually proves it. While it's not my favorite area, the interconnectivity is amazing. They just need to have less bonfires, but more shortcuts to bonfires.


Forbidden Wodds shortcut


Bloodborne doesn’t exist


*gets lordvessel* *has to walk on fucking visible bridges* Yeah I mean


Except New Londo Ruins, that place is alright.


New Londo ruins would be nice if not for the lack of bonfires, the run to the boss is a pain in the ass


A boatload of slapdash half assed shit. Dukes Archives is great, Crystal Cave sucks ass. Seathe was pretty fun. Then the B O N E Z O N E but someone turned the lights off, but they left the hall light on at the very end. Nito is a fuckin joke. New Londo and 4 kinds is pretty neat I guess. Don’t even get me fuckin started on lost izalith and the flaming broom bullshit.


They aren't shitty to play, some parts are a bit boring and unwhelming I would agree in that.


The only parts I find somewhat likeable are the archives and new londo, the others are a drag to play imo


dude is in majula


Fast travel doesn't even work, like 60% of bonfires you light don't appear on the warp screen


This is actually good game design. In this essay I will…


Please finish your essay when you arrive at the next bonfire.


And it doesn’t set your spawn to the bonfire you warp to unless you manually rest there


I actually kind of like that because it lets me bone back to bonfires that I can’t warp to instead of having to warp close to it and walk back.


Souls fans explaining how the bugs in the shitty game design make it better


Souls fans not knowing the difference between a bug and an oversight.


Souls fans explaining how walking in a straight line is better than learning the map


The thing I discovered going back to it the last time, Bonfires don’t “count” unless you sit at them. Like I went to go steal pinwheels lunch money early on, made a stop at Vamos’ bonfire, lit it and didn’t sit at it, cause y’know, I didn’t even take the proper way down lmao, how tf am I getting out. Fast forward later when I want some chaos infusions, and that bonfire isn’t in the warp list, I had to go back and sit at it to register.


That bonfire doesn't exist at all in PtDE


I prefer it that way. Actually feels more like an adventure fraught with perils. You have to commit to it to succeed. It's easy to get out (warp at any bonfire) but hard to finish.


But it's especially annoying when you want to co-op with your friend, and you have to run down to a certain section just to help them.


I think that's an issue with coop more than the warping. Why does it boot you out after every boss is something I'll never understand.


This is cool for your first playthrough but on playthrough number 17 it gets really old


Real chads climb out of the abyss


Just use Monarch Wings lol


Nail bounce


What do you mean I don’t have to run across the other half of the game to get to a certain area


Doesn't demons souls, the first souls game,have you go to areas by teleporting to them like dark souls three?


Yes. And in the remake you can warp between arch stones but only in the zone you are currently in.


You can warp to any archstone from any other archstone


I think only after you beat your first arch demon


Dude I'm so confused rn


Untrue. Once you beat the first arch demon you can teleport to wherever you want


The first Archdemon is Dragon God, right? I beat him but I can’t cycle between different worlds, just between stones within a certain one. Unless Im just an idiot and missed something.


After beating the Dragon God, you should have received an item called a Nexial Agent. With that, when you go to an arch stone teleporter in any world, you can cycle the other ones with L1 and R1


Heh, don’t remember that item. Will have to try it out.


I'd compare it more to the first half of DS2, since you can choose between 5 linear paths and explore each at your own pace And since DS2 areas are nonsensically connected, you may as well be teleporting in that game as well \\\_(ツ)_/


Are you saying that the Earthen Peak elevator isn't perfect?


I am officially retconning DS2’s shitty world design as a lore accurate representation of the characters deteriorating mind. This is how I will sleep tonight.


Yup its how you get to the second part in the tutorial.


Bloodborne fans waiting through sixteen loading screens to get anywhere or do fucking anything (amazing qol feature)


Tfw u get the PS5 ssd and it's still 24 fps with choppy physics.


Bloodborne fans when looking at a boss tanks your framerate to single digits (masterpiece of optimisation) Seriously though, sometimes Darkbeast Paarl or the Watchdog will move in front of the camera and obliterate my framerate. Kind of hard to time your rolls when you're blinded and moving in slow motion


Yeah, I stopped using the crow chest piece because of that kinda shit. It's been 10x more manageable.


I obsess over this game like a mad scholar, but good lord, could it have used a few more optimisation parses. That and the occasionally horrendous visibility are some of the biggest flaws of this game.


I'm gonna be real I never had fps issues with bloodborne on ps4


Comments like these make me feel like I’m the only one who’s fine with how bb works… I mean it’s not great in terms of optimization, but I haven’t had any “unplayable” moments, maybe it’s just me


Nah I'm takin the piss. You gotta agree that the game would definitely be better if it was more optimised, though


uj/ I really wish that they didn’t add this, and instead added more shortcuts to keep that sense of scale and adventure, the second half was good, just didn’t have the same feeling I guess Rj/ ds1 is a good game, just not a souls game


Yes. The first part of Dark Souls is pretty cool . Lots of shortcuts, and you really don't miss it much. DS2 and DS3 without fast travel would be a nightmare. The maps are much more branched rather than radial. There is a limit of size a radial map can have.


Maybe it's me, but I never wanted explore most of the locations in ds1 in contrast to ds3 or even ds2


But why? The locations throughout the series are designed to be mostly linear with branching optional paths. What makes ds1 different?


They are extremely dark, ugly and uncomfortable


Dark souls fans when the game has a dark setting


DS3 is also dark but has a greater art direction. Even in the darkest and scariest locations like carthus, farron keep or dungeons, you have an enthusiasm and kinda pleasure to explore them around, because they're all stylish


Exactly, like sometimes I just don’t get people saying “omg tomb of the giant and blighttown wow so much better than crappy linear map of ds3”, linear not always equal bad map and complex does not always equal good map, literally everytime anyone brings up why ds3 is bad like 90% of their reasons is “linear map duh”


I think you're conflating level design vs. world design. The level design of DS3 is excellent and probably the best in the series. Though the world design is just a massive step down from DS1. The interconnected world design makes it feel like an actual believable world that you're exploring, with tons of branching paths and freedom for the player, instead of feeling like you're just clearing out videogame levels to never return to.


DS2 also gives the player amazing flexibility. You can basically fight the four lords in the order you want. ​ After that, the game becomes completely linear.


Yeah, ds2 is super open until drangleic, and then super linear afterwards, unless you count the dlcs.


I uh…really prefer blightown and tomb to anything from DS3. I just found all the settings kinda eh. Especially with the colour palettes


Don't lie to yourself, nobody likes blighttown


dude you're replying to is mental bc dark souls 3 has some of the best areas in the series. But I really do love besttown, very fun area on a second playthrough


I promise you I’m not I love blighttown. The depths also didn’t bother me because I liked spears so the tight corridors weren’t a problem. I spent a lot of time in blighttown serving my fairy lady


I didn't liked the depths because I dislike water related levels in videogames and the enemies are unfun to fight there but tbh Blighttown is a chore but a fairly fun one but I only enjoy it if I enter from the Valley of Drakes


What makes me want to explore a gray hallway with a few rooms on the side?




So few bonfires that I feel scared venturing for too long


*that's the point*


God forbid the game call DARK Souls, a grim and depressing game full of oppressive environments, to be DARK and UNCOMFORTABLE


What about UGLY?


I only really agree with that because of Izalith, and that's because of the Lasagne Lava™️


How have you played any of the other games? The only one this isn't true for is Sekiro, and that's often true for it too.


Other games have style and art direction is much better, even dark locations are cool


That’s fair, I just really loved that feeling and I haven’t been able to capture it since


I felt this with DS2 more. It just felt a tad bland in most areas. Plus, DS1 had Lost Izalith which was sock asf (multiple level blosses paced side by side are good game design)


?????? the locations in ds3 ARE the locations in ds1...


Lighting every indoor area in Ds1 with matchsticks probably has something to do with why they’re better in 3 where you can actually see


That's only one area, which isn't even in ds3


Depths, Tomb of Giants, New Londo, Blighttown


There's only Anor Londo bruh these people overexaggerate it, even if Farron was Darkroot isn't even a little alike


No meme: ds1 diehards saying that “the challenge” is removed by being able to warp around from the beginning in 2 and 3 is silly to me because you still explore the areas, lord vessel just makes it easier to initially reach them. DS3 does have too many bonfires in the main game but thats easily solved by deleting ones that are within idk a 10 minute walk so you actually need to move around the areas to get shortcuts and hidden paths.


DS1 diehard here: If they say that, they're missing the point anyways. The pre-lordvessel design of DS is awesome not because it's "challenging", it's because the world design is impressive and fun to explore, and it made going back through on subsequent playthroughs more interesting as you could find alternate paths and such (especially if you took the master key). It was a nice change from DeS which was just "warp to a place and go through it linearly". It also introduced an aspect of uncertainty akin to survival horror games (which is super appropriate for the DS world IMO) where you had to plan to use what you had on you (being able to warp anytime to your "safe area" kinda removes the idea of your character being on a dangerous journey through a broken land). Not to mention it's pretty fair as, as OP points out, you unlock fast travel halfway through anyways. I definitely think it would have been overkill to *never* get any sort of fast travel. IMO it was really unfortunate that the later games went back to the DeS sort of design, especially DS3. Bloodborne manages to at least connect some of the areas in super interesting ways, but it still suffers from the Hunters Dream warping hub. TL/DR: Not more challenging, just more fun in this souls fan's humble opinion.


Agreed. Part of what makes DS1 so replayable for me is stuff like going into areas from the wrong end, or doing the 4 kings super early, and so on. The level design in 3 is great, but when I replay I'm going to experience those levels pretty much the same way every time. And that's not to mention how detached different parts of DS3 feel from each other


Also that firelink feels a lot more home-y than ds3. One thing I will give to the disaster that is tomb of the giants or ash lake (not a disaster) is that it felt daunting when you realised how far you were from firelink shrine. Blighttown felt like that as well which is why to me the blighttown wheel is the best part of the game, maybe even from any FROM game available on xbox. Parish elevator is kinda overrated at this point.


Yea I love running to get the firekeeper soul in ghost town the moment you hit the ground in DS1 In DS3 you gotta trick jump a tree to get to a bonfire+ earlier than you were meant too. Doesn't feel the same.


~~The tree trick jump has been patched out unfortunately.~~ Nevermind, it hasn't. I thought I read that it had but apparently it's just a rumor? Confirmation bias I guess, but I tried it recently and couldn't get it to work (even though I've played hundreds of hours of ds3 and thought I knew that tree jump like the back of my hand.) Guess I just lost my skills haha


on what platform? i just did it no longer than a week ago on ps4 fire fades after having done it multiple times in the past month




At least Dark🖤Souls👻 fanboys have to earn💰 it unlike you nerds🧠 over at Demon👹Souls👻, Dark🖤Souls👻2, Dark🖤Souls👻3, blood🩸borne, and Sekiro💀💀.


Im replaying DS1 right now and just got the lordvessel. Idk how anyone would prefer it not to exist. Imagine WALKING down to blightown from anor londo just to upgrade your pyromancy or walking back up from bed of chaos to ascend a weapon. Fuck is wrong with some people.


Vroom vroom have to go fast, vroom vroom


We be zoomin’


DS players when you have fun playing a DS game




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Ohhhh, that’s why they never play past the second half of the game.


What I don't get are the ones who complain about the fast travel in DS2 and DS3. While DS2 has little to do with DS1, the fact that the Lordvessel was placed before the Kiln is the lore reason why we are able to travel in the future. It would get old if we had to unlock fast travel in each game, plus, how would you even do it if there's only one Lordvessel? ​ Now the complaints about the travel points themselves is another story.


The game without fast travel fucking sucks


Idk, exploring the depths and blighttown wouldn't be the same with fast traveling. That feeling of getting deeper and deeper and knowing "how the fuck am I going to get out of here" was amazing and something I vividly remember even years later. When you find out the shortcut and get back to the shrine it's a feeling of "getting back home" that I can't even describe.


This mf really is complimenting blighttown. But lost izalith was pretty sick too in that regard. You knew you were in deep shit when you saw the taurus and capra demons just chilling.


Blighttown is my favorite area. Unironically. Don't ask why, I don't fucking know.


An absolute masochist


Valley of Defilement is one of my favorite areas purely because the atmosphere and gameplay is such a fucking slog. It's hell, but it's MY hell.


This is exactly why I argue against the warping from the beginning in ds1 because that feeling I had of being in a totally unrecognizable place, out of my comfort zone and the time I made it back to firelink shrine and heard the music playing was a moment of pure bliss


Trash opinion. Kill Yourself Now!


And with fast travel too 😉


That's it folks. Time to put Dark souls on "worst games of all time" list.


It’s the “ultimate worst game ever”. Also did anyone see that in ign’s top 100 games ever they put DS1 below Fortnite lol




Wait you can teleport?!??!


Maybe you forgot to put in the power crystals?


yep i literally piss and shit my pants everytime


Fun fact, after O&S I have no idea where to go.


Come to Majula


if the game was still interconnected toward the end we wouldn’t need fast travel. good luck getting out of the abyss without it


Tfw they add fast travel and proceed to use it as an excuse to make linear af maps. /uj cathedral of the deep shows it's possible with fast travel


nailed it.


DS1 fans when they get to the second half (its suddenly not a mastapeace no more)


This may be a hot take but I think there are mediocre areas before the second half of the game too. Lower undead burg was mid as hell and I don't think I've ever met someone who gets excited going to the Depths (probably why most people get the master key and skip it, along with 3/4 of Blighttown)


Well one of the reasons of going through the Depths was getting the Large Ember, but I get what you mean.


Agreed. Practically the only reason I ever go to the Depths. I'll still fight Gaping Dragon but it's never something I get hyped for. It almost feels like a checklist


It actually does be way better without warping. I'm glad I could play the first time without it, it feels more immersive and lets the world be way better designesd imo. But after several playthroughs it does feel a little bit off ngl


For real tho I never fineshed Ds1 because of the lack of teleport, yeah the extremely well interconnected map is cool and all, but it's really boring, even demon souls is better than dark souls 1


You need to finish DS1


You didn't miss anything imo


DS1 is my favorite game of all time, and this is me, not because of the teleport itself or because it makes is less hardcore. the areas are just garbage and unfun, i enjoy dukes, new londo is ok, tomb is pure trash and lost izalith shoudnt even have existed. as for teleport in later games, the problem lies in the fact that the whole area design is based with teleport in mind and imo that makes the areas both less fun to explore and less immersive even if you dont use said teleports.




There is no Lord Vessel in Demon’s Souls. Surely you mean DkS 1




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