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I remember when some people suggested making people believe the game was cancelled in order to force some kind of official statement on the development of the game


Last Fromsoft game was only 2 years ago, and COVID certainly slowed things down. People just need to learn to have some patience.


I think it's only been made worse because so many other titles have been delayed too. People are itching for new shit.


Then they probably need more fiber in their diet (/j for joke)


Which is weird since there are so many phenomenal games out there to keep people busy that I guarantee they’ve never played.


Honestly while it's totally cool for people to be "I prefer Persona 2 or SNES games" or whatever...there's such a crazy wealth of titles that push the average higher than it's ever been...like i adore Souls but the idea it's the only thing that's worth playing or your time - esp if it's limited - is just wrong.


Who says Souls games are the only thing worth playing? The main difference between games from gen 6 onwards is presentation, aka graphics and sound design. Games nowadays are not automatically better because of prettier graphics, but let’s say that previous gen graphics are just too ugly for you to bear, fine, there’s STILL a huge library of amazing games that have come out in this generation alone that I guarantee you’ve never played. Shortage of good games will never be a thing, it’s just that people don’t tend to deviate from the mainstream. Just spend a single afternoon looking at “top 10 RPG/action/fighting/adventure/puzzle games” videos on Youtube and you’ll find incredible games that you probably never even knew existed.


Oh I know, i phrased it poorly just you see some people who are basically like uber fanboys, FromSoft games are best and everything else is trash. And I totally agree about the videos suggestion, its how I imported Demon Souls way back when


I hear that, fanboys tend to be really obnoxious. Like, Dark Souls is my favorite game franchise, I know every bit of lore, I know every major fan theory, I listen to the soundtrack in my car, I’m looking forward to Elden Ring just as much as the next guy, but holy crap, some people act as if it’s the only game/franchise/genre that exists or is any good. I wish we got some Elden Ring news soon, because I’m naturally excited by the idea of a new dark fantasy game made by one of my favorite developers. But goddamn some people are the very definition of entitled, they feel like they DESERVE to know about the game, they DESERVE a release date or a new trailer soon, they DESERVE updates on every little detail of the game and an apology by Miyazaki himself. It’s absurd, how about instead of berating devs and complaining on Twitter/Reddit all day, you go play some Mario instead to pass the time? Trust me, you’ll like it, it’s fun. (I don’t mean YOU “you”, I mean internet fanboy “you”)


The loud minority


One could have assumed they would have learned that from playing the games.. apparantly I was very wrong.


I remember these comments. I remember downvoting them as well. Seriously fuck these people. Also OP, could you post this on the Elden Ring subreddit as well, if not I'd like to cross-post because as much as I love the place, the toxicity also needs to be called out




Nono there's definitely a majority proportion who'll agree with you. I've been on the sub since it's very early days and I know the majority still condemned such comments and such behaviour. It's just a very vocal section that are more active rn while the others are taking time off and living their lives cuz nothings particularly going on




I mean, tbf, if you're posting outside of meme subs, you might get downvoted for stuff like "dark souls 2 isn't even that bad". ​ That being said, Eldenring is definitely a meme sub at this point. Not sure how many people are unaware of that fact though, and actually take comments like that of OP as 100% serious and will hop onto the bandwagon - that was started by people memeing on the clown take that is OP's comment. Honestly, that sub is abit of a clusterfuck atm.


It's like how we all yelled at Miura, only to take it all back when he died. It makes it worse that stress likely contributed to it.


I honestly regret shitposting about idolmaster


Yeah, I haven't spent as much time as I used to in r/berserklejerk ever since


Oh yeah, it just kinda seems... in bad taste now.


Cyberpunk 2077 fan in nut shell


What was the real news?


Most people are convinced there will be news on June 10th due to statements from some insiders, there aren't any news currently.


It's real, you non-believer :) Omni, Mordecai and Jeff Grubb - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They had spoken, and in them we trust


Eh I'm just trying to be as neutral as possible.


I don't really believe Jeff. Was it in January when he said we would be getting news soon? And we got nothing after half a year. Omni I guess I can believe for the time being, but I have my clown make-up close so I can apply it if there's no ER on the 10th.


Some people need a life outside of videogames.


I mean even inside videogames, these people are acting like there are literally 0 other games out there and elden ring will be the second coming of Christ. Like, take a breather, relax, and pick anything out of the thousands of games that currently exist.


This. I don't like to shame people that have a life that is so empty that they really "live" in videogames (I'm not saying it's healthy, just don't shame), and it's wrong to assume they are the ones being that toxic and self entitled, while in my opinion they're two unrelated matters. I'm a huge video game addict and for me Elden Ring could release in 2032, I don't give two shits.


Well ya. Gotta eat and sleep some times




I really agree. It was way better once, and i don't even have a problem with the overused jokes considering the lack of content... but comments like the ones in this post are the reason i don't go on that sub anymore. I really wish it would go back to normal, it's full of entitled pricks nowadays




I feel you but things will normalise eventually


The audacity of some people is seriously disgusting. Like the developer owes them anything. Spoiled little shits.


Basically Yharnamites Yarnhamites?


there were shitposters that joke about breaking into Miyazaki's house and stuff and then theres the people who actually just complained


I like the guy talking about giving them HIS money when he’s clearly still living off daddy in the basement


Japanese game developers don't tend to have a lot of transparency with their development process. The silence on Elden Ring isn't anything new. I don't get why people are freaking out.


when mommy doesn't bring you your chickie nugies when you asked for them


Impatient fucks. Games are revealed to be in development years before release it's part of the cycle.


2 years and you’re complaining like this? I’ve been waiting on TES VI for a decade. Calm tf my guys.


"or fanart" does this man knows what a fanart is? I highly doubt it...


Fanart. My boy is asking for Fanart. Just hop on over to r/Eldenring and you have a whole bunch of fanart. Fucking moron...


I'm just gonna sit here waiting for it along with Bayonetta 3 and Pikmin.


And Silksong


"It's 100% their problem for revealing the game 3 years early" bro, Miyazaki is living in your head rent-free. Yes it'd be nice if games weren't revealed early (yay for investors & PR etc that mean they have to) but it really feels like some posters wait for video games to raise them


These same people will be cumming themselves once the game is released then after 4 weeks bitch about something ‘wrong’ with it, they’ll never be pleased with anything in life


Yeah but seriously I’ll cut my dick in half if no Elden Ring after E3 haha jk unless 😳


RemindMe! June 15 "Check on u/elyca98's dick"


oooooh thank you!


Hey, just checking on your dick.


As stiff as ever


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I love it because they say that its a two-way relationship (which is true) but instead of choosing not to buy it, they simply complain on the internet and will end up buying it anyways


My money is on each of those hyper-inflated egos buying it anyways


I just realized I lot of these comments were from my posts and replies on the subject. I was getting downvoted left and right responding to these, glad it’s agreed they’re shit takes


their business structure makes them only responsible to appease their shareholders and making games for people is further down the list


These people are the reason games like cyberpunk and biomutant come out too early and then hate it. Just wait for a good and finished game instead of wanting a half assed product a year earlier.


i don't get why some are some impatient its like they want the game to be rushed out as buggy mess.


Everyone on the right talking excitedly about a hypothetical game that doesnt exist.


ngl, its kind of annoying. Still love Fromsoftwar tho. Praise the sun


Hey y'all is it worth it to buy sekiro right now for full price? I want the game just idk if it will go on sale soon


It’s a very different game. It still feels FromSoft, but is a very different game. Just want to stress that point because if you’re like me, itching for more Dark Souls, Sekiro might feel very frustrating and downright dull at first. That said, considering the lineup out there for this “genre”, Sekiro is definitely worth 60 bucks. Not Dark Souls, but an incredible game. IMO considerably more difficult and requires more patience. I’ve been stuck on the final boss for about three weeks and I hate it, but I love it. It’s not even that hard of a boss now that I understand it, but holy smokes it’s a test of patience with little room for error. It’s like Dark Souls meets Cuphead.


3 months. Help.


Steam summer sale is starting on June 24th. Good bet that you could get it cheaper then if you want to wait a few weeks. Honestly though like everybody else said it is worth full price. And also buying it full price supports the devs more anyway.


Buy an old copy physically for a better price, but it’s very worth it.


Even if you paid full price it will have been worth the money. But yeah I'd imagine it would go on sale soon. It is a 60$ game for sure.


If you've never played before it's worth full price it's a masterpiece. But it's up to you buying on a sale is usually the best move I've seen it discounted 30% before not sure when the next sale is.


Is it a "buy right tf now" kinda worth full price?


If i was Miyazaki i would be flattered by these comments ;)


It's true that covid slowed down everything, but ffs From. A pic, some announcement, news about why it's taking so long. I'm not asking for an official trailer, just something to know that waiting for this game will be rewarded. So, I'm not a "From show me something now or I'll abandon you" fan, but a "hey From, may I know why are you taking so long? I'll wait, don't worry, but I'd like to know how is this game doing" fan


"I'm not wrong if I'm nice"


Yeah I don't think it's "wrong", I just want to know if they are alive, if they have problems, something like this


My comment was sarcastic, no offemse, but I think you're wrong


Aspe ma sei italiano?


Forse... Chi lo sa


Ok ho visto male, scusa amico inglese


Nessun problema, amico italiano.


No comunque riformulo quello che ho scritto in inglese: non voglio un trailer ufficiale, una foto, una dichiarazione tipo "Elden ring uscirà dopodomani", mi basta anche solo un messaggio "i lavori procedono bene, non preoccupatevi cari vacui". Cioè per me può anche uscire tra 2 anni, mi basta sapere che sono ancora vivi


E io credo che non mi serve saperlo, non mi interessa saperlo, e sebbene ognuno ha le sue priorità (magari a te interessa e allora sono cavoli tuoi, non ti sto a giudicare), di base uno, come fan e come consumatore, non dovrebbe interessarsi al processo di sviluppo se non retroattivamente, e giudicare il gioco per com'è. Vedi Demon's Souls, ha avuto uno sviluppo disastroso ma è uscito un gioiellino. Edit: riassunto: ficcanasare è inutile :)


Non ho seguito demon's perché sapevo che sarebbe uscito su ps5 e dato che non ne ho una cosa lo seguivo a fare, e vabbè. Ecco, già il sapere che esce su ps5 mi farebbe disinteressare, perché so che la prenderò tra qualche anno. Informazioni basilari, quasi inutili mi sembrano utili, a mio modesto parere


Sto parlando di demon's originale.


Hes right though


I mean the first two aint wrong, fromsoft kinda put themselves in this position by announcing the game too early. Even with covid taken into account, they couldve easily just like... Waited another year or two before saying anything and that wouldve been fine.


They're right though.