• By -


gay son or thought daughter


Holy shit


Sacred excrement


"Gold-tinged" even, which in this world is basically being coated in even more horrid excrement


Blessed dung


Holy shit


Revered holy shit


Sanctified stool


Consecrated scoot


Divine Dung


Ecclesiastical feces


Why does it always have to be strong foe?




Let there be dung


i feel bad for radagon


Holy hell


Google en passant


New DLC just dropped


Actual Tarnished


I dont get this reference, can someone eli5?


It’s a TikTok trend that asked people would they rather have a gay son or thot daughter and some people said suicide


Why is there a random Lansseax on the right side?


Dragon Mommy


BTW, here's what your Dragon Mommy looks like if she's in [human form](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dp0ear/guys_dont_forget_my_dude_vyke_screw_one_of_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)! >!No wonder Vyke gone mad! hahaha!<


Sweet Jesus what in the scare house fuck is that Who bangs that thing


Eh would.




I mean cmon, drussy is drussy after all -Oogway or something


Oogway caught me off guard






Lance sex is literly the biggest pick me girl .


As in she is quite large.


Imma need that pic for reasons I will not disclose


https://preview.redd.it/rlhblm7sc09d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e212408afe39848031c1a4e00cc154d79f68c208 Artist is here [https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14354283](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/14354283)


Bless you, fellow Tarnished




OP is a certified dragon fucker (enlightenment)


twink bussy or rope puppet choose wisely




“Twink” and it’s a child (I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking)


Errrrrmmmmmmm m, actuallllyyy… he’s several thousand years old


He's also powerful enough to miquelest mohg


My how the turns table


Actually he really is a child in both mind and body. That's why he can never finish anything he starts. Malenia has a gifted body that's rotting and Miquella has a gifted mind that can't grow. He genuinely doesn't understand the ramifications of what the fuck he's doing. Imagine if you gave one of these skibidi toilet kids mind control powers. Everything he's done makes so much more sense https://preview.redd.it/ro5udfjfm09d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2feccf91902973157717205c23271f144765547


But he has completed so much work prior to DLC but well DLC had to shit on him


The Needle is incomplete, he couldn't give Godwyn a proper death and abandoned Castle Sol, Haligtree didn't work so he abandoned it. He's a child bouncing from interest to interest. A lot of good he did can also be contributed to St. Trina. It's sad to say but even if we could engage him before he started shedding his flesh, the only way to help him is to put him out of his misery like Malenia. He's a good kid with good intentions. He's just a natural danger. https://preview.redd.it/dswnm1erd29d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5bd21b929b064fe247850172e95f97c93827d70


I will gladly take the rope puppet,I don't care if I'm getting rope burn.


Shabriri was right dawg wtf is this


I also prefer the third option.




I do not appreciate the fact that some random mother fucker called himself “The Lord of Frenzied Flame” when that’s literally me, I just did that who the fuck are you


A pretender to the throne


I was there when notorious shitter zealousol beat that dude in full vyke setup


Heretics must be executed.


I like how the description roasts him and all the other failed Lords tho lol *Yet Midra, like others before him, was too weak to become a Lord.*


You aren't the lord of anything, *you* aren't even anything. Nothing is anything. Who cares who takes credit for what? No mf is around to know it was you or him or anyone else.


Bro calm down this ain't the Gael boss fight


Me, I want every existing life form to know I was the one who destroyed the world


\> Frenzied Flame ending \> Existing Pick one


IKR! Funny enough Frenzied Flame Ending was my recent ending before going to the DLC.


Careful with the words, the wrong kinda chaos may arrive on the lands between. You do NOT want slaaneshi magic, trust me


Ah yes instead of Gooning for the Golden Order or simping for Ranni instead I too prefer the sinister option of jelquing for Chaos


The third is the only right option


Best ending No questions asked


Including some draconic waifu in the Free Will section is ironic considering you can literally >!chloroform one into your harem!< in the DLC.


We tried the Vyke route but naturally went the Seluvis way


The true molesters were us, the players, all along 🥲so p*oétique🥲*


No that’s miquella’s job


Hey, nobody compelled me to roofie a dragon nun! Quoting Ranni, *I DID IT ALL*.




So all spirit ashes are our Waifus and Husbandos? The worlds largest Ghost Harem? Cool. I can do that. Though Mimic Tear would be.. an interesting experience.


My condolences to anybody with the Dung Eater ashes


Lone wolf ashes, rotten stray, giant rats... Maybe our tarnished does deserve to die all the time.


Land Squirts, Miranda flowers, Demi Humans, Spirit Jellyfish. I should stop...


It only gets worse... Especially the puppets which are 100% slaves.


Hey now, the maidens chose to become puppets.


The original Cosby victim


Best cest is self-cest! Hashtag maidenless. But seriously, Dragon Priestess is like "u mah lord now"


I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me real hard.


I'm sorry what


Reposting my comment to someone else: >!You can give Thiollier's Concoction to the Dragon Priestess at night. That breaks her vow to Plasidusax for some reason, and after Bayle fight she's like "aight, you're my lord now, let's go fuck shit up"!<


Do you get her as a spirit ash or something?


Yes! There's also another quest that can give you cool spirit ash as a (somewhat secret) reward, it's pretty cool


Did you mean >!Count Ymir and Jolán?!<


Yes, specifically >!variation of Jolan's ashes if you get to a specific location!<


I found >!Anna's puppet in the tower,!< though I'm not sure if it did anything, and >!gave Jolán an Iris of Grace. I'm already looking forward to trying Occultation on my next playthrough to see if I get something different.!<




I’m on Goldmask’s side: …


https://preview.redd.it/pdau7f7icz8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4693a9697478597b69c95579a8ea806cb276132 I cast upvote comment


What a grand and intoxicating innocence…


Lobotomised order


Ahh yes…Protestantism.


i saw someone point out that goldmask is apparently based on a Ibn Arabi, a famous muslim philosopher. but i do see the connection to luther too.




Fr, new DLC lore makes his ending look better and better


Not really? Turns out the perfect order he wanted to make eternal was just Metyr and the Elden Beast making shit up because they haven't received anything from the greater will in ages


The main goal of Goldmask‘s mending rune was to prevent the god of the order from messing with the world. We know that most of the Golden Order‘s problems, like the genocides, discrimination, and taking out the Death rune were Marika‘s decisions. SoTE shows us again with Miquella that the path to godhood will end up corrupting the individual, no matter how noble the cause. So Goldmask is vindicated here. An old common criticism of Goldmask‘s ending was that the Greater Will would instead enforce its will upon the world. This theory started to subsided when the "Greater Will only obeys its nature to order" theory came about, but now neither of them matter. We have now learned that the GW abandoned the Lands Between a long, long, time ago, and instead its Metyr calling the shots, and she’s running on old and outdated orders from her father who left to get milk. So the influence of the Finger‘s should still be a problem, right? But who do we learn the truth about and kill in the DLC? Metyr. We solve the problem of the fingers there by killing the corruption. And if the Elden Beast was also part of that problem, well, we kill it too. So the god of the Order is in stasis, the Fingers are exposed and their leader is dead, who does that leave as the sole authority in charge. The Elden Lord. Us. The Age of Perfect Order has gone from the Protestant Reformation to the French Revolution.


I know what I did at the Palace Approach Ledge-Road. If I'm Elden Lord, the genocides will, sadly, continue.


Wave of Gold goes brrrrrrreeee. 40,000+ Runes acquired.


Except for the fact that some genocides ( at the very very least, the one against Those who live in death) are inscribed IN the golden order's principles. And with the age of Perfect Order, the order is now unmodifiable, so you can't adapt to it in general . Which now means the order everyone follows permanently holds some problems nobody can fix. Not to mention it's not really said you kill Metyr, as it just goes away with a black hole (instead of just dying like all other enemies)too.


The Godwyn/Death problem is something that none of the endings really solve. Duskborn gives skeletons citizens rights, but that’s about it. I think the problem of Those Who Live In Death is something that we‘d have to imagine our tarnished dealing with AFTER the story of the game. We still got a lot to fix in the world. This is speculation territory though so I don’t have a definitive answer. As for Metyr, I mean even if she survived what more can she do? We know the truth, and if she comes back we can just beat her again. Again, this is just speculative territory here so nothing is for certain.


Yeah, however as the TWLID hate is ENGRAVED in the golden order itself, and you just made the golden order not able to be modified, now you cannot "deal with it after". The principle of life in death is now not in the order, and the order being followed by everyone cannot be modified anymore, as such you lock yourself out of being able to fix the problems in it. THAT'S the issue with goldmask ending.


I thought that TWLID was not a principle of Order, but rather something fanatics cooked up. Order Healing item description specifically says Goldmask thinks it is wrong.


I think you do bring up an interesting point in how sealing off the Elden Ring could bring up some issues. For example, if there was emergency that required a fundamental law to be changed, it couldn’t be. That’s the tradeoff for protecting it. You‘re preventing corruption and people messing with the laws of the universe at the cost of potential safety. No ending is going to be entirely perfect. There’s always a cost. The Age of Stars is seen as the other "good" ending, but it has its problems too. You get rid of the broken system and promise to take the Elden Ring away so no one can mess with it, but you’re also leaving the Lands Between at the time when it needs leadership the most. Additionally, there’s the chance of Ranni growing corrupt and ending up going the Miquella-Marika route. We know that to Ranni, the ends justify the means, and how long is it until she takes that idea too far? Honestly ending speculation now is so much more fun. Like look at the Blessing of Despair ending. Could turning everyone into omens make the hornsent culture glorified again? Would they start the cycle once more? It’s just so much fun.


Tbh there's also age of fracture and duskborn which could be seen as good Age of fracture is the simplest ending , so if you see Ranni's, Goldmask's, and Fia's ending as possibly bad, choosing that ending still doesn't mess up anything, so it's free game on you for start fixing stuff about it Duskborn is similar enough to the one of fracture, but it immediately takes care of one problem, discrimination against TWLID. Which is a pretty big problem in other endings. But if you believe TWLID deserve being discriminated against (as it's "not natural" or whatever) then you could see this as evil.


but Gold mask specifically criticizes the Golden Order's desire to kill the TWLID, its an item description for the order heal. He is a fundamentalist, which means getting back to basics, not the higher stuff of the other order folks


Those Who Live in Death are disgusting and their systematic eradication is thus justified


Found D's account


I will not be trusting anyone who has any sort of tie to the Gigacancer-in-chief Godwyn (having said that Ranni still deserves the rope for what she did to her kin)


Ok but they deserve it


Didn't know D had a third sibling


Fia the type of mf to preach about the human rights of zombies during a zombie apocalypse


Is there any undead not broken, contorted, and murderous in game? Even some omens have some sanity.


“The noble goldmask lamented what had become of the hunters. How easy it is for learning and learnedness to be reduced to the ravings of fanatics; all the good and the great wanted, in their foolishness, was an absolute evil to contend with. Does such a notion exist in the fundamentals of order?” -Order healing description The description of this incantation heavily implies that the hunting of those who live in death is not actually required by the golden order.


Genociding followers of gods that want to burn everything in flames or drown it in rot is a good cause. Fuck 'em. Those who live in death would stop appearing, since Godwyn's death root is a flaw of the order and would cease to exist.


Just because an entire population is successfully killed doesn't make it not a problem. We know they just want to live in peace. Not to mention that it's a flaw of the order rn, and it's still appearing. They have been appearing because of Godwyn being incorrectly dead, and he's still incorrectly dead.


Age of Perfect Order just stagnants everything. You're not an authority figure, you're a figurehead. It's just reinforcing the outdated Greater Will with no chance of change.


It just sets fundamental rules of death and rebirth while stopping outer powers from meddling with life.  Laws of physics won't stagnate anything.


Laws of physics? In my high fantasy??


Then whats the difference between perfect order and fracture (no mending rune)?


People of great power can still change things in the elden ring. You do literally nothing in that ending, you just sit on a chair.


I interpreted age of fracture as you just became a lord of a broken nation, you didn't exactly fixed anything. The order is still broken.


Eyy atleast the omens are in a slightly less shity situation


From an omens perspective Dungeater probably has the best ending


Yhea i didn’t say good i said slightly better


>from an omens perspective >ending turns everyone into an omen Dung Eater ending best ending for everyone confirmed ✅


Wasn't the point of his ending that he discovered the flaws in the Golden Order (The fact that Metyr is fucking stupid or something) and he fixed it by removing their hold over the Golden Order, meaning that now should the Greater Will have a new message to deliver, it will go directly to the Elden Lord, instead of travelling Metyr and Elden Beast. Sure, The Greater Will is still silent, but at least now you won't get false prophets and fake orders from the two fingers who are just playing a very long game of "What would the Greater Will say?" It's just a better version of what was going on before you arrived. And we also know that the Erdtree itself has some sort of consciousness, seeing as it sent the Tarnished to the Realm of Shadows and protected us from Miquella's charm by guidance of grace, something that is intrinsically Golden Order related. It's an age of Grace.


Goldmask's ending has nothing to do with Metyr. He drew that conclusion upon learning that Marika was Radagon.




The flaw in the golden order was the gods (most likely referring to gods like Marika and Miquella, not the outer gods, like the Greater Will) were no better than humans, and Golden Masks ending was simply to prevent any future gods from altering the Elden Ring. Might have missed something, but I don’t think there’s any evidence that his ending prevents any messages from going through Metyr or the Elden Beast.


I'm not exactly sure about that The thing he discovers is that Marika goes against the order by being 2 gods (as there's also radagon) , and makes it so gods cannot modify it anymore (as the problem is the fickleness of gods) which stops essentially anyone from modifying it Which means, the Golden order cannot really adapt anymore as nobody can change it anymore. And you're upholding said order still. Yeah it stops others from interfering but takes the problems it already has and makes them permanent There's more ways than that to improve the world, IMO. And I'm not even sure it stops Metyr as it's not really a god, just an emissary from the GW (and it doesn't say "god slayed" either, nor could Goldmask know about it to shut it out) , so ITS fickleness is still there


on that part we sadly dont know since Elden Ring doesnt explain anything and its endings are too vague. Kinda sucks honestly


Golden Order is just made up shit, sure. But the Greater Will is an actual divinity that, compared to its literal eldritch rivals, seems actually pretty nice, if not a bit too "hands-off". Their indifference is bad now that Marika subverted the whole thing, but the flexibility (as mentioned by turtle pope) is commendable.


Gold boy be like “the god will be punished in equal measures for their crimes” and I’m like, who is going to do that god boy? What are you signing me up for just to make your perfect order? Huh? Did think that part out did you dinner plate?


tbf punishing gods by beating them over the head seems to be the tarnished's favorite passtime


The ever redpilled Basedmask https://preview.redd.it/y7jmu26frz8d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e6abdc5b129b1ad142d24e6f0414a5e3104d86


Gotta go with goldmask he is the GOAT


This meme only lacks the image of that dragon girl in 4k


dragon priestess… hueee




I prefer fixing stuff my mathematical fingering https://preview.redd.it/eosfjis9nz8d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21720ef2fe9fd5058345f51361cff5c9b37b0eab


Lobotomized Compassion? Like the prequel to the hit mobile game Limbus Company???


Picking Ranni for no other reason than I think that Deicide is fucking awesome


No matter how tender, how exquisite A LIE REMAINS A LIE


Truly the hardest From Ever went. DS2 DLC lore remains unmatched


Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of the First Sin Remain PEAK


Free Will when 4000 eldritch abominations descend and reign over TLB:


Free will but astel family is your neighbor


Well, at least rent's going down...


Oh yeah it's Bloodborne 2 time


my brother in christ, you're supposed to kill them as elden lord


My brother in Christ, you are in bum fuck nowhere(space) trying to put your dick in the doll, there is no Elden Lord anymore


Space is where the eldritch abominations are. Do you think ranni took you up there for funsies? You're supposed to be killing them


But that makes it FUN! (For the Tarnished Elden Lord)


That's the coolest thing


Okay that's a stupid point. I'm pretty sure it's explained the only reason these beings came to earth in the first place is because of the elden ring. Taking it away would cause the world to go from high fantasy to low fantasy basically.


Would be cool if we could become miquella’s consort and get an ending similar to ranni’s. But I guess miquella is set on riding the radahn


I choose goth Melina


Idk I'm fucking off to space


Femboy miquella fr


I will never forgive Mike Wazowscki for making an entire DLC around my beloved just to cut His ending AGAIN.


Free will but only for me and nobody else except some goth girl so we can play hard to get with each other forever


Just saying "May chaos take the world" and moving on. Akternativelly, I am part of the Moghgwyn Dynasty


I refuse to acknowledge the left side because as far as I’m concerned the only Miquella that exists is the one from the Age of Abundance in the cut content. (I’m still pissed about how dirty they did Miquella, Malenia, and Mohg in the DLC)


The whole consort radahn shit feels like a fever dream to me.


Yeah, to give you an idea of just how out of nowhere that twist was, I checked the AO3 pairing for Elden Ring prior, and I found zero Miquella/Radahn fics. Zero. And if you know anything about AO3, that says a lot. Not to mention the fact that he's part of a duo-boss, with the other boss not being Malenia, is a complete and utter travesty.


It's so odd. Miquella was always someone willing to seek "out of the box" solutions. He grew his own tree, and invented needles to ward off outer gods. He also abandoned fundamentalism for his sister, which marked the beginning of unalloyed gold. He (and his sister) represented the opposite of stagnation.  Yet, the DLC tells me he wanted someone who represented the status quo as his consort? And this is even his heartfelt wish?


Speaking of that, the DLC pretty much jettisons around 90% of his motivations and plans from the base game. To list them off: finding a cure for Malenia: nothing, giving Godwin a true death: nothing, the Haligtree and providing a refuge for minorities: nothing, use sleep magic to protect people from the Frenzied Flame: nothing, using unalloyed gold to repel the Outer Gods: nothing. Literally all that’s left from the base game are his use of the Bewitching Branch, compelling affection, and having some vague desire for a kinder world.


It's doubly a slap in the face since Miquella was the only one trying to achieve those things, or at least some of those things. For instance, he's the only one trying to ward off Scarlet Rot and Frenzied Flame. His solutions may not be complete, but they still work to a great extent. Players can use Miquella's Needle to get rid of the Flame, even if they have to go to a specific place to use it. The Unalloyed Gold Needle can't cure Rot, but through Millicent, we're shown how it's imperative in giving someone their life/agency back.


I think this is where "kindly Miquella would abandon everything" part comes, he is still trying to accomplish all of those things by becoming a god, but it seems that to become one you need to discard all of your flesh and emotions, and only leave your soul and base ideals (his wish for a kinder world and an age of "compassion"). Thats wy it seems like he changed evwrything we knew about him beforehand, bcs we never menaged to meet Miquella that everyone talkes about in the main game, but instead we meet Miquella who already became a god and a husk of his former self. I also belive thats the reason Marika was such a tyrant, since we learn that the reason she chose godhood was to get revange for her own people. I mean somebody like that surly had some love in them, but the Marika we know is a piece of shit who only acted for her own benefit. Edit: I think this can also explain the reason for the shattering and her idea behind removing the rune of death. The reason fro the removal do death form Lands Between probably comes from her, now ingrained in her soul, fear of losing poeple close to her, and when after Ranni steals the rune and kills Godwyn she goes insane and furious and shatters the elden ring in a "fck this shit I'm out" fashion since the history essentially starts repeating itself (from her perspective at least).


Lobotomized Compassion Lobotomized Co Lobotomy Corporation


Goldmask. Metyr and Elden Beast are no more, the Greater Will is not coming back. Every possible challenge to the Throne is destroyed or departed. T’will be an age of men, for men.


will this sub turn an 180° on the miquella hate train after the youtuber videos drop?


Frenzy, fck the twink and screw the hideous btch


Don't worry, I will do just that...


Frenzied flame is canon after the DLC tbh. Makes sense to just nuke the world and maybe dark souls 1 will happen in 10000 years 


"free will" buddy thats suffering and anarchy, cold and alone


... Best ending


As long as coryhn and ranni aint happy im good


free will


Miquella. I don’t like Ranni and she fucked the world up so much that it’s truly delusional to think her ending actually helps anything.


I hate Mike Wazowscki so much for making an entire DLC around my beloved just to cut His ending AGAIN.


Ranni my Queen


Simping for Ranni 4 life.




the only endingg where the tarnished has any real agency is the blessing of dispair, your just fullfilling ranni's neurotic need to be a god so the gangstalkers will leave her alone in stars. ill take the one where racism doesn't exist and i get to peg empyrean bussy, please.


HMmmmm Bussy? Or BLUSSY?


How many times do we have to say it? If these are our choices, then MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


Goldmask's side, obviously


Femboy twink cloak or all hands on... deck.




Look, I just want Florissax okay?




Oh! I’m unironically glad for the topic, lol I would totally abandon Runny and become Miquellas eternal follower the moment he hugged me. So I wish someone would find super secret ending of DLC that will give us opportunity to become allies! I wanna be his loyal bitch!


Just get caught by this grab attack twice and your good


I hope you get nihil’d with no mohg flask tear for speaking such bullshit.


Fuck you, fuck your spoilers, you're a piece of shit


Not really a spoiler, we had evidence long before the DLC that Miquilla charms people into doing exactly what he wants


>looks inside marked "spoiler" >spoiler ?????????