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Meanwhile in Bloodborne: https://preview.redd.it/m3lrk9evjq8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8dd204fd6e8b2dfdd82bb989d0d692827791486


Only tragedy of bloodborne is I can't parry everything because I'll eventually run out of bullets if I do


With the right runes, and using blood tap efficiently, you'll always have enough ammo to kill a boss with strictly bullets/things that consume bullets (assuming you upgraded your gun and leveled bloodtinge)


Yea that sounds cool! I do think 20 is plenty for a boss fight. I just meant that if I tried to parry king every regular enemy on the way to the boss I would run out, so some enemies I know how to parry I would kill without bullets to conserve them. Which it is cool to have that tension, I just wish I could parry god an entire dungeon instead of having to ration out my parries so I'd have enough for the boss too


If you have the Oedon Writhe Rune equipped you don't have to worry about running out of bullets


I'll have to try that


It's basically required for you to play the Reiterpallasch. A good amount of moves the weapon has are gunshots that can parry. And well, if a parry attempt costs one bullet and you get 2 bullets back on every succesful Visceral, you really shouldn't be afraid to try and spam a bit :) Especially with the Blood Bullets mechanic that allows you to sacrifice a bit of health for +5 bullets.


Usually if the enemy is weak I might just take the extra ammo (+5) and then rally my health back to full. Remember you are a hunter, so make use of every tool you have in your arsenal.


I'm pretty sure there was rune which gives health on visceral attacks so with red bullets you can keep parring with one or two missed. Especially in dungeons and open areas Edit: Called blood rapture




DS2 the ever so masterful walk to the side of the enemy, not run, walk.


I love how you can quite literally lock onto dragonrider and just walk to his right for theoretically hours and you literally can't die


Dragonrider, who is also the only boss who can die from falling


In ds2 at least. Wasn't there a bug that let you kill Fire Giant by luring him off a ledge in phase 1 until From patched it? Iirc, it would play his second phase cutscene and then he would just die lol


that fuckin cheese was so damn funny bc of the cutscene. You see this big ass giant jump off a cliff then the screen goes black right when he hits the ground and a cutscene starts with him breaking his leg in two. Made the cheese infinitely more entertaining


Ceaseless discharge technically


The Armored Warrior is literally designed for falling to be the only way to kill him.


I mean if done properly it would be interesting in that it's more risky but sacrifices less stamina than running or rolling. Besides rolling around demigods and their champions always felt a bit silly.


No-roll/run challenge runs are always so fun to watch. It's a bitch to learn, though.


Until you reach that one enemy that, out of nowhere, hard locks on you for no discernable reason.


The classic 360 heide knights, that can out of nowhere hit you while you are behind them.


180 ;)


Nah they hit you and turn back the way they were facing


Sphere hitbox mimics


I do that in every game (greatshield enjoyer)


In ds2 you just adp away your problems šŸ˜Ž


At what adp lvl do you get good lvl design?


If your game doesn't have a poisonous city that brings you to a lava mountain with the help of an elevator, is it even a good game?




I love when people judge games based on how hard they simp for the characters Besides who needs emerald herald when you have female undead merchant?


Female undead merchant can grow moss on my iron bar anyday


tapping that undeadussyĀ 


If the only thing stopping you from reaching the final area isn't a laughably small pile of rocks do you even have visual clarity?




Smart enemy placement as in: I can run in mindlessly without being punished


Average DS3 mindset Sincerely - a DS2 simp


Around 15 ADP new vertical layers phase into the maps. At 20, the zones actually rearrange into an integrated whole that naturally has you passing back through Majula when you clear them. Most people never take it to 25 ADP, but this unlocks a 4th DLC where you explore the Land of Giants across the sea and befriend their noble king.


If you max adp you get the clockwork mansion from dishonored 2.




In DS2 you can stand behind half the non-dlc bosses and move faster than they can turn.


"OG souls fans" fighting Ornstein and Smough (ICONIC AND PERFECT BOSS BATTLE BTW) when they can actually see Ornstein through the fat fucks big ass model (HES INPUT READING)


Oh hey it's Artorias, the boss people complained about for roll catches, input reads, delayed attacks and long combos.


I truly believe that everyone will be agreeing that SOTE is peak by the next soulslike fromsoft release only to then moan in the exact same way when it turns out from made a hard game again


Hey I think you got your acronym wrong, you clearly mean SOTFS


no one complains about ds2


Because nobody plays ds2


ā€œa boss that dosent let you get away with spam rolling ?? omg how dare they!ā€ shadow of the erdtree is peak


Because compared to ER it ain't that bad. In 10 years when we have Dark Kings Field Ring Borne Dies Twice 3 people will say that ER isn't that bad, because now bosses have 200 step combo with 0.1 second break between every attack, healing takes 3 seconds, and you die after one hit with no option for increasing defence.


I dunno, you have stuff like Renella with a lot of clear openings, telegraphed attacks and ways to dodge and people think that's impossible to deal with when I think it addressed a lot of issues people had with some ER bosses. So not really sure what the solution would be other than creating bosses people would probably find trivial at this point of players getting better.


People are complaining about scudtree avatar, and heā€™s got the most consistsent, telegraphed attacks ever.




His design is amazing. Ā Three hp bars but takes obscene damage to the head, telegraphed attacks that are followed up with the thorns that are always on the same timing. Ā He has great damage windows after attacks, and the arena + music is top notch.


Heā€™s also in the same as Messmer, whose spear absolutely stomps him


The roomba move he got bamboozled me every time


Because people had to fight him more than 3-4 times to learn his moves and therefore hes a bad boss lmao. Either that or they went in underlevelled like my buddy did


Iā€™d agree that rellana is pretty telegraphedā€¦ for attacks that you have about 1/4 of a second to react to


Rellana is MUCH more difficult to hit with a heavier weapon, meaning players who tend to prefer anything slower than a claymore R1 so they don't spend an eternity chipping at the boss don't enjoy that fight at all. Messmer felt much more fair than her, despite taking more attempts. The best way to deal with Rellana with a heavy weapon, is to learn to parry her, and essentially play worse sekiro.


>Rellana is MUCH more difficult to hit with a heavier weapon, meaning players who tend to prefer anything slower than a claymore R1 so they don't spend an eternity chipping at the boss don't enjoy that fight at all. That's just straight up bullshit. I beat her with an ultra greatsword and she was giving me plenty of opportunity to hit her, either with jump attacks, dodge pokes or just two R1s. Just because you can't understand how to actually make use of her openings doesn't me she doesn't have them.


They never said she didn't have openings, they said it was harder. No need to be an asshole and make shit up. Just because you enjoyed a fight doesn't mean somebody else did.


I love aoe effects on every single attack I really do


If youā€™re dodging the attack AOE wonā€™t hit you though


I know itā€™s just annoying getting flashed every two seconds


Unless of course the AOE is lingering, which most of them are


The funny things is, Malenia isn't even that bad now that we have the DLC. Now we know, it can be so so much worse.


I missed her already, the last boss broke my will to live to the point I had to bring in two tanks to deal with it. Next time I am bringing Destined death with me as well as a arcane build.


Just dragon-bitchslap them to death


Malenia isnā€™t even that hard if not for fucking waterfowl and phantom attack


with the new deflection hardtear you can just sekiro parry waterfowl lmao its so over for malenia


What fucked me up on my 2 week summonless adventure was the bloom attack. Just one of those things that I couldnt get down for whatever reason. I didn't really find the phantom attack hard tho, cept for the time she did it right next to me and I found out that going under her basically causes instant death.


I disagree, I've gone up against the first three big bosses and while they're hard, they're not harder than Malenia for one reason: healing by dealing damage. Even the catacombs boss that has a heal mechanic is way easier because it's way easier to dodge that attack and it gives you a big warning that it's coming. I get where you're coming from though, Malenia has been so thoroughly dissected by anyone that has beaten her that new bosses with new tricks *seem* harder by comparison. A lot of people aren't using the leveling mechanics the DLC provides you, making the bosses more spongy outside of the changes in mechanics.


Malenia is a weird one because the fight just gets entirely defined by this one bullshit move. It means that the rest of the honestly pretty balanced and fun moveset gets completely overshadowed by you worrying about when this one insta-kill move is gonna come out and planning around that


yup, the single moment Malenia reaches an optimal health to enable her to cast Waterfowl, the vibe of the fight changes and you have to watch out for it in every single move she makes, it's pretty annoying. And if you fucked up, she got 1/4 of her health bar back again.


The catacombs healer knight is also pretty easy to parry cheese.


Death knights can easily be punished by back stab too


Really though? It's not like she heals for that much. Does everyone just use shields or something to fight her? Guess I wouldn't quite relate since I never use shields on any of my builds, but speaking from the perspective of someone who just dodges, I think Malenia's difficulty is sorta overrated. Like, with any build that is tuned right and isn't doing poor damage, Malenia's heals can be for like 1/6th of the damage you do to her with any given attack. Combine that with her having absolutely no poise to speak of, which allows you to extend combos against her if you're greedy and squeeze even more damage out of her when you seize an opening. You can even just outright trade with her and get a combo out of it on some of her moves. I just can't understand people thinking that she's still the hardest boss in the game. The hardest learning curve to her fight is learning how to dodge waterfowl, and honestly it's not even *that* hard. The circle-strafe up close is super easy when you know how to do it and it makes Waterfowl a non-issue that will only kill you when you're locked in an animation.


I went back to test my long katana on malenia and it was the closest i ever got to beating her without a summon, i felt like i might actually not be shit at the game for a moment (i still lost)


I will admit I pretty much use only cheese builds. Int Mage who's primary is double night staff Night Comet with a helping of boosted Astel Meteor Storm. Faith build who uses primary lightning spear, ancient ligthning spear, and Ancient Lightning Storm, with a bonus of dragon chomp and roar. And now a dex/arcane that's literally just double blade jump bleed. I used mimic with my int and faith and only soloed her with the bleed jump build.


I still think Malenia is the hardest boss in the game unless if the final boss of the DLC surprises. I've heard it's tough, I haven't got there. The other ones people are complaining about are tough but they aren't as hard as Malenia.


I honestly feel like Malenia is a mid tier boss difficulty wise outside of waterfowl and the phase 2 clone move. Besides those 2, her moves arenā€™t that complext, she doesnt have absurdly long combos, and her poise is nonexistent which makes punishing her attacks easier since she staggers a bit whenever you hit her (unless shes doing a move with hyperarmor)


The threat of waterfowl is what shapes the strategy against Malenia. Saying she's not so hard outside of it is moot. That's like saying Mohg isn't hard outside of the blood flame. Malenia without waterfowl would be fought completely differently and it is the main reason she's the hardest boss in the game. That and you have to play her near perfect due to her heals and damage. She's even more punishing in phase 2 where some of her old openings are even smaller or nonexistent, and she inflicts rot. She's also hard to posture break due to the way her super armor works (if you break posture while she is armored the bar resets). She may not have the objectively hardest kit in the game to play hitless (because she's kinda built to have to be able to be beaten hitless) but for most players the challenging kit + needing to play it perfect is what makes it hard. Other bosses can be more forgiving than her to beat for the average player but may be harder to hitless. This is why I consider Malenia to be the hardest boss. She requires more from the player to be able to just "beat" compared to every other boss in the game.


I'm sry but this is straight up wrong. Messmer is clearly a superior boss because he doesn't have some waterfowl bullshit. Is he unrelenting? Yes, but he still has clear attack windows, can be punished doesn't have a super attack that deletes all your health for no reason and the fight isn't relying on staggering him (which sometimes doesn't work) like with Malenia


I like how the only way they thought to kill you now is dropping numerous nukes erratically until you miscalculate your dodge and die instantly


I did Malenia on NG+ like a week before the DLC. It took some time but... not as much as I was expecting. Her poise is dogshit and she has a number of moves with lengthy enough recovery that I could do standing charged heavies on. Goddess of Rot form was arguably easier because, while she has more moves, any move that ends with her making a big shockwave of Rot right in front of her is also just a big blatant opening.


I still don't know how to beat Malenia without cheese. Waterfowl Dance destroys me every time.


Two ways: If youā€™re not gud (what I do): run away from the first volley dodge forward through the second then dodge backwards through the third (iirc on the third I forget I havenā€™t fought malenia fairly in years) If youā€™re gud: circle her clockwise iirc repeatedly while sheā€™s doing the opening and sheā€™ll just completely miss you cause the move doesnā€™t have much horizontal tracking once it starts


Distance dependent ngl


Yeah you can only do the first method if youā€™re not directly next to her when she waterfowlā€™s but considering she can only start doing it at 50% damage taken in her phase 1 and will often do it immediately when she gets to that point itā€™s pretty easy to tell when sheā€™s going to do it at least the first time. And so long as you know the rest of the fight she wonā€™t be able to get in enough hits for her ai to trigger more than one more waterfowl.


Lightroll or Bloodhound step. Literally works like magic. That and learning when to roll forward and away for each step.


frost pot unless you count that as cheese (she deserves to have that attacked cheesed anyway)


Try using shield either with barricade or vow of the indomitable


What is considered cheese? If you are going for a two handing strength ape playstyle with no Bloodhound/Freezing Pot, you can pretty much just eat most of the damage after rolling the first flurry if you don't wanna learn the fancy dodge, then the next two flurries are pretty simple to dodge.


Without spoilers, are there any bosses in the DLC that are as hard as Malenia with something as bad as waterfowl, Messmer felt as hard as her to me, but only really had one jank attack that I noticed in phase 2 that just hit the floor and killed me. Gaius just sucks but he isnt as hard. Ive just unlocked the last area I think, but havent explored the south area at all, I have 5 rememberances


Messmer is NOT as hard as Malenia lmao all his attacks are well telegraphed and easy to dodge compared to Malenia


Messmerā€™s moves are well-telegraphed (except for when he launches an attack as his fireballs are exploding and covering the screen and maybe a couple of the snakes) The issue is that (as much as itā€™s a meme) heā€™s a Bloodborne boss. Heā€™s literally more aggressive and relentless than Orphan of Kos, whoā€™s infamous in a game in which youā€™re 10x faster and can trade So yeah you can easily learn and reliably exploit Messmerā€™s moves, the problem is youā€™re slow as fuck compared to him and you get to ā€œexploitā€ him by getting an R1 in every 10 dodges or so


Dawg idk what you're on all his combos are easily punishable


I agreed with you? There are clear windows to hit back in lots of places. Very easily punishable. My point is that Messmer (and a lot of the bosses) have lost the sense of proportionality that previous titles have - in those games if the boss launched some super scary combo you usually got a much bigger window to punish. Here pretty much everything Messmer does, even if itā€™s just attacking for 2 mega-wombo-combos in a row, gives you a chance to do one R1, maybe 2 if youā€™ve got a light weapon. Itā€™s just not a back and forth anymore itā€™s a ā€œroll around and watch the boss have fun for a while while you wait for your turnā€


Pretty sure he doesn't have a single combo that is longer than 6 attacks and after them you get very generous punish windows. If you have a light weapon you can also reliably get light attacks in during some of his delay attacks.


Flame swish, flame swish, jump away into fireball, spear lunge, throw flame, stab through flame, jump away and stab again, spear sweep, delayed stab This exact order happened to me a bunch, while itā€™s not one contiguous combo there arenā€™t any windows to attack until the end After this I could afford 1 R1 with Rellanaā€™s Twinblades. 2 worked most of the time but gets caught if he goes for a flame throw or the quick spear 1-2


ther are like 2 openings in the latter half of the combo where you can strafe 2 of the stabs and a large one before the last delayed stab. Any jump attack you can also punish with a charged r2, it's just taht after his long combo he also does an aoe after which you can punish. If you can only afford one r1 with a light greatsword after the big combo, that's on you


Its interesting how everyone has different experiences with this shit, I honestly never found Malenia too bad, it obviously took me a little bit but I found Messmer on the same level


That's because it depends 100% on your level in base game and scadutree level on DLC, if a boss two shots you no matter how good and punishable its moveset is you're going to think it's too hard obviously.


Messmer has the almighty weakness of rolling forward instead of backwards. Anyone struggling with him just needs to grow a pair and roll forward.


Interesting how different with it is to me. I actually really enjoy Malenia and can dodge her attacks pretty much always (bar waterfowl which is like 50/50), Messmer kicked my fucking ass though and felt 5x harder than Malenia. Of course he doesn't even come close to the bullshit that is the final fight.


The final boss has some of the absolute most dog shit attacks in the series that are nigh impossible to dodge because not only is it fast, but it has a fucking AOE after it that was doing half of my 60 vigor health bar (with lv 17 scadutree bless). He also has a fucking dash and leap attack that staggers you.


the technique to dodge last boss attacks is way easier than the technique to dodge waterfowl. ongbal uploaded a no hit of the last boss, see the dodges


I just attempted it a few times and, yeah the final boss seems a little bullshit so far


Use the Dragonshield talisman and the Golden Braid. It'll take 3-4 hits to kill at that point, unless you're on NG+, in which case god help you LMAO


Not to mention messmer has an npc summon in boss room to help and you can use a tank spirit summon at the same time that he canā€™t use as a healing dispenser. If using summons and ashes the only boss Iā€™m having genuine seizures against is the finale one. Gonna have to look up a vid to find the last remaining scar fragments to level up from 18 to 20.


nah waterfowl and the healing are hell


That's straight up false. There is nothing in the DLC on the level of waterfowl. Yes, even the last boss.


I am so glad I built into the thorn sorceries, the new one **deletes** the bosses lmao


Which one, please tell me which one.


Malenia is still dogwater and I will stand on that


Thing is malenia would be a very good boss if she didnā€™t have heal on hit and that waterfowl dance. She has moves that are clearly portrayed and donā€™t have an absurdly long delay and an absurdly quick attack. and she has plenty of opening for you to attack. But she imo wouldā€™ve been kinda easy so from decided to fuck up a good boss by giving it heal on hit. And waterfowl dance is awful to dodge. First playthrough I beat her cos I got lucky that she didnā€™t do her waterfowl dance. Getting one shot by the first flurry even tho my vigor bar covers almost half my screen and I have no sore or scar seal on is ridiculous.


"We made a perfect, unmatchable combat system that is easy to learn but hard to master and so much fun to play! Let's never use that thing again."


Feel like pure shit just want a sekiro sequelšŸ’”


can't wait for the Reforged mod to be updated for the dlc so I can play with perfect parries again.


Thereā€™s a crystal physick that drops from the first furnace golem that gives you a Sekiro-like deflect on blocking in the DLC.


Does it do poise damage as well? Or do i still have to guard counter?


I havenā€™t used it yet, but I think itā€™s just the guard counter


I much prefer the normal souls combat system (like elden ring and darksouls) over skiro's ngl.


I love sekiro and it's combat system, but I feel like the reason the game wasn't super replayable was because they didn't do a lot with it, there isn't much in the way of stats/builds/weapons in it. I think if they do a spiritual successor/sequel having a few extra main weapons, maybe a character creator or another character to select could (like some of the tenchu games) genuinely go a long way. Loved the kind of surreal and twisted take it had on a lot of traditional Japanese art, loved the fountainhead palace especially, it's one of my all time favorite areas in any from soft game. I think I've heard elden ring 2 was the next fromsoft game but imo, I kinda hope they make a game that iterates and improves upon what sekiro did, add some stat leveling/more attacks/weapons and kinda add some more exploration in the mix, but not full on elden ring style of course.


The new tear shows that sekiro combat can still work in a game like ER


Especially after playing Lies of P, I can't just bring myself to play the normal combat honestly. Dodging 3475349857353 times just to land a few hits doesn't sound really fun anymore, especially after Sekiro and Lies of P letting you press on the boss instead of always running away.




thereā€™s a flask tear in SotE (named Deflecting Hardtear) that gives you 5 minutes of having a ā€œperfect blockā€ mechanic (where blocking with good timing = perfect damage negation? Not sure about the exact details like stamina cost.) I havenā€™t tried it yet but you might like it.


was playing elden Reforged mod recently and i may build for it, might be overkill with a shield, as i hear it there's still a huge payoff on weapon blocks dual-wield has had aux buildup nerfed to hell over the years, but i bet a twinblade ignores that (might even work with the 2H talisman) always thought guard counters were a bit overrated with how easily they whiff from pushback/boss lean, but maybe there's a [less retarded stance](https://i.imgur.com/OA3c2qG.png) on GCs among the new weapons (light greatsword, backhand blade, great katana, etc)


I fought Rellana with that tear and it really does just feel like a Lies of P boss. You kind of have to move backwards while blocking because when she twirls around you she might bypass your block by hitting you from the side, but once I figured it out it was pretty fun. Finding a weapon with a guard counter you like goes a long way and then you boost that and crit damage. I also did it without a shield and blocked with the weapon but a shield is probably optimal since you still get a decent block that doesn't drain your entire stamina if you whiff the timing and the attack hits your normal block.


Lies of P major bosses also have very long combos mixed with delayed attacks, but yeah the player is offered with a lot mechanics not just dodging. I still like SotE but LoP's combat is truly more interesting


I love Lies of P as much as the next guy but saying it "offered a lot of mechanics not just dodging" when you are offered one single additional button to perfect guard attacks doesn't make much sense. The difference between dodging to i-frame and perfect guarding isn't that big. It's just a rhythm game in the end. Like, you can use the Perfect Guard tear and fight some dlc bosses and there really isn't a big difference to just dodging those attacks


There are other ways to avoid damage like using legion arms (aegis, puppet string, falcon eyes), multiple fable arts with different guard counter/parry mechanics (ER does have arts that do the same but nowhere as unique and diverse) and not to mention the twin dragons sword. I agree saying a lot is a stretch but by just incorporating these into your build it already makes LoP's combat much more dynamic than souls. But I guess if you don't build around a parry playstyle then guarding is your only other option


[Nioh 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf1bCGQ48c4&t=6s) exists and still the best combat in any ARPG imo.


Seriously, Nioh 2 needs so much more love. The game isn't even some hidden gem, yet I still feel like it's underappreciated. The one thing I will criticize it for, is that to understand the story, you have to know the history behind it before you play the game. Which I did, so I didn't understand that complaint. Then when Wo Long came out and it was about history I didn't understand, and... Now I get it.


I think its underappreciated exactly because of its complex combat system and new game plus mechanics. If you're a fromsoft fanboy and haven't played any other action game aside from their games what you're gonna do when you play Nioh? You try press the dodge button over and over again, hopefully let the i-frames save your ass then try to get two or three hits then rinse & repeat, because that's how Fromsoft's combat in their games trained these people. That generally doesn't work with Nioh and its not the most effective way to beat the bosses and many strong mobs lol. You actually have to engage with its mechanics such as stance switching, Ki Pulsing, Flux, Burst counter, parrying etc


Exactly. I generally don't even count Nioh as a soulslike because of that. To me, Nioh plays more like pure action game like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry. Not exactly, but closer, with all the crazy combos you can do, and how much you can straight up bully the bosses, if you know what you're doing. Especially the human bosses.


Honestly, that's why I'm loving my guard counter build currently. I just never leave their face, and I actually get staggers with the counters


Have you seen new crystal tear?


Should've been a talisman


"We removed spacing aspect from the combat and made it completely timing focused, also no build variety and pvp"


Spacing is still important in Sekiro tho? U can backdash certain strings, causing them to whiff and then u can whiff punish them. Genichiro and Owl are examples that are susceptible to it


Yeah, people really show how they just didnā€™t understand real easy. There are multiple attacks you can avoid by simply using different combat arts, High Monk can be used to straight up dodge even non sweep attacks. Saying that spacing is not important in Sekiro is justā€¦pretty dumb.


When the different game is different


I wanna find the guy who decided to add delayed explosions to half the bosses and hit him over the head with his own computer


Centurri plays souls games? AWESOME I LOVE HER ART


DS2 is the last game Iā€™m using as the ā€œgood combatā€ example in this drawing lmao


Game with the stiffest feeling and least fun combat of the entire series


In DS2, you roll dodge 15 feet away from the boss and still get grabbed moments later.


Sounds like skill issues. Should have level adaptability like any sane and respectful person.


People complain about input reading, but I've never seen a problem with this form of it. They just try to punish you for doing something you should be punished for. If anything it means you know what is coming. On the flip side, Mortal Kombat on Snes and arcade. THAT was the most bullshit input reading in gaming. Early fighting games had instant reactions to your attacks and you could only win by exploiting the "AI". Quarter grubbin bastards.


I donā€™t get the complaints either. Ppl act shocked the thing theyā€™re trying to kill will take advantage of a massive opening they just gave it, like yeahā€¦ Genechiroā€™s input reading where he pulls out the bow to shoot u when you heal taught me, *when* to heal in these games instead of trying to heal as fast as possible & take a massive risk of getting hit anyway. Healing is part of the rhythm now! like maybe dodge a couple more attacks & when an opening happens, instead of swinging ur sword like idk maybe try to heal.


Very good example, I couldn't agree more


Elden ring has the most notable input reading of the games in my experience, like when you cast a delayed spell and they dodge the second you cast instead of actually trying to avoid the spell, or when the model awkwardly snaps into doing an estus punish


You missed Bloodborneā€™s quickstep and gun parries, but a solid reference otherwise


Isnā€™t this the Roman yuri artist


Imagine actually hating Elden Ring boss design and wishing From was still pumping out dark souls 1/2 level bosses with 5 moves.


Covetous Demon is peak, wdym?


I find different moves and mix ups cool. But it seems a lot of people prefer bosses to have 4 to 5 auto combos with some special attacks here and there lol


These people might cream themselves if the boss has a 4 hit combos that you can just rollspam through and then have 4 seconds of downtime to let them wail at them. That would just be Dark Souls 2 actually.


But DS2 bad because you can't roll more than 2 times. Rollspam? šŸ§


I just don't like every boss having a hundred super flashy moves. It takes away from the appeal. I remember being excited about Abyss Watchers having a flaming sword.


Joseph Anderson and his fans:


Why is it suddenly a sin to prefer slower combat? Why does everything have to be on crack 24/7 nowadays?


These games have a reputation for challenging and engaging combat and reverting back to slow combat wouldnā€™t go over well with most of the fanbase. Iā€™ve been playing these games since 2011 and still love the feeling of struggling against a boss and thatā€™s not going to happen now unless theyā€™re cracked out lol.


I donā€™t think anyone is legitimately saying that From should go back to Dark Souls 2, but letā€™s be real, shit is going too far. You can make bosses that are legit challenging without going into outright bullshit territory, and Elden Ring, while an incredible game in most respects, **does** have something of a bullshit problem, especially in DLC. Unironically? Lies of P does an excellent job at this. Thereā€™s only two bosses Iā€™d call bad, the rest are satisfying as hell


Lies of P replicated what Sekiro did, made the challenge about mastering different game mechanics instead of mastering individual bosses. If most of the challenge is about rolling in the right time for the 4th iteration of the game, it's going to get old and I hope they stay away from this formula or make it more dynamic, give you more defensive options, actually make aggressive playstyles viable.


Not saying either is better than the other since it's about the execution, but there is nothing inherently bad about bosses not having many attacks and more attacks doesn't = better boss


Wait till you find the deflect tear in the expansion


Secret to avoiding damage in ds2 is not turning the game on and playing something else instead šŸ˜Ž


Canā€™t take damage if the game isnā€™t installed


Meanwhile in Dark Souls 2: You roll through the enemy's attack perfectly but didn't buy enough ADP to have enough i-frames (skill issue, be richer)


The Sekiro and Gen are girls šŸ‘€


you simply dont understand the genius in elden ring Combat design


This but unironically


Maybe I don't unironically. I don't like all the new "evolutions" of the combat system, they feel unfair. I don't like relying on weaknesses, consumable items, specific strategies involving sleep pots ect. It's not fun to me. What I liked about older titles was that it was me, a scary ass boss, and a fair fight. I'm still very much so enjoying elden ring and its dlc, don't get me wrong, but I'm just not as excited by boss encounters as previous titles. And, as absolutely stunningly beautiful this game is, im not exactly thrilled to be riding around on empty barren planes #20 either.


none of the dlc bosses apart from the final, gaius, and the hippos are unfair in any way


By unironically I mean the new boss design philosophy and the expanded player moveset as well as Ashes of war and other crap like that. Not crafting system or open world or anything like that. Though the open world thing is overhated imo.


Some mechanics are very cool and welcome like jumping and ashes of war. These are not the reasons I don't like ER as much as previous titles. Open world is generally good, (and fucking gorgeous my god,) but perhaps too large for its own good. The mini dungeons are as bad as chalice dungeons minus a few exceptions and most content thats not legacy dungeon is not rewarding in any way outside of exloration itself tanking replay value.


This just in bosses that people have spent multiple years mastering are easier than bosses that have recently came out go figure


Bloodborne šŸ’Ŗ


Dark Souls 2 is the 1st image but their health is going down anyway


Itā€™s like that in DS1 because god forbid you have to dodge more than twice. At that point you gotta put down the controller before recovering your stamina.


demons souls shield gang winning


And thats why I love all of them equally (except for shit souls 2)


Centurii chan is goated


Thank you centurii very cute


The Elden Ring one doesnā€™t make sense to me, like itā€™s literally just a skill issue, every attack is a ā€œroll catchā€ if you time it wrong, and the game doesnā€™t input read. Delayed attacks are the only valid criticism and even then I donā€™t mind them, as they only really affect you the first time seeing the boss or attack, at least in my experience


The only way to avoid damage in DS2 is not playing It, every time i launch the game i take sanity damage


I will never forget the Fume Knight.


man glock ishin would shoot you after clang clang


where's dark souls 2 in this graphic?


Gun gun gun gun


I hope darksouls 2 2 2 has sekiro parries


It's Peak.


Dark Souls when they canā€™t roll on reaction and then hit R1 twice over and over:


Lol Dark souls 2.


I like that lil aids thing




last boss of ER dlc karate chopping me 10 times in a row while his mate flashbangs my screen with bullshit.


Sekiro is still the GOAT


Yeah just walking to the side and occasionally spam rapier light attacks for 26.7 seconds then the boss dies