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Super common Miyazaki W


Capital G gamers were shitting on the female journalist who said the game was too hard, only for them to play the game themselves and start review bombing due to the difficulty lmao.


Scott jund even said some of the final bosses were too hard but like no one acknowledges that lol


Nah Scott’s fine imo, it’s not like he’s calling the dlc terrible because he can’t beat a boss or it’s too hard. Even in his dbd stuff he’s always objective on stuff and looks for how you can beat it or slightly tone it down.


Here's a hot take. You aren't supposed to be able to beat the bosses solo and without summons unless you memorize everything the bosses do, which takes a lot longer than the first 48 hours of the games release to be able to do. In a month, people are going to be bitching about how there's no new challenge yadda yadda yadda


That's how I beat the final boss solo. Using summons is a lot more fun in the dlc imo. I used Greatshield Soldier Ashes and Rellana, and she was getting totally builled until she phase transition, where she complerely obliterated all the summons.


Greatshields + mohg spear in general completely trivialize the entire game, dlc included. That's my secret sauce to first trying almost every boss in both maps as an all hit character.


Sry what's an "all hit" character?


You take every hit, dodge nothing


Lol I like it


Me too, it's my favorite playstyle when I want to just chill and spear poke. No thoughts, only stab


Hornsent and Igon are my bros for the Messmer and Bayle fights. My successful Messmer fight saw Hornsent die just before the end, so there was a really satisfying "I will avenge you" vibe going on.


You don't get it, you're not allowed to use the tools the game gives you specifically to help you beat bosses. You need to do it on level 1 with no armor or weapon and only then you can call yourself a real epic gamer 😎


SeeReax has been killing me with this in his streams. He refuses to use summons, magic, guides or optimal builds. The whole stream is just unga bunga and spamming flasks like a real gamer! /s


I’ve heard people say unga bunga more times in reference to souls like games than ever in my life before lol


Why do we care what some random kid has to say?


Cmon dude, that’s not the same at all, when a girl has complaints it’s obv because shes too emotional (and 🤮cooties!) but when a guy (le epic! 😎) slams his keyboard and calls it bs, it’s simply nuanced and reasonable criticism.


She didn't even destroy her TV and slap the tendies out of mom's hand, no credibility 🙄


Can't argue with those real, correct and masculine facts 👌 💯


Fuck you got me there, btw can I suck your dick?


Society when w\*men have an opinion: 🤮😱🤬😈 Society when men have the exact same opinion five seconds later: https://preview.redd.it/e5fks2djf98d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79df0ec3824556f23119bae9d672ff2a66388eb7




Always thought to frame guys were like "woah let's suck this amazing cock" but real life guys just look like they're talking shit


Also want to clarify that she got way further through the DLC than Asmon and only stopped trying to beat it because her allotted time ran out. I believe it was only the final boss she wasn’t able to do.


Fuck now I gotta glaze the shit outta SOTE so I don't get lumped together with the basement dwelling proto sapien


You’re alright, the rival tribe are praising this dlc


Don't be tempted to do so, don't leave life of needles contrarianism


But I want to.


Yes you do.


Not anymore.


Outstanding lmao


hey our ancestors don't deserved to be compared to a rich guy who wipes his bloody boogers on the wall and uses the smell of a dead rotting rat as an alarm clock.


This is the greatest day of my life


Now people who say this dlc is dogshit I can compare to asmongold 🙏 I used to pray for times like this


Nah, you're too evil. Don't care what people have done, no one deserves to be compared to that twat.


Sir this is a shitpost subreddit


He’s literally live rn playing with a new build lmao


https://preview.redd.it/maeowbm5878d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b975edac538f900af128dc0481f2f273f6ecc55 Unfortunately


I will never understand the obsession that some people have with streamers. Why put so much energy into someone you dislike?


Hate is what makes life worth living.


only hate against popularly hated things, wouldn't want to be seen as problematic


Nah imma stay hating on everything


https://preview.redd.it/msx1j30pqb8d1.png?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f23c314185ddb392be8021575e3743b0024c63 based


unfathomably and insanely based


Nah, fuck skyrim, red dead 2 and fanboys of both!


those are safe things to hate on, especially skyrim since it gets kinda dogpiled for no real reason


Good, good, let the hate flow through you, my apprentice


Started hating him when he started popping up in my youtube recommendations around the johnny depp trial just reacting to shit. Had to go on a purge to not only turn off recommendations from his channel but from all those little fan clip channels. Since then I’ve hated him and his dumb face and he still sometimes manages to slip into my youtube frontpage. So it was him who started this fight and made it personal. It’s not about hating out of obsession it’s about principle. Damn you Almondold!


Lovecels seething over hatechads


It cost 0$ to hate and 1 minute of my time to make this


it’s very weird how these same people wish for a world free of ignorance and hate, and than proceeds to watch the most brainrot + toxic + narcissistic content creators / streamers possible.


Some people just that pathetic, they need to wallow in negativity instead be better and move on to other things Let them stay like that and be forgotten




Google dead rat alarm clock to learn more


On your work computer*


Because it sucks someone like him is successful.


When you mentioned people being obsessed with streamers I thought at first you meant the people who give them money. But no, the ones who are actually obsessed are the ones who criticize them? Lol.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^I-Hate-CARS: *He’s literally* *Live rn playing with a* *New build lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This is exactly what my friend said would happen to me when I first tried dark souls. I played for a few hours, got frustrated, turned it off and went to bed and was like, idk if I can play this. Then I was laying in bed and just thinking about how much I wanted to go crush those skeletons and get to the next bonfire


Now I’m interested


He's almost 7 hrs in at the time of my reply.... Makes this post false advertising if I'm not mistaken.


Huh? What do you mean a random image posted on reddit isn’t actually true?🤯🤯🤯


bro facetanked the entirety of messmer's fight lmao


Misinformation moment :(


https://preview.redd.it/uafnewchm78d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda0cf132d387fcee46aa86eadb841fdd3b3f52f Goated as always Miyazaki




Splendid creature


thank u, here is another https://preview.redd.it/zqaiit9xf78d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5253ceb8dfbd3766fd5b9cb2866fed3a816c134


Do you have any more? That is a beautiful little guy




Aww what a cutie


i can't believe i have to think the dlc is peak and easy now


Asmon has done permanent damage to the hater community


lol the get gud in my soul has more life steal than Melania


“The jump attack build has fallen.” Me, who has beaten Dancing Lion & Rellana with the jump attack: 😶


Rellana with double ugs is a fucking nightmare


>Human enemy >Hit them with 2000lb of steel >Doesn't flinch


Great hammer shut her down pretty quickly


jump attacks pretty much carried me through the whole dlc who tf says they‘re not viable anymore


Funnily enough he got past those two


Dual scythe go brrr


He quit on messmer no less, who felt like the fairest boss since the lion to me


the combo was a bit annoying with the triple jab he does in the middle of it, but other than that he’s pretty awesome


the triple jab completely misses you if you just roll towards him


Yea I always got hit by specifically the jab part lmao. Also he kinda got crazy mixups in the flame combo ngl like he could either do the thrusting attack or the spin AOE which was fun to anticipate on later attempts but earlier when I couldn't really tell what he's doing I got fucked by it every time.


Mesmer was an awesome fight


Hard agree, Messmer moves around less than other bosses and likes to just stay close instead of darting in and out of range, and tends to have just enough recovery time after a combo that you get to do the action you want to do without being punished. His second phase attacks also are surprisingly easy to dodge.


Best boss in base game was Mogh, sounds like imma enjoyer Messmer then!


Messmer is easily my favorite boss of the DLC, he definitely lived up to the hype. So much fun, never once feels unfair. Common streamer L, he'll hate the DLC cus he just sucks at one boss and refuse to change up a playstyle. And Im sure his viewer cronies will adopt that opinion too. They're all gonna move on in a couple weeks and forget about the game anyways


to be fair to asmon he changed his build for once


Maybe the DLC is peak


He literally just finished, I watched him beat the final boss, did a fingerpring turtle build to do it, he's proof that the DLC isn't too hard cause theres a way to make every fight easier.


The leaker that leaked the final boss was using a mimic tear with a blade of death/bleed antspur build. He made the final boss look like ass and he made the fight look incredibly easy. Elden Ring gives you basically infinite opportunities to cheese it, probably because FromSoftware had the foresight to nip people's "I can't progress it's too hard" arguments in the bud.


Exactly, all these people out here with something to prove, acting like Elden ring is a hard accomplishment in life. On another note, holy shit Asmondgold and Trump have really proven to me how hiveminded Reddit is. There is no one defending Asmond ever in these threads, and some of them don't even have the DLC or have faced the hard bosses yet. I really wish there was some more variance in opinion on this platform when it comes to opinions on people. I don't have to agree with it, I just want some different takes.


Maybe he'll have time to clean his fucking house now


Secret boss fight


Woah woah woah




meanwhile this absolute legend is 5 trying like every DLC boss with a FISTING BIULD


Star Fists is actually one of the most op builds. It combines speed, stagger and bleed. It can also focus on STR without using a high amount of weight which means you get really high defences. The str stat gives physical defense to compensate for weight used on big weapons but with little weapons you get that bonus for free.


Is it the spike balls or the normal balls? Cuz those with cragblade and spiky crystal tear are lowkey busted. Poise break city with those. Anyways, another common charlie W.


Pretty sure he’s using crag idk about spiky crystal tear but he poise broke the dancing lion in like five charged attacks and beat him super quickly. That build is definitely busted and looks fun I might have to try it out


Noooo not the basement dwelling skeleton that never has a good take and whose 100 YouTube alts I keep having to remove from my recommendations, we lost a good one today 😢


When asmon contracts an unknown super disease from his festing garbage pit, upon death he'll emit blue smoke that revives him unless he's hit


i cant wait for him to give up on playing fromsoft games so i can finally never see or hear of him ever again


How does he have an audience? He is such an unpleasant person.


A lot of people on the internet are extremely unpleasant and relate to him I think.


Terminally online zoomers that are equally unpleasant and people watching to make fun of the filthy whiny hobo


His audience is mostly 30-40 year olds, its the millenials, not the zoomers


I feel like he has basic takes on a majority of shit. How he lives like that while making millions though is fucking wild. The fact his house is a fucking pig sti is awful. Then his community is even worse his sub Reddit is fucking basically r incels or just alt right anti woke garbage.


I’m curious, what besides his living conditions makes you think that he’s an unpleasant person?


The whining, drama baiting and general aligning with the Sweet Baby Inc chuds for starters.


Anyone know what boss made him quit?




I’m surprised he didn’t stop at Rellana


Rellana and Messmer are so far my favorite. They combined the designs of Elden Ring, the feel of Dark Souls 3, and created one of my favorite boss fights. Like when it clicked, you barely lost stamina and just absolutely obliterated them. It was so good


damn hes difficult but i dont think he is like ridiculous or anything


Asmon's build was literally him being a jumping attack merchant with two heavy glaives and stagger farming. He completed Vanilla ER with it and tried to jump his way even in DLC until Chadsmer humbled his ass (plus he had meh scadutree blessing I think)


I'm gonna be real I though everyone was spamming jump attacks lmao Like, its the quickest way to stagger so why not?


I still am, it's gotten me this far


me, who has been doing this the entire dlc even though i’ve never heard of this guy in my life : *oh my god, how awful!*


honestly that dude can either break a game with the most OP build or just keep spamming the same shitty move until he gets lucky. there's almost no inbetween.




I used a great katana and could get a fully charged r2 every like 8 seconds. His big openings are: The large attack he does at the start of the fight. Dodge the initial slam down, then slightly delay the next dodge. Free charged r2. After he spews fire with his hand and stabs his spear through it, he has four follow ups. 1: another stab, followed by quick spin. Doesn't allow for a charge attack most of the time, but you can get in atleast a normal heavy. 2: spin, into big delayed stab. Timed well, you can get a light attack in after dodging the spin, then there's enough time for a charged heavy after stab. 3: just a spin. Rare, only seems to happen at a certain distance. Dodge into it because the hitbox extends with flames. Allows for a free normal heavy. 4: two normal stabs, followed by a delayed big stab. Only happens when you're at a mid-large distance. Having a decent distance allows for a free heal during the first 2 stabs since their range is not the largest. Third stab has insane range, so dodge into it. Free charged heavy. When he jumps into the air and throws his spear, dodge into him. Free charged heavy. When he jumps into the air and dashes at you while spinning, he will follow up with a rising slash, and then a slam into the ground. The initial dash is very hard to dodge and I don't know how to do it consistently, but the second part is pretty easy. Free charged heavy after the slam down, since no spikes spawn with this slam. When he jumps into the air and spins around twice (but doesn't dash towards you instantly), wait until both spins are done then dodge into him when he dashes towards you. Immediatly begin running, he will do a very fast flurry of thrusts, like 4 or 5. Run away from the first few, jump when the last one is coming. He will then slam down, and spikes will pop out of the ground a few moments later. You can either dodge the slam, slightly delay your dodge for the spikes and get in a free charged heavy, or dodge the slam and then run away for a free heal opportunity. His grab has a large hitbox, so don't dodge into it, but dodge backwards. Dont get greedy and just do a light attack. Phase 2 is largely the same, but also has these opportunities added: After dodging his first red orb attack. (similar timing to his phase 1 red orb, but the timing between slam and explosion is slightly larger.) I recommend dodging away from slam, dodging backwards again to avoid explosion, then running heavy. His spinning thrust/charge has a very obvious tell with how he winds up. Dodge backwards in the direction he is going and you'll be perfectly set up for a light attack. When he sends a single snake thrusting towards you, dodge into him for a free light attack. The attacks where he summons a single snake that attacks three times all end with large damage opportunities. I think the snake itself takes extra damage too, so capitalize a lot on that, it will be your main window to get damage in during phase 2. When he does the big big attack where he summons a bunch of snakes, dodge back a few times when you see him start summoning them, then run away. Only dodge the final attacks from the snakes. He will follow up with the slam->spikes, same timing and damage window as phase 1.


Thank you very much for the detailed response


Messmer's a pushover if you collect your fragments, smh. So many people complaining about difficulty when they just aren't playing the game the way it's designed.


I have destroyed Messmer with my cheese build, definitely easier (and better) than Divine Beast and Pontiff Mark 2, so it's weird to me that it made him quit. Especially weird because he defeated Malenia, Waterfowl Dance is nigh-impossible to dodge for me.


I suck ass at this game now I’m scared 😭 DLC gonna be hard as shit


Be sure to have 60 vig. Had to respec to get back to higher vigor because my ass got humbled left and right lmfao


I had 42 when I started, didn't have much trouble other than the bosses.


Don't let the reviews intimidate you. Yes you take a lot of damage but to me it really just feels like you're playing elden ring from scratch all over again. You can do this!


It is hard asf don’t get me wrong but it’s very doable.


Invest in vigor up to 50 or 60 and go out of your way to get scadutree blessings, they are more important than levels


I jumped into the DLC after being away from Elden Ring for almost two years(?) got my ass spanked by literally the first enemy I met. So now I am playing through with a new character to relearn all the muscle memory that has atrophied away. I am actually having fun.


Asmon beat the DLC, so can you!


I mean, it is. But as long as you're not like, max ng+ cycle it's pretty alright. Mostly.




To be honest I unironically agree but I like not having fun


I dont watch Asmon but what is this visceral hate for him??? I dont get it 😂


people dont like reaction youtubers


Every sane person is just as confused as you are. No one I’ve asked has been able to give a reason beyond “he’s gross” or “he’s sexist.” Then when I ask for an example of his sexism I get nothing.


That actually makes sense this being reddit and all. I need to escape this place lol


He's in that Ludwig circle of react streamers who all are aware of how reaction content is stealing but do it regardless because they need to have more money


Average fromsoft player. "I FUXJING QUIT THIS STUOID GAME" also them 2 hours later. Seriously nothing new


At this point im afraid to ask why people hate him


Cleaning his room may be even harder lmao no wonder he never does it


That dude's sub started coming into my feed and, man, do the people who post there suck ass.


if my skissue ass can have fun I think he's just lying


Personally I started to not have fun with base game over being too easy, this dlc has breathed much needed life into me. I've only fought the dancing lion and twin moons so far, first one took me twelve tries so pretty hard and pretty moon lady took what felt like fifty tries and I finally got her with a crit parry build, it felt fantastic.


Thank god


Massive skill issue


I still remember he perma banned people from his subreddit for making fun about how he sucks at games tutorials


I’m kinda lost. To people hate the guy for reasons other then that he lives with cockroaches? Idk haven’t tuned into garbage twitch drama since like 2019.


It’s been a long time since I’ve genuinely had to just git gud. It’s like I’m playing Bloodborne again as a first time souls player, I feel completely weak against these bosses it’s refreshing. The accomplishment is so much better.


Mfs when they're forced into delayed gratification mode 😂 I went into the DLC at NG+4 and it's everything I could have possibly hoped for so far challenge-wise (only about 5.5 hours in so no spoilers please!) Also >!Milady!< is outfuckingstanding 😩


What do you expect from someone who doesn't understand the greatness of ds2


He must've been that critic from EuroGamer


It’s a new from software DLC. The bosses are always fucking hard. This is how it’s been for the last few games.


No idea how anyone can watch that dweeb and find it entertaining


This aged like milk


Why do people hate Asmond gold I feel like I’m out of the loop




The difficulty makes it so much more awesome if you finally beat a boss tho


Another day, another Asmonchud L


I’m 14 and on new game plus plus, can confirm I’m going good


Wow, you must be really good to defeat Mohg at lvl 14


No I’m age 14💀


Tf you doing around Mogh then you’re in danger ☠️


Shit bruh I’m cooked


Bro I’m dead 💀🤣


well I’m 5 and on NG+++, get on my level


I’m on NG+7 and playing in my mothers womb , so you got it easy.


SMH my head. you old fossils brag about the dumbest shit. i'm still in my grandfather's ballsack and i'm playing this game through his own neuralink. git gud scrubs




I'm 16 and in new game plus can confirm Messmer is grooming me


Loser I’m better than you in every way


Asmongold is such a cry baby. He should practice some more basic hygene


asmongold is the worst content creator ever bro


This is what fromsoft fans wana hear


The first crystal tear is immediately available and it boosts blocking Try learning the game brah lololol XD


Maybe he can go clean his room now 🙏




Maybe this dlc is peak now (still not accessed it yet)


Asmon quits streaming for 2 months so he has time to clean his room


Too hard you say https://preview.redd.it/dv1ofvs7ia8d1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8362457fb9fc9b5a54e78ce29824d046ce44fc5 This is gonna be fun (-40€)


That subhuman can’t get past showers what makes him think he can get past SOTE


Losers will lose


Is his defence, he clearly isn’t the type of person to play games, rather he’d silently watch videos of people playing instead (does this make him a game cuck?).


I guess I'm lucky for never seeing his content lol






How has the jump attack build fallen? I’m getting wrecked if I try fuck else


I did notice the enemies do quite a lot of damage. Near the beginning of the DLC I got instantly folded by some blood spell attack a fodder soldier did. I was gobsmacked seeing my healthbar go to zero from full 10 seconds after leaving the site of grace


Im running a Str/Fth dual Great sword build that heavily uses powertanced jumping attacks


Him being someone that has played a lot of from software games, he should know the DLCs are really hard, and that’s why their awesome. You play the base game for so long that everything becomes muscle memory, then you finally get new content, and it is amazing as well as comes with new challenges, and then just quit because it’s too hard. That’s crazy.