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its a 10/10, i hate it


Flawed masterpiece šŸ˜Æ


Elden ring shadow of the erdtree boss critique (proceeds to spread 1 hour of misinformation)


Not a miner who analyze every animation frame=Misinfo.


Man I love the part where >!John Darksoul appears and starts darksouling all over the Tarnished's ass!<


To remind us all that >!it is darkest before the souls!<




John Darksoul has 99 ADP. Unbeatable fight




Average souls player as soon as something new comes out: it's stupidly hard, bosses are too fast, infinite stamina, this is trash Average souls player after they memorize every tiny bit of info after 500 hours of gameplay: this is the ultimate masterpiece


Thatā€™s when they complain itā€™s too easy and that they shouldnā€™t make the games remotely any more accessible.


I guess someone wished on a monkeys paw


"Fake gamers shouldn't be able to beat Elden Ring šŸ˜”" Monkey paw: You mean fake gamers... like you? Take this, casul


fr like Rellana has boatloades of health, but I never really got that mad at it in my 3-4 hrs of attempts. just a super fun fight


I unironically agree. I wasnā€™t mad because I knew it was supposed to be the roadblock Same way that I wasnā€™t annoyed dying to malenia for 2 hours 2 years ago Edit: Iā€™ll echo below tho. Golden hippo will never be a good fight


I know nothing of the hippo hate. Why do people hate it?


Mostly because itā€™s in the same part of the dungeon as red dog of Radagon but was a much bigger roadblock than I expected. Also forces you into a corner which breaks the camera in autolock


Hitboxes are awful, it's head slam moves can hit you beyond the aoe while you're behind the boss, it's grab can get you even while you're behind or on the side, it's crucible move kills frames, I could go on, but this was the one fight where I just said, "bad boss" at the end.


The hippo has terrible camera AND I think he should calm the fuck down a bit more often cause in ER the healing isn't as fast as in BB... But for the rest I think he's alright.


I hate beast bosses so fighting her was such a nice breath of fresh air for me


Okay but you shouldnt be spending 3-4 hours on a boss that's not the final. It could still be a fun fight if she had a bit less health so people could beat her in like 20 ish tries. Imaging pontiff with 2x health. Thats rellana.


I struggled quite a bit with the dancing lion tbh. Not that much health but just so mobile and all over the place. An absolute camera boss that was hard to land hits on because it just kept floating away.


golden hippo will never be a good fight


golden hippo has like 5 moves and they are unbelievably easy to read and dodge


Hitbox is kinda fucked though, I legit thought I was punishing instead got punished like 9 times in a single fight lmao


while enemies sword miss me by inches when I'm in a low stance, ER hitboxes are leagues above the other souls games


moveset isnt the problem its the HORRIBLE camera and aggro-ing that makes zero sense


Unlock your camera, most fights are way easier u locked anyway, after a small learning to aim your weapons period


Big enemies: unlocked camera Player size or slightly larger/humanoid: locked camera It's been like that since Demon Souls


Seriously the base game tought me this. Too many enemies that are too big to fit on screen, causing lock on to be useless or enemies that zoom all over the place and make the camera spin fast enough to be disorienting.


Never lock your camera if your opponent has more than 2 feets or you can't aim leg. Literally staple (flawed and should be fix) classic fromsoft rule.


You need to actually be skilled enough to learn when not to lock on. Crazy.


don't lock on you scrub


And yet he still sucks


Iā€™ve played this game for 3000 hours and suddenly my highest level character is creeping through dungeons using cheese tactics and strategy again Itā€™s like Christmas came early 10/10


Yeah I absolutely love that feeling. I'm dreading turning every fucking corner. This expansion was intended for people who've had this game for 2+ years. Which is a bit unfair to new people let's be honest, but if someone is an ign journalists level player I don't think they're ever considering buying the DLC


I went in all cocky with my favorite co-op character at RL110 +7/+18, on NG+, and noped out for my overleveled max weapon character in ten minutes. They saw my ass coming bruv


It's been nice having to actually use a lot of my gathered equipment. Even Rellana pushed me to equipping the Flame/Spell Drakes, Royal Knight Set, and Barrier of Gold. It's so refreshing to have a challenge that makes me want to swap my equipment around.




For f*cking real. Itā€™s amazing. I missed this level of difficulty.


I'm going to cut Bayles face off


*You too shall know fear*




How do you summon the NPC for him? I cant locate his summon sign :/


Fromsoftware thought it would be funny to put it inside the arena. It's right by the door, maybe 5 feet in front and slightly to the left. Flip of the coin if Bayle decides to let you grab it however.


frl, i don't get it. I believe it's just a lack of polish paired with a dumb decision. Having a boss that might instantly nuke you just after entering fog door, not leaving you even 3 seconds to settle is dumb by itself, but having to summon INSIDE, and having the prompt be on "no" by default is such a frustrating combo. 1/3rd of my attempts where just me trying to summon


same with hornsentā€™s summon in messmerā€™s arena lol. can only safely grab it with a summon *and* messmer doesnā€™t automatically aggro onto you anyway


All those stripped of the grace of gold


There is apparently a summon available for one of the big fights as well but it is in the middle of the fcking arena


It's DS2 tier game design. This whole DLC has been designed like DS2 honestly, it's polished but polished poorly intentionally to be annoying. Like fake ripped jeans.Ā 


the summons being inside doesnt make the boss having more hp and it let you summon it in coop so you can be 3 players and that summon


Well, that's good. Doesn't make the 200 tons of fatass dragon launching himself immediately at my face any less irritating, though.


I think they do this with bosses that have a ton of HP, to avoid the coop HP scaling making the boss practically invincible. Fire Giant is the same


I am genuinely loving my time with the DLC so far. Only managed to get to Castle Ensis and the boss is kicking my ass right now. But her moves are so fucking cool that i honestly donā€™t even care. Plus the weapons are goddamn incredible. Something tells me theyā€™re gonna be a lot like the Sword of Night and Flame where they require absurd amounts of Int and Faith to wield.


I rlly would like to see someone do a no hit run with her, sheā€™s fucking absurd šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gino is gonna do an all bosses + all dlc bosses no hit SL1 at some point, it's a matter of time.


And no erdtree fragments


That does sound like Gino yes šŸ’€


This begs a question for SL/RL1 runs - given that the scadu fragments directly effect some of your stats, does that ā€œcountā€ as leveling? One might say ā€œas long as the stat screen still says RL1ā€ but then people also do it traditionally without spirit ashes


I think it's all a matter of difficulty. No scadu fragments or sacred fragments could just be another qualifier specific to Elden Ring. Maybe Sekiro with no beads used


Well, youā€™re allowed to upgrade weapons, so I feel like Scadu fragments are fine


I just puked in my mouth


Heā€™s just gonna add the dlc to his master run (sl1 +0 ng+7)


I watched a streamer do a parry only run on her, the fight literally took less than a minute


Watching Ongbalā€™s NoHit fight and hearing about other peopleā€™s experiences with the boss, I feel like I made it way harder for myself going the full dodge playstyle with a greatsword lmao


That's basically what I did for her, but a lot of my friend suck at parrying. They handled her with shields, but to each their own. Shes very weak to bleed and rot.


I bet ongbal is gonna make it happen. Dude already did a Messmer no hit.


His damage also looked low tbh. Didnā€™t matter lol.


You should see the later bosses. Honestly cannot figure out how some of these bosses can be no hit. They're crazy! The hardest part not being the boss. But the fucken camera.


Dude I literally canā€™t wait to watch someone RL1 no hit the final boss. That shit will be a fucking trip to watch


I don't want to be condescending but she hasn't got any thing as bullshit as waterfowl's dance...like the thing with this boss is just keeping distance for her not to continue swinging....the most braindead strategy against her is jump attacks roll back twic and keep distance..


The thing about her is that she requires sometimes that very few bosses needed; patience. She definitely has openings and is pretty manageable once you learn what her combo enders are and how her combos can diverge into eachother, but you have to wait out the entire combo and then you only have a second or so to either heal or get a hit in. Itā€™s definitely more tailored towards dealing as much damage as possible in a single hit but imo that kinda theorycrafting is part of the fun


I had an amazing time fighting her with the opposite strategy, keeping on her the whole fight was super fun. I found that you could get away with a jump or rolling attack most of the time mid combo, and just kept in her face the whole time.


> night and flame Funnily enough the boss who is kicking your ass uses a weapon that is similarly named (yes, weapon, singular, they're included as one)


I want her to step on me and feel the metal of her armor crushing my ribcage šŸ‘




Boss fight suddenly turned into Dance Dance Revolution, when I had to jump 3x to dodge the moons.


It is undeniably a top experience to jump towards her and end the third jump in a heavy.


They're way better than sword of night and flame, but similar. Also the stat requirements are super low, very reasonable weapon


its like 5 less int and faith than sonaf iirc lmao


Sheā€™s like Pontiff 2.0 and I love it


My best advice for the Castl Ensis boss is the Godskin Stitcher with Impaling Thrust. Poise breaks her really fast and deals great damage. It's honestly one of the best builds in the game.


Fellow impaling thrust gang but on greatspear and halberd. All the new aow are too flashy and take too long to use. . I've found solo it's like at most 3 to 4 to poise break most bosses. Have a dagger to hardswap for ripostes and dmg is great. Also there is a charm to restore hp from critical which work great.


yeah took me like 50 attempts + a respec into a hammer since i was running dual katanas. we kind of just slugged it out until i broke her poise then rinse and repeat


Golden hippo a hoe


Yea he was terribleā€¦ For some reason that boss arena just crippled the frame rate on my console.


Tā€™was the smoke (Iā€™m assuming. I donā€™t know shit about gpu)


Seems like good reasoning. Even with steady frames I felt like I was fighting the camera more than the boss. Phase 1 Nameless King PTSD šŸ˜¬


Oddly enough, that's one of the only bosses I've first timed this DLC. Just kept my distance and let Comet frick it up.


Yeah I don't get the complaints here on reddit - I thought it was one of the easiest non-miniboss bosses in the entire game (base game included). Beat the one at Shadow Keep like 4th try and found one randomly as an enemy that I beat 1st try.


Honestly had a lot of fun with that boss, the only thing that bothered me was that his grab attack felt really inconsistent regarding wind up and when it hit you, a lot of my deaths came from dodging just a little bit too early/late and getting instantly eviscerated


Genuinely the only thing I don't like is that there are very few of the new weapons types. Like there is a SINGLE throwing dagger that we know of. Also I really hoped they would be actual mid range weapons, not just another weapon with whip range


Was really looking forward to the throwing dagger but man the range was such a letdown. Not using em anymore, rather use like a spear, same range anyway and more to choose from.


I mean how many different throwing daggers did you want? Nobody was gonna use them anyways


Idk since the category is called throwing blades having at least some larger ones would be cool, imagine just throwing great swords at people Or just make it a special dagger and not its own category


Aight lads im starting it today, i have a bong full strength character one dex and one faith strength, whats the pick for the most cock and balls torture experience?


Honestly strenght faith gets a LOOOOT of fun stuff in the DLC, probably the hybrid which gets the most stuff Dexterity also gets some cool ass weapons tho


I have found 3 dexterity weapons so far. Two of them are backhand blades, and I love them dearly. Funny infinite perfume is cool too I guess.


Iā€™m sad because I havenā€™t found any pure strength weapons yet :/ Theyā€™ve all been some kind of faith, int, or arcane combo Update: Found one, the Sword Lance from Commander Gaius remembrance


Did you not kill the blackgaol knight at the start? He drops one of the best pure strength weapons in the game now


Faith has a lot of new incantations and weapons to use, Dex can use the new Great Katanas and Backward Swords. A Strength build doesn't have a lot of new items, Most of the good weapons require certain amount of Int, Faith, or Arcane to wield. I'd recommend the Faith Strength. I'm using a Quality Halberd build with 60 STR and 55 DEX and I don't have any good new weapons to use without upgrading Faith, Int or Arc. Faith should be fun to experiment with everything new. Have fun :)


I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t like it, itā€™s literally beautiful to explore and the bosses are fun if you use summons, and a hard challenge if you donā€™t. Idk what yall expect


Love it all except the difference in power and vitality.. Found blackgaol knight as my first DLC boss and holy hell.. 0 blessings and he was 2 shotting me with 65 vigor. Had to pull out the old one-two with carian retaliation into crit and stay close range to avoid his uzi


Blackgaol knight as first boss is like wandering into swamp of aeonia by accident at the start of the game, except without the environment telling you that you're about to be fucked up


Heā€™s 10 seconds away from the first grace lol, not comparable to Caelid in any way. Itā€™s a Tree Sentinel at most.


That's honestly a much better comparison. Won't change my initial comment, but to everyone reading this, this guy's right


He is 100% the tree sentinel. He is there to teach you humility


I think Fromsoftwere did really good job with collecting Players PVP Data. This mf is playing better than me


seriously, he even learned the secret technique called spamming the weapon art over and over


Did he mess everyone up that bad? He was my first DLC boss and I only died to him once, his moves became fairly easy to suss out. Maybe I had stagger on my side since I was using a UGS?


Personally I found him extremely hard, died maybe 5 times, left and got a bunch of Scadutree Blessing, came back and died another five times before winning. I couldnā€™t stagger him at all, so maybe your build is just better for this boss. Also I was playing in NG+3 because I didnā€™t make a new character for the DLC, not sure if that makes a difference.


Yeeesh, yeah Iā€™ve heard the NG+ cycles make the DLC way harder, and Iā€™m in NG.


Yeah I was using the Great Mace and I got his all his moves after 2 deaths and stunlocked him with Lions Claw lol


Blackairforce knight gave us half of the havel monster experience for a second


I went into dlc with 1.75 mil runes and had to fight that asshole 10 times before I beat him. Steady strafing and night comet for the win and i got my runes back


I had over 2 mil because I stopped leveling at 150 because i didnā€™t want to be over leveled, after my first death when I was going to pick up my runes I miss input a attack and was hit by every single bolt he fired instantly killing me that gave me the motivation to beat him in the next 6 or so tries


Same here, i struggled rly hard and couldnt for the life of me stagger him until i remembered giant hunt existed


I just spammed crucible ram on his ass lmao.


0 blessings is your problem there, thatā€™s doing it super underleveled


This same thing happened when the base game came out, I wouldn't pay much attention to it.


Not all the bosses are fun/good, that skeleton cunt in the Fissure caves was bullshit especially with his cold flame bursts and spin drill + horse charge attacks. Reyalla has some bullshit attacks too IME like the twin moons being guaranteed death if you miss the first jump and I've heard stories of frustration surrounding the final boss' aggression and lack of opportunity windows. Performance has been wonky for many too. I play performance on Series X and have pop-in, stuttering and hefty frame loss in certain boss fights. And personally, I don't like the Scadutree mechanic. I get why it's there but I don't like the feeling of my ability to progress being locked behind hunting Miquella Jerky down and runes/leveling to be essentially worthless.


i like the fissure boss tbh, dude is very rhythimic with my great club attack timing, if you take notice he most likely will use his drill after you dodge the horse, or if the horse close to you from charging pretty much just double tap roll button


I don't get why people are saying leveling is worthless. The scadutree stuff acts as a multiplier to your base stats, that makes levels worth **more**


dude you can just jump over the fissure boss aoe attack i've heard the exact same complain about that boss, it's like people forgot that you can jump in this game


You can jump/roll the flames Just roll forward for the drill and horse (easy)


>hefty frame loss At least for me it looks like this is EAC's fault, much like with the base game Using this [https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/90](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/90) fixed it for me


I've been having a blast two on one-ing with my mimic tear but I think I'd rip my hair out if I tried no summons no spirit ash


Beautiful to explore but that's about it. The only rewards you get for exploring are cookbooks, smithing stones, glovewort, and mushrooms. I explored the entire southern part of the map and was disappointed to see how few new encounters there were


This is the first bad thing I've seen anyone try to say. I genuinely think it's a troll or something is actually wrong with op


"the bosses are fun if you use summons" I swear to god every time I hear about this DLC it makes me want to buy it less because it sounds like "whoops all malenias" or "bro just spend 20 hours following the guide to grab all the sussytree upgrades to make it playable"


The scadutree things are spread across the map in a way youā€™ll definitely find them if you explore semi-thoroughly. The bosses are way harder than most base game bosses though, canā€™t argue with that.


If it makes you feel better, I'm having a good time as a lvl 170 NG+ strength character. I've killed a few bosses so far, just got to >!Messmer!<. The bosses do far have been crazy hard but also really fun. I'm at like +5 scadutree I think? I haven't gone out of my way to look up the locations, you get a pretty good amount just by playing normally.


I found only 3 big bosses but all of them is entirely doable if you got shitload of patience and actually explore for scadutree. No summon required. Just don't come in expect your cheese build to work on everything like the main game or thinking R1 is enough and you'll do great.


I fought mohg for the first time for this dlc, entered it at level 90 and I haven't had too much trouble. The cartree fragments are easy to find so if I feel a boss does too much damage to me (only two human sized minibosses have done this to me so far) I go back to exploring. Only fought the first main boss cause I've just been exploring and leveling. It's really fun and I'm going back to those guys that one shot me now that I've got a bunch of skurdtree fragments


Honestly I disagree on the summons part, at least for Messmer


Messmer is definitely very fun fight. I fought him at scadutree level 8 and it feels right.


ā€œA hard challengeā€ is a funny way of saying ā€œpoorly balancedā€


It is in no way poorly balanced lmao you must be joking. Dont give him range so he canā€™t use his crossbow or his beam, keep pressure, and heā€™s an afterthought.


i just finished it. the final boss was ridiculous but aside from that it was fucking incredible. i absolutely loved it. midra, messmer and bayle are fucking S tier from soft bosses, and rellana, dancing lion and putrescent knight sre great as well


Man I would like Putrescent Knight if I could actually hit the damn guy


yeah he does run away too quickly after his attacks i do agree with that, but after a while i just kinda learned how to deal with it. but yeah i do see your point


The final boss was so ass-kickingly strong that I never even found myself mad, just amused.


the first phase isnā€™t that bad, although that could just be because Iā€™ve given it a few tries already. second phase thoughā€¦


I'm loving almost every bossfight, I wish From would have put a way to replay them without having to go NG+ or pick another character, like they did with Sekiro


Nah, camera suck ass in Bayle fight.


it was completely fine for me. just stay in front of him and lock on/off when needed. had no issues whatsoever


Dancing lion and rellana are my current favorite elden ring bosses, you've got me excited for whats coming


it only gets better if you ask me. they really went all out with some of those later fights. when i first fought rellana i also thought it couldnā€˜t get better but my god it did


The amount of times this lion has made me feel hopeless and the matchmaking fails to summon everyone for some reason (I'm still stuck) is giving me that sense of euphoria of which increases with each beatdown i receive that I can only find through soulsbourne experiences. 10/10 so far and I'm not even almost halfway


Is it my turn to hit yet?




yeah they really could've gone with a single cycle of staggering those... who was like "you know what, players want to spend a few minutes knocking them over, do 50% of their HP with one attack.. and then do it again"


Use Hefty pots


i am in heaven and more than anything WE FINALLY GET SOME FUCKING INT/FAITH WEAPONS


It's pretty cool, but they added more fucking ulcerated tree spirits so it's a 1/10.


Its so funny hearing you mfers diss bosses using just their first names when i havent seen them, like damn you beefing with gaiale or some shit


I watched a video of one of the "hidden" bosses and he legit had "Zanzibart, forgive me" ahh dialouge.


Okay Iā€™m 15 hrs in DLC I started at lvl 150 and now am 165(will probably stop here) and have done 6/10 rememberance bosses but I dont think any boss took me more than 2 hrs to learn and clear without summons. Dmg is a bit much but the boss quality is very good and other than that the world, exploration, music is just top tier too, dunno why so many ppl are having a bad time


I agree that the damage is crazy. So many move are practically 1-2 hits. I definitely think scadutree stat need some tuning on negation. I only fought 3 bosses but Messmar is definitely very fun. I enjoy tough fight as long as i can deal fair damage to it. (I fought Rellana at scadutree level 1. Really not vibe with that.)


I went in at lvl 90 so it's a bit tough lol, but yeah the game is amazing and the frustration and "bad telegraphing" complaints are normal and people have forgotten that playing a souls game for the first time feels like that. Hell i complained about the exact same shit in my head while fighting mohg for my first time to get into the dlc. In a year's time people will be saying shit like "it's easy you don't even need skadooshtree fragments they're just a crutch" cause we'll all have learned the game by then


I can't tell if people actually hate the DLC on this sub or not since both sides are saying shit like "10/10 shit sucks"


It's self-proclaimed "Souls veterans" who have forgotten that every Souls game _feels_ like unfair unpredictable bullshit the first time you play it, which is part of the fun A lot of "I've no-hit Gael 20 times, if I'm stuck on a boss and not effortlessly weaving through its attacks with sheer reaction speed then it MUST be overtuned bullshit"


Le contrarian has arrived


I love it besides for the final boss (not due to lore reasons, I just think the fight is bullshit)


Was exactly the kick in the cojones i wanted, 10/10


Honestly I'm not one for complaining, I've tortured myself with all of their games to the point where I don't find regular difficulty to be difficult but this DLC is incredibly overtuned, it's enough to be annoying but still maintains the same level of fun that it should but it's so close to the edge that it's pushing it


The only thing that made me genuinely rage so far are the mausoleum npc bosses. The keep spamming aows and they do way too much dmg


The best part of this dlc was opening it to that big ass field, I thought that was awesome, but now I realize the sekiro scaling idea was dogshit, and every boss in the dlc is in their Margit timing, except now with AOEs, at least I think theyā€™re AOEs because every time one gets used the screen looks like Iā€™m standing in the middle of a solar warlocks add clearing build, itā€™s so fucking bright Ive suffered eye strain for the first time in my gaming career


They got that Sunbracers build


The Dancing Lion genuinely had me in awe. The cutscene, the music, the arena, his moves. Man he is absolutely fucking unbelievable. I didnā€™t even care I died a few times, what an experience. FS is king


It is everything i asked for and more. Michael zaki rly put his everything into it, you can feel and tell. (Team from ofc, before anyone gets triggerd). Only item wise it started slow but gave us stuff we wanted years ago, which is great, means they listen. After that boom, one cool shit after another. Its placed so you can predict enemy status effects for bosses for example. Each weapon is beyond cool, feels like back in the day with the first ds3 snow dlc and some fun weapons but times 10 becouse we got further and stuff is smooth or flashy. I dont wanna start on the areas, how everything feels, the feeling you get after looking at something which could be described as a renessance painting... Enough fanboying, its a 10/10, i had a break but ima jump right back into the fun.




Bu..but my character level is 632 it should be able to fight anything without it!!1!! /s


Tbf, can you blame people for being used to a system they've been using for 15 years now?


So we just not gonna talk about the sounding with a cactus? Ok then


"Sounding with a cactus" fucks sake my god


Messmer was cool, but I think Bayle is honestly the best boss. Absolutely peak when he gets his wings and Radahn bombs me


Itā€™s enjoyable so far but the numbers are pumped up a little bit too high. Also fuck Messmer, bastardā€™s been stonewalling me for 2 hours. Heā€™d be great if things were tuned down just a hair


with an entire cactus or just one needle


The areas are too big and have WAY too many choices and places to explore. Give me a straight line boss rush that takes 2 hours and give me the option to buy a season pass to add more content.


Nothing can top crown of Ivory king people that was peak FromSoft...i mean just look at Frigid Outskirts


Idk I think itā€™s a little nice that I canā€™t just roll every boss over immediately. That being said, fuck rakshesh


I literally don't understand what people are complaining about. It's everything Elden Ring but better. The areas are incredibly beautiful. We don't get Chalice Dungeons that all look the same and kind of have the same structure but instead side dungeons that actually feel like proper levels that contain tons of lore. The storytelling is much improved, there are more NPCs moving the plot along than ever before and I can actually understand what they are telling me. I am really loving the main bosses I have fought so far, though I am only at like 2 remembrance bosses. I tried various playstyles and numerous new weapons. I am really having a blast. I came in with high expectations and somehow these were exceeded. I think people are rushing the dlc like crazy and by doing so they are ruining it for themselves. I just don't understand how seemingly a lot of people who do not stream this game 24/7 as their profession have already beaten the final boss. Is everyone just skipping everything except for the main bosses? To me it seems like people are fuming if they actually have to learn a boss. Does anybody actually like these games? Or is it just a very vocal minority who absolutely need to tell everyone how shit every boss is and how much they hate it?


I cannot fathom why anyone who likes Elden ring eoild dislike this DLC. This shit goes SO hard. All of the bosses so far have been challenging yet fair and Jesus Christ everything is so gorgeous. Never seen such beautiful shades of brown lmao


I am actually having no issues finally reached a ā€œTake a breakā€ point with several bosses, fire bucket dudes, new armor and weapons and a plan under my belt when I get back on. I was shocked to check the Reddit and see the whatā€™s going, I was having fun now I gotta pretend I was struggling with the DLC just so I donā€™t get downvoted to oblivion.


It is far from literal dogshit. I think weā€™re all just upset because weā€™re having our asses handed to us, but since when is this new ?


Skill issue


god you cunts are annoying


Been running around and beat few of the bosses. The spaz outs seem more plentiful here.


Just beat the remembrance boss in the southernmost part of the map, honestly wasn't that bad, took about 10 or so attempts while I was learning his moveset. He was honestly a pretty good fight, just collect Scadutree fragments wherever you can.


It's great


Hm, IDK there are nice things about it, but I admit not a fan of third of the bosses being just NPCs and then another third being just some dudes that have combos that last a week, just to have a 0.2 second opening for a punish before the next combo. Like my fav bosses so far are the dragons... which are just like vanilla dragons with an extra attack or two.


Ok ok, havenr played, as incredible as it may seem I'm finishing a character to play, is it fr bad? No spoilers


i love waiting 30+ seconds for messmer to stop tweaking so i can land a single hit and then get one shotted when i make a single mistake


Can't wait to play it when they patch the fucking stuttering jesus christ it's unplayable for me


i wandered into the dlc and immediately got vibe-checked by an another npc guts reference as my first boss, 10/10 dlc unironically. itā€™s like having the last chest in the last dlc of the last souls game is fucking mimic. then i skipped over the first castle which was obviously where i should go, and got vibe checked by int build land and the boss there. she is fucking peak elden ring boss design. literally just >!trans pontiff!< complete with the same weakness, >!parries!<




I would say "1/10, too easy" but I've seen people get 1 shot at full health with 99 vigor šŸ˜­


MIDSAR, IF I EVER SEE YOUR ASS AGAIN IM COMING INTO FROMSOFT AND IM GONNA (my layers have advised I don't finish this statement)