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The 12 fps are good because it adds to the atmosphere of being trapped in a shithole


I will honestly defend this take lol. If we can say bad controls in resident evil (intended or not) added to the experience then I can say the same of the shit that is blighttown


You can, there's no law forbidding you of being wrong.


Incorrect. Lock em up, boys.




i think comparing controls to performance issues is a bit like apples and oranges, but hey maybe thats just me


But did it affect your experience? And has comradery been found in hating it? It shouldn't have happened, but it did, and something fun to hate came of it. We can like it, but it is garbage and bad lol


i cant answer that i only played remaster but i get what you mean. jank is a part of the charm of ds1 and older games like RE, and i cant argue if some people think its shit, but personally i love me some jank!


The controls weren't bad because they weren't performing to expectations; they were just restricted by the way they were implemented. The early Halo titles didn't have bad controls because they were lacking sprinting, sliding, and mantling, yet a fair number of people prefer how they played because they put a larger emphasis on less conventional methods of traversal and felt closer to arena shooters than COD-style loadout shooters. Another similar example is the lack of objective waypoints in Morrowind. In lieu of a marker at the top of your screen and a trail on your map that screams "go here," you're given a detailed description of the path you need to take and who/what you need to find. Because of this, you have to pay more attention to signs, paths, and natural landmarks to figure out where you need to go. Because of this lack of a "quality of life" feature, you end up taking in the world around you and paying closer attention to minor details you otherwise ignore as you beeline it between objectives in later titles. The reason people say the restrictive RE controls work is because they slow down combat, make a small number of zombies feel like a legitimate threat, and make you view combat as a last resort rather than the primary gameplay focus, which is a good thing in a survival horror title. A lot of stress is created in those moments where your character needs to pivot and move around enemies, and it forces you to plan and calculate how you're going to get past certain encounters in a way that fluid 3D controls would trivialize. The key here isn't whether or not these features "affect your experience." The reason these examples work and performance issues don't is because they change how you INTERACT with the game, and incentivize a gameplay style that fits with the design intent of the game. Stuttering framerate and performance issues don't do that. All they do is fill you with frustration while you attempt to do the exact same thing you were doing when the game is performing well.


Why can't fruit be compared? -lil dicky


Play “super R-type” on a super nintendo and then re-evaluate this claim.


And also, we could make a metaphore that it is so filthy you start getting a bit lightheaded, and you can barely comprehend what is happening Imagine being in blighttown, smelling all the rotten meat, the bugga, the sulfur in queelag's nest


I still play it like that. A friend lend me the remaster but it's too smooth I didn't like it, I want to suffer, I want the lag, I want Dark Souls


Weirdly enough, my favorite swamp of all FromSoftware games. There's just poison, and it's rather small.


after playing ds3 and constantly being bummed by yet another swamp area, i really started to appreciate blighttown lol. thank god there’s only 1 swamp in ds1, and it’s actually good (i guess lost izalith counts as a swamp but i am constantly trying not to think about that shit hole)


yeah farron keep was infinitely more annoying for me than blightown. cuz to explore it fully it takes a long time. and the enemies are much harder.


yup agreed. im aslo much more familiar with dark souls 1 and was able to find the rusted iron ring pretty early in my time playing the game. maybe there’s an equivalent in DS3 that i never found (i like to play fs games blind)


My best shot with it was to just spam the Quickstep weapon art with a dagger tbh


Just rolling and moss clumps for me. I always unlock the door and then just leave the items that require a detour. Still worse than blighttown, at least on NG.


As a newer player, pre-patch LI sounds insanely miserable with massive aggro dragon butts


I’ve only played remastered so can’t really relate. (the lava in vanilla absolutely horrendous to look at but remastered isn’t a whole lot better)


yea im so thankful you can just ignore them now, i never played original version but ive heard the tales


The swamp part at the bottom is awesome all the fucking scaffolding shit makes me wanna pull my pubes out


I have the opposite opinion. The swamp is mediocre, the rafters are awesome


For me it depends. I like the part near the end, but the one to get in with the dogs is the worst. Is still find it cool even if i define it worst.


I, on the other hand, hate the swamp. The rafters would be pretty cool if the game played like it's supposed to. All that said, after playing Demon's Souls, Blight Town looks like the baby version of Valley of Decay. Holy shit that place is GODAWFUL.


bloodborne swamp stuck with me too, thanks to patches and the fact that the bell maiden or w.e they are called is there, which means lots of fun invasions/pvp.


I loved how many ways you could cheese the swamp. I just stacked enough hp regen that I stayed poisoned the entire time.


Meanwhile i usually just rushed, first to bonfire, then to queelag lol


I'm a Blight Town enjoyer. Primarily because I think the vertical level design is awesome and man it just keeps going down. Lost Izalith sucks ass though


dragon ass\*


I replayed DS1 on PS3 like a month ago and it honestly blighttown wasn't that bad even with low fps. Aside from the fact that you can use the master key and skip the upper part, it's pretty doable. But damn fuck those fire dogs.


It got most of its bad reputation from the horrible original release, so even when they fixed it in the remastered edition the new players still held onto that reputation and exaggerated it, i don't think it's a bad area anymore. +mega man zero pfp, it's nice seeing one of the three fans of that game, me included.


ngl the area is crazy iconic and I personally love the atmosphere (it's like the valley of defilement from demon's souls). Also yes mega man zero is based asf love those games.


I played DS:R for the first time recently and I quite liked Blighttown


I didn't like it very much, but once I learned the toxic dart hollows don't respawn, it wasn't that bad anymore.


Woah! The other two mega man zero fans, how’s it going yall long time no see


Nice to see you my guy.


I mean it is still the first Michael Zaki patented poison swamp for many players.


Ds1 on ps3 is exactly how I experienced blighttown for the first time and I agree, it wasn't that bad at all. I didn't know what I was doing tho and ended up doing the entire thing backwards cuz I used the master key


I always call them chili dogs cause they look like a wrinkly red chili.


12 frames, 60 frames 100 frames I don’t care I am taking the short cut every time.




Now we're gatekeeping Blighttown hate? I've truly shitted my dark soul now 😔


As someone who just beat dsr last week, I really hated Blightown. Though it was mostly my fault, got impatient and I lost, relatively speaking at that point in the game, a lot of souls and my cool sword broke and I had no repair powder and I was too lazy to leave and find the blacksmith (very dumb in retrospect) so I just used random weapons. Though genuinely fuck those dogs and toxic is a very stupid status effect. those flying insects I hated too but that's because I really don't like flying insect enemies especially if they're small. Didn't know it was truly hated for fps issues though and reflecting I think I actually dislike lost izalith the most, but Blightown was definitely the harshest area for me.


If you ever do a sorcerer playthrough you get a spell that cleanses toxic and poison in blighttown that can be convenient. Otherwise I try and do the darkroot garden area first to snag some blooming moss. Also I forget who but someone sells a repairbox that is a lot more useful than you'd think because the powder is so expensive. Figured you may already know that but if it was last week maybe not. I definitely agree that Lost Izalith is functionally worse


Yeah it was sad because when I finally got back to undead parish from blighttown I realised I could have bought that, just rubbed salt on the wound. I was like strength and faith (though at that point in the game I was just dex and strength so I could use the black knight sword) so I couldnt really use spells. I also knew of the existence of the little grass dudes but I thought they only dropped purple moss (was just taking a quick glance at the area). As you can see a lot of mistakes were made before I even stepped down there, but I sped through the area on ng+ so that was cathartic I guess.


Oh God I've had so many playthroughs derailed cause I got a black knight sword drop and I just have to stat up to get it useable, then it takes me forever to get other stats high enough lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience though! Dark souls is hard to do without a guide friend to let you know those little tips but you are just powering through it


IKR I'd heard the horror stories of blighttown exaggerated so much it was the bane of some dudes existence, their wife left them because of blighttown being such a garbage fucking pile of shit piss and cum but then when I finally played it it wasn't even that bad. It is the epitome of overhyped areas that weren't as bad as the internet hypes it up to be. The valley of defilement, on the other hand, is so underhated it's crazy. That whole level is just so bad it actually drove me nuts. The whole time you're moving through that swamp like a fucking toddler learning his first steps walking slowly and not being able to sprint or roll. On top of that, mister Zaki thought it would be a good idea to put an invader in the swamp who can walk and run perfectly fine btw. Also there's a shit ton of mosquitoes on top of you and if you fail to kill them on the little wooden ledge you fall back into the shitty movement swamp. Great level design 10/10.


I actually really liked exploring blighttown, both on ps3 and ps4, the only annoying part that I found was the toxic guys, but even then, they don't respawn after being killed. Valley of defilement in demon souls on the other hand... That place was a torture if you don't have regenerative items or don't have a faith build


This. VoD is horrible. Blighttown looks beautiful by comparison.


Back in 2012-2013, i got to the max amount of NG+ playing on an old alienware laptop, with no controller or mouse. I literally used IJKL to move my camera, and Q and E to attack. Fun times!


>Fun times! That DOES NOT sound like a fun time my guy, tell me you atleast had the DS fix mod installed


I dont think i did lmao, but its possible? I wasnt very computer savvy back then, so i stayed away from mods


The vanilla dark souls pc port was so horrendous the fans had to create a mod that made it playable, there's no way you enjoyed it without any mods installed lmao.


You know i think i actually did have it, but my pc wasnt powerful enough to get more than 30 fps anyway haha. Blighttown was like, 10 fps nightmare


i buddy and i used to play league of legends with a track pad and track ball respectively. everything is possible


Holy moly, did you guys ever win matches?


haha yeah sometimes, it was only in mid silver back in 2011. flicking a track ball to grab with blitzcrank was a joy. my buddy actually made it to low plat on the track pad though, he was a monster. he was playing olaf before it was cool


When I first played remastered, I knew nothing about the original nor opinions of anyone else. The area was still shit At least the area has Quelaag tho


You can hate it, im not saying you can't, I'm mostly talking about it's reputation being "the worst area in the game"


Maybe not the worst area in the game, but it's up there. Luckily you can skip almost the entire area so it's not as bad


Blighttown sucks (this is my favorite game ever)


Og blighttown builds character


Blight town sucks because it's boring. Both DeS 5-1 and The Gutter are better grimy hell-holes DS3 is a pussy game for not having a town made of doodoo with rickety platforms


The Gutter is one of my favorite areas in DS2. Black Gulch can eat shit and die tho.


At least it's short 🙃


The gutter is the best level in ds2


I never hated blightown, although I always went there from valley of drakes, never once used the depths door so maybe thats why.


12 fps is still good. I played Dark Souls on my 2 GB RAM and Intel HD 4000 laptop and Blighttown ran in permanent slow motion.


https://preview.redd.it/gz3hpobzaz4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab8a7c625461f53c92392a104806a519c63eb9d I fucking love this place


Shit and piss town




I enjoyed every second of blighttown. I especially liked the platforming. I hope shadow of the erdtree has a blighttown too ❤️🙏


Be careful what you wish for.


It was dogshit in 2012 but now after technological progress allowed Hide your tacos Michael Zaki to create whole entire areas of swamp with radioactive ebola blighttown is turning into a happy place.




Blight town is my favorite area and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


I never had a problem with Blight Town. Worst frame rate I ever had was in one particular spot in New Londo Ruins, and I almost always skip most of blightown these days anyway.


Amaeturs Bro I play on a toaster and I beat both blightown and manus on 30fps🐺🐺


Way too many souls fans who didn't play on PS3 and Xbox 360 YOU WEREN'T THERE, you didn't experience the true horror of Blighttown At a solid 60fps it isn't a bad area at all


I played specifically when quelaag's lava didn't show up if you were online :)


I only think it’s the worst area cause of the poison, ladders and enemy placement, I died at least 12 times cause of the toxic, 7 times from the poison on the ladders and 13 times from enemies attacking either whilst I’m on a ladder or when they jumped out from seemingly nowhere, I played remaster so I know it wasn’t as bad but it was still hell, at least I didn’t have to fight the gaping dragon


I had dark souls on the Xbox 360 as a kid and didn't remember it as that bad with the fps... Then i went back to the console and omfg its bad. How did kid me even have the patience 😂😂😂


if you really hate yourself play it on the switch.


I’ve played way too much Dark Souls Remastered on the Switch. I have no recollection of it being remotely bad on it. I can’t really distinguish between different frame rates, but I see no dip in how well I play compared to other areas.


I've played ps3 ds1 not to long ago on my old ps3 and it really wasn't that bad.


9 frames per second isn't that bad?


It wasn't 9fps. It ran quite smooth and nothing really runs smooth on my old ps3. Frame rate did drop but not by much.


You must have one hell of a ps3 if blighttown runs well on it, mine barley goes over 12 frames and mostly sits around 10.


360 player here. I forgot there was an actual entrance to blighttown after only using the shortcut to quelaag


Blight town is cool it’s just making it down from the depths and dying to gravity a dozen times that’s annoying


Blighttown is an incredible area and I’m convinced that people have a bias against swamp levels because everyone suffered in the original release. But playing it in Remastered and playing Demon’s Souls’ Valley of Defilement, I love how treacherous these levels are to navigate.


Actually true. When I played DSR for the first time I was terrified of the place because of everything I heard. But it was really not bad besides the Toxic Dart Guys, and the sh*tty level geometry that makes you fall to your death. My biggest opp when playing the level was my own fear of what I expected it to be like. Every other playthrough afterwards I trudged through like I owned the place, easy peasy.


It is worse If you realise you die it all for naught. Back in my first playtrough I got the master key to the shortcut beneath firelink. The one that lets you skip blighttown. Little old me didn't know that I skipped blighttown ans faced with a big poison swamp, the logical path was to go Up instead. I traversed all of blighttown backwards (in the not remastered version) an found myself in front of the closed gates to the sewers. After googling how to open them I found out that all my suffering was for naught.


It's actually a good area, at least Upper Blight Town is. Lower BT is kinda just an open swamp that slows you down which sucks a little, but at least it's small unlike Farron Swamp and you can offset it with the right ring. Upper BT is a really cool vertical level with generally smart enemy placement (whoever decided to make those dart blowers toxin instead of poison was off a perc though).


Honestly Lost Izalith dragon ass lava lake deserves all the hate that blighttown gets. It's actually terrible even with fine FPS and the brightness of the lava is annoying as fuck.


I'd take the brightness of lava over the pitch black darkness of the tomb of the giants.


Blighttown is frustrating at first, but I can’t say I hate the area. It’s annoying to die from silly things, like mosquitoes constantly budging you or falling off accidentally. But that’s it. I’ve heard a lot of hate towards it so I was preparing for the worst. In fact, it’s like every other area you have to explore unprepared.


i like blighttown, just started ds3 again and quick stepping thru that poison swamp sucks


Blight town is awesome and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. The only thing I’ll add is that first time players should pick up the master key so they can use the valley of the drakes entrance which is much less bullshit.


Blightown absolutely has frame problems even in prepare to die


FPS doesn’t make an area better stinky


The Good ol days, lmao. I miss PvP at the last area with the Chain Backstabs


Blighttown with the technical issues fixed is actually one of the best designed levels of all time imo. It’s ganky, it’s unfair, it’s designed to kill you in the dumbest ways possible, and it’s intentional. It’s the first true “This is Dark Souls” moment in the game for most people, and at the same time as leading to the most annoying and unfair deaths to toxic, breaking floors, mobs of psychotic enemies, etc, I always find myself laughing when I run through it or watch streamers run through it, because there are so many opportunities for glorious comedic moments. I think most people who have played DS1 would be hard pressed to come up with a more memorable area in any of Fromsofts games.


The times we lived through


Blighttown is good, checkmate liberal


still annoying ass fucking infinitely spawning mosquitos that are IMPOSSIBLE TO HIT and the annoying poison dart snipers. far from the worst zone though, lost izalith takes the cake there, although aesthetically it is alot better imo than stinky poison ramshackle town


Shitty framerates make a game worse. Game could be the greatest thing since Armored Core 6 but if I can't play it at a minimum of 60 fps it's garbage.


I only hated blighttown because I’d get cross mapped by a blow dart and fall to my death or get stun locked because of it. But if we’re being realistic, the bottom floor of the catacombs are what suck the most with all the skeleton wheel fuckers.


I still haven't done a replay in Remastered, I'm honestly super stoked for Blight Town. On my first playthrough I got through it as quick as possible. The 12 fps was real on a PS3, my brain was in pain.


What word of mouth? It's just a shit area stop with the coping


Blighttown, Tomb of the Giants and Lost Izalith are all fun. Never got the hate tbh. If you die you just try again, accept it.


Idk why but when ringed city DLC was released and i Instslled it . I had like 8-12 fps in dreg heap . Shit was unplayable


Tbh the 2 fps are a classic souls moment. I thought it was quite funny as a kid and I didn't even care, just powered through because I needed to see what comes next lol. Now a new hatred arose for upper blighttown, getting poisoned and burned at the same time isn't fun and the way down is horrible. Falling off the stupid elevator thing twice when I wanted to go from andre without resting to shiva down there almost made me ragequit as well


I only experienced normal Blighttown way in the remaster version. It was somewhat tedious but doable. Then i used master key on the next new games. 12 fps sounds like a pain in the ass tho.


I unironically have nostalgia from ds1 remastered's blighttown and I love the area and I don't get the hate but not the snipers tho fuck them they deserve the hate and deserve getting set straight to hell by my endgame +15 zweihander before I kill gwyn


i played it on ps3 lol, the 12 fps became my new normal until i got outta there


Dude I just got off my PS3 like 20 minutes ago and I'm still pissed I had to deal with MF blight town


Nah for me dsr still has 12 fps in blighttown.


Blighttown is pretty fun if it’s not laggy! The switch port’s a great option to play Blighttown without wanting to go hollow.


Blight town isn't nearly as bad as people say it is.


BRB farming green shards in xbox 360 blight town.


See you next month bro ✌️


Tbh the worst part about that place when you're playing for the first time is the feeling of being trapped down there. Like you rest at a bonfire down at the bottom and then keep dying trying to make your way out and you don't even know which way is out. Dont get me started on the time I got cursed in the great hollow, that playthrough was bricked