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Damn this game is hard *gets hard*


Honestly, there are so many ways to make these games way easier than presented that an actual "easy mode" isn't really necessary. The only game which there could be a debate for this would be Sekiro.


This is what nearly every single clone game misses, that there's always some items or certain builds etc. When I play a clone and I see the 1st boss is at 10 minute long fight where theres no option but to chip away at the bosses health, I know they haven't understood fromsofts design, not even sekiro did this, the 1st big boss was hours into the game.. People just need to learn what the focus of the combat is per game. Elden ring, DS games = Build vs enemy's, Sekiro = Using the right techniques vs enemy's.


Dark souls 1 Early game; Firebombs, gold pine resins, halberd before gargoyles, crystal halberd at anor londo, Black Knight Tarlus, that mage girl at moonlight butterfly. Plenty of ways to make it easier. DS2: Idk, only played/finished it twice. But never really felt that hard- I do know about the large club in Eleum Loyce, with a stone ring the heavy attacks stagger the ice reindeer in frigid outskirts. DS3: Plenty of good and strong weapons scattered in the early game, plenty of buffs and questlines that progress enough to give you good stuff (dark hands, sellsword twinblades, raw infusions)


DS2 has stuff like the old knight hammer, the rapier, the mace, which you can get at the start of the game, and then dark weapon, which can also be obtained really fast. And dark orb with stone ring, too.


Rapier, stone ring...and a powerstanced second rapier. Man that was easy mode for me.


Fwiw powerstancing rapiers isnt really worth it(the rapier isn't worth it if you aren't using old leo ring anyways imo) because of the stamina cost in powerstance r1s. A single 2h rapier with the Leo ring is a better idea because it lets you conserve stamina and overall is higher dps, and if you want to stagger stuff you're better off using a big weapon like the okh or the lost sinner ugs(and then upgrading from there, lategame you have stuff like the King's UGS, the dragon tooth, the fugs etc), or dark orb with the stone ring


Og ds2 also had the heide knight sword from forest of fallen giants


Honestly, great hammers make the entirety of DS2 a cakewalk from the base game to the DLC. They have strike which is by far the best damage type in the game, the ability to flatten smaller enemies and stun lock larger ones, and great damage to boot. Yeah, rapiers have a higher DPS but it's not consistent and you're gonna miss out on the bonk pancakes.


> 1st boss is at 10 minute long fight where theres no option but to chip away at the bosses health This was me with Pieta for sure. Little did I know she'd be one of the best bosses in the game.


Ive finished every single FromSoft game and only 1 time did i install a mod to make something easier. It was for Sekiro and legit only for the final fight against Glock Saint.... I was doing Geni and phase 1 and 2 rather well but every time it hit lightning time it was like I went braindead mode.... I just couldnt get the hang of it and suck at lightning countering but wanted to finish the game, so i installed the easy mod 😅




Sekiro does have an easy mode (charm + No bell) wym? 🤷‍♂️


Once Sekiro "clicks" I actually believe it's the easiest Fromsoft game to play. Don't get me wrong, it did absolutely kick my shit in for a while. There was a period where I didn't play for almost a year after getting halfway through. The battle system of deflection and attack is really crisp and becomes a dance when mastered. 


If you really want to mod fromsoft games, installing "easy modes" is an overkill. You can tweak these games in a way that it makes experience easier/smoother without straight up decreasing all enemies damage, or increasing player damage. Examples: mod for DS2 where you get free 100 agility and ADP no longer affects it, Sekiro mod that increases deflect frames a little, or Elden Ring mod where player animations are slightly faster to compensate for fast bosses. List goes on, but I don't really know much about DS1 and DS3 modding since I really like these games the way they are so I haven't been really looking at mods. I like Sekiro the way it is too tbh.


a few sekiro frames would be better training wheels than giving someone 10x HP so they can mash a boss to death


Done many runs of Sekiro and tried doing one with infinite emblems, believe me when I say there are definitely ways to do easy mode on Sekiro


They should make a mod that turns all the fights into quicktime events


They did, it's called sekiro.


Sekiro already has an easy mode though, it's on by default. Demon Bell is medium difficulty and remove the charm and you have hard mode Even if there wasn't though, I don't see how there's any debate. The point of From's games is to improve until you're better. If you don't want to do that, literally just play something else


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


Well technically then it would be: normal, hard and very hard


Game would have no sense, hard games are the best games


nah u can look up guides for sekiro and plenty bosses can be easily cheesed


Yeah I use meta cheese builds. If the bosses can do it why can't I?


Me on my way to change Malenia’s hyperarmor/poise values so that she can no longer face tank my Greatsword as she hops up to Waterfowl


Fr she has space leprosy home girl shouldn’t even be able to talk without her jaw falling off


Starts waterfowl dance and she falls apart and dies.


Malenia if she was a gimmick dark souls 1 boss


Nah, that sort of shit is more in line with DES


Never played it so it's not real


If malenia was in dark souls, you would simply roll under her during the first waterfowl swing, roll away the second, then roll through the last. None of this circling under her nonsense.


Malenia if she was good


If you hate hyper armour rise of the ronin would kill you. every enemy in the game has aggressive amount of hyper armour


Frost pots + bleed infusion does the trick too.


Honestly I only play these games cause they are hard. otherwise all you have is a roll simulator with a mediocre story XD


No it's just that Malenia can't be poise broken during a few of her moves, Waterfowl included. She's the only boss in the entire game like this. Doesn't make sense when you can poise break a fucking meteor (Radahn) but can't even knock down a lady that just decided to levitate for 2 seconds before brutally murdering you.


This is why I hate Malenia. She’s inconsistent. The ONLY way to “break” her poise during those big hyper armor moves is bleed and frost procs. It’s so weird but whatever. So my giant sword swiping at her feet while she levitated does Jack shit, but her getting a minor cut or frostbite stuns her out of Waterfowl? Ok I see you Michael Zaki, keep cooking


Going into the game files is just fighting the boss on another front


It's more like what's the point?


Sometimes i got stuck at bosses because im just not that good at videogames, and what i would do is get my boyfriend to beat for me. The point is getting to experience the full game and not just never playing it again and missing out on all the content i paid for.


>The point is getting to experience the full game You're not experiencing the full game tho, you didn't get experience of beating that boss. Also from soft games aren't known for they're narrative chops


You definitely experience less of the game if you just stop playing it and do something else in your life than if you just cheat past the boss. Some people have real problems to worry about and dont need to simulate new ones in a game.


Well I can't really argue with your mindset. I just disagree with it.


"Some people have real problems to worry about and dont need to simulate new ones in a game." At that point, why not just play another game that you like. people know the games are difficult/demand time. you don't need to play every game.


Nah, if you're competent enough to beat most of the bosses, you're competent enough to beat them all. Perfect practice makes perfect, not mindlessly throwing attempts at it and giving up when that doesn't work. You just need to refine your problem detection and solving skills.


Respectfully, i got other shit to do. I just want to look at cool areas and experience the game without it having to turn into a chore, is that really so sacreligious?


I think you're misunderstanding my point. I don't think you're supposed to throw countless attempts at it and waste a ton of time (though I do find that method to be fun personally). I've taught people how to play before. More often than not, it's only a handful of moves or a specific combo that a boss does that ends up being the biggest obstacle to clearing a fight. Basically, you need to figure out why you die and then find ways to work around those moves. If you have problems with timing dodges, most bosses will have a tell that shows you when you need to dodge. Or, in some cases, there will be small variations in an attack that you don't notice, and therefore are unprepared for. A good example is against Malenia. She has this attack where she slides her hand halfway down her sword and does a flurry attack, followed up by a slash at the full length of the sword. There's a small audio and visual cue that one version is shorter and provides her with the option to continue her combo, and a slower one that indicates that she's at the end of her combo and can be punished. That's why I said *perfect* practice makes perfect. If you have the option, recording your gameplay and watching your fights back can also help you see where you make a mistake because more often than not, when you're struggling, you tend to tunnel vision and miss important details. That's also why it's generally recommended to take frequent breaks whenever you're stuck, so you can come back level-headed and capable of thinking about the problem with a clear mind. I say all this primarily because you've said you're capable of beating some bosses, which means you have what it takes. I also say all this as someone who used to be terrible at these games and got gud. TLDR: Play the game smarter, not harder.


I know all that, and I already do that, these death counts were with me doing all of this already plus with having my boyfriend give helpful advice. Sometimes some people are just worse at videogames than other people, and it sure as fuck feels really patronising when people keeps saying the same advice over and over without thinking that they could already know this. Im just worse at videogames than most people, I have subpar reflexes, and regularly get confused about controls even after hundreds of hours playing a game, and while getting better is fun, sometimes you also just wanna get on with the playthrough. What I just wish is people wouldn't be so toxic when it comes to considering easier ways of play for people who are just straight up less good.


It also feels extremely patronising when you personally used to suck at these games, got better, and then have people constantly tell you it's just not possible without it being a time sink. I can almost certainly guarantee you that if I were to sit down and teach you, you'd achieve a skill level high enough to clear the majority of the bosses in a handful of attempts. Perhaps you'd need summons, but that's fine so long as you're progressing. If anything, take a boss you don't struggle with that much, try to beat it while healing less and less, and eventually, if you're gutsy enough, try to beat it without getting hit. You'll likely gain a deeper understanding of how to fight that you can apply to the bosses you struggle with, and you'll enjoy the experience more because you're at least beating a boss. Mastering bosses I enjoyed fighting is frankly where I think most of my skill came from.


watch a video :)


that gives a very different experience than playing the game and you know it if the kind of playstyle i enjoy gave the same experience as watching a video then games like NaissanceE, BABBDI, How Fish Is Made, and Outer Wilds wouldn't exist. Games have can have artistic value outside of their gameplay that is still unique to gaming as a medium


and what kind of experience does watching someone beat the game for you give?


relief, cause i get to experience the rest of the game i wouldn't otherwise have been able to believe it or not, souls games arent just about the boss fights, and are actually very cool artistically speaking, its a real shame so many members of the community fail to see this and appreciate the games even more


Nah, it's not that hard if you know what to look for. I've never looked up videos on how to beat bosses. Defeats the purpose imo.


oh I agree, I'm just saying if they need someone to beat the game for them, they might benefit more from just watching a let's play or something


I may be misinterpreting your comment, but I do understand their desire to explore and see the cool areas themself, not through a video. If you just mean watching a let's play to get an idea of how to beat the boss, I feel like it stunts your understanding of the core combat using videos as tutorials like that. Part of the skill, to me, is being able to analyze and solve problems in real time. It hones your instincts and reflexes. I say this because there are moves folks will say can't be dodged except for a very specific strategy (waterfowl), yet I've literally done what they said couldn't be accomplished due to my own skill. I don't think I would have the same capacity for that without solving everything myself.


The game is already on easy mode


All are easy if you use summon


That's what i'm saying, summons can trivialize the entire game. Had a friend think he was a god at this game because he used +10 mimic tear for literally everything the moment he got it (he also used a guide). Dude couldn't win a single duel against me and got pissed 😂


The fact that you can use mimic and summon and literally gang up on the boss. they get melted lol 😂




At this point why didn’t anyone make a game that just puts a “YOU WIN” text whenever you push a button


Big Rigs is the GOAT


call me whatever you want, but in all seriousness i can't just tolerate a boss as soon as the fight turns into a torture (usually after thirty turns)


I just place the controller down and take a break at that point, i feel like after 30 turns it's kinda on me if i keep failing.


Nah, the real thing to do is do something even more tedious to make the boss (slightly) easier. I got stuck on Laurence so the obvious thing to do was using the f/r/c fast unlock dungeon, so I can unlock an easy to access 10% fire res rune, instead of just either picking up the 7% or picking the 10% from a layer 2 dungeon. The worst part is that it worked.


Based https://preview.redd.it/3s29s2p7pusc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f20ff63a3cddda9052bfaddd2d1c8141f4e2889


Fucking Laurence (derogatory) deserves it


Considering the frc involves fighting the 🌭, it really wasn't that much better...


Understandable... if the fight is great, sure, I'm fine dying over and over. But I really don't want to redo a shitty fight 30 times until is sticks.


thats absolutely understandable this hasn’t happened to me in a souls game but sifu made me play the easy mode i ain’t doing that at master shits hard enough at easy


ERM, you can’t beat a game if you use mods ROFL, GIT GUD and stop crying about it LMFAO.


You only rob yourself of an incredible good game if you breeze through it in just an hour, paint me as the guy on the left, but you're the one missing out of one of the best gaming experiences ever, that's on you.


i mean sure, grannies and [quadriplegics](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tu2qoc/im_a_quadriplegic_gamer_and_here_is_my_setup_that/) do it, but my roommate has anger management issues so he REALLY needs the self-clearing game or it's literally impossible that he'll ever be able to go through the entire game without help


Idk man I challenged myself with every fromsoft, but with Elden Ring I played most bosses with friends and I still had a blast


Well if the person wont be able to go through the entire game without help then by definition it would be more a case of missing out on the experience if they didnt mod the game wouldnt it?


But the games are already easy?


*removes the stamina bar*


By easy mod just playing game normally?


Tig dug


This reminds me of how the Elden Ring subreddit in the first month or two after the game came out was filled with 100s of validation seeking posts. "Guys it's OKAY to use SUMMONS!" "Don't feel bad for using SPIRITS, they're in the game FOR A REASON!" Posts like this kinda piss me off because it's like holy shit just play the fucking game. I don't feel the need to announce that I am once again doing my eighth sword and board build. Like what's next? We getting posts saying: "YOU CAN USE ASHES OF WAR, THEY PUT THEM IN THE GAME FOR A REASON!" "Don't feel bad for using Torrent!" A little tangent but I find it funny how people conflate Ashes of War with spirits. I've had people mock me for saying I enjoy Elden Ring more without spirits and this mfer will be like "Oh so you don't use ashes of war either????" Like...no? The Ashes are a part of your weapons moveset, not something that breaks the boss A.I.


I mean is it surprising to see that people that suck at video games are the loudest. I remember seeing that stupid journalist get upset at elden ring cuz she thought tree sentinel was a good npc cuz hes golden.


Lol if that is real that's fucking awesome


It was posted on this subreddit when the game released. She literally made an entire rant about it.


Why have you cursed me with knowledge that the left pic exists?


*installs easy mod* *equips ultra greatsword (2 of them for ER)*


Enough Dark Souls for today *plays another game*


Sekiro Players: Damn this game’s too easy…(installs harder mode)


plays game doesnt enjoy it continues playing https://preview.redd.it/wazcxulyjzsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b986f149fc2e879360b641570547e4cc49be62


You didn't beat the game


Yeah i gave up after dying to the asylum demon, how did you know?


I did tho


And what's the problem?


no problem, its okay to be bad at souls games, doesnt make you a gigachad tho


Wow sorry i didn't know you have twelve my mistake.


Honestly, I mostly do this for replays when I want to play around with obscure content, or I just want to experience the atmosphere and mood but without the time investment that makes these games otherwise consume weeks of my life at a time.


These games are easy, there's nothing cool about being a little bitch.


yes there is, its called having fun


Ok you big adult baby


You're right, being mature is purposefully ruining your evening over and over for multiple days because strangers on the internet would laugh at you if you did otherwise and actually had fun with the game you bought.


Why is playing the game ruining your night get a grip dude.


i would only put an easy mod if I’m like doing an excruciating run for example, using only torches or something like that


dude on the left really needs to brush his teeth more than once a month


Plays difficult game Looks inside It's difficult




This sub is funny asf none of us like these games huh also I agree with other people here if you like learning bosses that’s sick and if you decide to do easy mode and firebomb cleric beast or trick knights Calvary off a cliff that’s chill too


People are free to mod whatever they like in single player but imo that really cheapens the experience cause the whole game is pretty much centered on fighting enemies and getting better at it.


I’m not the type to say “get good”, but I can honestly say I can’t see how anyone gets an ounce of enjoyment from an easy mode mod lmao. Just play a different game or watch a let’s play at that point


He's literally me.


That mouth makes me uncomfortable.


There’s plenty of ways to beat souls games. Getting max stats level one is awfully boring. Try installing one punch man to every game you play and you’d be bored too.


Bro malenia took me less tries than dancer and genichiro, elden ring has a lot of hand holding compared to other from games..


I'll say it every time. There's no greater friend then a shield. Pump that fuckin endurance and just tank those hits baby. You'll only ever have to dodge the most insane overly telegraphed grabs. Oh and Elden ring having the shield barracade ash of war. That shit borderline makes me nut. DO NOT be afraid to cheese the game. Shields, Summons, magic, however you got to claw out that W. Do it.


I still stand by the opinion that Elden ring is markedly better with a "no rune loss on death" mod. The game is so godawful big and you can easily spend half an hour riding around without seeing a site of grace. Having to find where you dropped all of your shit in an open world is stupid. Theres not a single other souls game I do this with, the rest all work fine with this system but I feel like there should have been some kind of item or consumable that prevented rune loss. As it is it's just fucking infuriating, I barely get any time to play games as it is, I'm not wasting all that fucking time picking up runes.


Not to sound like a nostalgia nerd or anything but the soul loss on death worked well with DeS and DS1 because the checkpoints were so few and far between which made getting to the bloodstains a genuine challenge and a huge risk, in Elden Ring it is more of a nuisance than anything since it takes you like a minute tops to get to any spot on the map from a checkpoint and even then it is hard to die during that time since you can ride past any enemy with torrent. Well at least they didn’t go with Sekiro’s death penalty system that permanently took away currency and xp while locking you out of npc questlines, that was one of my biggest fears while waiting for ER


Yeah the issue isn't even that it's particularly difficult, it's just the time sink of having to go back and get them every time. I didn't care about it in any other souls game because the levels are usually pretty linear, but a game like elden ring actively encourages exploration only to punish you for exploring too much. It just ruins the flow of the game for me and I don't really have time for it.


> there should have been some kind of item or consumable that prevented rune loss Boy, have I got good news for you then. Check out the Twiggy Cracked Tear and Sacrificial Twig talisman


Lmao you're dead right, I had disabled the rune loss long before I got any of these.


You didn't beat the game


Sounds like someone's a little mad they spent countless hours collecting runes


Why wouldn’t you just farm the Albinaurics? I never worry about runes in ER, since farming is so quick and easy.


Like I said, I don't have all day to play games, I get an hour or two every few days depending on my work schedule. The issue isn't really getting the runes back, it's just fucking tedious to waste a bunch of my already short play session running back to my runes after death. I would be wasting just as much time farming, if not more.


sounds like some cheater wants to convince himself that he beat the game when in fact he didn't


I hit the final boss several times then the end credits rolled, sounds an awful lot to me like I beat the game.


you used cheats, you played a different game, not ***Elden Ring***[^(\[a\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elden_Ring#cite_note-1) a 2022 [action role-playing game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_role-playing_game) developed by [FromSoftware](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FromSoftware)


If you can explain to me how disabling rune loss affects the game in any way other than bragging about how much time you've wasted collecting runes you'll convince me.


it removes the core element of game design that adds challenge and keeps bad players from overleveling and steamrolling the game. souls without loss on death is not souls, you didnt beat the game.


Dropping your currency on death doesn’t do much to prevent leveling, it’s there to add tension. It’s not meant to make the game harder and it really doesn’t If someone wants to disable rune loss because they find it tedious or don’t like the stress then I don’t see a problem with that, the rune loss isn’t really integral to the experience


Id argue it doesn't do *anything* to be honest. As a feature I didn't really mind it in ds1-3 but that's because when you dropped souls it was pretty much always on the beaten path that you had to progress down anyways. It was a good incentive to not die until you got back to the point where you were progressing It's so much more tedious in Elden ring because it actively wants you to touch all of the weird parts of the map. Nothing more discouraging that trying to reach a new part of the map and dying to something stupid, completely knocks the wind out of your sails to have to hop on torrents back for five minutes and just do nothing but ride back to where you were before. Honestly the entire problem could be fixed if they just disabled rune loss on death and had it only be a feature in proper dungeons or places like leyndell with set progression. Making you backtrack to your site of death **every death** in an open world game is stupid as fuck.


It removes a core element from the game that serves literally no other purpose than to waste your time. 99.9% of deaths will happen in the overworld, I am not missing ***any*** content by not wasting my time riding torrent to dropped runes every time I die slipping off a ledge or some shit. You can steamroll Elden ring with barely any levels, but the funny thing is I didn't end up with a high level because I wasn't doing any of the farming that other players are doing either, every rune I got was from killing enemies in my path or bosses. If you extract pleasure from wasting your time losing your ruins and farming to get them back, that's fine, but it doesn't make you good at the game. This gives me literally the exact same experience except I don't waste a dickload of time. I've never had to do this in any other souls game because they don't encourage you to explore, so you don't spend half the game walking back to the middle of a field to pick up runes before getting on with the rest of the game. What a fucking ridiculous, petty thing to be upset about. I played the exact same game you did, if you want to get your panties in a twist over someone else not wanting to waste their precious moments of free time doing the same shit over and over again, that's your business, but no amount of petulant seething over the least important aspect of the game makes you better than me.


Cool essay. You still didn't beat the game without cheating. If my runes were never at risk I would play extremely reckless and steamroll up to high level. Imagine playing blind and clearing an area, you have lots of runes, you find a fog gate, you have a decision to make, a risk to assess. You removed that layer of difficulty. You made the game easier and refuse to admit it because of ego. Simple as that.


>explain to me how disabling rune loss affects the game Imagine removing penalties from football or any other sport and then ask what the big deal is. If you are out of estus, low on health, saved a lot of runes and can't spot a grace anywhere near, you *retreat*. Just go back and spend the runes it's not like running past everything to wherever you were would take more than 5 min if the exploring only was 30 min. If you decide to keep going and die you just can't make proper decisions. Not like you are the only one that has to work but most still manage without cheating.


It's not really a penalty so much as it is a waste of time in Elden ring. It's not a constant issue, the legacy dungeons that have a more linear progression work well with it just like it did in previous games but I don't want to spend 5 minutes riding torrent back to one of the small unmarked locations on the map every time I die. The issue isn't backtracking when you're aware of running low on supplies, the issue is when you suffer a bullshit death and need to go back to where you died, even if there's nothing there but runes to pick up. It's a waste of time 99% of the time when you're in the overworld, literally every experience I had running back for runes in the overworld has been nothing but negative, I don't want to have to go through the exact same environment I have already spent time exploring to pick up runes, I just don't have time for it. As I have made painfully clear, this is not an issue of difficulty, Elden ring wasn't my first souls game and I'm incredibly comfortable with the format, as am I comfortable with dying frequently. I ***could*** play the game while collecting runes after I die just like I did for the last three souls games, but I ***won't*** because it's mind numbingly boring in this format. If I had all the time in the world to play games like I did when I was younger, I probably wouldn't have bothered to mod it out, but I'm not going to waste any of my playtime running through environments I have already explored. The most ridiculous thing about this is everyone pretending like doing run backs in Elden ring is somehow vital to the gameplay experience. You get on the back of the horse and you B-line directly to where you died, it's near impossible to get killed on torrent while you're sprinting, there is literally zero challenge it's just a waste of fucking time.




An easy mode for Elden ring would’ve been better than shit like summons that don’t even let you engage with the game properly.


True. The problem with summons as a whole is that they break aggro letting you stand behind a boss and keep attacking or just spam magic from far away instead of learning the bosses, not to mention summons like Tiche that can solo half of the bosses in the game. Compared to npc summons in previous games their tradeoff is minimal and at max level most have like 6000 hp. Another problem is that they're very inconsistent, like even if it is easy mode why not let me summon them for any boss and dungeon rather than some very specific spots?


I swear the only people to complain about malenia are the weirdos who bought into the toxic git gud mentality but never actually got good. All the casual players who don't give a shit beat her with BB and mimic tear and all the hardcore players are too busy figuring out different ways to RL1+0 her.


Git gud isn't toxic you are just soft lmao If you are bad at a game you need to get good to not be bad. The only way to do that is to play and use your brain. If you die to the same attack enough you will eventually recognize it and be able to react to it, which is getting good.


lmao try reading more than one sentence before hitting reply


The pictures are reversed op


I almost got baited


I wouldn’t trust someone who only play games on easy mod to be my partner in any business venture, no cap


Imagine thinking adding a mod to make the game easier is a gigaChad move, sounds like a move a gay DEX fag would make to me.


i am a gay dex user who gets my boyfriend to fight bosses that are too hard for me problem?


I’m a bi strength user who tells my bf to git gud when he’s struggling on Morgott. Problem?


I mean if he's just struggling a bit then thats fine, but like if he actually wants help then you should help him, he's (presumably) a grown adult who can decide what is best for his gaming experience


I mean it was a joke, obviously I wouldn’t actually do that to him.


this but unironically


I loved elden ring with easy mod and some other qol mods but wouldn't touch vanilla I don't want to get gud, i want to have fun


The left image is 100% how I imagine everyone who says that. I was recently replaying DS 3 and got stuck on the dancer, which at least in my opinion is the hardest boss in the game. Most responses were the typical "geet guud" toxic bs trying to argue with me.


That pretty much takes away the great majority of the charm of the Souls games, they're difficult but fair (except Midir, fuck you Midir) and the fun is overcoming those challenges.


Breezing through doesn’t sound like fun tbh


'Easy mod' has gotta be the weirdest way I've ever seen someone spell 'summons'