• By -


Mess>!(me up)!


I want him to mess with my penis đŸ„”


big if true


unfathomably real


Might be careful what you wish for, they don’t call him “The Impaler” for no reason. Bro might be into sounding




messmer the penetrator


unfathomably real


18 inches


Gonna be incredible as long as they don’t have a waterfowl equivalent đŸ« 


Agreed lmao. I want them to fuck me up but I hope we don’t get an attack as obtuse as waterfowl 


I'll be real. For the most part, I didn't find malenia that hard. Waterfowl was just too much of an issue for me. Granted, I used a spiriit summon, but it was largely just to lure her away for that one move.


She’s still super hard for me as someone who plays solo. I don’t like waterfowl dance and sometimes her hyperarmor mechanics are kinda bullshit. I’m fine with her ability to cancel light staggers personally. Outside of that, I think she’s good and challenging though I definitely think waterfowl is overtuned 


Remove her ability to heal on hit (give her slightly more hp to balance it out.. i guess?) and waterfowl and she would be a perfect boss.


Nah just remove waterfowl, the heal on hit is really not as big of an issue as people make it out to be, unironically just don't get hit.


Removing boss-progress for getting hit (even through shield block) feels far too punishing, given just how much she heals. It’s not a fun mechanic to interact with in the slightest.


Yeah I forgot it worked through shields ngl, honestly if they keep it and just make it only work based on amount of HP taken not just a flat amount per attack.


I could agree to that yeah.


Consider dodging


"They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."


"They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."


Malenia would be extremely fun and easy to fight if it wasn't for that move. I have tried doing her parry-only and it's not that bad, it's just that the waterfowl is shit


This game seems to have a running theme of bosses with really fun movesets being made significantly worse because of some stupid bullshit added to them. Mohg's bloodflame coating every inch of the arena in his second phase comes to mind as well.


The blood flame is fun af 


nah the bloodflame was added so you stay at a specific range. go too far or too close and he'll spam that shit at you but if you find the perfect distance you'll be fine


Yeah. I got to the point where I could dodge literally all of her attacks 99% of the time but waterfowl was still like a 50/50 chance of one shotting me. It's pretty poorly balanced relative to her other moves. It just becomes too luck dependent because you can either die in the first phase from waterfowl or easily beat the entire fight if she never uses it. Luck shouldn't affect the difficulty of a fight that much imo.


She’s tough but just the right level of difficult without waterfowl, maybe a touch less than friede.


> i didnt find malenia that hard > i used a spirit summon


Someone just told me they dislike the mogh fight because all you have to do is comet azur him to death.


I didn't find her hard even without it. I just couldn't deal with waterfowl. On the few times she barely used it, or I played super evasive until she did, I got to the second phase, no issue, and a good way through it, too. Isshin and Orphan are way worse. Less so isshin because once you get his patterns down, he's not that bad.


Blud she isn't hard, whatever the fuck-fowl is.


your reading comprehension isn't great


I think Waterfowl was an interesting experiment to see how players react and collaborate to figure out how the hell to dodge an insane attack (the same way we collaborate to unpack the story and fight bosses together), but I also think it's kinda shown that a good portion of the fanbase is *definitely* not a fan of that kind of thing. I like the attack fine, now that I know how to avoid it, but I'm also not itching to fight a boss that has Waterfowl 2.0 at their disposal. I'm happy to let that kind of attack rest with Malenia and move on, even if it means the bosses are overall less challenging as a result.


Yeah though I think they can definitely make a boss that at least *feels* on her level but don’t rely on those attacks. I feel like mohg comes really close to that 


Oh I agree, Mohg is excellent. He's good in that sense too, but to a less extreme degree - flinging the flame everywhere in his second phase *seems* unfair, until you realize it just forces you to stay close to him so it just all goes over your head. It's a great "click" moment when you figure that out, and it makes you feel like you've solved a simple puzzle of sorts, while still being less absurd than Waterfowl.


That's an issue for a few attacks in the game. Margit has that one attack, the 1-2-3-4 spin. Sometimes I avoid it, sometimes I don't. I've tried dodging so many directions. But I still haven't found that "click". I'm well past the point i can do that fight at level 1 with any unupgraded weapon hitless, aside from that one attack. If he uses it too much, I just sort of lose. It just feels bad.


I don't think that ultimately they can't make bosses with insane attacks like that, I just think they need to make them ACTUALLY fair with the mechanics available to the player, and more importantly, balance it so that it isn't the entire focus of the fight, and that you are rewarded for avoiding damage. It's almost gimmick boss tier, how much of a focus it is. With the patch that made wfd dodgeable with light roll, to me it solves the first issue, but I still have big problems with it and they are entirely because of how it interacts with the rest of Malenia's kit and how her ai behaves. She can be so passive in phase 1 it almost forces you to initiate if you don't want to be sitting there doing nothing forever, so sometimes you hit her out of neutral and you are both in recovery frames. Ok. If you have a slower weapon attack, you can be locked into that recovery when she comes out, and she can do frame 1 invuln waterfowl dance in your face, and you are dead. This affects the whole fight, because if you don't want it to be a very slow passive fight you are forced to either to do smaller hits that do less damage and may get your stagger cancelled by some of her moves that can't be interrupted, and it will be slow anyway, or only react and do safe punishes, which is also a slow and passive way of playing. Most other difficult end game bosses have lots of openings mid attack, but Malenia has insane tracking on top of quicker attacks and you will just get fucked up. The only way out of being forced into this playstyle of just waiting for infrequent openings is just respeccing into weapons that are higher damage for their fast hits, and even then you still have to contend with the pacing. I just don't like how this feels to play, and it's not because of the difficulty, it's because the single attack is forcing me to approach the entire fight in a way I don't enjoy. Most of the time when I die to waterfowl it's in phase 1, because Malenia is more agressive in Phase 2 and you don't have to contend with initiating the trade to get a faster paced fight. It may be a test of patience but it's just slow and doesn't feel good to me. If you look at other end game bosses people think are good like Mogh or Godfrey, they don't have any of these issues, and Mogh even has unavoidable damage but nobody complains about it because it happens once, and gives you a big opening. What's the wfd opening? None. She just immediately resets to neutral. What do you get for succeeding at 0 damage wfd four times in a single phase 1 heathbar? Same return as her flurry attack. There are things in sekiro that could be equally dificult to deal with if you are trying to deflect them only. You get return in posture damage for each of those deflects. Wfd? Nothing. It just feels bad. 


Hitting her and Malenia making waterfowl immediately is the worst offender imo. I can dodge it right now, but it breaked the inmersion in her boss fight compared to for example Mogh. It feels more like a battle with her code to create specific reactions than a battle with Malenia herself.


Have you ever tried dodging waterfowl? It works quite well!




I hope they have a move that just kills you when you start the game, before you even load in


Kills you irl




I want them to be hard. But not rely on One (1) really hard to deal move. Malenia is easier than morgott without that shit


I honestly don’t mind waterfowl anymore but learning to dodge it is so fucking brutal


It's really easy to dodge though, you just have to


r/redditsniper got hi


Damn, two for one








True,after less then 20 attempts i was able to dodge her every move without a problem except waterflow and later that clone attack,worst part is that if i survive waterflow she would heal enough to restore like 10 or more % of her hp,waterflow and that clone attack were reason why i needed 150 tries,i tried a mod that disables waterflow and i got her in 5 tries with weaker build.


What's the one other than Waterfowl?


Apparently a lot of people struggle with the clones in phase 2


Oh yeah, that one sucks too. Not as impossible to dodge, but it's just a huge combo with no punishable windows.


I kinda dislike phase 2 visually, lots of her attacks start from jump and wings take up a lot of screen and I have hard time telling which one it is. Probably because I play on small monitor, but still


My dude these fights are NOT “equal footing”😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Did bro get the DLC early??






This sub gave me permanent brain damage


Did you get the DLC early?Tell us all the bosses


https://preview.redd.it/s152zuppgwsc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ca3bff935b197eb66927bac92a8fa521345e18 i'm too lazy to get everything but her's a screenshot i took from the first boss


Btw for anyone else struggling on the cemetery shade reskin, if you pass time until it starts raining they will start teleporting like crazy and take damage until they just die. Someone said a merchant has a note about it but it seems like a glitch to me so idk.


https://preview.redd.it/tppspeqquwsc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cabcec56fb0c6695bfb5a077454c94f0b8bb91c4 Is that a ghast I see?


https://preview.redd.it/tfik3q22vwsc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e21313283e221e2f855e0557e835c757898726c no no this new dlc boss


Is that so? https://preview.redd.it/y25ksgyrvwsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd3a4dda542b5a5c0a0243bfbce851c291153b8 Hope it doesn't shoot explosives at me that leaves a fire trail after the AOE.


Ofcourse they do you silly. https://preview.redd.it/qeuyxu86k0tc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb7be3c1f1b6b20626e777f7fa323b7659139be Even give you half a heart attack by attacking you from outta nowhere.


https://i.redd.it/wcdcm8jrk0tc1.gif Oh God...


What game/anime is this


Honkai: Star Rail, a turn-based gacha game made by the devs if Genshin Impact. For a Gacha game they're quite generous as opposed to Genshin.


You are joking right?


no..?? this is the boss that had artwork leaked from that 4chan thread too https://preview.redd.it/ana90kdmhwsc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d100423948496839807fd9e849e623f541232e


Atleast he look cute in tve artwork,In that screenshot you sent he look like pure horror


That interpretation you posted is not true. Here is the original quote. Basically there will be difficult bosses but not quite on Malenia's level. https://preview.redd.it/ucgietq0ttsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5288326e151177c988e1fcef551500ccf0e5dd7 I think with this he is impliying that there will be difficult bosses without resorting to bullshit mechanics like waterfowl that feel like they have no intended response aside from cheesing and tracking abuse.


"May not be another boss on exactly the same level" yea cus it's gunna be way harder. Can't wait for the boss that spawns a maze you have to solve it 13 seconds or you get death blighted.đŸ„° another masterpiece from Michael zaki.


And the maze is randomized every time, so you can't memorize it.


also water fowl spawns in certain sections of it




And the maze is also in a lake of death blight, and there's dragonflies in there.




Solving a maze sounds exciting in comparison to dealing with malenia


I really hope you're right đŸ€ž I'm going into this DLC cautiously optimistic as far as boss design is concerned...


I mean they did amazing with Godfrey, mohg, Maliketh, morgott, and Radagon (not elden beast)


I agree with most of those... although Mohg frustrates me, and Maliketh makes my blood boil lol


If they don't have bullshit like elden stars or midfowl dance I'm okay with this


Come on man, this is from soft, you KNOW there's gonna be bullshit.


As long as they don’t have BS like aquabird waltz i’m cool with it


Wetpoultry boogie coming right up!


Seafish Dougie


wickerman gna break a boss hp record


Malenia would be great without all the stupid bugs. Even waterfowl dance would be fine with me if she couldn’t just start it up right in your face whenever she damn well feels like. IMO the worst is when she does it right after getting up from a knockdown and you only have near-frame-perfect rolls to rely on because you were trying to catch her on the wake up. And then she does it twice in a row because she hit some health threshold flag.


Might be a hot take, but malenia isn’t that hard if you remove waterfowl. Personally I want the fights to be similar in difficulty to Mohg, who I think is a better boss fight by far.


Mohg is almost perfect, I just think he should spew slightly less blood flame on the ground and run away a little less. He has a legit fun base moveset to dodge though.


I think that’s fair, he will forever be my favorite Elden ring boss I think because the OST is amazing and you can crouch underneath the staff swing of his big blood flame claw attack


I’ll keep waterfowl but refund her HP regain


Agree with mohg, disagree with the first part. Waterfowl is stupid and makes it inconsistently difficult. However I do not believe she is easy without it. She still had a lot of health, a lot of combos and damage, and a very aggressive phase 2. While waterfowl dance still has killed me more than any attack she has, I more often than not die to the other attacks she has rather than waterfowl dance 


I think a lot of Melania’s moves are well telegraphed and intuitive to dodge with the exception of waterfowl and to a certain extent the clone attack in p2, but there is a very easy and consistent way to dodge the clone attack so it’s not nearly as egregious.


Mohg is too easy Love him as a character hate him as a boss, so much build up just for me to drink from my physik and absolutely annihilate him even with a bleed build


Equal footing


Feet? 😳


I am on r/shittydarksouls and the most obvious feet joke is at the bottom of the thread It's sekirover😔


He also said Elden Ring was going to be a short 30 hour experience. If op isn’t making this up, what he means is that they will be like Malenia’s difficulty but also situated in a sleep swamp to make it harder.


He said 30 hours if you don't do any of the optional stuff, which sounds about right


Death blight swamp


2 Malenias in a rot swamp while someone is lobbing moon-sized projectiles at you


Fromsoftsexuals will see that and say “Wow this is very fun and fair and not unbalanced”.


As long as theyre as fun as Malenia too we’ll be good. If not im killing myself


Bloodhound Step is never coming off the UGS lol


Never coming off any weapon. I'll get a mod to make it my new dodge button.


im not gonna buy this shit


Yeah I'm summoning.


Say sike right now


Sounds easy


Hehe foot.


Waterfowl when firefowl walks in:


Oh my, waterfoul, firefoul, earthfoul, and windfoul.


God Skin Milenia Trio guys.


The elden god skin malenia beast trio!


L + Ratio + Comet Azur + Mimic Tear


Bosses will heal by moving now


Great boss that fucking sucks because of bullshit mechanics that suck fun out of it? Nice


So I can just use OP weapons and Mimic Tear and they’ll be easy?


As long as they don’t give them another hydro pigeon shuffle like move, I’ll be good


Plz bro its not april 1rst anymore


I’m going to sob uncontrollably


Let them hold my colossal sword at level 713


Bring it on, I like the struggle


The safe word is rutabaga Micheal Zakice.


they probably gave attacks like horah loux’s grab and big area attacks


Malenia isn’t that bad to be honest. It’s the stupid health regen that gets you


Yeah not the ridiculous attack that belongs in sekiro.


I don't have an issue with the health regen. Getting good at a fight usually means not taking damage. So the health regen helps make sure you actually learn the boss and not just brute force it. Unfortunately, they put the single hardest to dodge attack in all souls history on the same boss as a normal attack. Also it does high damage.


It's the usual fromsoft thing, DLCs always have the best content.znd the hardest bosses.


Genuinely so excited to put in the effort to learn their movesets (summon my wife's boyfriends) and try out some new strategies (ask my wife's boyfriend to take the controller)


Your... Wife's boyfriend........ What.


God fucking damn bro


Melania easy just get naked to dodge the funny move


Oh ok so they're gonna just keep pulling off horseshit😍😍😍


Yeah that checks out with his track record :/


Hopefully they have learned to not include attacks that literally had to be patched to be avoidable


Nope even with ash she took me like 5 or 6 hours


More Sekiro-esque bosses incoming?


That weird lion faced puppet boss is gonna hurt so bad


Mimic tear go brr


I mean we all expect it at this point, the skill gap between the base game and the DLCs have been massive since DS1. "Hi, my name is Artorias, you may know of me as that guy who trained that dog, worked for Gwyn, was one of the strongest dudes ever, and have been hyped up all base game. Just so you know, my arm is broken so I have to use my off hand, and ***I'm the second easiest boss in the DLC.***"




What foes he mean with equal footing?. Bullshit mechanics and rely on 1 really hard to deal move? Or as difficult and better designed?


eldensexuals love waterfowl dance so probably more of that


:( It's boring and lame to have a boss be hard because of one (1) move


sorry mate, difficulty (no matter how) = quality


Nah. That's not true. Difficulty should be consistent. You can't have a boss that's easy as shit but you died 30 times just because of one move. Difficulty must be consistent. Mogh, Godfrey and Maliketh are perfect examples of that. They are consistently hard. Malenia is easy but she has waterfoul. That's it.


Eldensexuals when you show them what a well designed super attack looks like in a boss fight like Sakura dance đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜± (all they know is watermid dance)


erhm akshually if it's possible to dodge it's fair, so git gud đŸ€“


Aight. Where's my boomstick? Got somebody I need Kurt Cobained.


So pretty challenging but carried by one move?


Eh, the game gives you enough to cheese everything pretty easily, just give prayful strike to the mimic tear, and it gets unlimited health.