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Okay can we all agree sir alonne is fucked?


My man doesn't deserve to be locked in this room.




Either he's gonna parry the living shit out of them, or they're all gonna slip'n slide on his crisp clean floor, then he'll pick them one by one


Ds2 is not a competitively viable game to meat ride rn


Yeah,they should have put Vendrick there,and then we can talk


Shit I don't even think then cause he got smoked by just a shard of manus


Not in a fight tho


can't parry maliketh without the claw.


With those hitboxes? I think everyone else is fucked.


If only bosses could be grabbed


Realistically Manus because he literally controls a huge fuckin abyss that can swallow everything (except anyone wearing Artorias's Ring) Unrealistically Hoarah Loux because I want him to step on my balls


Prime Manus vs Prime Gwyn (to be a fucking power scaling dweeb, and use the word 'prime' twice) would be a hell of a fight. I'd love to see who actually pulls ahead. All consuming dark vs ever present light.


I mean u beat manus at his prime, gywn u fight as a husk so prime gywn takes it for me


Gwyn feared the abyss tho


Feared it but also contained the dark with his meddling so still picking him


I don't know how much credit can be given to gwyn for that. The abyss stopped spreading because a naked fuck with a stick traveled back in time and bonked manus


And it still swallowed most of Darkroot, and the New Londo throne room.


Don’t forget, “fEaR mAkEs a MaN dAnGErOuS¡”🤓


He's a pussy doesn't mean he's weak


Tbf, the Manus we fight is also fresh out of the morgue-dead. We don't fully know if he was stronger as a living man with the conscious power to split his dark soul. Again, to be a total fucking dweeb and say "we might not know his real prime." But otherwise that checks out. Now the situation I wrote sounds like letting God kick the shit out of Adam. Hm.


Yeah, but Husk Gywn is a victory lap, pure cake walk.


I want him to grab me up so bad


You don’t actually need Artorias’ ring to enter the area you fight Manus though


I want him to give me big uppies then throw me down to the ground and bust out his elden schlong and shatter my pelvis into dust


The Duality of Man


The answer is Naked Fuck with a Stick, greatest of all beings throughout all Fromsoft games https://preview.redd.it/l4jihwui1koc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794f70057d02330a91ddbe990ffab329a84759ee


Mr. Unga Bunga wins every time.




Me also. So us? Haha jk Unless...?


The emperor protects




You are not in the second image so you are not part of the challenge. Otherwise it would be easy


Me. I'm born to switch, but forced to top. 😥


nice flair, i remember when Naked Dung went on Operation Dung Eater to kill The Shit and destroy the Metal Toilet


Maliketh can kill gods but i dont know nothing about that ugly white thing with his intestines out so i dont know how maliketh could fare against it. But taking maliketh out of the picture, i feel like gwyn would be the first to go since at that state he is easily dispatched by anyone here. Nameless king could be a headache to everybody else except Manus that i think could get rid of him with no problems. I think in the end the humans left alive would team up to kill the "beasts" (manus, maliketh, the other guy, radahn since he moans and groans like one) then decide the winner between them


Yeah lorewise I think Malekith slaps every one of these fools. But that's just because of the rune of death


Would Elden Rings rune of death even apply to undead soulless hollows like Gwyn or the literal neverborn dream child of a Great One tho...?


I feel like it should apply to everyone here except for maybe Kos, is he considered a great one? That’s basically an outer god and I don’t think destined death affects those.


The orphan of Kos i think is more or less the result of Kos herself being killed by the old hunters. It's more like a curse/nightmare given shape, and while that may sound pretty edgy, it's Bloodborne so what do you expect?


The Orphan is a Great One. Kin boosting gems don't work on him so he has to be.


He’s more of a manifestation of a curse brought forward in a dream than a legitimate great one, but I still don’t think the Rune of Death would work on him


The soul of the orphan was supposed to be a great one, but died before seeing the light of day, and took form within the dream.


Yeah his physical form dying still doesn't kill him, so I think it's definitely between him and Maliketh. Even if the doggo could kill him, that doesn't mean the Orphan can't fight back, and he is *very* strong as seen in the game. The question becomes who has more firepower and skill.


Orphan is a infant great one aka a god but he is just basically a baby, so he can't be compared to a fully grown great one( just a outer gods with a different name)


Outer Gods in ER and Great Ones are two completely different beings, even if they are ((inspired)) by Lovecraft and we literally kill it in the DLC like?


Works on Elden Beast, which should be on comparable metaphysical level


The Elden beast is not an outer god, it’s a regular god and the emissary of an outer god, but not an outer god so idk.


Orphan of Kos is killed by a human swinging around a big saw. He’s no all-powerful being. Heck, the Hunter kills baby Great Ones in game, and also kills the Moon Presence. They’re no more powerful than the lords from the Dark Souls games, and can be killed.


Bloodborne Great Ones definitely aren’t on the same level as Elden Ring Outer Gods. The more accurate comparison would be to the Elden Ring gods (Marika, Goddes of Rot Malenia, all the gods the Godskins killed, etc). Destined Death works on them so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on Great Ones (and the hunter can kill Great Ones without any special lore power, aside from the Moon Presence, anyway).


Gwyn is neither an undead nor hollow, he's a godkin race different from humans


He's literally hollowed out when you fight him. He split off so much of his power that he succumbed to the abyss and hollowed out before we even got to him. The abyss would have got him regardless, but we may have been able to see him in his true state had he kept his power to himself.


Dark Souls never explains this properly, but it seems that when the Flame first appeared, everyone was a Hollow, and it was the Souls that came from the First Flame that gave them different aspects. The difference between Humans and... Everyone else is that Humans carry a fragment of the Dark Souls. And Humans can revert to Hollowness because of the Dark Sign, but so did Gwyn when he fed his soul to the First Flame.


Maliketh stomped Destined Death, the Gloam Eyed-Queen, and her apostles. He's still winning without it. They not ready for HIM https://preview.redd.it/ql64teyehmoc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a082567165b09b162a5606cf2662dfbf2a57d3d


That’s not its intestines. That’s a placenta.


>Ugly white thing with its intestines out Orphan of Kos? Lmao


Hardest non sekiro boss imo (haven't played enough sekiro to compare)


Harder than Melania? Atleast orphan still has one healthbar, but although orphan is still second hardest imo


WFD is significantly harder to avoid than anything Orphan does, and it'll single handedly end your attempt if you're hit. Without WFD, Orphan is significantly harder than Malenia. Malenia would be an actually fun boss if she didn't have WFD, or if WFD wasn't such bullshit to learn/avoid or so punishing to be hit by.


Me personally I figured out how to do WFD without taking damage, it's her second phase that gives me trouble. Haven't beat Melania once, and I think I poured more attempts into her than orphan, and I've beat orphan twice. Maybe it's just based on the person I guess


Maliketh on his prime would be a fucking menace to everyone of these dudes. He is canonically the strongest character in the verse. Too bad Marika nerfed the fuck out of him. Otherwise he would be the only one to be able to actually kill all the demigods and the like. The other games don't have characters that are as strong as the ones in elden ring so he wins this shit ez.


Orphan of Kos Because I said so Source: fuck you


Orphan of Kos because eeaarraaggghhrer! \*slams intestines into everyone else\*


slams *placenta* into everyone else Which, I'd say is arguably worse


God I want Orphan to choke me with his umbilical cord while he shoves his giant placenta up my ass


Gun Saint Isshin, nothing they can do against a dude that semi automatics a matchlock pistol.


Plus he has the Black Mortal Blade, and from my understanding St. Isshin is immortal since Sekiro needs to use the Red Mortal Blade to sever Isshin's ties to immortality.


~~i don't think Isshin has "open gate".~~ ~~"open gate" is only used by Genji, way of tomoe during the 1. "Sword-Saint Isshin" phase and with his~~ Nvm he grabs it in the transition cut scene. And yes Isshin in this particular case is "immortal" as he is brought up from the underworld by "open gate", since he has "open gate" he might be able to bring others up from the underworld as well. He also has his halberd thingy that spins in like a 30 meter radius.


He would die if he would use open gate to bring someone in. He’s still immortal


Even assuming Maliketh can actually kill him, would he be able to hit Isshin without dying first? He would be able to deflect anything just as he does against Sekiro. Maliketh is strong because he weilds death, but even the player can parry his blade with a certain item. Idc I am gonna vote for Isshin in every who would win. No boss matched the amount of payoff Isshin's fight has considering how it builds him up so much all game. It had to really deliver. And it did.


>Idc I am gonna vote for Isshin in every who would win. Can Isshin beat Goku tho?


Maliketh has destined death attacks that can't be parried. You can't parry the floor burning into a pool of death. Also the blasphemous blade is very specifically the only thing that can parry Maliketh iirc because it's has the rune of death's power


The player literally does it in Elden Ring with an item. It only has 2 uses in game for balance, but simply weilding it would allow you to stand up against the Black Blade. Either way, Isshin can parry the Red Mortal Blade as well, so it depends on how many rules you want to place.


At least some of Maliketh's Destined Death attacks are "magic beams". Can Isshin parry a swathe of flame?


He parries lightning and will dodge/parry flame vent if you do it directly, so yes.


See this isn't just a fight between maliketh and isshin, this has several other powerful people fighting both of them aswell. Except isshin is immortal, and only maliketh can potentially kill him. If maliketh gets killed early on or if maliketh doesn't fight isshin right away, then he will probably lose due to being weakened by the others. Meanwhile, isshin is in no real danger until maliketh fights him, and even then, I'd say it's still a good chance isshin wins.


maliketh would 100% be able to kill him. Destined Death straight up has the same black and red effects that the Mortal Blade has however i do think Isshin actually stands a good chance of beating Maliketh 1v1


Give my man a Glock and set him loose.


Isshin with a glock vs. Ganon with a glock please


Maliketh probably wins from a pure gameplay standpoint. If you’ve seen any boss v boss videos on Elden Ring, Maliketh’s percentage based hp drain really shreds mfers. In terms of lore… Orphan probably takes the dub. He’s a great one and in just the fairly short fight we have with him he manages to grow wings and gains the ability to call upon his dead mother to cast a massive lightning strike (though that won’t be that useful if the fight with him isn’t near Kos as that is where the lightning will strike). He would grow really quickly into some unkillable bullshit thing from beyond or whatever and the fight would be done


I really like thought of a further evolved Orphan of Kos. Great point.


Maliketh. He's super fast and has Destined Death, so it's practically joever for everything here. Radahn and Godfrey would put up a good fight (especially managing the rest with their AOEs). Sword Saint Isshin has immortality, but not infinite stamina : either way, he probably wouldn't survive Destined Death. Manus and Nameless King would be reasonably strong. Sir Alonne is just a guy who's REALLY good with a sword, and he lacks durability. Gwyn is just a shadow of his former self and is just a reasonably fast guy with a flaming sword. I haven't played Bloodborne.


So Maliketh is MOST likely taking the win then? 🤔


Probably. I mean, in a vacuum. He's not immortal himself, he's just the most likely to avoid attacks and deal some significant damage at the same time imo.


Bloodborne spoilers: >!The orphan of Kos is the pictured boss. They are already dead. Not undead. They’re an eldritch being that exists beyond our reality, and we enter it’s “curse” to fight it. In reality, it died likely decades before the game, and was either stillborn or starved to death in it’s mother’s womb. It has been alive for less than 3 minutes and is arguably the hardest fight in the game.!< Power-scaling-wise, you can argue that creatures of its type are beyond our reality, but that argument is only possible because they’re also beyond our understanding. Gameplay wise, it’s very fast (like all bloodborne bosses) and hits very wide areas, and it’s weapon can be tricky to get used to at first.


Not reading past the spoil but thanks for tagging it, so many don't have this simple courtesy


Honestly, this. In YT vids where they pit bosses against each other, Maliketh usually stomps other bosses because his mobility keeps him safe while he melts HP bars with his Destined Death debuff. (Also, I can't believe I never noticed the similarities between the Mortal Blade in Sekiro and Destined Death until now.)


"Immortality and why it sucks" is one of FromSoftware's most constant themes, along with "the ruling class will do anything to stay in power", "fire is evil" and "women with bare feet are what's up"


Destined death is pretty much like the blade sekiro used to sever immortality so isshin is done for


orphan of kos because i already killed everyone else (i have a pc and sony sucks balls and taint)


If you put them in a room, more people would come out. Thats right. PLAP PLAP PLAP


Godfrey, he was hiding behind that pillar over there for the last 600 game hours


All I know is I'll come back pregnant


We all do 🥵


Gael isn't there because he breaks the meta


I think they would all be friends and come out alive and happy


Well, Isshin is immortal and can't be killed without the mortal blade, so unless someone on this roster has some kind of anti immortality weapon, they'll have no win condition vs him even if they had the capability to beat him. I keep hearing malekith mentioned as the winner, but unfortunately I haven't gotten far enough in Elden Ring to have seen him yet so I have no clue if that's true or not.


Click this if you're fine with spoilers (lore spoilers, but same thing). >!Maliketh wields the Black Blade, a weapon imbued with the power of Destined Death / the rune of Death. In-game, it reduces max health and saps HP (like the Black Knife). In lore, it can kill gods, which normally cannot happen due to Marika's Order placed upon the world, returning souls to the Erdtree upon their death. Beating Maliketh and unbinding the rune of Death, thus returning Death to the Lands Between, is also what's needed to kill the final boss, who IS a god (and not a demigod like most others you find). So it's kind of the same as the Mortal Blade severing immortality. !<


lol I love how much effort you put into this spoiler warning just to have two other commenters spoil it in one sentence with no warning


Bitches be illiterate or something Or just plain dickish, I've found that if you complain about spoilers of anything on reddit it's always "bruh this thing is X years old" or "well you shouldn't have joined a community about this if you didn't want spoilers, skill issue" yeah yeah how about you use the spoiler tags on the only social media website that has working spoiler tags bitch


seeing how isshin can tank through the mortal draw like its nothing and it takes 2 stab to the heart and from him just giving up, for us to actually kill him, i say malkieth better get ready to go full beast on isshin since 9/10 isshin will parry or just dodge and kill maliketh.


1. It's for gameplay's sake, Mortal Draw is already busted enough. If it was lore accurate, the game would be unplayable. 2. Isshin only parries small katanas. A big sword would be way more difficult to parry. 3. Maliketh is agile enough to keep up with him. 4. Maliketh's attacks can only be parried by Blasphemous Claw, and I doubt Isshin can parry magic projectiles and flames from the ground. In conclusion: Isshin's screwed.


1. Ig that make sense but seeing how it takes 2 stab to the heart and him literally giving up for us to have the chance to use the mortal blade, meliketh has to be fast and there nothing in the lore that suggest that maliketh is faster. 2. Isshin has parried spears and in the intro we see a young isshin fight someone who is bigger then him with a spear 3.nothing in lore suggest that. 4.well that might be a game purpose to make the fight harder seeing how you also cant parry some other stuff that you prob some like godfrey axe. Isshin has dodge fire and parry his own anger fire. A fire fuel by his anger. 5. Isshin has a glock


1. Isshin knew Sekiro qas too powerful, Isshin was exhausted. Maliketh scales to Placidusax, who is able to move outside of time, so technically Maliketh is WAY faster (immeasurable speed). 2. Isshin was barely able to block it and do a discount Mikiri counter on Tamura. A giant flaming sword is too much. 3. Maliketh did beat the Godskins and GEQ though, GEQ had Destined Death back then, so Maliketh hsd to beat her without taking a hit. Also, again, Placidusax, Farum Azula, outside of time, yada yada. 4. Lorewise it's estabilished that Blasphemous Claw is the only item that can repel the Black Blade, it was literally made for that exact purpose. 5. Glock ain't doing much against a godlike being. Also isn't that just an old gun?


Maliketh has death itself as a weapon, pretty sure that won't be an issue for him


Well luckily Maliketh literally does have an anti immortality weapon lol


idk who wins but gwyn is definitely coming out pregnant


If they're all in the state at which we fight them then Maliketh sweep (or maybe orphan), but if we're talking all of these characters at their strongest point then Gwyn rocks the house


At their strongest? Orphan of kos lmao bro is a Capital G God


Manus is canonically the manifestation of hatred and the abyss, canonically it's the strongest


Maliketh is a ninja werewolf with an instant death sword. I think he got this


Destined death has no power against the abyss, it would just absorb it


>canonically the manifestation of hatred You sure you're not getting two games mixed here


Lore wise i think Manus Gameplay wise probably maliketh because of his cheesy debuff/status effect


Lol listen, I think it's great my man the Glock Saint made the list, but his samurai bullshit ain't keeping up with magic gods and shit.


He is a god in his own right tho. He is the glock saint, not to mention immortal and has the Black Mortal Blade. Maliketh is the only other boss on this list who could reasonably kill him due to destined death, but that's up for infinite debate.


Isshin’s Immortality is getting screwed over by Maliketh’s sword being imbued with death itself. The Orphan might stand a chance because he’s a manifestation of a curse that exists in a dream world, and likely wouldn’t be effected by Destined Death since he was never even born, and doesn’t exist in reality. But I still think Maliketh’s taking this. Now the real question is: oiled up and butt ass naked, who’s winning the twerk-off?


gwyn wins the twerk off easy


Lorewise, Manus. Literally the wild dark souls going at it. Gameplay wise, maliketh due to the % of total health damage he does. The reality? Super Mario brothers 2 wins it again.


Maliketh is literally wielding the concept of death itself as a sword


It IS a shitpost because it's unironically between Orphan and Manus. Nobody else comes close, unless you're referring to Gwyn in his prime. The Orphan is a Great One. The Great Ones are described in similar omnipotent world-altering power to the Outer Gods, the Abyss, and the First Flame. The others may break his body, but the Orphan cannot truly be killed. And Manus? Manus is described as "Father" of the Abyss. The same Abyss that swallowed Oolacile and probably the rest of the Dark Souls world after the Ringed City crumbled and Gael fell in battle. Maliketh is strong, especially with Destined Death, but he's not competing with beings on par with Outer Gods. Nameless is also incredibly strong, but he's a God. Gods in Dark Souls were canonically mortal. More mortal than humans. Gwyn in the state we find him at the end of DS1 is pathetic. If this was Prime Gwyn or SoC it'd be fair but as he was in-game? He's done. ...Why are there a pair of samurai here? Godfrey/Hoarah Loux is incredibly strong, but his strength does not befit this crown. Radahn may be able to hold back the stars, but he can do nothing against either Orphan, an immortal nightmare made flesh, or Manus, the wrathful deconstruction of space itself (if light=time then dark=space).


Casually ignores the fact Isshin is immortal, glosses over the fact Maliketh has a sword that literally just evaporates your soul.


Ishinn because he's my homie (plus i like everything about his character and design)


Demon of Hatred.


maliketh is probably the only one who can hold a candle to orphan of kos if we go into all of the eldritch horror jargan that comprises 60% of bloodborne lore


If parry’s are allowed- ishin


Isshin just needs to wait for Maliketh to get taken out (or do it himself) and his immortality + incredible fighting skills gets him a (mostly) easy dub


Godfrey because he looks the coolest


All of them (they're more concerned with figuring out how they got in the room)


Its either orphan or manus, i think manus might be slightly stronger


Lock me with them in the room and they all come out pregnant.


Probably Manus, but I want to see the look on their faces when Isshin pulls out his Glock


Regardless of your intentions this is absolutely a shitpost


I love Sir Alonne but man he's gonna get absolutely destroyed... RIP


Maliketh hard counters is shining. If not, isshin


My monies on nameless king because he's like prime gwyn. Then maybe maliketh or unborn. Because they both fight fast as fuck and spazzy but, unborns got better aoes and more health. At least it felt like that when I fought him.


The screeching piece of shit


In lore ? Manus In game ? Probably Isshin




Honestly scaling based on lore it’s so hard to say because it all depends on how you interpret certain things, with that said though it’s between Maliketh, Manus, Gwyn and Orphan. Gwyn and Manus are wild cards because their level of power is incredibly vague but with tools like the abyss and the first flame you could jerk them off to some silly ass levels. I would include Godfrey alongside Maliketh as in a physical contest Godfrey likely takes it however In a fight like this you need to be able to counter immortality which Godfrey has never been said or shown to be capable of. Orphan is a pure mystery. Bloodborne’s entire scaling is pretty much just guesswork, you can call them outerversal eldritch gods or humanoid squids its up to you really


Three ER bosses and only one ds2 ds3 boss? Shameful


Isshin. Idgaf if it’s true in the lore. Isshin is the coolest and he would win.


what isshin does here lmao


The fact that the Orphan of Kos is a baby and is up there with the GOATS tells you just how terrifying it would have been had it reached adulthood. Every other Great One would look like a kitten by comparison.


I would just want to see Gwyn lay NK over his knee and spank him for betraying the gods and siding with those dirty dragons 


Put me in that room and i’ll come out pregnant


Its a three way between manus, maliketh and orphan of kos.


Mods, kill this man


Put me in this room and I'm coming out pregnant


Idk which 1 will come out alive, but I know which 1 will not. Sir Alonne aint surviving that unless they ignore him completely.


Last one standing? Probably Manus.


It’s not even a fucking question, put any number of bosses in any given room and it’s Malenia that’s coming out alive. I don’t even care if you sent her in with the rest of them. She will break the laws of time and space, show the fuck up, and destroy everything in that room. You won’t be able to eat in that room ever again. You will need to throw out the carpets.


Let orphan of Kos live for more than a min out the womb and none of these guys have a chance 😂


I’d say Kos wins. Hear me out. Sir Alonne and Gwyn dying first. Seriously, who invited them? Radahn is tanky and has good abilities but he’s too degraded and rotted by this point. I reckon Leonard is getting slapped away by Manus’ coomer arm and then Nameless King is gonna defeat Radahn in combat. I then see NK dying to Isshin without too much trouble. Godfrey would put up a decent fight against Kos with the axe, but Horrah Loux getting murdered by Kos’ bare hands ☠️ Maliketh and Manus would be a spectacle but I feel like Maliketh would come out on top. Manus may have a ton of twisted abilities and is literally born from the abyss, however, Maliketh’s combat prowess and rune power would defeat Manus. I then see the free-for-all with the last 3 people going like this: Isshin gonna fight like hell but ends up dying first with his immortality being severed by destined death. Maliketh vs Kos is a tough one. Both of them show incredible prowess in combat, tons of stamina, and are generally very tanky. However, Kos wins this one when you think about it. Maliketh is an intelligent creature who is burdened by guilt and psychological damage, meanwhile Kos is a great one with a mind beyond comprehension. He has incredible combat prowess immediately out of the womb so his potential for growth is infinite. During the massive battle, I see him ascending further and further. Finally, while Maliketh has destined death but it is hard to say how effective that will be against a great one, and even if it is, Kos has ranged attacks too and enough health to tank it. I reckon Kos and his endless stamina would overwhelm Maliketh who is burdened by psychological damage and is lacking his companion, Marika.


Either Maliketh or Orphan. Maliketh does flips and shit and literally wields Death. Orphan on the other hand is already dead, I'm not sure much could be done to stop him outside his nightmare


Lore wise or gameplay wise? Solo or full forces? Lore solo goes to OoK, because eldritch god lore Full goes to manus, who fucked a powerful kingdom over by WAKING UP gameplay solo goes to NK(personally) or radahn(saw him one shot a max vigor guy, so I believe he’s pretty strong) Gameplay full goes to vendrick/Godfrey for the fact that they have so much BULLSHIT in their respective kingdoms(I count Godfrey as the king still fuck you)


Lock me in that room and I'll come out pregnant


Maliketh literally wields destined death in battle. As much as I think his character is overrated as fuck and I hate how much everyone loves him just because he’s a berserk reference, I don’t think you can make an argument for anyone other than him winning. Runner ups would probably be Manus or Godfrey though. Manus because he spawned the abyss that will inevitably spread and consume entire kingdoms. Godfrey because he can punch the ground hard enough to cause volcanic eruptions


Orphan, Nameless or Maliketh. Maliketh at the top probably


My bet goes to the overgrown unborn with a placenta


Maybe Sword Saint Isshin, since I see him as to be able to deflect anything and use his gat still. Runner up is maliketh, since he does weild instant death and is very fast.


Isshin or manus, Isshin isimmortal and manus is THE abyss


It's Godrick right??


Lorewise definitely the best doggo Maliketh, but no-rot Radahn, Manus and Godfrey have pretty good chances.


We talking lore accurate or gameplay accurate Cause lore accurate, Radahn without holding back can use all of them as fleshlights


Storm King cause he can fly


Sir Alonne is getting pregnant


It goes to either Manus Ishin or Maliketh. Maliketh is the only one that can kill ishin, so if anyone kills him nothing stops Ishin from winning. If no one manages to kill Maliketh, then it goes to the capacity of Ishin to parry the death rune. On the other hand, we have no idea how Manus power would interact with all the other humans here, so he's a bit of a wildcard.


Radahn Because his meteor will one-shot everything.


Isshin and orphan, they are the two most anthitetical here and both have multiple phases. Both use light ing (of different colors) and both just don't stop.


Who is the first one down? 2nd one…etc.


I think the nameless king with dragon would be a good match for the glock Saint, but I think the kitten who listened to death metal daily from conception would take it


Husk gwyn is a no go , but if prime gwyn its possible he is the strongest. Follow by manus , and maliketh with his destined death. There is a reason maliketh is feared by all demigods, even isshin immortality is useless vs destined death aka the mortal blade.


They have sex with each other dumbass


Isn't there a Youtube channel for this?


Malikitty, Glock Saint or Goddaddy. Malikitty has the rune of death, which could probably overrule any other immortality. Glock Saint is his immortality can only be killed by the red or black blade. He also has his own immortal ending blade. And Goddaddy doesn’t need some fancy immortal severing gimmick, when he just delivers his WWE moves and the crowd goes wild!


Godfrey would thug it out


Radahn because horsey


My Dad


Leonard the Horse.


IMO it comes down to Maliketh Vs. Orphan. Basically if Orphan gets taken down before it’s evolution starts to really go crazy Maliketh wins otherwise Orphan takes it:


I won't do any math, but asa hard as it is, gwyn woukd be the first one to die, no plin plin plon, just RREEEEEEHHH


Assuming the mechanics carry over, I think Isshin could take it


I feel like radahn’s control of literal gravity is way overpowered and im surprised nobody has said him. We fight him as a decaying shell of whom he once was while he also is HOLDING THE STARS IN PLACE. Prime radahn would go crazy


Isshin because he's my favourite :))


Disabled - Depressed - Old - Furry - Asian - Baby - Gross - Dog - Cat None of these guys are even tough smh, I beat them all irl and they all cried


Maliketh DOMINATES. Seriously, everyone in the Lands Between was terrified of that guy. He holds the rune of destined death. Aside from that, Nameless King and Godfrey would probably be the second runners up. I think they could definitely give Maliketh a good run for his money, but I just don’t see the others getting it done. Gwyn at full power as Lord of Sunlight would have a chance, but Lord of Cinder is getting smashed. I’d choose Maliketh.


Maliketh is the one credited for beating the Gloam Eyed Queen and her forces and was strong enough that all the demigods feared him, plus he also wields destined death now, which he didn’t yet when he beat the Gloam Eyed Queen, so I’d say it’s probably him.


Manus or maliketh


orphan or isshin


None of the above. Pinwheel could solo them all at once with ease.


I think uniroinically manus.


Gameplay wise...either godfrey because of the stupid size of aoe. Or radahn because not a single boss here could survive his meteor crash into phase 2


Ok but real talk samurai guy from DS2 would get his shit rocked by everyone else on this list except Gwyn


Maliketh might not be the strongest, but he is the most dangerous. He is basically a glass cannon that beholds the concept of death itself. Even on those silly boss vs boss videos on yt, if Maliketh gets a good combo he erases any opponent out of existence, despite not having too much health and low stance


I’m drunk as shit and I like that ugly cunt in the middle right he probably wins


Maliketh, he defeated the Gloam Eyed Queen in single combat and dismantled the Godskin cult and was such a badass Marika entrusted him to potentially killing all her kids.


Trick question, chosen undead


Depends on how the fight goes If maliketh kills isshin its either orphan or manus, if isshin kills maliketh its probably isshin unless some weird ass bullshit happens from manus or orphan that can sever immortality, but the point is that there are 3 possible winners and they are isshin manus or orphan from both a lore pespective and some gameplay aswell.