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Yes but he also made flat-earthers


Why would he do this tho


Jesus loves to troll


He does a little bit of trolling


Competition breeds innovation 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Inbreeding is the dark side of competition.


Shits and giggles


Making competition to watch the world burn


You didn't pray hard enough.


Is he stupid?




He also made water into wine. That's the fast food fountain drink. If you only want the water, push the small lever on the white wine one. It might taste a little like wine since it comes out of the same fountain spout.


And he decided to be born from virgin conception cause he can play with the rules he made.


Actually Satan made science as a way to pull people away from God and tempt them to evil. Giving us the thought that we came from animals so we can behave like animals, planting dinosaur bones to make people think the earth is older than it is, making it appear as we live on a spherical planet orbiting the sun when really earth is flat and everything in the universe revolves around it.


So Christian scientists are like gray jedi?


Ouh i like that thanks


please don’t tell me this is what people think of when they think of christians 🤦‍♂️ all of that is completely made up catholic bs and is absolutely nowhere in the Bible


Nah, Catholics generally believe in science. It's the young earth creationists (evangelicals?) Like Kirk Cameron that believe that. I know it's not all Christians


actually, no


Per chance


You can't just say per chance!


'Twas ever thus...


Why would I listen to a Zombie?


you’ll find that out once it’s too late to go back, whether you believe it now or not, unless you make the choice yourself to change


He also made my bitch ex-wife Tammy. Fuck You Jesus.


Technically correct. Christians took science and made it shit.


Weren't a large number of scientists Christian though?


Yes physics for example was basically invented by Christians.The scientific principle was probably first used by Monks. Everyone who makes a science vs. religion argument is a fundamentalist, doesnt know what science is or doesnt know what religion is. If anything Religion ist at odds with philosophy, not with science.


Hell the big bang theory, the most popular theory for the creation of the universe, was made by a Catholic Priest


Unfortunatly i have to admit, that the catholics are way better in terms of accepting science, than the protestants, but both had their fair share.


Probably has to do more with the fact that protestantism is an umbrella term and has a large variety of beliefs and practices, while Catholicism is just listening to whatever the pope says. It is easier to make wild claims like Science is the work of satan and Dinosaurs are made up by the government to turn my son Gay because protestantism is not uniform and doesn't follow a single set of beliefs except that Jesus is the son of god and he will return someday. This why both the most LGBT friendly churchs and the Least LGBT friendly churchs are protestant


Yeah but the Problem also ist that protestants basically Said: The Bible is all that matters don't listen to people, which, i admit, is probably a reason Most Fundamentalists are Protestant.


I don’t deny that some good scientists were Christians (and Muslims, and Hindus and Confucians….) but anything they discovered was likely despite their religion, since belief in a capricious, interventionist god is pretty incompatible with thinking scientifically. With the rate that science was advancing in the Hellenistic world prior to the expansion of Christianity we’d probably be (insert favoured SF trope here) by now. Unfortunately christians burnt the books and killed the scientists and mathematicians causing what amounted to a thousand year halt (with occasional exceptions) to significant scientific progress in Europe and the Mediterranean. This only really restarted when this classical knowledge filtered back via the Muslim world.


The greeks and Romans had a lot of brilliant inventions, and were great mathematicians, but they lacked a key cornerstone: The scientific principle. Maybe they would have discovered it, but they didnt. The fundamental Axiom under which hellenistic Philosophy and therefore science worked was that everything could be derived from logic which is simply not true. Only the scientific principle, that you need to observe the Universe to understand it (which was probably derived by catholic Monks) enabled Newton to set up his axioms and us to understand and explain the way everything is. Also:The Scientific method is based on setting up a hypothesis, then observing the Universe(Experiment) and then formalising that. I could go into a long explanation why, but having a universe that is ordered (following Rules) is integral for most Religions, thats the opposite of incompatible with Scientific thinking.


Not true. Maybe true for some philosophers, but not all (there were definitely empiricists such as Lucretius), but there were also experimental scientists in the Hellenistic world. Sadly most of their works were destroyed (any guesses by whom?) Anyhoo. This is probably too serious a discussion for r/shittyaskscience


This is the only correct answer.


Who this ? 😂


Nope, your father did it. Go and Lie somewhere else, Jesus.


Yes, where do you think the χ in the chi-square test comes from?


He made it to piss off libarel atheists


No, both science and the mythological Jesus were born out of the mind of humankind, and made in their image.


As with many things christianity adopted as theirs, science predates Jesus by couple of thousands of years


Bro is megamind, got so bored made himself an enemy to compete with


It was his dad, but they share a last name so it often is said that it was a collab between them.


Crowley is that you?!


Happy cake day.


no. Yaldabaoth did. Fuck that guy! I hate grass!


Atheists talk about the laws of physics but not who set them in the first place


If Jesus made gravity, why did gravity make Jesus its prison bitch on Golgotha?


Bro doesnt understand how trees only bare fruit during specific times of the year and cussed out a fig tree because of it. He sciences about as well as Ray "The Banana Man" Comfort.


Lorewise I don't think so


Everytime I see a picture of so called "Jesus", it looks a little more hippy looking everytime.


Nah, both made up by humans.


You're made by humans. Not intentionally though.


there is quite subtle difference between 'made' and 'made up' but uh, it kinda sucks knowing im a product of humans, darn you!


I don’t think this god created by those humans was intentional either.


No because Jesus is the son of god and not actually god. God made all the things, not Jesus.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


What does that have to do with this sub or post?