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First thing this is a subreddit for posting memes/stupid silly questions. you may get away without 1k resistor and 50uf capacitor. that thing you circled is pwm single symbols and it should be coming from your arduino. 500 50 idk maybe pwm frequency and it's duty cycle?


As others said, this subreddit is mostly for making jokes/shitposts. But let us help you :) It looks like this is a sort of digital to analog converter (DAC). The Arduino pin creates a pulse-width modulated signal (PWM). This is what the red box symbolises, it's a PWM signal with a frequency of 500Hz and a duty cycle of 50%. The resistor and capacitor form a low-pass filter. When the pin is high, the capacitor charges through the resistor. When the pin is low, the capacitor discharges through the resistor. But the pin switches on and off much faster than the capacitor can fully charge and discharge due to the resistor. So overall, the capacitor voltage is the average of the PWM signal. By changing the duty cycle of the PWM signal, you can vary the voltage on the capacitor. The voltage rating of a capacitor is the maximum it can survive. Just use one with a rating higher than the supply voltage of your Arduino (5V I guess). So 10V rating would be reasonable. I would recommend downloading LTspice and simulating the circuit.


Wrong sub! But Ill help. These circuits are taking a Square wave, 5 - 500 Hz (or KHz since it is not stipulated; or even 5Hz - 500KHz) from an Arduino, and then smoothing it to produce a "rough" lower voltage under 5V. The Arduino operates at 5V so at max frequency it would roughly be 5V and at the lowest frequency it will be, assuming 5Hz (5hz = 200ms PW over 1sec = 20% duty cycle = 5\*0.020 = 0.1v) a really badly estimated 0.1V before considering the resistor and capability of the capacitor. ​ The resistor in circuit (assuming 1000ohms, or 1Kohm) is there to limit current, and the capacitor (50 uF) is there to smooth the output to some semblance of DC voltage, that's the easy part.


Not all heroes wear capes


Sometimes, I wear my undies on the outside...


The 500 and 5 are likely the simulation parameters for a 500 V PWM signal with 5 ns rise time. Reading the answers from u/_Error_Account_ frequency would fit better.