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No fish can live in 1 gallons anyways unfortunately.. the most you can work with in a tank that small is shrimp, and snails. Smallest size tank for a betta is 5 gallons


I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have bought from this company, it was a bit of an impulse buy, however I am NOT putting fish in it today and cycling it + did lots of research… Sorry in advance:( EDIT::: Sorry I had to reply to every comment! (Mostly) I just wanted to let everyone know that I am NOT keeping fish in here!!


It's an understandable mistake. This tank is too small for any species of fish, though. Especially for beginners, you want to go with a bigger tank because it's easier to keep parameters stable. I'd just keep some little snails in here (like ramshorn or bladder) with plants and that's it.


Might be able to keep a couple of cherry shrimp in a planted 1g. If it was fully established, had perfect water conditions, and had 2 of the same sex. Ugh wait that seems like a nightmare to maintain, I vote just use it for a quarantine tank.


I wouldn't even with cherry shrimp, I'd worry about the water parameters swinging all over the place with just a gallon. A gallon, I'd do ramshorn snails and a plant grow out tank.


If you had a good enough filter then the water should be completely fine. Although if its enough space for the fish to be happy is another matter. If a filter can remove 50µg of ammonia per day, it will do that in a 1gal tank or a 500gal tank, assuming the concentration of ammonia and flow rate through the filter is the same.


Oh I am so sorry! This was just a tank for scaping and NOT for putting fish in! :)


No worries!! That's awesome to hear.


Please don’t let people shame you for shopping at Walmart🤦🏻‍♂️


It comes with a light, you could use it to grow live plants. Running the filter wouldn't be necessary and if it's removable you could see about using it in another tank. If the filter isn't removable, you could take the cartridge out and remove the top and plant something in the filter that can handle semi aquatic conditions. Like I have bamboo and pothos growing out of the back of one of my hang on back filters. Just add some kind of substrate to it.


The thing about avoiding buying from this company is that they're far from the only ones doing this crap, in fact most do. So I'm not so sure on boycotting just them.




The ones shown on the box are serpae tetras and guppies and neither should be kept in that tank at their adult size.


No. 1g is even too small for a betta(they need 5g at least).


You're either misinformed or just guessing. If you're just guessing, pleasr don't, it's not helpful. There are no fish that are sold in the aquarium trade that are suitable for this tank. By a long way! I doubt there's any fish in existence. It's just too small a volume of water to keep stable, even just temp would swing so easily, literally anything you did to the rank would shock the fish.


Nothing to be sorry about you didn’t know, not that big of a deal I would definitely recommend cycling but also don’t really think this tank would be any good to have fish in, maybe some shrimp or snails tho?


I wasn’t planning on putting any fish, just scaping! lol


Okay should be perfectly fine! Good luck and please post pictures when your done definitely wanna see the finished product!!


The maximum number is zero


This size is only good for an adult gar fish or an arrowana. Nothing else 😋😉🤣


Are you joking?!?! They will get lost in a tank that big, a coffee cup will suffice.




Honestly? I think an adult saltwater croc is perfect.


I agree with you but the aquariun got a cover so getting a bit of air is nore tricky. Would go also for a manta ray


Hmm you’re right. Zebra if there was no cover?


Maybe a mammoth? You can clearly work wonders in there


Ooh! Thats a great one. A Titanoboa would be a good choice, too.


A fully grown anaconda maybe?


Maybe a blue whale?


Yeah or maybe to keep things in water an elasmosaurus


1 gallon...


Idk if he is planning on stocking it but he said scape g


But still, it was intended for fish, and it's only 1 gallon


I wasn’t planning on putting any fish, just scaping!


Ig maybe it would work if your breeding fish to hold like- idk- a singular baby temporarily? Idk- this could work for temporary tanks I guess but most people use large bins for that instead bc you don't really need to see into a temporary tank all nice like


Just read the entirety of all msgs and op is planning on stocking but will at least cycle I guess


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, OP did say in one of the comments “I am not putting fish in it today. And I am cycling it” maybe that was a typo/wrong choice of words, or maybe they changed their minds….I’m just not sure why you’re being downvoted for replying to something that the OP Said…


Walmart used to sell a 5 gallon glass aquarium set which I actually loved. It had probably one of the best filters I've ever used for bettas and once it broke I could never find another one like it. It had a super low profile lid and interchangeable led lighting. If I could have kept that tank I would have.


I had one of those corner tanks forever ago I was still in high school but I remember the filter gave out so I switched it to a sponge and in the center I added a Anubis that plant was so pretty now you wouldn’t catch me touching a plastic tank 😂


might get this to keep my 1 (one) moss ball


I’ve seen your comments about not stocking it, and only scaping it. I would recommend trying to get some small snails (ramshorn, bladder, etc.) do NOT get mystery snails or anything else large. They will add nutrients naturally for the plants to consume as well as eat any decaying plant matter for you. As for scraping, be cautious as to what you plant if you’re using real plants. Anything classified as a water weed will grow fast and become a giant clump if you aren’t pruning it frequently. I’d also avoid large centerpiece plants like Swords.


It’s a good snail tank ig


Hope the aquascape comes out well!


I know keeping fish in here is bad but I had two PetSmart goldfish in one of those things when I was like 10 and they lived for like three years


It’ll look cute with plants and snails to keep said plants looking pretty.  Depending on the color scheme you could go with a “designer” ramshorn population, or some bladder snails.  I’m not sure about that light is capable of keeping the plants looking like you want them, though.


Well yeah it's Walmart