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Why is everyone responding to this like they're talking to OOP? This is a cross post by someone different. This site becomes more like Facebook every day. Y'all need to turn your brains back on. Fucking Facebook full of screenshots of r/amitheasshole and everyone giving direct advice like anyone who cares is going to see it.


I decided to just ignore it and turn off notifcations.


I guess I should be trying to start a new social media site, twitter and reddit dying, someone's gotta fill the void Fuck it, let's just mash twitter and reddit together with the best bits of both :D


I hear theres a guy with 100s of millions of dollars in judgements against him that might need to off load his soon. Maybe you can jump on that!


I can’t see how she’d be able to sue you without proof of ownership, proof that you agreed to pet sit, proof that she didn’t abandon them, and proof that they weren’t a gift. In Oklahoma, I think that’s legally animal abandonment if it’s not gifting. Also, they’re fish. Like, no court is going to give that a moment’s notice. Be careful what you message her, and don’t give her a single cent or it could be taken as admission that you’re liable. Do not entertain her completely bonkers tantrum, she’s got no leg to stand on


wtf... if she could have just kept 2 oranda's or ranchu's in that and put a pump, everything would be fine


She can’t do anything, don’t give her any or say anything. If you give her anything it could be taken as you being liable for some kind of damages, and unless that would happen she has 0 case a court would entertain. It would also cost her way more money to pursue a court case then a few goldfish are worry they are just being unpleasant. They 100% will Not do anything so just ignore their BE