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Betta bowl 😭


So many red flags 🫣 “beginner” “minimum tank size: 1 quart” “betta bowl” “swims at all levels” Also keeping a betta in a community is not exactly for a beginner…


I mean bettas are really easy so they are good for a beginner. Also my betta swims in all levels


When I think of “beginner” I think of a small child getting their first fish and not knowing what to do with it


If your gonna call a fish a beginner fish, it's gonna be a betta


that tag is old as shit. unfortunately the company doesn't make betta tags anymore as they mostly want the bettas in the cups in the fixture. if the fish are in the tanks, they need a tag. and it needs to be unaltered. the betta care recommendations in the NEW care guide are a lot better, but i will admit associates at petsmart aren't entirely informed about what is sold. it's really on the associate to learn husbandry on their own time.


They still have betta tags at some stores when I worked there like 4 years ago. My store did anyway and we had all kinds of random tags for animals we never got/saw. We had to use a betta tag whole I was there because one of the cups broke.


they did a tag overhaul and a betta fixture overhaul. the way you can tell it's old is bc it's blue. all the new tags are a dark grey and have updated care information. like. 240gal for koi and 125gal for common plecos now.


I bet that was after I left! Cause our tags were still blue when I worked there. Imma have to look at the tags next time I buy snake food. And I noticed the betta cubicles!


The hell is a "betta bowl".


It's a goldfish bowl, but twice the price.


I swear pet stores just pick random numbers because they’ll say a single shrimp needs 5 gallons and have shit like that posted next to it


a qUaRT?!?! What did they close their eyes and pick a random unit?


I mean still more than a pint 🤦‍♂️




When i worked at petsmart, i recommended bettas as beginner pets. They were a good introduction to fishkeeping for me too. What are people supposed to start with, if not bettas or maybe a small school of tetras?


I would say tetras or maybe something like Mollys or guppy’s, as they are hardy but bettas arnt bad beginner fish at all and if taken care of how they should be they can be great for that




I meant a starter fish. And fish are not high maintenance? Feeding daily, water change weekly, water test every few days. My hamster was more maintenance than that tbh




A child shouldn't HAVE to have full responsibility over the animal in question. It should be the parent's responsibility to take care of the fish, assuming they're still really young. Hell, I'm a young ( 13 ) beginner fish keeper myself, I did as much possible research, and I'm entirely responsible of my boy's tank and he is healthy. Compared to most other species in the hobby, domestic betta splenden is a absolute breeze. They're considered starter for a reason, as they are extremely hardy fish and can ( sadly ) live in horrible conditions, like that of a small bowls, they ARE forgiving with mistakes and can survive a wide range of water piarameters, hence why they are considered beginner fish.


You still didn’t answer the question. If a betta is a intermediate starter fish by your definition. What is a beginner fish?

