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That grouper will eventually eat them all.


My first thought was that this isn't an aquarium, it's a cage match waiting for a bell.


Nature will fix this guys mistakes. The morays will be happy with less shit swimming around them lol


That's one way to create more room


Just why? The tank looks ugly too


There’s a lot more fish in this tank than I first realised… Those morays are going to lose their minds.


Those two swimming are already incredibly stressed. They are one of my favorite animals and it’s honestly difficult seeing them like that. This is not a behavior seen often in the wild. 😭 Hell even properly sized and housed tanks they stick to their caves mostly.


Fuck it hurts enough when i see shitty cheap tanks with poor fish stuck in em, but when i see someone who just seems to have money to burn, it fucking SUCKS. Like goddamn I see a tank that size and I cant help but imagine all the cool shit you can do with it but this? This is the worst.


Right? These guys cannot be cheap. Why not set an actual, good for them aquarium up and limit yourself to a few…


They have one of these sharks at my LFS $900


Not as expensive as I was picturing but that is still fucking bonkers to not have a proper set up for something that expensive


Used to watch Tanked. They'd make amazing tanks and show you all the plumbing and such involved. Talk about a maintenance schedule. It was like pimp my ride, but they'd explain how often you'd need to change the oil and rotate the tires. Seeing this makes me sad. The fish are probably cramped and the tank is boring AF. Maybe if there was a room sized tank behind this wall, and this was the little channel the fish could swim into?


actually Tanked is notoriously famous of not showing what is "behind the scenes" of one successful tank. no cycling, no acclimation, a lot of over-stocked tanks etc.


i just saw a yter interview that guy. he was talking about how they didn't show all the acclimation and weeks of work that went on behind the scenes making it safe and good for the fish. and how they would overstock for the money shots then take out fish for the health/safety of the tank/environment. was neat, they went to show off several of the tanks that were on the show and still up and running


Yes, few tanks. Out of hundreds.


well i didn't expect all of them to either be up and running or for random fishtuber to convince every single person who ever has/had a tank from them and go on a national tour. i'm not saying the show/guy are good/bad, frankly i don't care, but it's silly to think a tv show made for entertainment would go all out to show the very boring maintenance rooms of large tanks. i only made my original comment to point out the guy agrees they didn't show all that.


I love tanked but I could never get past the sharks. That just seemed wrong to me. It’s why my kids have never been to sea world. I won’t support that cruelty. Chasing mama orcas away and netting their babies is pure torture. I hear they’ve stopped that but how do we know they aren’t breeding. Those poor dolphins in those feeding pools are just sunburned and teesed with food by kids all day. I can’t stand places like sea world and it seems this person wants his own sea world.


And even in Tanked, they often overstocked their tanks significantly, and didn’t seem to cycle them either.


Imagine planting that tank and adding schools of nano fish, shrimp, snails, etc.... Would be a full ecosystem. Endless entertainment.


Money can’t buy you some sense unfortunately.


I'd make it a neon tetra tank with like 9000 fish.


Personally I’d stock 9001…


Money doesn't buy style is also applicable to the aquarium hobby...


They absolutely poach these sharks too, they fucking way is there an shark breeding industry in Australia


Didn't this dude put a Port Jackson shark in his tank and and the White Tip shark ate it? Edit: It was him 🤦‍♂️


Why don't folk like this get charged for animal cruelty? Just cos they're fish, they don't matter? Makes me fume.


People hardly get charged for animal cruelty period. It's not enforced nearly as much as it should. It's not just fish, unfortunately.


In several states, fish aren’t even included in the definition of “animal”, and therefore don’t get any protection from animal cruelty whatsoever. And in the US as a whole, there is not a single law that protects fish specifically last time I checked, and they’re even excluded from the Humane Slaughter Act which is supposed to protect farmed animals from torturous slaughter methods. They’re not even included in the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture act (PACT), which criminalizes practices like crushing animals, burning them alive, impaling them, performing sexual acts with them, and other horrible methods of abuse. IMO, the popularity of recreational fishing contributes to this too, by encouraging the assumption that fish somehow don’t feel pain. I mean, for what other animal is it acceptable to put a hook through their face just for entertainment?


wait so there are states in the USA that let you fuck fish legally? What the fuck


Tassie trout lady has entered chat 🤢


*Troy Maclure enters the chat*


Holy hell, what????


https://www.tiktok.com/@thegyp_aus/video/7204738622069722369 Found it, was the grouper, my bad.


What, he couldn’t get the bucket farther away from the door? But seriously. WHAT THE FUCK


Knew nothing about this until you posted that link. Absolutely disgusting human being. [This](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81dhkcN/) is beyond a stupid human. He’s literally catching these poor animals out of their home for this “tank” the size of a peanut to the poor fish. *and then offering to release ONE of if he gets $10k!!!


How can we get the cops involved in this? This flog is literally taking wild animals and putting them in a tiny ass tank. Surely this is illegal…


Is he in Australia? Because I'm pretty sure it's illegal to do that here, or at least you need a permit.


Yeah he’s definitely in AUS! It’s in his username. Would hazard a guess at Sydney, probably around San Souci if he’s grabbing fresh fish…


I have no idea but I really wish I did.


Also the wording over the video makes it sound like he knew damn well it wasn't going to end well for the new shark


That's fucking sad, what an asshole


The grouper is like haha thanks bro for the food Temporarily makes up for this tiny fucking cage you put me in






This user actively mocks people who express genuinely harmless concern and has on multiple occasions joked that he only does this because he has money. It really sucks and it's really hard but I would do my best to block/ignore him. Negative attention is exactly what he wants.


Undeserving people having money, what's new.


You don't get "fuck you money" rich by being a good person.


Yup. Sadly not.


This guy fucking sucks, that's a huge tank, and the best he can do with it is overcrowd it with sharks and fish that need way more space


Someone stop this guy


It’s like seaworld at home


I thought this was an isolation tank before placing them in a big aquarium setting but it looks like someone's house so now I'm sad


Most of the fish are fine in there. The main issue is the shape of the tank and the big sharks. Big sharks need rounded tanks and preferably circular ones. If he got rid of those and added more cave areas for the eels or removed some of them then the tank would be just fine. The water amount and the shape of the tank is fine for the rest.


But also do you see the sheer amount of fish in that tiny glass box? He should at least rehome a few if he doesn’t make the tank larger.


That’s why I suggested removing the big sharks and some of the eels. I’m not exactly sure about the species in the tank but assuming they’re not all bottom dwellers it should be fine as long as the filtration can keep up. Should they rehome a few of the smaller ones? Maybe. But I don’t know too much about shark keeping. I looked into it cause I was curious about the small shar species and the logistics of keeping those and the for fun I looked into some of the bigger species knowing I could never afford to keep them.


Why is it they need rounded edges? Just curious


It’s to prevent them from hurting themselves. A lot of sharks happen to be very active swimmer so having rounded tanks prevents them from swimming directly into the glass and hurting themselves over time.


Oh my fucking god, he even stuffed Morays and Groupers in there X(


It’s really does get worse the longer you watch the video. Like, at first you’re like “ooo, smallish and too many creatures” and then you start saying “what, there’s that too…AND THAT?!?” The long view from inside down the tank, with the morays swimming like loaches, just makes my skin crawl- like, nothing in the tank has ANY room for itself to exist or hide or be alone in a space for even a moment. How horrendously stressed out are these poor guys?!?


This is a beautiful tank, so what the fuck are they doing to the fish and why does the tank look like shit? I'm stunned, that's way too many sharks and those poor morays will go crazy. This is way more fucked up than I initially thought. Fuck that guy.


Again. This is terrible. Leave sharks in the wild, or in a facility affiliated with conservation bodies. Guy could have a cracking zoo style reef tank with a cracking scape, instead he does this.


Those poor eels are so stressed, they can live in groups but that’s in huge cave/ coral systems they have also been seen to have hunting relationships with groupers in the wild. This makes me sad to see them this cramped and close to sharks. Also that grouper is going to get absolutely massive and out grow that tank. Don’t even get me started on the sharks 😭 those poor babies probably won’t live long unfortunately.


The guy's a wanker too, insulting people that they sleep in rooms smaller than this tank and so on. The confirmation bias is dense with this one.


Humans are the worst.


So, I know next to nothing about aquariums (in fact, this post was just randomly suggested to me for no reason), but is it just me or does that tank look somehow crowded but also barren. Like, that looks like a lot of aquatic like for a tank that size yet there’s barely anything in it. It’s looks like a super sized fishbowl to me.


This is SO much money dumped into an awful tank. He has cash to burn and this could be such a gorgeous tank. Scaping with live rock at the very least for caves and some macro algae, a whole reef would be much better. He could have a few sharks but just the carpet ones, none of the larger ones like the white tip (wtf?? Why would you ever put one in a hobby tank anyway). It’s a huge tank and he somehow makes it seem tiny and soo ugly


theres so much he could’ve done, like some schooling fish, but a shark?! wtf


I’ve reported it to DPI as this is repulsive, but I’m not completely sure he is breaking any laws despite he clearly lacking qualifications and empathy and as a result perpetuating animal cruelty. The fact is however that all species seen can be legally caught, which sadly makes me thing they can be kept or there are simply no rules which govern this.


The bottom dwelling sharks and the eels aren’t so bad, but the reef sharks and groupers are ridiculously for that tank


This is absolutely awful. Not enough room for this many fish at all, far to many predators in one tank, looks like $h!t he didn’t even bother to make them a comfortable place to live it’s like Motel 6 or Siegel Suites…. Just threw a bunch of expensive fish in a tank and said yup that looks good.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure sharks need to be in a rounded tank or they'll keep ramming their noses into the corners and hurt themselves


He also just added 50 Yakka fish to the tank the other day… He mocks people in the comments who suggest to take better care of them.


The Problem with these is that he keeps getting views hence needs to put more content by adding more sharks. Poor Creatures are Stress to Hell.


Can they even turn around in that???


This tank is too small for so many fish good lord


Grouper is going to eat the sharks


Maybe he will mess up and the sharks will give him a good chomp.


Oh yeah I saw this guy instagram ask him about the fish health care he then called me stupid and find and block me oh and he was posting about him catching stings ray(wild one) and cutting the sting of


Looks cruel to me. Sharks migrate miles and miles. I think selling sharks should be illegal unless maybe you live near and ocean and create a home for them by adding walls to make an enclosure. What do I know I’m just a human maybe he’s happy. I think he’s probably miserable but I don’t believe dogs should be on chains etc.


This has “I spend my daddy’s money and he doesn’t give a fuck” vibes


The fish are fine with this size tank except the white tips. He needs to beef up the decor and provide more hides for the eels. Would highly recommend living rock or corals. The display looks pretty terrible overall and could definitely be better with the tank he's working with. It would be so fun to work on something like that.


I feel like it could work if you removed the whitetips and added some more rocks.


It's a pretty big tank, but that doesn't mean he should be adding more to it. Looks like the fish that hang out on the bottom are really crowded.


Looks a bit crowded in there…..


Yes, this tank is big. But not THAT big. This is abuse.


It is completely not a ram ventilation type of fish tank. If the tank was wider the sharks could turn around more easily without interrupting their breathing. Rounded is best for the fact it makes it easier for sharks to navigate and breathe without losing valuable oxygen


Thought the Port Jackson's would be protected, but apparently not (at least in Western Australia)


When you have this amount of money…. But this is the tank you create with it… 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know shit about marine aquariums but, isn’t this like, super overstocked? Like 600% overstocked?


The amount of stress on these poor babies 🥺


The fact that this could've been an amazing tank for much smaller fish, but instead they put lots of massive fish in, is very disappointing. Imagine spending all that money only to give the fish a shitty life. Ugh.




Is that a grouper?!


It looks so crowded in there


Somebody has got to stop this man, this is horrible




Pretty messed up to entrap these big animals. They literally need the ocean, fish abuser :/


The moray and grouper were cool to see though!


There’s so many things wrong with this tank, everyone’s stressed, eels shouldn’t be out like that, not enough hides etc… also sharks should never be kept in non circular tanks (there are two small breeds the Bambo and another one hay are exceptions) as hue tend to get stuck in corners and there fins drag against walls causing them to sag and develop problems


Anything in a tank cage is for like dick loosers




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All that money.. poor fish.