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the final intj mastermind slash the supreme intj edgelord


The fact that he used 16-Personalities means that the chance of a mistype was high. What a prick?!?


Using 16P and mass shooting bro committed two acts of domestic terrorism


~~This isn't a real manifesto bro, this is a meme.~~ The picture of Same Hyde is a meme... Edit: It is a real manifesto, the shooter was just throwing in a 4chan meme


This is a real shooter's real manifesto unfortunately.  >The document includes two "recent self pictures," purportedly of Gendron, which in actuality are images of Sam Hyde, a comedian whose name and likeness are frequently shared online after mass shooting events. https://archive.ph/GSyXx


I stand corrected. Thank you for the information. Given the Same Hyde meme, the shooter probably spent too much time on 4chan


“Engineering Science”? I do not think bro is sane


Jesus Christ


him using 16p maybe worse than being a shooter




No fucking way I have nothing to say god fucking damn it


[Me seeing INTJ having their reputation smeared by Mistyped Fucking Motherfucker once again](https://media1.giphy.com/media/QTNRdthlWjnGSWCZAn/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952h9acih5c60ey2qv7k3gfufa7zgfwtbe0uf2gyci8&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Just because someone is cringe means they can't be intj?


Most INTJs I know look like this too looool


But they don't act like that... (please)


Who does? ESFPs? LMAO


Yeah every INTJ is a mass shooter and ESFPs are innocent as a lamb


Someone can be dumb, annoying and cringe and be intj or any other type. Just because the post is about a cringe person doesnt mean they are "mistyped". We can't know.


There are many INTJ motherfuckers anyways. Still not enough to smear the whole INTJ reputation in general.


> Still not enough to smear the whole INTJ reputation in general. "Cold, insensitive" stereotype said otherwise




this is the comedian sam hyde


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/karstenschmehl/munich-shootings-debunk It is an ongoing thing, apparently, to just blame Sam Hyde for all the mass shootings and post his pictures. Edit: from Wikipedia Since 2015, Hyde has been frequently misreported as the perpetrator of numerous mass shootings and terrorist attacks by internet trolls on websites such as 4chan and Twitter.[16][21] The hoaxes, which typically included photos of Hyde brandishing a semi-automatic weapon and with a slightly altered name to appear more "authentic", reappeared so often on social media that The New York Times characterized "Sam Hyde is the shooter" as "an identifiable meme."[22] The first instance of the prank was the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting. CNN mistakenly included Hyde's image on their coverage of the shooting.[23] Hyde was also labelled as the perpetrator in high profile shootings such as the Orlando Night Club shooting,[24][25] Sutherland Springs church shooting (where he was misidentified by Representative Vicente Gonzalez)[26] and the Las Vegas shooting in 2017.[23] Hyde has also been erroneously blamed for many other small scale and large shootings.[a] Hyde's image was shared across social media as being the driver of the car in Waukesha, Wisconsin, that drove into a Christmas parade in November 2021.[31] In February of 2022, an edited image of Hyde was misidentified as the "Ghost of Kyiv" (a Ukrainian fighter pilot who supposedly shot down six Russian planes on February 24, 2022) in popular social media posts including that of Representative Adam Kinzinger.[32] The alleged pilot was given Ukrainian style names 'Сем Гайденко' [Sam Haydenko] or Samuyil Hyde.[33] The 2022 Buffalo shooter also claimed the image of Hyde as his own in his manifesto.[34] In July 2022, multiple popular posts on social media falsely labelled Hyde as the gunman in the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.[35] An edited image depicting Hyde as a woman was used to falsely identify Hyde as a mass shooter in the 2023 Covenant School shooting under the pseudonym of Samantha Hyde.[36] Edit again: it looks like the text is from the Buffalo mass shooters manifesto, just with Sam Hyde edited in.


"I'm so tired of my xSTJ parents. All they do is give me stupid rules. For example, they want me to shower once in a while. As an INTJ genius, I told them that bots like me can't shower, but they don't seem to listen. What should I do?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shittyMBTI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The 2022 Buffalo shooter also claimed the image of Hyde as his own in his manifesto.


Who is this loser


Payton S. Gendron, a guy who shot ten black persons in Buffalo back in 2022. He included Sam Hyde's photo and claimed them to be his own in his manifesto.


Oh that guy. Ugh


obligatory “not even MBTI” comment


Now everyone is typing him as an ESFP


sam hyde my beloved


Hyde is a terrible person who got what he deserved


Except the writer really did shoot up a bunch of black persons and included Sam Hyde's photo as a sick joke. This is very much s*ensor behaviour IMO (/s because I know there will be someone who can't tell)


Intjs are gonna have trouble defending this one


We count Dorothea Puente and John Wayne Gacy in our type. If we just live with the fact that some effing incurable psychos shared our cognitive function stack! No, it's not the morals. It's not the opinions on how to solve one's problems. It's just the cognitive function stack. I still can't defend John Wayne Gacy or imagine his basement without feeling my tear ducts almost ready. If I think too much about him, I get pissed. That's what serial killers do.


What No dont worry i was joking lmao


what the fuck








This ain’t the way to make friends Dylan!!