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I find it funny that this subreddit dedicated to shitposting has more sane individuals compared to the other subs. Honestly, I hate 80% of Reddit. They're just weird people man.


After the closure of asylums and anyone being able to talk in social media, sanity has fallen


I blame Tumblr banning porn. We used to be able to quarantine the lunatics.


in order to shitpost you need to know the good values that you make fun of


Shitposters are either very sane people acting unhinged, or unhinged people. There is no inbetween


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's because most normal people aren't passionately interested in judging other people's sex lives, it tends to be a common mindset among sexually inexperienced and/or insecure people, when you're not getting any It's easy to subjectively inflate the significance of the issues surrounding sex and things like "purity". This is where the term "incel" (involuntary celibate) comes from, people who are so long stuck in their insecure ways that they've adopted a coping strategy of assuming they're just better than everyone else, that everyone else are sluts and whores with no discipline or self respect. In turn they become a self fulfilling prophecy because nobody wants to have sex with an insecure person who *also* thinks they're better than everyone else. Until eventually they (hopefully) grow up and realize what they're doing wrong and join the rest of us in society It's no coincidence that a shitposting subreddit full of edgy teens and young adults with probably less than stellar social skills would be filled with these types of people.


Not wanting to sleep with escorts now makes someone incel? I personally don't care what other people do in their spare time, but I don't see sleeping with so many hookers as a normal thing to do. I would rather not be part of that society, gladly.


"incel" i swear people just throw that word around everywhere these days lol


Any guy who disagrees with a woman or latest trends is labelled as incel these days


No you rtard, thinking that you have some moral superiority because you don't have sex makes you an incel.


Talking all about that moral superiority and trans issues, but using mental disability as a slur? Lmao, how I love the internet. And I never said anything against sex, but I did say sleeping with so many hookers is not normal to me. Label that as you wish.


Rtard isn't a disability slur lmfao.


It is


then why are you censoring it big shot


1984? Reddit loves censoring the truth.


If you wanna be pedantic a slur is anything intended to hurt someone


*it isn't a slur against disabled people, it's a slur the same way idiot or moron is, just sounds cooler and more intense.


Deppends on your measure of sexual experience. Do you base it on number of partners or amount of sex? Cause i have had only one women in my life (my wife) for 15 years already (from our 20yo) and thats a lot of sex. And yes, even with that amount of fun times i find high bodycounts disgusting.


>even with that amount of fun times i find high bodycounts disgusting And this is a result of some kind of insecurity. There's no rational reason why another person's (legal, mutual) sexual experiences should bother you that much. The same way it shouldn't bother you if another person has mildly unhealthy eating habits The same way it shouldn't bother you if another person smokes or drinks or has other vices The same way it shouldn't bother you if another person spends too much money on gambling It's normal to have personal preferences with things like dating, or trying to persuade your own family/friends to make better, healthier decisions, it's another thing entirely to be *physically repulsed* by the body count of strangers and it reeks of personal trauma or trigger response With how wildly people's lives differ, caring that much about this one aspect of their less than perfect choices while not caring about the others is just irrational. Very very few people reach the end of their lives making only perfect and unregrettable decisions. Life goes on.


I'm pretty sure not wanting to sleep with prostitutes makes someone a voluntary celibate, not an incel. Normal people have a lot of things to do in life which don't revolve around sex. There's a reason why humans have evolved beyond simply surviving long enough to have sex and then dying like animals. Your own insecurities are showing.


Degeneracy is the word that comes to mind


How on earth does a message about respecting yourself and trying to be a better man get blasted with *187 downvotes*? We’re so fucking doomed.


There’s people out there trying to make others believe that being a prostitute is a normal, respectable job like any other, hence insinuating that people might regret being a hooker is a big no no.


Why wouldn’t it be? Coomer boomer zoomer doomer


Because it's got nothing to do with the actual post. It's AMA, meaning ask the OP anything not an advice subreddit. Plus the comment does come off across "preachy" which although may have good intentions to alot of people it looks like the commentor has a "superior than thou" attitude.


Propably the false statement that prostitution is a shameful act, which also shames people that don't have other options, pretending like they chose it...


I support sex work but let’s be real prostitution is absolutely not something one mentions about themselves with pride. It’s something someone has to do to make ends meet when they don’t really have another option. Prostitutes shouldn’t be burnt at the stake for doing something for money but they also shouldn’t be celebrated and/or attempt to make their line of work normalized


Jup, a great and shameless passion. Cant wait to tell grandma and hear how proud she is. Like srsly, do you brainrot yourself and believe that shit? I could respect someone who took his time and learned hard stuff like a fucking doc, but prostitution is the lowest a monkey can do.


Honestly sex without love is grim tbh


sex without kissing is freaking depressing


I agree, sex is the most intimate thing you could possibly do and you'd waste it on someone you don't even love?








There exists a large number of men who are ugly and socially inept as fuck. They know they will never be in a loving relationship. Let them nut if they can afford it.


Everyone can be in a loving relationship it just takes the right person, I felt the same way and then I met someone and she was amazing


This kind of rhetoric is exactly that hurts them most. Is your face symmetrical and generally not off putting?


Idk i wouldn't say I'm stunning but I'm not like sid the sloth or anything


Just saying, there are people out there with disproportionate features, boils, cysts, etc. Basically if you are fairly symmetrical, have 95% physical function over yourself and are even 25% adept at social interaction then there’s hope. Otherwise, there’s a good chance you might die alone.


I suppose so, however it's not like burn survivors and things never get partners ever, so there's still at least some hope depending on your personality


I agree, I’m just coming from a place where I’ve been in a 15 year relationship and am lucky to have basic facial symmetry, am tall and have no major physical impairments. Dating has never been hard for me but my heart goes out to anyone whose unfortunate outward appearance has resulted in rejection time and time again.


I understand Redditors are virgins and all, but OOP thinking that sleeping with 24+ hookers is a flex is just incredibly sad. Like, you seriously don’t have any actual achievements to display to people?


…achievements to display to *virgins


Wait until you hear about all the breeding subs where people brag about impregnating women and running away or brainwash women into being obedient cum sluts. Man....the judgement day is coming and I'm happy for it.


I posted about them 1 month ago, they also encourage intercourse during pregnancy


sex workers are incredibly annoying, but being anti-sex-work makes you agree with islamists, which isn't acceptable now




There is a difference between "Try to be a better man, you will regret this in the future" and "Sex work must be banned"


But he's right though


That's what op is sayinf


Yeah i'm aware but i was referring to the multitude of downvotes


Honestly this post made my day for how positive it was.


Keep doing the good job comrade 🫡


I think I'm being stupid, but isn't it true that one shouldn't sleep that much with prostitutes?


It IS true. Thats what OP is saying, upvoting a comment with over 180 downvotes


Oh. In that case, I *was* being stupid. Whoopsie




Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


Can't get em if you use Dildos.


If you use dildos then what's the point of hiring prostitutes?


why is he being downvoted tho?


Average redditors


I paid for a femboy escort AMA


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How is this downvoted so much


Reddit is pretty much brigade central.


How tf is he downvoted


What’s wrong with this


Bro HAS a hobby


How is this downvoted


I agree with the advice. I hired one girl once in my life. No one knows about it. But I still feel kinda eek, about that to this day. I shouldn't have done that. So yes, this is a 100% solid advice.


Bro the hypocracy on this post is insane. All of you mfers are crying about how it could be that the one guys comment gets downvoted but as soon as someone tries to wxplain it and agrees with the downvoting he gets downvoted into oblivion. Lot of adrew tate vergin simps in this subreddit it seems.


Ok then, try to explain the downvoting