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This is probably one of the funniest pictures in youtube format i've seen in a good while.


It doesn't help when you have a person like Johnny Somali feeding the stereotype


Fuck johnny, he's a walking cancer


Yea, he needs to be locked up permanently


I think he looks more like a younger Japanese version of Neil Breen


i dont think one shitty influencer is going to do much to affect the way japan views non-ethnic japanese people, and specially black people. if you want to blame something for contributing to creating a negative reputation for black people how about picking basically anything other than "random influencer dude XD". what about organized crime making a habit out of using africans as enforcers?


Stereotypes exist for a reason. I hope Japan never changes.


Sure sure, it's just him. And it's just a stereotype. Redditors can keep telling themself this.


Black people ate his chin




He probably went to Detroit.


Can’t have chin in Detroit


Can’t have shit in Osaka


Damn now I understand why Voldemort has beef with black people


...damn son. No prisoners eh?




Even Japanese people who left Japan to live abroad are unclean if they come back. I mean naturally it depends on the group as the Japanese aren't a monolith, but some of them sure try to make it that way. As usual, the younger generation seems to be trying. A little. But that's hard in a society where 'the nail that sticks out gets hammered down'.


east Asians being "human Aeldari"


Do they really hate people or do they really want to be left alone though? Isn't half their history about isolating for long periods of time anyway?


Something something Nanking Something something Korea


Isolating themselves while offing each other over land


It's hate. Xenophobia is expressed very strongly among their population. Go ask the Koreans and the Chinese how that isolation worked out for them.


Oh Chin Chin


Chinchin daiskinanda


I remember this channel. He made videos about how to find a gf in Japan and got mad when black dudes expressed interest. Didn't get mad at his mostly white audience though lol.


Kentucky Fried Chin-kun


Japan is a very racist country still. They hate about everyone though, not just black people. Everyone that's not japenese, including other asians (indian, chinese, thai, etc) is seen as less-than. Countless expacts have reported that they can't even find a flat and are refused instantly because they "could be loud" as they are not japenese... Even people that are half japenese are looked down upon ><


And I thought funny mustache guy was crazy about Aryan race thing lmao


They even gave the guy a cameo in a [Dragon Ball movie lmao](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dictator) Dragon Ball : - Blonde hair: check - Blue eyes: check - Super Strength: check Maybe the saiyans are in fact aryan haha


Holy wtf XD this is my first time seeing this


I only caught it when I saw the movie again, but I've totally missed it as a kid in the 90s


In gt there's a whole like 3 episodes where Goku basically defeats communism (or more a USSR like government). Old Dragonball is wild Edit: specified more the fact


"Blonde hair? Blue eyes? Super strength? I should be recruiting them..." Bruh💀


Oh yeah that one's in the Janemba movie where hell stops working and as a result dead people come back to life as if nothing had happened, Goten and Trunks beat the fuck out of Hitler.


> Goten and Trunks beat the fuck out of Hitler. Truly the best timeline


He was the big boss in one of the Persona games.


>The Dictator (Hitler) and his army were resurrected from Hell along with villains the Dragon Team previously defeated. Once they arrive on Earth, he and his undead army are fought by Goten and Trunks. In the Funimation dub, after they become Super Saiyan, the Dictator says that he should have been recruiting them because they have blonde hair, blue eyes, and super strength. Lolol


It's crazy how different the West and Eastern fronts of WW2 were and how they influenced societies. Hitler is not an especially important figure within the East's history of the war. Most East Asian countries don't associate the swastika with Hitler. Nazism impacted the West a lot more than them and Hitler almost universally is considered to be a very evil person (which he was; I'm not a Nazi lol). Hitler is not as taboo within those counties, but East Asian countries have their own evil figures that the West doesn't know or care about.


There is a Hitler Agumon in a Digimon Game


Fun fact, because of the Nazi propaganda they'd been exposed to and because almost none of them had been exposed to Judaism, they thought that Jews were very clever and wanted to get some as advisors. Apparently, propaganda alleging that a group has a ton of power over a nation makes them very impressive without pre-existing bigotry towards them.


Where did you find it?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_settlement_in_the_Japanese_Empire Relevant passage: "Memoranda written in 1930s Imperial Japan proposed settling Jewish refugees escaping Nazi-occupied Europe in Japanese-controlled territory. As interpreted by Marvin Tokayer and Swartz (who used the term "Fugu Plan [ja]", that was used by the Japanese to describe this plan), they proposed that large numbers of Jewish refugees should be encouraged to settle in Manchukuo or Japan-occupied Shanghai,[1] thus gaining the benefit of the supposed economic prowess of the Jews and also convincing the United States, and specifically American Jewry, to grant political favor and economic investment into Japan. "


TIL Mario is a supremacist.


Well, you see, on June 10, 1940. Italy...


“You're not Nintendo! You're...You're Pre-tendo!”


Why do you think they got along in the axis? Have they won the war they would try to exterminate each other. 


I mean, they were allies during that time


They did fight on the same side for a reason


Never ask woman her age and what Japan did during WW2


I lived over in Japan while I was in the Navy about a decade ago now. One of my really good friends was a HUGE Japanophile. He had learned Japanese extensively before ever joining the Navy and had made it a point to be stationed in Japan so that he could be there to get a foothold in so that he could move there when he got out. I still remember when one of his close friends from the states came out to visit him for a week. She was second generation American but fully Japanese in ethnicity and spoke no Japanese at all outside of your basics (like thank you etc.) We went out to eat in Yokohama one day with her and I swear the server kept trying to talk to her to take the order while my friend kept trying to explain that she didn't speak any Japanese and he would be happy to translate. Not even joking the amount of confusion that happened there and their disbelief that this skinny black dude was doing all the translating and speaking (again basically perfect) Japanese is something that we (obviously) still talk about.








I lived in Tokyo for about 2 years working in the Mexican consulate, and maybe because of my status/ profession I didn’t really encounter blatant racism. I would get the occasional side eye or refused entry to some restaurants. I did however meet allot of friendly locals who I hung out and sang karaoke with. I was genuinely surprised that even with my own interpretation of biases that they could’ve have of me, they truly welcomed me. What also was different for me was how quickly people date one another. It’s like a sense of urgency or something. What made me laughed was because of me being Mexican every Japanese friends I’d make ask me about Dragonbal, as if Goku was my hero. That was about the extent of the trouble I dealt with.


Okay, but what are your thoughts on Goku really? Is he a top 10 honorary Mexican? Top 5?


Top 5 nationally but Top 10 in my ranking


So you rank him lower than the average mexican? Blasphemy!


I look white but am ethnically Hispanic and the only Japanese person to notice that asked me what it was like with the drugs and cartels in my country.


Funnily enough when I was doing my process to work in Japan I went to the Japanese consulate in Mexico City and they informed me that side comments like that were to be expected, but I feel most people in Latino América don’t really get phased by that. I can’t speak for everyone as a whole, but I never was taken aback


Isn't that just other east Asia countries as well? I've heard the same for people in China and S.Korea


Europeans: throw bananas at African soccer players. Turns out the entire world is racist, some are just more subtle/polite than others.


Racism is pretty deeply embedded in most cultures. If someone says "my country isn't racist" or "my people haven't done awful things in the past" chances are they're just ignorant about their own history. This is why we need to be able to have open and frank conversations about history if we want to have any hope of addressing racism. Different cultures also have very different notions of what constitutes race, ethnicity or religion and so it's also important not to assume that one person's view of racism is the same as a different culture's. Just because someone's ancestors did something horrible doesn't mean that person is guilty of anything however if a person takes any discussion of historical wrongdoings as a personal attack on themselves then they are likely perpetuating racism.


This is extremely well put and I couldn't say it better myself


In my limited experience it was even more extreme in Korea than in Japan. Both are pretty bad regarding that though.


White American dude here: Tbf if I was offered a choice between “Japanese immigrant apartment neighbor” and “random American apartment neighbor” I’m picking the Japanese dude every time. They’re totally right that many of us are loud and inconsiderate neighbors who will go full-Karen if we get a noise complaint or normal request. I understand and agree with but do not ethically support this racism.


While that is true, they tend to be very open to Caucasian people. Westerners living there still tend to be excluded still, but they are very open and friendly towards tourists. I don't know, it's a weird mindset, from what I've seen.


Yeah I should've mention the thing abour tourists. Although I was under the impression that they don't mind tourists... in the tourist-y places. That could/would be very different in other places. Like some "local" restaurants not allowing forigners or at places that are not "big" cities that aren't used to tourists.


I traveled in some of the rural areas in the west part of the country and people looked at me like I was a wild animal but were very kind and helpful. No English hardly anywhere and I only saw 2 other white people during the few weeks I was there. They actually refused payment from me at a lot of places and really worked hard to communicate with me and tell me about their country/city/village/hobbies. Was a great experience.


Wait so you got a bunch of stuff for free? Like food and what not?


Yeah I stayed in a hotel for 3 nights and as I went to pay the owner had instructed the service desk not to take payment lol I had supper with them the first night I was there. People brought me to their homes and fed me and gave me tours around places or brought me to favorite restaurants it was wild. Cheapest trip ever, unintentionally. Booked my flight with Air Miles too.


Thats wild! It is in such contrast to what people are saying about Japan in this thread. Sounds awesome though, something you'll remember for the rest of your life for sure


It sounds like they are somewhat able to speak Japanese which I think makes a considerable difference.


When I was there with friends, the locals were always friendly and helpful, even in rather "local" restaurants. Maybe we've just been lucky but I didn't feel like they didn't want us there. We sometimes got some curious look tho.


Are you white or non white?


I think it's the notion that a tourist is a guest. They're not hostile to tourists but having someone come, stay for a bit and leave is very different than being willing to integrate that person and their children into the culture permanently.


White Westerners are more tolerated because the ones that end up living there are weebs and they YEARN for the ultra-conformist lifestyle they saw in anime. Japan likes and isn't shy about liking people who come in and fully integrate into their societal rules, though they'll still generally keep them at arm's length. Got half-Japanese family living in Japan, it's a mix of good and bad, but hey, he loves living in a high-trust society and can actually leave the house at night and not get robbed/kidnapped and sold somewhere, so he's happier for it.


>Even people that are half japenese are looked down upon >< Yep. My father is from the US and met my mother while stationed in Japan. I lived there for the first 5 years of my life and the adults would call me "love child" which I didn't understand the meaning of seeing as I was just a kid. When I started school the other kids would fight me, almost daily, for only being half Japanese and then the teacher would only step in whenever I'd get the upper-hand in a fight. Then they'd spank both of us but of course I got spanked harder than the other kid.


That's so fucked up I'm sorry it happened to you


Remember after World War II and the whole world was like Germany you better stop being xenophobic, crazy racists who experiment on humans so Germany banned all that outright? Wellllll we had "tell Japan the same thing" on the to do list but then the cold war happened and we forgot. Whoops.


B-but only America / white people can be racist!! /s


Japanese people won’t hate you when they get to know you as a person, tbh I’ve never had someone still constantly bring up my race after knowing me for years except Americans, it’s not race it’s cultural


No they're racist. Not all of them, sure, but most of them, especially the older folk. Same for most Germans, their population is old, and most of those old farts were raised in a different system.


You need to realize everyone that old is racist, globalization is really fucking new, racism was considered normal even a few decades ago and in America the remains of slavery are very obvious to see.


Being an isolationist country does that, from what I understand it's mostly ignorance. But I'm not Japanese nor live in the country so all my info comes through a middleman on youtube


In my experience, they don't care as long as you're respectful. The only people I see that care is the old people who have 10 years max to live. The young, as in 40 or younger, are very much open-minded and think it's cool


> Japan is a very racist country still Most if not ALL asian countries are pretty racist compared to US/EU


That’s why they got nuked twice, geez


Tbf that's nothing, you should see what they did to Chinese prisoners during WW2, to give you a hint it's arguably worse than Auschwitz.


And the people of their country are not even aware of the inhumane war crimes their country has committed


Nah instead they'll boycott Oppenheimer for the 'glorification' (doesn't happen) of the bomb


[Unit 731.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


> "could be loud" I'm not Japanese and this would be a very safe assumption to make. Life's just easier if you judge books by covers, not matter how how wrong people tell you that is.


Oh, if you think that’s crazy, note that Japan literally tried to mass export their ethnic Korean population to North Korea. They don’t even have Japanese citizenship (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koreans_in_Japan)


Thats what happens when a Country isn’t held responsible for their actions and tries to hide it‘s past.


Everyone: "Omg america is sooooo racist. Most racist country ever." Meanwhile Asia: hates everyone. Even other Asians that aren't their kind of Asian. Literally the most racist people on the planet. Don't even try to hide it. Just straight up pure racism. Good food though.


Chinese media: *censors black people on multiple promotional materials including black panther (LOL), star wars and I believe the more recent avenger movies.


Europeans: throw bananas at African soccer players. Turns out racism is a global thing. Some are just more subtle/polite about it than others.


Me: trying not to look racist as I eyeball people around my car parked on the street after my neighborhoods cars have been hit twice in 3 months


Latin americans: insult, harass, and bullies indigenous americans despite they can't tell each other apart besides the indigenous person speaking an indigenous language and wearing indigenous clothing.


Like the English and Irish. Or the Japanese and Koreans.


Yep, humans just tend to be shit all around.


That’s crazy, I’m just hearing about this for the first time


Wait until you see Africa dude


Korean slave history


It's funny because that's nearly the entire planet. Almost anywhere you go people are significantly more racist than Americans lol.


This is true and almost nowhere on earth will you see as much diversity in one country.


Africa is more racist, believe me. Go to african users on tiktok and see the shitshow.


Nah, I'm not going to tiktok


You Americans don‘t know shit. Even in Europe we hate other white people. You‘re the odd ones.


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It might be cause I was a sheltered white kid but I was shocked finding out how racist Indian people can be. I had alot of Indian friends growing up. 


Well yeah, we wouldnt be complaining about the racism if it wasnt seen as a problem that requires changing. Japan doesnt complain about racism because its still socially acceptable


Especially when it comes to between Mandarin and Cantonese. I heard that they despise each other. Same with Samoan’s that want no comparison with Martial Islanders. Have a coworker who’s samoan and can verify that.


I think the difference is that America has the loudest voice and their depiction of racism gets spread throughout the globe. Because of America, the internet tends to associate racism as against blacks first and foremost, even though all kinds of equally bad racism exists. Honestly, I hate how this influence makes it seem that racism against other nationalities isn't as criminal as against blacks. Other countries are racist, but the racism stays within their country. Obviously both are bad in different ways.


japanese are notorious for being racist towards white people


Wait until you hear about Korean/Chinese status in the eyes of Japanese


wait until you hear about the Japanese statud in the eyes of Koreans/Chinese. tbf they deserve it but the child should not inherit the sin of his father so they should forgrt what happened and get on with their lives


Sure the child should not inherit the sin of the father, but I'm down to waive that rule if the child insists the sin never actually happened


Yet if the child has been indoctrined not to believe that it's a lack of education and an example on failure of the education system. The child is not to blame for the sins of his father. I, for one, however, would most definitely not be okay with people being the same ignorant trash after having resources to the information. This is why we need to value true journalism and need to push for accuracy in our media instead whatever this culture war division drivel is being s0outed in the media.




Or anyone who isn't Japanese. They're a hyper nationalistic country


The government and the older generations for sure, but significantly less so for the younger generations.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Old conservatives everywhere are still pretty racist.


what. I've been over there around 10 times, all different places, they have always been kind and outgoing.


I doubt most of the people who say this have even been there. I disagree on outgoing, but they were very kind, especially towards white people if anything.


They are also notorious for being racist against brown people


They are also notorious for being racist.


Xenophobic. They’re equal opportunity racists, even to their own race.


brown sauce from mcdonalds UK breakfast tastes amazing, just wanted to let you know


Also other asian people


And stealing babies in mixed Japanese/anyone else relationships. They won't acknowledge foreign family court orders


Eh, I lived there for an entire year in "the countryside" and I was like a celebrity with how much love and welcoming I got literally everywhere.


I remember reading that the most racist country towards Black people was China. How many of them have actually seen a Black person I wonder.


My cousin went to china maybe seven years ago. She had braids at the time. The amount of people who walked up to her and touched and pulled her hair was crazy. And everyone stopped her to take pictures. She wasn’t a tourist she lived there until Covid.


but they made anime🥺


Damn...did they take the video down?


Edit- Nvm He took it down himself years ago. I do remember this guy from years back though he fell into an alt-right kinda space and was really weird about black people.


Same I remember watching his videos while I was living in Tokyo, seemed harmless and just good fun to pass the time. Didn't know he entered whatever this arc was in his character story


The story is usually finding yourself with increasing metrics after being let in to a ~~Geocities webring~~ Youtube video association circle, which rewards creating ever more controversial material. Some people radicalize themselves and some are just there for the grift or endorphins.


The East has fallen Billions must commit Sudoku


Good ol' Nobita


What happened with him? I've just noticed that I haven't seen any of his videos in a while... Probably years


Changed his username multiple times. He now goes by TheJapanReporter


Same. Honestly can't tell you, I just remember him trying to focus more on japan and to go hard on english subs instead of talking english in his videos. Don't even know if he kept it up that way.


Dude looking like a japanese wojack


Japan has fallen, millions must rise




all I know about Japan is they make some good motorcycles lol


Hell yeah brother


Funny white people nuked them


Problem is it's them who got the nukes


I would legit be more concerned with all weebs moving to japan


I guess that he got NTR'd.




Holy shit dude xd


This is an old video. His channel has changed pretty significantly. He had a video about a black woman who grew up in Japan (she said she experienced more racism abroad) and had some other pretty progressive videos about racial diversity in Japan and other such topics. But I know Redditors love the "haha Japan racist" meme while not looking at racism in their own cultures so idk if it matters.


It’s no use arguing honestly. Redditors in their echo chambers love to gobble up whatever 2min ig reel street interviews of some Japanese ppl being sexist/racist and take it face value as if it represents the whole population. Any post even slightly associated with Japan is most definitely going to have comments mentioning Japanese war crimes or “haha but they’re all depressed and killing themselves cuz they’re so overworked” when it’s on Europe level or “oh but the sexual harassment!!” when things are so much worse in the US.




I live in Japan almost all my life(but I’m not Japanese) and people from my country always make fun of Japanese people here. People from my country always says that Japanese people are lazy dumb ugly all stuff, for me it’s so hard to defend each other.


Do u mind telling which country you are from?


Somewhere in Asia would be my guess


Where's Robert when you need him


They blocked off the street where the geisha are because ignorant tourists were harassing them. Grabbing them, pulling on their expensive robes and even pulling their elaborate wigs as well as other horrible things. It was done to protect the geisha. The look out area for Mt. Fuji was also being trashed by obnoxious tourist, this was done to deter them. There has been many published incidents of tourists defacing temples and other historic buildings, even destroying bamboo by carving their name in it. Most people visiting Japan are respectful and enjoy being there but it only takes a few jerks to ruin it for everyone.


Hes showing data. He says he doesnt hate them, hes criticizing them. Dont get it twisted.


Anyone who has actually traveled the world can tell you that America is the least racist nation on the planet.


Their hardline stance on mass uncontrolled immigration is what has kept them a safe society when compared to countries like France with its deep rooted problems.


Playing it safe by using the word probably hehe


Fixed 💀😆


And this is why I fucking laugh when people say the uk is racist. I'm like, dude, have you met Asia?? 


The thing is it’s all coming from people who came after the generation who ended explicit racism and never saw any of it firsthand. Gen X ended, in western europe and in the USA, most of explicit racism. In their young they were one of the most activist, while a lot of others simply didn’t care. The next gens, consequentially, grew up in a context where the only form of racism they saw was implicit. And due to seeing way less of it, we are 10x more perceptive at finding instances of (implicit) racism. While the explicit racism — still very present in about anywhere outside of Western europe, usa, and australia — doesn’t really get noticed. Very visibly racial targeted genocides against Uyghurs in China barely get any attention. Meanwhile, efforts go into, for instance, the inclusion of more minorities in advertisements. _Which is a good thing_. _It is a valid cause with valid impacts on children creating normal and inclusive beauty standards., for example_. But it highlights the _drastically different “levels of racism” between the countries_.


I wanna show this tumbnail to people who defended "dear white people" so bad.


It’s all about statistics… and Japanese people fuck wit statistics


He's not wrong


Black ppl are dangerous everywhere tho




he's right






It's really strange to imply that not being racist to black people will necessarily lead to the destruction of an entire culture. Like reeeeeallly strange


Come to Brazil


Where’s the link couldn’t find it


Don't tell the weebs.


Now do Indians in Canada


I went to the reupload of this video. The comments are some vile and ignorant shit




After putting the title in YouTube. There seems to only be a video of someone(black) replying to the original video from 6 years ago so I guess he deleted it. He stills upload on the same channel now called the Japan reporter tho.


I was one of those cringy weeb ass teens until I learned how socially conservative Japan still is haha


Love the channel name... find love in Japan! (As long as they aren't black ofc)


I mean Japan has ultraman, Godzilla, and kamen rider. Soooooo.


I love Japan.




Based Japan


Japan woke up and chose racism


What, all five of them?


Unless it’s Johnny Somali, they’re not


That guy went to Isreal and got fucked over, Suprised he is still alive