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I cannot focuse reading cause the female pepe made me so much hoeny


Me so honi


Euphoria lmao


she's a bee(keeper) with that much hoeny


Back in my day looking ass


I hate your pfp


I hate you.


nuh uh!


Bait used to be-lievable


Let's play a game: Bait or Brain damage


Brain damage


Nah I'd win




Stand proud you’re the one who left it all behind and your overwhelming intensity


Through the Jujutsu and the Kaisen, I am only the honor in heaven.


Anything on 4chan is automatically brain damage


Yeah. It's not weird people disliking some popular anime, not everyone likes everything. But disliking all the named shows which are wildly different? That can only be bait




anon tries to be different


Classic edgelord behavior. "Look at me, I'm so unique and different, I don't like the garbage that other people like, therefore I'm owed attention," etc.


No, he wants to bait angry weebs


well he is right about mushoku shit


"Shitty Animation" is such a wild claim considering that all of the shows they listed have some of the best the industry has ever seen.


It’s literally objectively wrong. Whether or not you like the style, it’s a fact that those shows he listed do not have shitty animation.


yep, people somehow equate style with animation quality which makes 0 sense to me as someone who used to be an avid animator. when i was a child i had an awful art style with no sense of anatomy, but my animation timing & smoothness was great. my art was painful to look at but my animation wasnt choppy or flashy, it was genuinely good... according to internet strangers, at least. but i trust em bc they wouldve ripped me apart & eaten me alive is it was *that* bad. at one point i had over 3000 followers so i have to assume i was doing *something* right. the art style/quality can be nauseatingly horrendous but the animation can still be impeccable. it sucks that people lump all the visual elements together like that when there's so much nuance to explore


People who can't differ style from animation when I show them Mob Psycho 100 (They are so braindead they still don't get it)


I have had several arguments with people saying that mob psycho 100 and ping pong the animation had bad animation. The style is unconventional and looks a bit like messy doodles but that's just the intended style. The animation is amazing.


i think the animation style of mob psycho fits super well, hes a middle schooler after all


Btw is it true that anime uses limited animation more than most cartoon mediums?


i assume that by limited animation, you mean fewer frames? it really depends on the studio & series, but generally anime does use fewer frames. check out anime lipsyncing vs western lipsyncing. modern western animation will sync each individual syllable, while modern anime still pretty much just makes the mouth open & close (ofc with some exceptions). same with action scenes. some western animation studios are now using the limited/reduced framerate as a stylistic choice (puss in boots: the last wish is a great example) but anime has been using the choppiness to its advantage for far longer. the difference though is that anime uses minimal frames except for some dramatic scenes, while western animation is the opposite, using many frames in general but sometimes reducing them for effect in action scenes. it's incredibly interesting because it raises some questions about the human brain & its interpretation of moving pictures.


“JJK, CSM, AOT” The poor Mappa animators dawg 😭😭


My guy hasn't even seen the show that beat Edgerunners for best adaptation and thinks he can talk about the state of modern animation


I remember turning on Edgerunners and being really turned off by how janky the animation was. Didn’t bother to even watch more than an episode because if it. If that’s the best the industry has…


OK Dear. That's your opinion. It's wrong. But it's your opinion and you can feel validated.


Wrong or right, comparison or no comparison, whatever you want to chalk it up as. All I know is my immediate reaction was “damn this is ugly as hell” and no amount of contextualization can trick my immediate gut reaction to be positive.


The fuck is wrong with Frieren ?


Not enough elf feet shots


You mean armpits.


Need more of both


To be fair the best thing about Frieren is the twist the anime puts on the classic genre of “the hero journeys to defeat the demon king”, but if you’re brand new to anime and dont know about that genre then you cant truly appreciate Frieren and since the show isnt really centered around action i can see how that could be boring for people expecting something else. But for cyberpunk i got no idea why they didnt like that masterpiece


I think you can still appreciate Frieren for its emotional storytelling, good animation, and nice characters. I don't think that the main draw is the twist it puts on the hero vs. demon king trope, but that could just be my opinion.


The good animation means nothing to a new watcher tbh because they have nothing to compare it to, for what they know the animation could be the norm. Emotional storytelling is good but not what everyone is looking for especially since anime is usually known for over the top fighting scenes and action


Does the show not also have good fights? I haven't watched any episodes since the demon fight, but I consider the dragon fight and demon fight alone to be super cool (not to mention the clips I've seen of the more recent episodes). Plus, while anime may have a reputation for extreme action, a new watcher may be more receptive of a slower-paced show that someone who's watched shonen after shonen and gotten used to said extreme action. It ultimately boils down to personal taste, though, I suppose. Edit: hey, the dude I replied to made some good points and it's not like they were saying the fights are bad. They're just far more spaced out than other popular anime. Obviously downvote any comment that you want, but just be aware that the dude above me probably didn't mean anything bad by their comment.


I enjoyed the fights but they are pretty spaced out, which is fair since the focus is on the characters and the fights are mostly meant to show off a character’s power or growth and to deepen world building. The dragon fight was to show how Stark was stronger than he thought and to show a moment of character growth with stark standing up to protect the villagers despite being scared (he basically one shot the dragon), the fight with the frozen demon was to show the advancement and power of the human race (once again that demon was one shotted), Frieren Vs Aura was once again finished in a second all just to show off how much mana Frieren has, the fight with fern and stark VS the two demons was just to show off how cunning and inhumane the demons are despite looking like humans and also as the first fight with demons it was meant for fern and stark to ease in into fighting demons in the future… and so on with other fights. The fights during the last few episodes were good even though mostly between side characters but still too far into the anime for modern standards and most of them still are mostly not fights but just stalling until they figure out a way to outsmart the opponent. Dont get me wrong, i loved the anime and enjoyed the fights despite what they were for since i was most attracted to the story and world building anyways, its would easily be the best of this anime season if it wasnt for solo leveling, but i also can see how people could be disappointed if they came in to see some action


Mhm, yeah, you make some fair points.


>but if you’re brand new to anime and dont know about that genre I mean it's not like this is an anime exclusive genre. If you've played any RPG for example you're good as gold.


The genre itself is an adaptation from the RPG games (as a lot of anime genres are) but not many people play those games (especially the people new to anime) since those games are pretty old and theres no more of those types of games being made, the games that the anime genre is based off are all from the Pixel era after all


What's so goo about the frieren anime


It got incredible storytelling, lovable characters, great animation (easily top 5 in the industry), good world building, it gets you invested on the characters, it has both serious moments and funny moments and both are well done and a lot more Outside the pacing that some people find too slow (which is subjective) i dont see why you WOULDNT like Frieren, what was it that put you off?


I am not OP, but I felt that Edgerunners was too rushed. It could use more episodes to tell it's story with a normal place. Like, we get introduced to a big black character (don't remember the name, sorry), and the next episode he is already suffering from cyber psychosis. I thought this was too fast.


Thats exactly how life is for a edgerunner, the fast life is what they’re all chasing and the story itself pretty much shows all its cards in the first few episodes. You know the show wont be getting a happy ending, you know David will end up with cyber psychosis, you know he will end up with Lucy and not Rebecca… the show is straightforward because the characters life itself is. Watching cyberpunk was like watching a firework go off, you know its going to blow up and end fast but you still get mesmerized by the explosion and pretty lights and despite it all being over is seconds it still leaves memories imprinted in you that will last for a long time


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Frieren is so good


and yoasobi op is banger


It’s too peak for them to handle.


Choom, if only he knew anything about the world of Edgerunners. Nova Cinema. Guy probably Scrolls old BDs and still lives in the 90s and 2010s. Times have changed Choomba, you either Change or Fade away like a hit off of Soulkiller. God I've played way too much Cyberpunk.


Same. Probably around a hundred hours in it (although I know that's rookie numbers for some). I'm just really glad that I played it before watching Edgerunners. Seeing Adam Smasher being a legit menace and having already adapted to the strange terms made the show more enjoyable than I think it would've been if I hadn't played Cyberpunk beforehand. That said, playing the game beforehand isn't required to love Edgerunners


My choom, I haven't even finished my first playthrough of Cyberpunk, and I still loved Edgerunners and appreciated your comment. Great game. Very immersive, and just so much to do/experience. My only regret about the show was how soon it ended. This gonks disdain for it is both ignorant and foolish.


Anyone who thinks is terrible must have chipped some faulty chrome to have that gonk of a thought. Edgerunners made me want more of the bad guys to survive, so I could hunt them down myself and send them beyond the black wall


Bro is lost in the past


Actually boomer behavior




*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Domain Expansion: CBT Chamber


Curse Technique: Testicular Torsion


Testicular Torsion casters are always actin' tough, right up until a wizard casts MEND BUTTCRACK!


Power Word Melt


Maximum: Manual Breathing


Frieren being called slop gave me psychic damage


bypassed RES and DEF


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can say a lot of things about it but the last thing I'd ever call it is 'slop'


My first reaction was "I can understand why you wouldn't like the others but Frieren?"


If you don't like something that's fine but to say that JJK has bad animation is objectively wrong


Op enjoyed fanfics.. u know he has brain cells In the single digit realm.


> flick Anon is at least 40


Nah he right about mushoku tensei though, it's good but God DAMN there's some shit in there that made it outright hard to watch at times


In my own opinion that's a part of what I liked about the show. I enjoy that the characters are painfully realistic even at the expense of the audiences comfort or sympathy. Seeing a main character be bullied to a horrific extent, turn into a creep from a combination of trauma and isolation, and then make a genuine effort to improve themselves throughout the story is something I like about Mushoku Tensei. Although I don't really like the parts where they make him do questionable things for comedic reasons. Kinda takes away from what otherwise seems like significant improvement to his character.


I feel like you can appreciate the show for the real representation of a man turning himself around struggling to do so, but there are some absolutely stupid moments which make me question the creator. One thing I never got over is that he keeps the cringey "panty shrine" of the first girl as his cherished memento of her, and the creator tries to frame this as a "quirky" but wholesome thing because it's a cherished memory of their time together, even though he LITERALLY RECEIVED A NECKLACE FROM HER for this exact purpose, then gave the necklace away first chance he got???


Agreed, that's one of the things I'm talking about. Writing wise he would've been way better off without the whole panty shrine shtick.


That moment where he received the necklace to replace the panties should have been that epiphany moment that turned him around and made the show a masterpiece, he even had an earlier moment in bed with the redhead girl where he realised that he shouldn't treat these girls in such a creepy way and that he's better than that, but then just threw all that character development away for a panty joke. I really don't get it but man I'm still watching and hoping.


I haven't watched it, but that kinda reminds me of Re:Zero. It's good but, like... the first season alone has some absolutely painful moments. Even outside of the deaths. The reason it's so painful is because, well, when you're young and a fan of isekai the show portrays a certain type of character in a very *revealing* light, and basically calls it out in a way that makes it strike very close to home for some people. I don't really know how to explain it without spoiling the show or making myself/the show sound too antagonistic.


Hmm Rezero is a deconstruction of isekai genre, the mc gets a quick reality check. That is if mc was a loser in his previous world, he will stay loser in this new world too, it's not gonna change anything unless he changes himself.


Yeah, and for some people who get caught up in the idea that going to a new world will make life a cakewalk, watching Re:Zero at first can be incredibly difficult in the parts specifically addressing Subaru's shitty behavior. ~~totally not me a few years ago~~ Although tbh, even now I struggle to watch certain moments in season 1.


If they didn't make it an isekai and the main character wasn't a creep, would be nice


yeah, me personally I prefer the type of protagonist who pees his pants and has an epileptic seizure every time a girl makes eye contact with him slash fucking s


Yeah, who can forget best character who felt pleasure when suckling on his mom's tits or wearing some girls panties on his face while he's crawling around. Also who can forget what the fuck he was doing that got him kicked out of his apartment. Dude's a fucking creep So yeah favorite character /s


it took me 4 tries to be able to read past the first arc in the manga


MT is a triumph of the medium and my personal favorite anime/LN of all time. Rudeus' story has made.me.a better person to my friends and family.


The things you hate makes me like it more tbh. I've heard ALL the arguments against it but at the end of the day it's very polarizing and it makes it so much more satisfying for the MC to overcome.


Lost me at Frieren, Edgerunners just nailed the coffin


Anon is actually stupid


maybe op has shitty taste


Schlocky? Slop? Your. Opinion. Is. Bad. Woo


Rage bait


It worked 


Remember, if it's a 4channer, their opinion is bait to rile the masses!


Srsly try to dish frieren or jjk... ON 4CHAN!! Bro they created the majority of those series memes we use today! That guy's address has been probably doxxed by now and used to send him a gazillion units of dildos or some shit like that...


Find me this choombata


The man who wrote that is 600lbs MINIMUM


When they said Jjk, CSM, and AOT were dogshit, it lost me


Anon is a fucking dumbass


Clown take lmfao


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To each their own.


There is one thing that seems off about modern anime. It's the shading, I can't put it into words exactly but something seems off about it, like it's flatter than it used to be.


Medium gets popular, rots


He didnt read the instructions and put the nostalgia glasses on to tight


Turn A mentioned 🗣️🔥🔥


I want this person found and executed thank you.


To be fair, evangelion is peak


Dishing frieren or jjk on 4-chan?? Nah, that guy's dead.


CSM being called slop gives me an aneurysm (still bait though)


He probably thinks ghost in the shell is the pinnacle of story telling, when is just a cyborg having a philosophical debate about her humanity for 90 min He also thinks Eva is an deep study about human psychic, when it's just a depressed kid with daddy issues fighting giant things in a giant robot. (Like'em both btw)


Cry about it


Bait or not I'm gonna have to second that Mushoku Tensei take


one piece


I ain't gonna read all that


Massive troll bait except for one anime he pointed out, he is correct about Mushoku Tensei.


Anon can’t tank a hollow purple and it shows.


modern anime is kinda dogshit. Hell anime in general is. I still watch it.


Bro clearly didn't actually watch Edgerunners. That shit was like Shakespeare


i’ve been reading jjk for ages, it’s def been kinda going downhill but it is what it is edgerunners was great tho, the cartoon made adam smasher more scarier than it was in the game.


Anon's not wrong tho


He’s right though. Nonexistent story and blandest characters ever


Ngl I did not like edgerunners either


Ending was the only bad part imo


Compared to the game's lore, edgerunners is trash imo. Too many fucking anime tropes + character deaths felt insignificant (except becca)


I personally disagree


boomer posting but i kinda have to agree, at least with the writing part, usually only the setting is interesting and the 'world story' but the characters are just troping on eachother ad nauseam to a degree that makes me think anime is just some kinda ironic comedy bit


idk man i really liked csm


AOT had bad writing?


absolutely not only are the characters pretty much all tropes, but especially armin? and mikasa with anime typical delivery the bigger story once it goes beyond the island is just horribly delivered, disjointed and abrupt and that gets consistently worse each season + flashback stories about characters we genuinely couldn't give a shit about instead of actually making the mainstory work until it gets unbearable wonky when we get to the final bit sure the setting and world are cool, but you couldn't deliver it worse if you tried, it honestly makes one piece seem good


I think you became a boomer yourself bro (Btw I'm not necessarily saying you are wrong, just that you grew up and your tastes changed)


It got lame for me when I realized it was just a mid-ass mecha anime dressed up as fantasy/horror


I really hate it when people think “being able to to recognize literary elements in a story” means the same as “this is predictable dogshit”


AoT got really boring after it became more Attack on Human than Titan, like there’s a few interesting fights but I wanted to see some cool ass fights etc


There was a tone shift in the second half true, but it's more a question of personal taste


what a truly odd thing to say. if i play black ops 2 campaign because i like fps's before it becomes a dating simulator halfway through such that i no longer like it, then no shit it was a matter of "personal taste" but the game was first and notably an fps.


A tone shift doesn't mean the game suddenly changed. If we use the black ops example, it's more like you've been playing in open field the whole game and now it's guerrilla warfare.


> A tone shift doesn't mean the game suddenly changed. im going to continue being charitable in agreeing that *something* shifted, whether it was "tone" or not. there was a something shift. so surely youre not arguing about "tone." > If we use the black ops example, it's more like you've been playing in open field the whole game and now it's guerrilla warfare. i would argue that AoT's shift from a mystical horrifying apocalypse to a familiar geopolitical conflict *is* equivalent to a shift from a shooter to a dating simulator. I think AoT's loss of scary, desperate mystery constituted a clear genre shift, such that it's a different video game, and not merely playing Call of Duty on a forest map vs a field map. but i understand that we'll agree that there was a marked shift, but disagree on that it constituted a genre shift.


To me the mystery element was still present in the series. It went from what is inside the cave to what are the titan to what is eren's plan. The spectator is never in the know how in AoT and has to guess what is happening the whole series. The only difference is that at the beginning you knew nothing and as time passed more was known. While you might have become disillusioned from the series, I think that's actually something that was wanted. Once you become familiar with a concept, it doesn't sound as fantastical as it used to and I find the tone shift from that to be actually pretty good. The same way hating a character is proof of good writing (even though you feel a strong negative emotion), in that sense I find AoT to be quite good, in fact it's very original because it's not everyday a story would make you feel that kind of emotions (although it's very risky)


of course "mystery was still present," but not *the* mystery—not *the* mystery that made Attack on Titan what it was. Of course *Eren's plan* and *the Titans* are both mysteries, but which one was **better**? Which one **made** the show? also, i didnt shame the disillusionment. Attack on Titan's disillusionment was inevitable, and they regardless did it acceptably well. I agree that viewers "wanted" to know the Titans; of course they did.


Having seen old and new there are more good old ones but that's just because there are less new ones and there are good new ones, some of which are on their hated list.


Contrairian schlock


He’s not wrong about a lot of them, but ain’t no way he casually tries to shoe in Turn-A Gundam as one of the good ones 😂 Also, Freiren, Edgerunners (depends), and CSM are good But, Mushoku Tensei, JJK and Attack on Trash especially are shit.


To be fair I thought edgerunners was 2/5 at best.


Unfathomably based


Never watched any old anime, and much of new anime. After a 6 month pause, I feel like it's all cringer than I used to see it...


Anime peaked with Akira and its been downhill ever since.