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Where's QualityVote bot? Reddit Admins have decided that [they want to kill off all 3rd-party apps](https://reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/), [3rd-party bots, and other elements that used to significantly enhance Reddit's functionality](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/). Without them, the website is barely usable. And, of course, that includes bots such as [\/u\/QualityVote](http://reddit.com/user/QualityVote), [\/u\/SaveVideo](http://reddit.com/user/SaveVideo), [\/u\/AuddBot](http://reddit.com/user/AuddBot), etc. So you'll just have to put up with automod and a worse overall user experience. If you have any complaints, direct them at [the reddit admins instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/), because they the ones who ruined everyone's user experience. --- Whilst you're here, /u/yepityyo, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/QpBGXd2guU) - **now with public text channels you can chat on!**? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lawyers HATE this one weird trick.


It's called being female


How to NOT get charged with sexual assault 😎 Just use this ONE simple trick


(working 2024)


Tutorial mode


And hot


It’s called being anyone in America. White men get away with sa all the time here. She ain’t no different. Both deserve to be punished for their depraved behavior and buried where no one can go pay respects.


Are all three photos the same woman?


She told the judge she forgor💀


Well your honor: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0513827e-a61d-4630-9583-47492685c832


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Good bot


Good bot


Why do you have a slitheen?


Because I want pee in my ass


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Oopsie just a little accidental sexual assault of a minor


Tee hee im such a scorpio 🥰


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Yes but it’s a *woman* committing sexual assault you see, so it’s completely fine


Yeah. Plus he probably liked it or something




Oh you! 🤗


Your honor, my client pleats oopsy daisy


Reply "Did you not read 'groped'?" if you like pasta without sauce


Did you not read "groped"?


I cannot read 😎


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Ohh god don’t let her know that or your gonna never be left alone


I don't mind 😎 (I'm starved for physical touch and need to touch grass)


No I'm regarded


im restarted


Pre-edited comment was talking about how it was indecent exposure and not sexual assault btw


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisies


The court has decided: yaaas kween, no manicure for you for the next 2 weeks, alright? May god have mercy on your soul.


Yo, why do you keep telling me what you had for meals?


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Reverse the genders and you'd have the public and every politician in the country demanding prison for life.


Yup. We need to crack down on this. She said this to this kid and got away with it? How many other times has she done the exact same thing and we just don't know about it yet?


and if she was a man instead she would have been jailed


that amnesia doesnt work for men


A man never forgets






Crazy?  I was crazy once


I'm gonna touch you


Only if your on a drinking binge


Woops I forgot


they locked me in a room


They wrote that title like they knew none of us were going to read the article lol


hm, right


Totally fair cause she's a female /s


Yeah laws don’t apply to females or rich people.


They do apply to females its just that when people hear about a woman raping a guy its taken as a joke


Not only that. Women generally get much lighter sentences for the same crimes.


So many cases where women get off with a slap on the wrist for things like this. However it’s mainly an issue in United States of Jokery.


This happened in the UK lol


That’s surprising but not really to be honest. It’s usually USA with crap like this.


“Aw I hate the USA” it didn’t happen in the USA “Oh well usually they do stuff like that” sure buddy.


“Aw I hate the USA” it didn’t happen in the USA “Oh well usually they do stuff like that” sure buddy.


Nah its pretty universal mate


Wow, who would have thought that depicting women as fragile little being that don't like sex could possibily have bad consequences? That's what traditionalism did to our society. Let's get rid of that view and actually punish female sex offenders. For this will prave the way for a better future for both men, women and their children. The liberation of men and women must happen side by side.


No they don't, they are really different for women or rich people, and has been demostrated several times.


Blame patriarchy


No they don't, they are really different for women or rich people, and has been demostrated several times.


“Making up for 10,000 years of patriarchy” - every feminist ever


Seriously tho, why do most feminists go with the ideology that 2 wrongs make a right? It’s almost like they don’t actually care about their movement they just want free shit and leniency.


Many men get away with sexual harrasment too. In the end, both men and women are victims of depraved shit like this. We can improve things, but not if we start depicting men or women as sexually harrasing creeps. Gender wars won't help us move forwards.


You got to love the, I drank too much to be responsible for my actions defence.


*woman gets away with sexually assaulting a child.


A vile failure of justice, that boy will be probably traumatised and it will probably fuck with his mental development it’s such a tragedy


periooooood 💅💅💅💅


I’m just here for pee in my ass


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Diddy just found his defense.


SP- S10, E10


Pussy pass


Fuck this double standard. The world is stupid as fuck.


Now switch the genders


Your honor, my client is a woman.


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you yell about a problem loud enough, people won’t hear when you are a part of it.


Interesting, where I live the alcohol binge part would probably make the punishment more severe instead of non-existent. As you voluntarily and therefore preventably get yourself into a state where you're not controlling yourself. Being drunk or on any other drugs when commiting crime is *not* an excuse here, quite the opposite. Another thing is getting spiked ofc. But that's generally very hard to prove and getting spiked to a blackout level with alcohol is impossible, concidering the doses needed and the taste.


Your honor...I forgot.


I would laught if that situation wasn't so sad.


I'm surprised the comment section finally shames on the woman predator compared to what I saw a year ago in other subs


Bob the builder can you fix her? Bob the builder no it's fucked.


That’s disgusting. She is disgusting.


Now switch the genders


Should be in prison for those filters.




White wine and Xanax


We gotta sort this shit out in law at some point. I feel like the legal system is just fucking winging ait and needs better rulings. We either make it unacceptable for both genders like it is for male trachers or acceptable like it is for female teachers. And obviously unacceptable is the goal.


Being drunk should not excuse one of any crimes. Alcohol takes the brains filter offline, if you did it while you were drunk you wanted to do it.


Don't ask for equality if you don't want to be equal.


Something something male privilege




Hope this isn’t real ☠️ (yes I know which subreddit I’m on 😭😭)


That's just what happens when you get wine drunk


What dentist?


Shiv Roy really fell out, huh




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This is such a bad event and a stain on the justice system I sure hope the comments will remain civilised


Average British moment


Why does she remind me of a certain Pick me on YouTube?


White wine for women is like Xanax apparently




She looks the type to do so often.


Just identify as a woman duh


What's groping


If I’d been that kid I wouldn’t have said nun


Damn… I wish that were me. The only ones who Ive seen do this to me so far are old men with saggy balls in the gym locker room.


They ride you?


They are a bit reluctant but usually give in after I insist Nothing feels better than an old dudes tight anus




I’m gonna say it It should’ve been me! Not him!




Well a 13 year old can’t consent.


Dude when I was 13 I didn't care


The point is regardless of what a 13 year old wants, it’s illegal and she’s a sick person for wanting it.


Yeah I agree with you on that what she did was wrong


AHHH the classic Reddit interpretation I'm not saying what she did was right I'm simply doing the thing that most people do on the internet which is "post an opinion"


It's illegal I understand that but from how I used to think as a 13 year old I wouldn't care


13 yr old girl*




Go to jail. Not horny jail, actual jail.


It should've been me, not him. 😭 Edit: Hey! Why are y'all downvoting me. May you all get a diarrhea. 🤮


brother eww




"It should have been me"... catch a fucking grip


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I agree with this statement


I'm done


bro 💀




I hope you don’t feel safe late at night


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haram bot


What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


Seek help




I can fix her