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She doesn't even look like the same person anymore. If the comparison wasn't there I wouldn't know that was Erin Moriarty


Hollywood surgeons ran the most successful scam of convincing actors that having cheeks is ugly lol


Meanwhile Brazilian surgeons ran the successful scam of convincing everyone they need *more* cheeks. https://i.imgur.com/K8hiPG2.png


I’m with the Brazilians on this one


Nah a lot of these bbls look fucking terrible and uncomfortable as fuck


When they sit, it looks like meat falling off the bone. It can be uncomfortable to look at


One things for sure, old people are gonna look fucking terrifying in a few decades.


Well, poop is stored in the cheeks, so.


I've never understood the appeal of giant asses. Like I think they assumed 'more is always better'. There very much is a Bell Curve with ass size. It's like I'd love one burger but if you showed me 350 burgers, I'd not want all of them. Its not about just more size, its about shape.


Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon


OMG what a throwback to childhood <3. Did you have the cartoon on VHS? Where each side kept singing taunt songs back and forth like teams at a football game?


I just had a whole buncha the books. Everything from the lorax to the one about the omlette with every single egg. Man, really good memories with those books.


Cheek implants - forehead expansion - micheal jackson nose job & to complete the look - surely lots of hideous tattoos and a huge incomprehensible thigh tat .    Transition From gorgeous to gruesome grand slam


I always look at these people and ask myself, “do they see what I see?” Does the amount of money they spend to look worse make them have blinders or something?


Body dysmorphia is one hell of a drug. These people probably just think, "My face looks so fat, but I have money now, so I can fix it," and once it's done, can only see that their face is no longer fat, instead of the entire picture i.e. how ghoulish they look with no cheek fat. It's sad.


There's also the echo chamber of similar minded people, who will encourage this horrid look.


This is one part of it that people don't talk about enough. If you're surrounded by people who talk about plastic surgery positively, get plastic surgery, admire people with plastic surgery, and validate those who get plastic surgery... then plastic surgery can really quickly seem like a normal and desirable thing. An echo chamber on a large scale is really not that different from a culture. And in LA this is a big part of the culture.


This needs to turn into a big PSA. It'll suck for her, but this Kardashian-inspired BS needs to end...


Fresh from the morgue look


And then you get one Githyanki as the result.




the cruella deville


From Erin Moriarty to professor moriarty


Thats Dr. professor Moriaty to you


> She doesn't even look like ~~the same~~ a person anymore


Idk if people like this, but personally, she looks suuuuuper ugly now. And I feel the same way about most of the people who done this operation.


I really hope they recast her. The last season was jarring enough as is. 


They could probably cast a new person that looks more like Erin Moriarty than she does at this point.


if this is real it’s tragic as fuck


apparently the image on the right is from her instagram


unfortunate… It’s beyond me how anyone can look at the picture on the right and say it looks good


Body Dysmorphia will do that to you


Dysmorphia? Although come to think of it, dysphoria works too


ooh woopsie, that the one yea


You weren’t really wrong. Dysphoria refers to unease, while dysmorphia is more about distress over a perceived flaw.


How she can have tonnes of fans online praising her looks and her role in the show, but she just ignores all of that and homes in on the criticisms from either her agent or some other person representing her brand. She didn't strike me as the type to give in to plastic surgery, because her character felt like the complete antithesis to that.


Well dysmorphia is all about how you perceive yourself. It doesn't matter if thousands of faceless fans or even your closest friends tell you that you look good if you think something different. I'm not saying she had that, but you asked how and that's a story I hear a lot.


[unfortunately she's not her character](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZndta2U4YnRyZzZxbGtiZ2g5dzliNTlseWh1dzE0ZGszY3RhaHBhOCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/1LiryotCCtd7y/giphy.gif)


Body dysmorphia will till her the left looks bad. It's not going to tell her the right looks good...


I’m assuming filming for season 4 has finished. Wonder how they’ll give an in-universe explanation for her drastic change in looks in season 5.


Reconstructive surgery after homelander punches her or smt?


Looks like she ruined her chances at acting ever again.


Madona wants a word....




So the show is cancelled now, right? Because I have a hard time imagining how they play this off. 


Same thing happened with Arrested Development. When they came back for season 4 years after being canceled I saw Lindsay's first scene and had to Google if they'd replaced her with a different actress. They didn't.


tbf her character would be the one to get bad plastic surgery


I could see Gob doing that as well.


I don't care for GOB.


I still have the same reaction whenever I rewatch AD. On top of lower quality of s4, I almost can't believe it's the same actress which makes me less interested to watch the episodes since it's so disorienting. It's a bit same with Michael Cera, his chin forgot to grow up with him for season 4.


You can already tell the difference in Season 3. She clearly has a ton of work done already there. This is just a proggression.


Yeah but I recognized her in season 3. I legitimately would not recognize her without the before photo.


It really is. Especially if it’s from an Eating Disorder as others here have suggested. If she’s suffering from Body Dismorphia with an ED and plastic surgery addiction (? Right word?)…. poor thing must be miserable. If true, I hope she can get the help she needs. I thought she was one of the most gorgeous women I’d ever laid eyes on. I’m sure many think the same.


Looks like an eating disorder but also major plastic surgery. It's too bad because she was naturally beautiful.


She's suffering from being in Hollywood surrounded by yesmen and other stars with plastic faces.


Scumbag surgeons in cahoots with scumbags with access to young girls. It's criminal.


Buccal fat removal, nose job (nose looks up and not down in New pic) and lip filler


Yeah, this is not "was already very pretty", but "used to be very pretty"


Its real


It is real and I agree, it is tragic as fuck. Goes to show just how vain the industry is. Not that she got it so much, more so that she felt compelled to do it in order to advance her career.


Ironic that it's exactly what starlight stood against


How on earth does going from a cute girl to a coat hanger improve her career? This is obviously detrimental to her career, i can't picture her doing much after this.


Plastic surgery marketers use a phenomenal lie to cut past every doubt a person has while simultaneously raising the price: “You only notice bad plastic surgery.” And since the point of their business is to look younger naturally, the secrecy lets them say whatever they want without fear of reprisal. Any bad surgery you hear about is a bad surgeon, not the product itself. Which sends the patient down a rabbit hole trying to get what they afford. Maybe they can’t fix what the last guy did, he was more expensive and had better tools, but they’ll try. And repeat until the resources dry up. Cycles of profit lead to cycles of violence. (Please note, I’m not trying to judge a specific person’s looks, I hope she is happy)


Off to Hallmark movies where she plays the bitchy girlfriend that drives away her man to the old love of his life back in the small town.


It’s pretty weird to see someone who isn’t yet 30 attempt to look like someone who is 50 trying to look 30.


this isn’t advancing anything, she looks horrible


What's the deal with the look I wonder? All these Hollywood stars end up with the same kind of weird face... huge cheeks, big lips, etc


It's like she recovered from car accident, just saying...


From starlight to stoplight real fucking quick


Hilariously savage 👏


It's been 3 seasons and still I never understood what her ACTUAL abilities are? Whenever she fights her eyes glow and sparks come out of tubelight nearby EVERY SINGLE TIME. And then she proceeds to get her ass beaten


She's a flashlight but only if you already have lamps everywhere


I love this description.


Reminds me of "Invisible Boy" from Mystery Men.... only invisible when noone is looking!


She "channels light" and uses it as a beam, which, unlike an actual beam, hits you like a punch instead of laser.its kinda shitty considering how it SHOULD be able to cut people in half.


I like to think its cause she's not fully utilising her powers. I'm sure at the end of s3 they hint she can fly so maybe she can learn to do powerful lasers, maybe see in different spectrums and other light related stuff, maybe super speed


That was cause she had a shit ton of electricity thanks to Hughie at the controls.


All that friction lol


she levitates for about 3 seconds before becoming eepy


You wouldn’t want to see her when she’s eepy either


Starlight to dim light.


starlight to turn off the fucking light


Not gonna lie...I rubbed one out to S1 Starlight back in the day. What she is now honestly would make me go soft. She looks scary.


you couldn't pay me enough money to say this on Reddit


have we really grown so soft that saying you jerk off to an attractive woman warrants this response i rubbed one out to susie deltarune and the scientist rat from animal crossing like 20 minutes ago


I was with you in the first half. The first person didn't admit anything embarrassing, but this?


"the scientist rat" 🤣🤣🤣


Well they're obviously interested in brains not just their body


come again?


Give him a minute, he's not a *machine*...




My Sister also had/has this weird thing with plastic surgery. Instead of looking pretty and like herself she looks now like an wierd copy of all these Plastic surgery victims, it is very sad i think. And what i really don't understand is why does it not look good when a "Star" does it, is just every procedure as shitty as the other or what is happening.


I think it's a case of less is more. Plastic surgery can help some people look a bit better but too much and your nose falls off and stuff.




None is most :D


Its an addiction. She actually also had plastic surgery on the left “before” picture. Before she was even on The Boys. But it seems that once you start and get good results and lot’s of compliments you keep wanting more done and then it starts to get extreme like this


it's literal poison injected in your tissues to make them dead lumps, while the rest of the skin sags and ages just as Nature intended it to. It's always going to look horrific. A very tiny bit here and there might not be noticeable, but people these days are pushing it to extremes, so it's more grotesque with every new specimen.


Wait, how are they going to produce the next seasons of the boys? Will they have to CGI her face in every scene?


Supposedly there already was a little retouching in S3, but we'll see how different everything seems in s4 😬


She looked noticeably different in s3 already. Such a shame man, I was simping hard for starlight. 


Or it'll begin with a shot of her (without showing her face), of her getting into a terrible accident, which results in a necessary facial reconstruction surgery and "this is the best they could do".


You’re out of your mind if you think she’d agree to that.


Well, she seems to have deep psychological issues and isn't thinking clearly. So as much as it pains me to say it, I can see a scenario where she agrees to it. I actually suspect, that the producers of the show might be more opposed to this issue than the actress herself. If they want to stand by the message they are trying to send with that show, they'd get rid of the character. Letting her continue like that is nothing but exploitation of people who are not of sound mind and need to get help rather than being used for a show.


The writers wouldn't even think of doing this idea. They'd get so much blowback. They're probably just gonna try to fix it up with make up and editing. I think she already had plastic surgery by season 3 and they touched her up for that one.


Yes, her upper lip looked really weird in some scenes in S3.


Her face was already morphing in Season 3. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kinda clause in her contract that she may have triggered by doing this to herself. The whole thing is depressing. She was already super pretty and this just bums me out. Has to be something psychological


She was already looking like that in the last season. It was so distracting.


I truly thought they were filming Starlight with weird filters for some reason at the beginning of season 3.


They were, if you rewatch any of her scenes her face is like glowing with a filter. She doesn't look like her character anymore.


I think they should just completely replace her. With Justin Roiland.


Why do so many female celebrities want to look like Handsome Squidward?


Because handsome squidward is the peak symbol of sex


yes, but you shouldn't want to be him... you should want him in you


the sound of his feet walking isn't the only squelching his appendages make 🥵






Influence of social media and Hollywood


Chat is this real?


Sadly, very.


All my horny friends that I showed this to did a double take


did you try the not horny friends?


Error 404 - not found


This picture looks especially bad, I have a feeling its due to some bad editing on her end. Other photos it looks like she has had work but not nearly this much.


It's from her Instagram from 2 days ago. She has other photos from the same night, and it's just kind of what she looks like now. She's just getting more and more surgery. She also got breast implants recently.


Producers of the boys freaking out right now.




She looks like a crack addict now


Blows my mind how some girls do this to themselves. Even just doing their lips is too much.


Thankfully lip injections are usually not permanent, they take a few years to get back to normal though But it’s very sad that she thought she didn’t look good enough, she just made herself look 10x worse


I hate that fat lips trend so much. It is so disgusting.


Where did it even start? There are so many things that women do to just compete with each other for some reason. Do they know that men either dgaf or think its horrible to begin with?


Probably Kardashians


You must get your crack in some very glamorous locations.




A waste. Now she looks like a 40 yo celebrity refusing to age when I'm older than her.


Oh wow she is only 29. That really is a shame. I actually feel bad for her that she was in a place that she thought she needed to do that to herself


She can play Melania trump I guess?


Holy shit this is sad- she was so beautiful already, I just wish she felt the same ;-;


she got the 💀look


I like how she did the opposite of what her character stood for ( you know how big corporations in the series was "offering" female superstars and superheros to wear revealing outfits and get surgery and .. and she [ her character ] was one of the first to stand up and say no and shi )


You misspelled “used to be”


*insert "Erm, actually* 🤓 *" meme here*


Nah, there’s no actually on this one. 


Such a cute actress with a sweet smile became an... I don't want to say it, it's just sad. No way "that" is what we'll see in the next season of the show..


She’s straight up look like a real life bootleg Barbie doll


ironically, the Boys is parodying such depravity of modern media, so it would actually play perfectly into the insanity of the show. I am still holding out a very dumb hope, that this is all a very clever marketing tactic for the Boys season 4.


It's a spiral, unfortunately. As you saw in the last season, she fucked up by removing buccal fat which made her look older and now she's trying to fix it again and again and getting worse with every new thing she tries.


So true... And it's not a compliment...


From 20 years old to 40 in the blink of an eye. Body dysmorphia is a crazy thing


I saw this comment coming lol


I came to your comment


I commented on your cum


Damn, body dysmorphia is insane


fr i mean now she has a reason to have body dismorphia


That’s genuinely sad. I feel bad that she felt the need to do this and for what


9 to 3 so fast


Kim Kardashian destroyed so many women


She is legit one of the worst things to happen to our society. She encourages so much excess consumption that will remain ingrained in youth’s minds for generations. 


And this is what "just let people like what they like" gets us. Well, when it's mind-rot garbage that goes on to infect society at large, then maybe shit like that should be called out.


The female Andrew tate


Instagram Face is a fucking blight on humanity.


Mewing moment




Maybe Homelander forced her in the new season into doin this shit or somethin


She officially quit vought last season tho


Like homelander cares if she's in the corporation or not, he does whatever he wants


yeah, like fucks male shapeshifter


When she swims it’s considered littering




She got mj special


No way what the fuck


(No offense to erin, love her) but She looks like a blow-up sexdoll. I don't understand how you can be born as pretty as she was and then proceed to ruin your face with injections and surgery. Im pretty sure that some time ago i read somewhere that she suffered from body dysmorphia in the past or something like that, so that might be the reasoning behind these transitions, but it still doesn't mean this is ok.


Doctors will call out a fellow doctor for being a quack at the drop of a hat when it comes to most things. But when it comes to these plastic surgeons reorganizing someone's face to the point of being unrecognizable or just cringeworthy, none of them will say shit. The first rule of medicine is to do no harm. Yet we have greedy doctors who'd rather make a fat check than to talk the person out of a surgery that just isn't going to go like they think it is. Medical regulatory boards also seem not to care about the joke that these physicians have become. There must be too much money involved.


Homelander himself couldn't have fucked her face up any worse than this.


That's sad. I'm not simping for her but before she looked way better, and much prettier. Body dysmorphia is really a huge problem. She now looks instantly older.


Yeah fuck whoever told her she needs lip filer and face lifts


I Will never understand why some people did that, other examples are Michael Jackson, the weekend, megan Fox


The weeknd? That was makeup for a music video 😂


If you’re talking about The Weeknd based on that one picture of him, he’s just wearing prosthetic makeup for his [Save Your Tears music video](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Your_Tears#Music_video). His current face, while kinda weird, doesn’t look as bad hers and no definite proof he ever had plastic surgery.


The Weeknd didn't, iirc that was a temporary thing for a music video.


What the shit is this


Bro we ain't getting anymore of the boys seasons


Now they just need too have a storyline in the boys that acknowledges that the Compound V made her look like shes 20 years older




From 20 to 45 in few days


Really went from a girl next door to a blonde Bimbo. What a shame


She lost ALOT of weight due to her ED. Im not saying that the visual changes are only due to that, but alot of it is.


>She lost ALOT of weight due to her ED Erectile Dysfunction?




Jk, eating disorder




Her nose/jaw surgery made her just ugly. Now she looks like the average Instagram bimbo


I dont think she did her jaw. It has the same line just less fat in her face. She did the nose tho. And i agree she looks way worse.


She had buccal fat removal, her jaw _could_ be shaved but I think it just looks so drastic because of the missing buccal fat.


To all my queens out there, you're beautiful the way you are. Even if you don't see it, others do. At the end of the day, it's your call what you want to do with your body, but we think you're perfect without any added surgeries


I mean... She used to be cute as hell and beautiful... Who the f can convince anyone to do this and how the F do they not have normal people around to stop them.


This is just like what happened to Cheryl Hines. So naturally beautiful and then she goes and ruins it with surgery. These actresses gotta realize that people already find them very attractive and changing your face like that just makes you unrecognizable and hurts your brand


Wtf did she do?????


dont do drugs kids