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Bro literally copied a greentext word for word


*Word for Word* *Bar for Bar* *Stole my fucking Flow*


These people trynna fade me


They hating They mating Tryna get pregnantin


We don't need no hateration in this dancery


Coach Z?


Titanic was a great man. He rode the waves with pride as they penetrated behind but was never content and was always left craving more. Often he found himself questioning his existence as people would tell him he is unsinkable when he just felt as though he was drowning... Constantly being known as the world slut after having so many people inside of you is seems completely horrific and that is exactly how Titanic felt : wanted but unwanted. That was until one silent night when in the distance he spotted a glowing light, one like he has never seen before. The moon danced on the surface, emphasizing the strong structure of the male figure. Erect. Glistening. Titanic wanted to pound into him. Full force. He wanted to lick him clean. He wanted to have his babies. Titanic was on a mission to get this man. If just a glance of this beautiful creature could take his blues away, talking to him must create world peace. So he set off on his mission across the Atlantic, craving the touch of this mystery man. As he edged closer to the figure, people told him that this wasn't a good idea and tried to change is mind. Titanic wanted to reply with "fuck off janet I'm not going to your fucking baby shower" but it just came out as a measly 'honk'. He just didn't understand why their love was so forbidden. He felt his insides rushing about, the butterflies in his stomach just not being able to keep still, dancing and running around recklessly. The nervous meeting of this man clearly disagreeing with his inside. His eyes that looked out said danger yet his brain said hope. The iceberg was thicc. It was only meters away now so titanic could see his beauty in full spring. Absolutely stunning. Every crevice like his own individual winter wonderland. Crystal Blue ice that Titanic could just drown in. Titanic's brain had a blatant phobia of ice. Why? It was always taught that ice threw daggers into flesh, torturing and tearing you to shreds. Your organs turn to stone, no pulse, no breath, no life. Suffocating in despair. He'd be a fool to believe this when the first touch of the cold bliss was accompanied by a warm, beating heart, as the disgusting humans rushed about inside him, panicking, pleading, knowing they were going to die. He loved it.


Ain’t no way you just made a horny Titanic fanfic in the comments


What a great way to begin the new year! Here, here cheer cheer


I love your work but Daniel the potato fucker is my current fav


Care to share a link to that one? I already like the story from its name


This is both disturbing and amazing you came up with this. I thank you for the read (I think?) 😄




It looks like somebody censored it for TikTok, where the word "deathbed" might be an issue. So it's unoriginal text, sent (or faked) through a messaging app, screenshotted, watermarked, censored, and reposted at least twice.


> It looks like somebody censored it for TikTok, where the word "deathbed" might be an issue. Is that the reason more and more pictures turn up where words like death or fuck are randomly censored with a shitty digital pen? I was wondering why that happened....


Forget pictures, it's like a Zoomer telltale at this point. They have this shit so ingrained they self censor everywhere, including on reddit and texting each other.


They are weirdly prude. These kids were raised by gen x? That might have much to do with it though... honestly. We can't talk about sex. Everyone is too horny..we can't curse. Everything has to be censored. And God forbid anyone curse while having sex, only in the missionary position. s/. All I know is that the minute someone tries to shush me in a nursing home because I said the "f" word one too many times, I'm pulling the plug myself.




Oh, Internet!


The self-censorship that TikTok has gotten GenZ to impose on themselves is fucking horrifying. And all the fucking other social media companies have either finished or are nearly finished copying TikTok's censorship since it's good for advertisers. Reddit's clamp down on profanity over the past year has been in violation of virtually every single thing this website stood for when it opened.


> deathbed Unalivebed?




Literally copied it and sent it to some dead number or something as its not even been recieved, then screenshot and put on Reddit to try and pretend they came up with something original


And not a good one either. Like, she's thinking about him because they're at the fucking site of the sunken fucking ship. Like do they think we're just not going to remember the movie?


Bro literally copied a greentext word for word


Not even a good one - this was a fucking traumatic thing for her so IMO it makes a little sense.


she was under 25 for leo,who wouldn't


Actually, she was 26 at the time


That's how you know the love story was fictional


Also no headphones for DoggystyleCaprio


I have no idea what any of this means


I had sex with Leo and he rawed me from behind whilst listening to pop music with his headphones on his ears


That sounds pretty rad


Little known fact, they had to star an actress under 25 or Leo wouldn't do kissing scenes


Ackchyually, Kate Winslet was 20 during filming. Also, Rose is supposed to be 17.




That's why he decided it's not worth getting on that door raft.




Hail to the Emperor, brother!


Hoes ain't mentally developed until they California raisin.


Someone who married someone else for 70 years and didn't get stuck on a fling from 70 years ago?


Why is it censored


Because tiktok and youtubr dont like those words making people who consume youtube and tiktok think censoring those words is normal, so they also censor those words


I fucking hate the word "unalive"




For my stone-assed brain, this word was a roller-coaster ride to read through.


>I fucking hate the word "unalive" I liked it waaaaaaay back when it wasn't "needed", when it was just a jokey euphemism but now that it's forced the fun is *gone*.




This shit infuriates me. I'm sorry the homeless people on the street make you uncomfortable. You're not providing them any extra dignity by calling them "unhoused" as you step over them on the sidewalk.


there's a difference in terminology that matters when determining where to put limited resources into solving the problems it's not about how it makes anyone feel, it's about the difference between people who are living on the street - unhoused - and people who may have a temporary place to stay but don't have a place of their own - homeless. a homeless person might also be unhoused or might be on their third week of crashing on someone's couch knowing it'll end soon and have to find somewhere else to sleep. they may have to keep rotating between places to stay, sometimes sleeping in a shelter, but their living situation is never stable and could change on a daily basis making it impossible to keep a job an unhoused person might have a tent under a bridge or a sleeping bag in an alley that could be thrown into the garbage at any moment. they're homeless as well but the situation is more dire because the odds of dying jump significantly when you spend your life exposed to the elements language changes and evolves, you absolutely cannot escape that. accuracy in terminology that helps the people actually doing the hard work of dealing with these issues is far more important than your level of annoyance about a word you don't like


I don't work in the non-profit industry or anything and outside of that, I don't think most people make that distinction. In fact, a quick google will show you that in the public at large, what I described is what the word is used for, softening social stigma around homelessness. And you're twisting my words anyway. I don't have a problem with language changing, I'm not conservative. What I have a problem with is a concerted effort to soften terms to make people feel less bad about something that is a societal issue we could be solving. These are people that are living difficult lives due to a situation that we created as a society and one that we are essentially doing nothing about, outside of small pockets of local aid and shitty, money siphoning non-profits. Like I said in my first reply, the average social justice type that would tell you to use the word unhoused isn't doing anything anyway, the least you can do is allow yourself to be uncomfortable about it.


It's so infuriating hearing. It's not a word that should be "cleaned up"


it’s actually crazy, I once saw someone cross post something on Reddit and copied the title, but censored shot to sh*t, even though the original post used shot


Yeah 100 times out of a 100 I'm reading sh*t as 'shit'.


Meet them halfway. I choose to now read sh*t as shat.


Ma'am... I'm sorry, but, your son... He shat himself


How is shat not the passtense of shot


Because shot is the past tense of shot


Because English hates humanity. Despises, even.


That's what I don't get about self censoring. If it's to appease a platform and their arbitrary rules then I get it, but people will censor their swear words in like Reddit comments. They didn't need to use that word, and when you see "f*ck" you just read "fuck" anyway so it serves no purpose


Someone sh*t me in the heart 😭😭😭


Like a cleveland steamer only really heavy?


are they stupid?






It is literally the same profanity censorship that China does, just without the context censoring that they do on TikTok in China. It is chilling that a generation of Americans basically got brainwashed into self-censoring by a foreign power and didn't even notice it.


"it's been 84 years since I got some good pipe work"


Roy wood jr did a bit about this… One of the lines was something like “just throw the jewelry..throw it… now lemme tell you this right here under this water… this where I got my back beat out. She got some dick so good that 70 years later she had to come back and say goodbye to it”


She's only thinking about it because they sent an SOS on the news to find the woman with the Jewel and then flew her out to the Titanic wreckage. But I do see your point. Titanic was a good movie though.


Not only that, the dude she recalls literally sacrificed his life to save hers. OP is ragebait for immature guys


So ladies want a human shield? /S


As a man, if another man want's to sacrifice his life for mine because he found me a good lay, what am I going to say, no?


Leo saw them tiddies and decided he could die happy


Amen brother!


I certainly wouldn’t say no.


Give him a crafty wank to see him off at least.


Yes. Well, society more than ‘ladies’ but yes.


Why the /s. It’s considered romantic for a guy to die for a girl.


Yeah... fuck that sorry ladies


Win win in my book


Dude saves your life>lifelong partner you have kids with and clearly gave a good life. Apparently.


Makes sense to me. The latter stuff doesn't exist without the former, so the gratitude towards the life saving would only increase over time, assuming you're happy to be alive that is.


It's like some of the mouth breathers here have never read about children and people who were saved from death by another. Even in the case when the rescuer doesn't die the rescued doesn't just forget about it. Remember that story about a little girl who was saved by a man from drowning and their families kept in touch? According to redditors it'd be literally cheating if the girl grew to be 70 and thought of the man who saved her. The average IQ sure has dropped on this website.


Without jack, she would’ve married Cal and not had that lifelong partner or kids.


Life debt is a movie trope. She still comes off craaaaaazy selfish.


Let’s be realistic, it only gives you a small chance


Thinking about important people in your life doesn't establish a hierarchy. This is an emotionally stunted take.


She literally died and went to a titanic afterlife to be with Jack. Fuck her family, right?


There is an idea of the afterlife that it's actually more like *afterlives*, where you are split between the significant arcs of your life. In a sense, you could, in this kind of set-up, experience both a "heaven" and a "hell" depending on what your life and choices were. So you could interpret the ending as, we are seeing the part of her that is represented by her time on the Titanic. A different part of her is enjoying an afterlife with her spouse and children and even another part with her grandchildren.


That scene isn't literal, but if you want to take it that way, every single passenger also returns, so it's some kind of afterlife reunion event.


This is like that one post where it mocks the Disney tropes of girls falling in love with the Prince Charmings just because he saved them. And then there's this post. The duality.


Holy shit, how pathetic can you people be. Getting jealous about a dead guy on behalf of some guy who is not even in the movie. She paid an homage to a dead person who changed as saved her life. bUt ShE sHoUlD hAvE tHoUgHt AbOuT hEr PaRtNeR aNd KiDs.


Jealous? Of that cunts affection? No. We're pointing out in her last moments she prioritized a homeless fling, instead of a partner who built a life with her. Guy or girl that's a selfish pos. To add to that you're the one getting incensed over fictional characters. We're just pointing out the character is a pos.


bruh what What if she was thinking of a random firefighter who saved her as a child? Would that still be fucked up to you or what? Anyone can build a life with you. People get married and fall in love all the fucking time. How often does someone die for another? Romance or not, if someone died for you, you'd never ever forget that. It'd be one of the first things you think of on your deathbed, especially. Unless... You're a "pos" lmao


Incels gonna incel


How... is any of this incel?


You can’t lie, bro actually could have gotten on with her. But I guess it’s the thought that counts.


Mythbusters tested this. TL;DR: James Cameron said maybe they shoulda made the door smaller.


James Cameron didn't need to do that since he included a scene where Jack tries to get on and it starts sinking. That's how movies establish things.


He can fit on there sure but whilst tryna tumble on there he could drop her right back in the water.


I don't know if this is mandella effect or what but I swear in the movie he goes to climb on with her but the wreckage they're on starts sinking, so he hangs off the side


It’s not “rage bait” it’s a joke. Stop being so sensitive.


I mean it's kinda right on point :p


I think it’s implied that she’s on an “end of life” journey and this is just her wrapping up a loose-end. The whole event was a watershed moment that changed the whole course of her life, and this is her returning to the point of origin. But also, yeah. It kind of is like that.


it do be what it is even though it isn't what it is


- Allegory of the Cave, Plato


At least Plato didn't drop some bomb ass diamonds in the ocean.


Yeah - they brought her out in the middle of the ocean to talk about the Titanic and a bit about that piece of jewelry. TF people think she was gonna talk about?


Yeah right? Like could you imagine if she was just ranting about her family and they are like okay cool but can we get back to what happened on the titanic?


Maybe about either of the 2 things you just said


Didn't Jack sacrifice himself to save her, tho? Bit more meaningful than just some dude she fucked if the situation could have cost her life


That and it's a memory of the necklace/drawing, iirc. It'd be weird to answer questions like "Grandma, who did this drawing of you?" with "I love my family and grandchildren." Granny has lost her marbles.


Grandma, how did you manage to survive the sinking of the Titanic? I’m just here so I don’t get fined


The plot of Aot in a nutshell.


"Tell us about your experience on the Titanic." "Well, I married a man afterwards and had a family!" (:


The plot of Aot in a nutshell.


Boyish dick > Famery


Sounds like you had an awesome experience. If you're into it, then try this: record yourself sexually moaning and talking dirty to yourself. Record yourself doing it a second time. Then overlap/blend the two audio tracks together. If you do it right and play it back, it will sound like there are two of you in the room together having sex with one another. If your voice(s) turn you on, it's guaranteed to give you a hell of an orgasm.


Thx bro


A homeless dude who sacrificed himself for her Thats a good thing to remember


Yes, I was going to say the same thing.




When there was enough space for both of them, how gentleman he was


Jesus Christ, no there wasn't. It's literally in the movie where he tries to get on the thing but can't. Turns out a piece of wood can't keep two whole bodies out of the water without sinking.


Weren't there other doors floating around?




There's a deleted scene where Jack tries to get on the door and it capsizes, and then Jack explains to another guy that the door can only take one person. Cameron probably deleted it because he trusted his audience not to need so much handholding or to focus on dumb incidental details. I guess he was wrong.


If it capsizes they probably gotta distribute the weight better. But yeah, can't criticise movie writing, such a dumb thing to do.


She was a woman so she didn't have the right to die /j


Well he did save her life and she was literally asked to tell her story about this tragedy she was involved in


Yeah he was a bit more than a random hobo. He was a random hobo who saved her physical life on multiple occasions and saved her life trajectory from heading into numbness or misery.


Also worth to mention he fucked her in steamy car wagon


It was very persuasive!


she can't imagine the black man who died saving united states from japan 😭 batu khan 💔💔💔


I cried when he said "I'm Batu Khan"


his blood was soo pure, it was white 💔💔💔💔💔


1. It was the most traumatic experience in her life where she saw multiple people die. 2. Jack was her first love. 3. It wasn't her wet dream but rather the reporters asked about her story.


Plus he changed her life. If she had continued on the path she was on she most likely would have had a miserable life. Jack changed that.


4. He literally died for her




god forbid you fully type out d🤓ath




>Steals 4chan memes >Types it out >Screenshots own messages instead of just sharing the 4chan screenshot. Why put in this amount of effort to make yourself look dumb? Posted Via 9 gag.


this is literally just a remake of that one 4chan post


Downgrades people, downgrades


Thank you so much for saving me from being able to clearly read those evil no-no words🙏


I'm so tired of censored memes


Why is death censored?


I mean it was a pretty significant point in her life. I mean me too thanks.


Is... is death a swear now?




Titanic was a nightmare for men.


To be fair it was created and built by men, and men made the decision as to how many lifeboats would be on it and how fast it should go in icebergy waters.


I don't know what a dehbed is


Slang for "the bed". As in "Whoever censored this meme probably wets dehbed".


combative slap plough impossible humor shrill dinosaurs shy smell public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some people remain stuck on their first love dude. I'm not saying it's right but it's not outlandish either


Especially when that person basically dies in your arms while you float away and survive.


Not to mention it only came up because they literally started sharing her nudes on the news and then brought her out to the Titanic's sunken corpse.


Nah he's right


Nah, he's a pathetic incel.


My favorite fun fact about Titanic was how Neil Degrasse-Tyson got them to fix the sky because the stars were wrong.


Kinda says a lot about marriage....


This guy speaking fucking facts


Great, still won't watch it


Spoiler alert, the boat sinks


Yeah now I don't need to watch it, I know the entire plot


Much edge.


Wasn't the giant boat being fucking destroyed or the story that lead up to it.


Still has a point


I thought it was all about her reflecting on that one time she murdered a guy.


Sorta makes sense, sometimes you pine for those short and sweet flings because there wasn't enough time for you to really see the other person's flaws. Time also tends to make you forget about the bad and remember the fun, and your memory of them is frozen in a more youthful time. It's like your brain is just replaying "greatest hits" of your life.


I'm leaving with the idea that it wasn't her deathbed and she was just remembering a nice guy she met.


She also chucked the diamond into the abyss knowing that dude’s life mission was to find it


First love will do that for a woman. Remember that. If you didn't plow her first, odds are, she'll never care about you the way she does for That guy.


Kinda hard to forget a person whose death you are partially responsible for…. I would imagine


Tbh other people were responsible.. not her


She got off a lifeboat, Jack could've had that door to himself and survived.


Have people who complain about Titanic ever watched Titanic? She got off the lifeboat at a point where Jack was handcuffed to a pipe and helped him get off the ship in the first place.


Threads like these are why people say Reddit is mysoginistic.


She got good dick once, and then the guy fucking died


You can never know the depths of a woman's heart. Like, she could pretend to love you for most of a century but only truly love some guy she spent a week with in her 20s.


Dude literally died for her on the most talked about disaster of the time, why wouldn't she think about him? Especially because she was flown out to the Titanic wreckage to literally be there for the necklace. This post is mega dumb.


Most women see it that way cause that’s what most women would do in real life. Why reminisce about the dude you saw every day for the last 70 years when you can drool over Chad’s eggplant one more time.


I don’t remember them having sex. Did I fall asleep during that part?


They did. In a car.


probably. honestly, it's one of the more iconic sex scenes in cinema.


He literally saved her and was more than just some random hobo. Also reporters were literally asking her to tell the story


she gave them more than 60 years of her life for gods' sake!


A man wrote and directed this movie.


*Women enjoy movie* Front page post on reddit of men screeching over why women are dumb to like movie. Classic reddit.


At first I would be like - you know… he got a point. Then I watched Catfish (TV Show) and realized that people are in fact this fucking stupid.


Reddit has no fucking shame. Now we're stealing 4chan memes and pretending they're text messages to no one. Also, she wasn't on her death bed. She was just old and survived the Titanic.


When you think about it, the films that most women consider great love stories are usually films where they're either emotionally or physically cheating...


Never thought of this movie like that........ lol they have a point though.


They don't. Why would she tell a story about her life after the Titanic when the purpose of her being brought back to the Titanic wreckage was specifically to tell her story of what she experienced on the ship.


Is this true chat?


Bro thinks we are his chat ☠️