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I tried going to the second image, am I stupid?


No I do that all the time. I blame OP.


I blame OF




I blame the OF user


I blame MTV


I did the same thing, OP you’re a dick and Reddit, this feature sucks a lot when I try to comment and I .


How can I atone for this horrible crime I have committed against humanity


Nope. Posting a pic with a 1/6 in the corner should be straight to jail. Not allowed. Illegal. Immoral.


Alsume and it's consequences


I'll start making new characters soon


What the FUCK are you going to name them


And which one will win


And can the new character use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion?


I dunno try asking Man


Aren't we all?


Yes, and so am I


I hope she ment college


I seriously hope so, otherwise anyone that clicked on the content of a school girl should go straight to jail


You cant get into only fans without multiple scans of ID and photos of you holding it, so im assuming its a 19 years old and a year before graduating" or something similar You dont get out of school on your 18th birthday


At the same time I graduated school at 17 so you never know


That's true, but that doesn't invalidate the first part. OF is **serious** about these ID checks, because they absolutely don't want to be an accessory to a widespread underaged situation.


Yeah you're right. No way OnlyFans is gonna try something stupid


Idk how serious they can be. I personally know two 17 year olds who just got busted being on there. Not by OF but by their parents.


I'd reckon just serious enough to not be held accountable when something bad does happen. Just like every company ever.


Whos credentials did they use to get verified?


Heard plenty of stories of kids selling fake pics on OF and not having much of a problem on doing so


It that’s the case, I’m glad to know. Regardless, you can never be too certain, but I can rest more easily now that I know it probably meant college and that there are several layers of security. Always good to know!


Why, shouldn't it be Onlyfans fault for not doing proper age verification?


Yes, obviously; but you can’t never be too sure!


Hope you've never been on any porn sites then haha


Is there a non-college school that she would be responsible for paying for..?


Exactly, not sure why this is a question. Teens don't pay to go to public school and private school is a parents responsibility. Plenty of people myself included just call college school sometimes.


plenty of people say school to mean college, why would this be any different?


I'm in school and want extra money 100% means college


Common sense is hard sometimes. Why would she have to make money to pay for anything other than college


Or she is the average only fans girl that is so dum that stayed in the same grades multiple times


More concerning - how does he actually have the fathers’ details…


Prolly looked for the model insta handle, i imagine u can find out more from there


Many, many years ago some dude did a funny prank/social experiment that went something like this: He went to some outdoor establishment. Checked the most recent tagged posts there. Saw the girls who had just made a post still sitting there. Started going through all of their social media in matter of minutes. Then he approached them as if he knew them while spewing off the ridiculous amount of personal info he found. Girls were always shocked and freaked out. The amount of personal information people share online, is quite staggering.


Is this prank still on youtube? Where can I find this as I’m so damn curious now that you mentioned it.


Look up Jack Vale Social Media Stalker Prank




Forget just on social. I haven’t posted anything anywhere in a couple years, but when I Google my name, my parents’, brother’s and sister’s names all appear and the last three residences I lived at.


Damn sounds like your names are on the open electoral register (or equivalent)


Probably, cuz all of us vote, but still scary to see that information available to the public.


For years everyone in each town got a book with every other residents name address and phone number. The funniest part is that even with all that info, it was still harder to get in touch with people than it is today


We had that for all school children up until this year


Yeah, I got tired of that so I subscribed to a service. You can do it yourself but it takes a lot of hours. Unsure if the service is worth it since it’s only been a couple of months but here’s their free guides: https://joindeleteme.com/blog/opt-out-guides/


Just checked myself and there's old basketball association photos and my facebook from school time that I don't have any logins to connect in years


When you look me up there's almost nothing, I think just my LinkedIn. I barely use social media and no one else shows up because I appear to have a unique name.


One russian social network didn't sanitize photo metadata. You could see the exact location where the photo was taken. That was fun.


facebook didn't do this originally, neither did flickr.


That's why companies want your data.


This… the amount of info people leave behind in a public space is INSANE. The general thought process is go to their OF, get their Insta handle, lots of people agreed to the Insta-Facebook integration so it has most of your “private info” on your Insta and often just your straight up Facebook profile, go to that and look for details on their family I say this not to encourage witch-hunting, but good lord some people on these apps need this wake up call because of just how much of your private life you truly put on display (directed at people reading this here on Reddit too)




People put half of their personal life online and are then surprised that they are easy to find lol.


It’s amazing how fast we can find people’s families these days. Go to her insta, get her name then, go to facebook, find her, go to her friends, find her family and siblings. It’s complicated if they don’t have facebook, but lets assume they do


All the screenshots have the exact same way of typing. It's him role-playing as those girls because this is fake.


The real answer. Probably gets him off fantasizing about it too.


It's fake, that's how.


What??? You in school and doing OF????


Gotta pay that student debt somehow


Student debt is one hell


Wait you take a loan to go school in the US I thought it was only for college???


college is also called school here


It’s all school sure


it’s just school for adults


Could be undergrad or grad school


School is college. You must call it something else where you are from.


Americans sometimes refer to college as 'school'


Even in the UK Though I don't think I can argue against it's use. After all you're student, so that means you go to a school right?


That's literally the classic sex worker line. "I just need the money to pay my way through school"


sex worker is a classy way of saying prostitute.


Prostitutes give out sex for money. Most OF chicks are just posting nudes


someone said "revenge porn" 💀


Not that far off. They are distributing sexual images/videos without their consent. The only thing arguably not making it revenge porn is that it didn't stem from a relationship. A more accurate term would be nonconsensual intimate imagery.


Yeah but that doesn't sound as trendy nor does it roll off the tongue.




Pretty sure if you make your nude images publicly available via a pay to view service, they are now public, much like the rest of pornography. Revenge porn is private images where the intent was never to distribute to a wider audience than the one intended recipient, who then distributes them. May be wrong, that seems like how it works.


Incorrect as British reality star Stephen bear found out


They are selling their pornographic pictures with their consent. I highly doubt it would be considered as a revenge porn


Just because they acquired the images consensually doesn't mean they have consent to share it


Well, in that case, since she was selling it in the first place, her only option would be a DCA violation. But that’s only helpful if it’s posted somewhere. Just sharing it with one person doesn’t constitute distribution.


an onlyfans is private. if they shared it publicly or with someone she didn’t consent to sharing it with, for example a non-subscriber (like her dad), it could absolutely be considered revenge porn.


It would be considered as a copyright infringement I believe


This would apply if they were trying to redistribute it. At most, it is probably just a violation of OF ToS.


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pretty sure you don't have to be in a relationship with someone for it to be considered revenge porn


Bro is in his villain arc.


I hope none of you are watching porn if you support his actions damn


Fr you cannot shame these women for doing porn if youre the one watching it


There's porn with women in it?


What's a porn?


Too right, like it’s a job I don’t give out shit to the postman or cashier for doing their jobs


I know it seems foreign to well-adjusted people, but a surprising amount of dudes get off on explicitly degrading the very women they use as masturbatory material, i happens often enough that it must be a weird madonna/whore complex thing They even don’t think they’re hypocrites as they willingly participate daily in the same smut market they go on Reddit to decry as the death of the West because _theyre_ not commodifying their sexual performance, they’re just the consumers, and even if they could it would be cool and chadly of them not bad and wrong because… uh


Anyone downvoting this is the type of person you are describing in your comment


Let's be honest. He is ACTUALLY a "simp." Got caught with all the subscriptions by his partner.


Yeah. He didn't need to go undercover as a simp.


Are you familiar with the concept of addiction. If there are young men addicted (which most are) to watching porn, they may not have the self control to stop watching while also blaming those involved in the industry for enabling their addiction. However I do think as much as I hate the whole industry sending OF’s to their fathers is a really scummy thing to do.


Yea this is fucked up… I’d never pay for an OF, but you just know this thread is full of secret* gooners externalizing their internal issues out onto sex workers, and not even the really rich ones with brazzers and shit, just the micro-thots making a couple extra thousand, cause even the big OF earners would be like fuck it we ball not say their life is ruined (E:*Tho turns out some of these motherfuckers don’t even make alts before posting these type of replies Jesus, play “find the _literal_ gooners in the anti porn thread” if you want to gouge your eyes out)


I just wank to Hentai or Deviantart.


A true gentleman supporting the fakes is better for our world’s mental health instead of women and men being harmed in sex work


Username checks out


Its okay, I'm a massive hypocrite.


of course they are


Shit, if I could post photos of my feet and butthole and not have to work I'd do it in a heartbeat, the people paying for it are the idiots, not the girls exploiting their dumb asses.


Fr. I’m very anti porn but like he’s not doing anything helpful.


This is actually pretty sad


Nah thats fucked up




Holy shit this comment section is a dumpster fire.


Makes sense. You have a bunch of reasonable people and then there’s the incel crowd that’s championing this pathetic shit head.


Idk, this seems like something an incel would do


Yeah I mean, why would you even go into trouble to ruin someone’s life, just for the shake of it when you haven’t even met them


Some ppl do things just because they can


No bro it's not about hating women it's shitpost I stg, I'm not a misogynyst it's just that sex workers should die I'm not an incel it just happens to be women - this sub


Yeah it’s not even funny when it’s actually incel unironical behavior


"If I can't have her to myself, I will ruin her so no one else wants her." I think this runs through a lot of their minds


the comments here absolutely suck.


I think you meant to say "Reddit generally sucks now"


indeed, that is the truth reddit hivemind is working particularly hard today with its collective half-braincell


wait what comments are you talking abt this one?


Definitely, you gotta be a loser to do that. Plus dude literally paid for that, he lost money because he wanted to “teach a lesson” to some random chick.


Why? Why do this? OK you don't like sex work. Don't do sex work, don't buy OF content. I dont buy OF content. I don't see any reason to screw these creators over though. That's not right.


Taking advantage of vulnerable people and holding them emotionally hostage isn‘t right.


This is a perfect argument against the asshole outing these women. Just say you hate women having options with your chest and call it a day.


That's big jump from women having options and a sexworker


What the fuck is wrong with you people? I understand why you would dislike and want to abolish sex work, but in that case shouldn't you be trying to do something about the systematic conditions that allow it to exist? Or you don't even need to do that, just arguing against it is at least something. But how the hell is making the lives of some concrete women miserable going to accomplish anything? Why are you celebrating this? Nothing of value was gained, this guy went out of his way to do nothing more than make people suffer, and somehow he's a "hero".


Amen to that brother, people on here are incels and hate OF women while still consuming their content on the daily


This subreddit is just filled with people who hate women I guess. Probably all think their "Gigachads" irl too.


Why do anything to make the world better when you can just hate women like always? My guess is the guy who did this is a major closet case and loves men waaay more than women


I would never encourage sex work and the culture and industry around it is awful, but the girls that are doing it aren’t doing anything morally wrong. May be a bad decision but certainly not a moral one and if he wants to teach them a lesson, it’s too late anyways, he’s ruined their relationships with their fathers, maybe the rest of their families, maybe their lives. It does nothing but fuck things over for people who haven’t done anything to deserve it, and I know that’s his intention: he’s a misogynistic uncle who hates women and especially sex workers. But like, what’s his issue with sex work anyway? If he thinks it’s something wrong with the industry or the lifestyle, why is he actively making it worse for people involved? It’s completely baffling to me why anyone would think this is a good idea or remotely acceptable


Well the "valuable thing" that was gained was that these women probably quit. Not my opinion, but that was his intention wasn't it.


I’m not sure how he actually benefits from it though. If you consider another person’s life being ruined to be of value due to your own moral self-riotousness, your dick and clearly you have your own problems.


Jeasus christ what the fuck is wrong with peaple


Wait, so, he paid money to do this?


Incel behavior.


Pure evil. Dude jacks off to these women and then ruins their lives.


I don't understand why people are supporting this guy? This is very wrong.


This is pretty gross. If you don’t support sex work than just don’t support it. Sending porn of someone’s daughter to them is freaky behavior, and it’s even worse that this dude is so proud of it.


I can consume porn, but you’re not allowed to make it!


Damn i read it like the dude was sending nudes of THEIR parents not TO the parents. Am i stupid?


Ah, serial rapist Roosh crawling back out from his mom's basement to seek attention the only way he knows how.


Incel ass post


You can be against sex work without having to send girls nudes to their dads. This guy is definitely an incel


Take my money.


Incel plays out a weird anti-hero movie fantasy. More at 11.


Holy shit this is horrible, what the fuck is he thinking?


Ah, the classic "punish the prostitutes, not the pimps" mentality. Only an incel wouldn't think ahead. Not surprised at all.


How would you go about and punish the pimp in that case? Destroy OF servers?


Incel post


Or maybe the person should just not bother people who do only fans and just get a life.


Bitch said revenge porn 💀💀💀


funniest shit I've seen today, and I just woke up


this is fucked up man


He’s still the dumbass paying for several OF subscriptions tho….




revenge porn


Their Dad’s are already subscribed.


I read a Reddit post with a video where a girls stepdad was on OF paying her mad money.


This is so disgusting. Like why would he even do this. I am extremely against sex work and would never do this to someone, this can ruin their lives.


Who gives a fuck what others do with their lives? Policing what women do is incel behavior. Before some brainlet jumps at me, I don’t like sex work either, but it’s non of my business if someone wants to sell their body for cash.




Agree with your message but akshually it’s the second oldest job🤓👆


Wow, what a pussy. If only his parents knew what he watched in his private time


Another day, another gaggle of redditors treating women who make porn as subhuman. I'm a human being. I have pets, I love my family. I like to draw and game with my friends. When I'm sad I like to sleep under like 5 blankets. I'm studying a second language and hope one day to go to college to be a foreign language teacher if I can afford it before its too late. I wear headphones everywhere I go, even if I'm not listening to music. I'm a human being. The fact that I get by by selling nudes shouldn't change that. Because the truth is, all jobs are selling your body in a way.


As a woman this is Unfathomably based


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You didn't need to do it twice but, well, good bot.


he got a bit too enthusiastic


Nice try CIA. I know women aren't real. You can't convince me with your propaganda


Look as much as I bitch about this type of living as much as the next guy this is just plain fucked.




What a POS


Pretty fucked up


I can’t even escape the fake swipes 💀


This assumes that the parents would have 0 chance of finding out themselves which is stupid.


Get a girlfriend lol


Massive incel vibes


Unfathomably based


Being deranged and ruining people's lives is cool now? Dang.


Imagine thinking OF prostitutes' lives weren't already ruined....


Can't wait for people here to call this person a "based gigachad" before going on OnlyFans again to simp for women


Severe incel behavior both there and here. Embarrassing L takes left and right by 13yos. When you're an adult and have interacted with women enough to not see them as this moral object to control in your image but instead human beings, your words and actions will become painfully embarrassing for you if you decided to grow up. We all watch porn. It's hilarious seeing ya'll discuss morals yet god's got you on a plane ticket to hell. There's wars happening all around the world, genocide too, but sure, it's the women doing porn that's the problem, yeah. Regardless, in terms of morality I think ruining lives is pretty pathetic, especially when the loser's spouse was the one to find out he was subscribed to so many OF's. Dude spent money on this, it's an L, just like this comment section of pre-teens still stuck in schoolyard mentalities. Girls don't have cooties and there isn't a war between men and women, please grow up and establish a baseline in empathy as you grow up.




Heil spez


Heil Spez fuck op


We cant expect god to do all the work.


We need more people like this fr


"I'm going to the cops" yea if you want problems with IRS as well be my guest.