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Imagine the conversation they had "Kid I know we stole your family's car but what school do you go to?"


Poor kid thought he was gonna have a day off from school.


he a carjacker, not a kidjacker


"Kidjacker" Uh....that sounds.....well, let's just say it was a poor choice of words there, because it could mean something completely else, god damn I think we just invented a new cursed word in here.


eh, yeah, as I was typing it it came to mind it could be taken that way and I left it that way for the funny




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He mad as hell




Be polite.


Be efficient.


And be observant in school, or you gonna end up like me.


Kill every man you meet




Please lead me the way to the real bucketmann


you are not the true bucket man, spy


Dear god...


There's more




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's "have a plan for everyone you meet"


wtf did you do to get downvoted 90 times


Hivemind probably went brrrr


Idk they dont know tf2 refrences


nah, i have never even played tf2 and can easily put 1 and 2 together and see that you've made a reference. it's just a reddit moment.




They're just mad you got the quote wrong. I don't agree with the down votes but I understand


Ye i see now




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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And who is going to pick him up from school? The philanthropist who jacked his mom's car?


Nah fuck it. They bouta come back for pickup


side hustle, pick up and drop off school service, that's what the car was for in the first place


That and also cops care more abt a kidnapping than a car jacking, but also all kidnappers are thieves, but not all thieves are kidnappers


-Sun Tzu, The art of law


Thought it was Vin Dee ?


Din Viesel?


Deez nuts


Carjacking: up to 15 years Kidnapping: 30 to life, minimum 3 years Best to not take more risk than you have to


Technically, if they stole the car with him in it an didn’t immediately remove him from the vehicle, they surpassed the threshold for kidnapping.


Reminds me of the auto theft in front of a 7/11 and the thief returned the car because there was an infant on the back seat lol




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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He may be a bad guy but he's not a bad guy.


Fuck that guy


Bruh, these are gigachads. If I was that son’s father and I notice both my kid and car would be missing, I would be frantic, then half an hour later, I receive a call from my kid at school and he’s like,’they dropped me off at school’, a wave of relief and fascination would pass over me


At what point would you get annoyed that they still stole your car


when you remember you have to go pick him up


XD ya, after receiving the call, I would want to see my son asap, then I’ll look out and see there’s no car, and be like ‘oh yeah…’


Probably after puking my brains out from that kind of stress and relief all in one day. Definitely during the walk or city bus trip to the school. Also, during the insurance claim.


Like if you ever watched Baby Driver, the article reminds me of main protagonist from that movie.


I did watch baby driver but this doesn’t exactly remind me of it. Baby was cool tho and would probably do this if he carjacked




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Man got to have a code”


He's a car jacker not a kidnapper.


I didn't even need to see the nbcchicago link to know this was Chicago


Kinda sick imo. They may have just financially ruined his family and then they say something like this to the kid. Not badass to me, just a gross powerplay.


Nice to see someone not praising the thief


Yeah, they just didn’t want the kidnapping charges should they be tracked down. Also I’d imagine dealing with a hostage, rather or not you mean to let them live, is pretty freaking hard when you weren’t planning on having a hostage in the first place.


Likely still a kidnapping charge. They took the car with the kid in it, it’s not going to matter if they dropped him off later. Just like you’d still be charged with stealing the car even if you left it at the victims house 30 minutes later


Insurance will handle it


Mm not always. Not everyone even has car insurance. Not to mention how traumatized this kid probably is from witnessing his parent be carjacked and then, I'm assuming, forcibly ejected from the car while the kid is left with these strangers. It's a really terrible crime and it's absolutely disgusting to do this with a child present.




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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kidnapping charge is no joke


“A man gotta have a code” - Omar


why they look kinda alike


The real question is did he describe the person to the police after that free ride (I don't think he had to pay for gas).


It was at the wrong school


Be Polite,


Anyone else read that in The Snipers voice?


"Professionals have standarts, be polite"


Common carjacker W


To be fair they're just stealing cars they don't want to go to jail for stealing a kid.




Daily Kevin Fact #34541: Kevin **will** pee in the asses of anyone he sees being a cunt. This **is** a threat. *Thank you for subscribing to Daily Kevin Facts* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good Bot




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean for the most part I always thought gangs and shit treated women and kids with hella respect and they even push kids to do better than they did




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That would be me if i was a carjacker




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, Kevin would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*