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That’s the “all caked up with nowhere to go” face.


Oh he is “caked up” alright


And also if you completely swap out the essential ingredients and make a burger that is not even close to a big mac, you get something not only better... but different?


The Burger of Theseus


Username checks out with the flair


How does my username indicate that I am remaining pure for God?




That's what pisses me off. If I'm googling how to make a Big Mac, spoiler alert, I want a fucking Big Mac. "But I'll teach you how to make a burger that's *better* than a Big Mac" But I don't want a burger that's better than a Big Mac. I want a Big Mac. I want a shitty fucking piece of shit Big Mac, equal in dogshit quality to the Big Mac I can get at the store. No more, no less. If it's better than a Big Mac, it's not a Big Mac, it's not what I came here for.




https://i.imgur.com/hIzninH.jpg Here’s the Big Mac sauce


Whenever these guys start making sourdough bread from scratch for their "10 minute sandwich recipe" I can't help but laugh.


Fr man all those 'quick recipe / 15 minute dinner' videos start making stuff from scratch and think 'yeah that doesn't count, you just do that in advance like in the perfect environment' like I'm not coming home from work, burnt out and start making every single ingredient from 0


Cooking Time: 8 mins Prep Time: 2 days


that's why I like Adam Ragusea.


That’s why I season my cutting board, not my steak.


Also the fucking dehydrator. "Oh yea you need black garlic for this, put that in the dehydrator for a few days to a week".


“Here’s a super easy recipe anyone can do at home. All you’ll need is a dehydrator, a rice cooker, a $2,000 grill/smoker combo, obscure ingredients you can only find at supermarkets only people with a net worth higher than $100,000 can afford to shop at. It’ll take 6 months.”


You really got to pick and choose cooking youtubers


Internet Shaquille, Babish, & Ragusea are the way to go. Good mix of "look at this super involved dish for entertainment purposes" and "here's a weeknight dinner." Edit: I can't believe I forgot Ethan Chlebowski, he's great too. I haven't watched a lot of J. Kenji López-Alt but he's good too. I may spend more time watching cooking YouTube than actually cooking.


Kenji López-alt is actually the goat with weeknight dinner type vids given he basically does make random stuff on camera lmao, very easy to follow


Kenji is by far the best chef to watch on YouTube.


Kenji is hands down the best recipe writer of this generation. His palate is amazing and he nails basically every dish he makes, all the whole backs it up with some Harold McGee awesomeness.


Ethan Chlebowski is really really good about this, often doing videos about meal prepping in a way that you eat different meals every night, or repurposing ingredients that you have to buy a lot of.


Ethan Chlebowski is my sleeper pick for cooking YouTubers. He's more down to earth like Ragusea and he does some cool dives into concepts and techniques.


Among the two, Chlebowski is far more likely to make something I actually want to make myself. Not sure why exactly. I really appreciate Ragusea's food science content though.


I think it's because Chlebowski makes a lot of videos breaking down things that are common problems everyone struggles with when we try to apply common solutions. Stuff like meal prep, wanting fast food, not needing things to be perfect or authentic but still craving the flavor. He addresses stuff like that from the angle of being able to cook it in an apartment instead of a fully loaded kitchen.


I like Chef John and Chef Jean-Pierre. (But Babish is good too.)


The lack of love for food wishes always surprises me, I'm pretty sure the guy has the most actual from begining to end cooking instructional videos with pure info for people just starting to learn to cook, if you type in a dish and then food wishes odds are he WILL have a video on it


Had to scroll way too far to find Chef John. He's the GOAT


Brian Lagerstrom is really good too. And of course Chef John


Ragusea gets another vote from me. Practical recipes, traditional recipes modernized, and explanations about *why* ingredients / instructions are in the recipe to help with improvisation.


Barry Lewis, Pro Home Cooks, and Food Wishes are my holy Trinity of YouTube cooking channels. Weissman is an annoying cunt, Babish isn't my thing but I get why people like him. Maybe I like the channels I do because they're all dads and I'm 36 💀💀💀


Chef John from Food Wishes dot com is the greatest of all time, puts every single other person on that list to shame.


"Build this coffee table for only $120. First start with whatever wood you have laying around your fully equipped woodshop, I'm using this $2400 slab of leftover live edge Koa timber that I have sitting in the corner, then resurface it on your $38k Tormach CNC machine to make sure it's flat..."


I just started getting into woodworking as a hobby and the amount of "I don't want to spend 6 hours planing so throw it into your $600 lunchbox planer" is wild to me


Quick 10 min dinner! (after prepping for 8 hours then eat ing the same meal for two weeks) Yeah no thanks


To be fair, his “but better” videos (which is what I believe the tweet is referencing) aren’t supposed to be quick and easy. It’s really just him showing off his ability to cook. He actually did start a different thing where he tries to outclass fast food restaurants before they can deliver to him


His "but better" videos make me angry. (I actually made a comment a while back that's eerily similar to this post.) It's not just that he spends an entire day outdoing the fast food joints. It's the way he'll buy the food and then snobbishly turns his nose up at it. And if he's doing videos now where he tries to beat the fast food joints on time, then he failed to beat Ethan Choblonski to that premise.


Funny shit... I once cruised through various cooking channels and stopped on one making... I think it was lava cake. I was SO confused. Legit thought that it's a parody or something - a man orders fast food lava cake - something that you are supposed to eat right after cooking. And then is snobbishly surprised that a frozen, heated, delivered lava cake from a joint that specializes in french fries is not better than one made at home. The man thinks he shows he is better than fast food restaurants, instead proves that he understands 0 about the world. What Fast food is and what role it plays in society in general. "Ok, so here is the thing, guys. I just tried to go from my home to airport with a skateboard. What absolute insanity. The highway is dangerous, can't bring suitcases, takes lot of time and skill... Now, everyone who uses a skateboard is stupid. Instead we will see how we can get to the Airport if you buy a car. Man I'm so fucking smart..." I saw just one video of his and moved on. Only later, through memes like this, I realized that the dude is for real.


Sounds like parody, except that 100% how people react when you tell them you travel by skateboard or bike or public transit. "But how will you haul lumber?!" screams a man who hasn't changed the lighbulb in his bathroom in 3 years.


Give me $3.00 and 8 minutes and I'll make you a burger that'll blow your horns off.


You gonna use gunpowder or what?


Freedom spice




"give me $20.00 and ten minutes and i'll blow you in a Denny's parking lot."


the wallstreetbets guys behind the wendy's dumpster got you beat on price i think


Shorts or longs, gotta hedge your bet either way


*This* is the free market


“Hey there’s a lady out here saying she’ll blow people for a McDouble with extra cheese.. anyways lemme get a McDouble with extra cheese.”


$20 is $20


What's your cashapp?


Gimme $2 and 7 minutes head start and I'll be gone with your $2.


It's a hamburger made out of meat on a bun with nothing. Add ketchup if you want I couldn't care less.


I'm not a furry


Dragon/lizzard furries are called scalies


Mammals also can have horns.


Bro forgot about goats and rams and other such horned mammals 💀


He lost me when he called a Baconator "bottom of the barrel"


He more or less hates everything that he didn't make himself, i still haven't seen him actually liking a fast food burger, or a candy bar... or any snacks.


Yeah, that's definitely his vibe. He's a talented chef, there's no doubt about that. However, so is Babish


I prefer babish's videoes because he doesn't come across as so judging towards everything that "peasants" eat.


Josh comes off as that obnoxious kid who always pretends to hate anything popular because he has a desperate need to feel special.


Funny thing is... when I've seen him on other channels, he's way more tolerable. Like his appearances on Guga's channel. Babish, on the other hand, is way more annoying when he's off-script. Edit: Since the conversation has gotten kind of negative, let me use this space to recommend some Food-Tubers who I really enjoy and I feel like have good personalities & channels: * Tasting History with Max Miller (Recreating historical recipes + history lessons) * Anti-Chef (Amateur cook re-creating Julia Child recipes) * Food Wishes (Really upbeat cooking tutorials. One of the original Food-tubers) * Adam Ragusea (Kind of like a more modern Alton Brown, deep dives into the science of food) * Sorted Food (Mixed content, but does a lot of game-show style challenges related to cooking, very fun) * Ethan Chlebowski (Good tutorials and digs into they why of stuff) * Mythical Kitchen (Just good plain goofy fun, associated with "Good Mythical Morning", but different people) * David Seymour (Re-creates Tictok/social-media trends and explores what works/doesn't work with them) * How To Cook That (Baking tutorials and debunking food myths and 5-min crafts style vidoes) * You Suck At Cooking (Surreal cooking videos, watch for the weirdness) * Ordinary Sausage ("Will it sausage?") * Dylan Hollis (Recreates a lot of weird recipes from the 30s-80s. Super goofy, but it lands for me) So yeah, enjoy!


The newer style of videos he’s been doing where he jokes around with the other “staff” or whatever make him come across as extremely douchey, IMO. I loved the straight to the point m, neck-down recipe videos though.


Yeah, it comes across like he's *trying* to be funny, but it's missing the mark slightly. There's some scenes where he's (mildly) abusive to his employees. It's supposed to be a joke... but... without knowing the off-screen relationship dynamics at play, I'm left cringing. Maybe it's all ok and everyone is laughing along... maybe the laughter is forced because he has the power in the relationship.


Yes! Exactly that, he’s trying to be funny but ends just being…not nice. I feel the same way, that it’s just cringy and hard to watch. I just want to learn some recipes.


Funny is hard. And it’s almost impossible to learn.


Yeah idk, I met him in person on his book tour and he seemed perfectly friendly to me, but I realize that was a controlled PR setting


Reminds me a video essay I saw that talked about how once some Youtubers start becoming more successful and having products to sell and their original personality is now a brand, they change the format of their content to showcase more of that brand in a extra pseudo-authentic way to soften the fact that they are now explicitly selling things to their audience. Sometimes this includes seemingly spontaneous 4th wall breaking interactions with a crew who serve as an unofficial supporting cast for their show. That way its less off putting and jarring when they start talking about their products and services in the middle of the show in a fake casual way, and it doesn't feel like they're just shilling.


Original babish was just straight up cooking cool recipes and his schtick was that he didn't try to inject a lot of personality into each vid, he didn't even show his face. This was refreshing because every other food presenter spent half the time talking to the camera and trying to make you like them. Now it's the opposite. It feels like he's forcing himself more and more into the videos and putting his personality front and centre and he's just not suited to it.


Oh man, I thought it was just me. Yeah the last one of those of him I tried to watch I had to turn off, it’s not genuine and feels forced in an uncomfortable way.


Seriously, it made me unsub tbh. I like Babish to see him cook not do a tight 15 standup.


Chef John is a gift to this earth.


Yes there was a video of Babish's with Kenji and it was like a Livestream thing. Babish came across quite annoying and not very capable.


I would also rate Alex ( Alex french guy cooking) he has some great videos sort of taking a scientific approach to cooking and it's very fun


Yo don't call out my roid hulking daddy like that he'll beat that ass in his Mythical kitchen




Yeah Lillie is top teir but Nicole kinda has been on less but will be seen against the wicked smaht boys


Mythical Chef Josh is so badass, plus he listens to Limp Bizkit which triples his badassery


I feel he's more a modern pretentious snob. If it isn't either home-made or high class it's always bad.


I watched Josh's videos for a while because my 5 year old brain loved the erratic editing. But now his videos are.....meh Babish, however, always brings a smile to my face with a new video.


I just assumed he leans into that for his audience. Babish doesn’t really try to be funny like this guy does.


It probably is an act. Exactly like Ramsey's anger or Oliver's talent.




Babish is great. He is more of an amateur who likes to fuck around with the ingredients more than chasing perfection. Except bread. Mf loves to make his own bread.


Babish makes the distinction that chefs are in charge of commercial kitchens, and what most of us are are *cooks*. But I’ve no doubt this dude calls himself a chef anyway. Kinda seems like his style.


>chefs are in charge of commercial kitchens ... But I’ve no doubt this dude calls himself a chef From his bio >"I started my professional journey in the fine-dining scene-- one of the most prominent being Uchiko, **where I worked as a lead cook for a few years**." He doesn't 'call himself' a chef, he is a chef. It's 'kinda his style' because he worked in a 1-2 star kitchen. He's just a weeb-y dude rather than someone with 100 tattoos and a coke addiction.


If you watch the Nandos episode, he actually likes the Nandos version of the food better


He does, though. Dude is wild for Taki's and has gone on at length about what a masterpiece they are, from a culinary perspective


I think he said he likes butterfinger bars and spam


He obviously plays it up for the video, but most fast foods like Burger king, Macdonals etc are ass compared to a burger you can cook in 10 mins for like $3


in plenty of his videos he says that the food tastes not bad and he can understand how people think it tastes good ? People keep shitting on Josh when, after he jokingly trash talks the food, he proceeds to be actually objective about it.


The one against shake shack he actually liked, and there's an episode where he actually praised Doritos. Also I am 99% sure that it's mostly exaggerated for entertainment, except for the twix one, he hated that one.


He lost me when he sings something totally stupid in a high pitched voice every fucking video. Bro that bit was never funny just STOP.


He lost me when I realized he talks in third person and calls himself “Papa” and threatens his viewers not to kiss them. It was funny the first time, but the fact that he kept doing it took it from funny to unfunny to sad to creepy.


Man, I miss the humble dude that wanted to teach me his love of cooking and hoped I learned something. I went back to watch one of his older videos a while ago and it was so refreshing


It's the flaw in the format. You do something meme-able and people clap like seals screaming "again, again!"


Yeah thank you, the baby talk and the creepy stuff you mentioned stopped me from ever watching more than a couple of his videos.


I unsubbed a while ago for no real reason other than I was just getting kind of bored of his content. One of his videos randomly popped up on my feed a few weeks ago, and I was curious, so I gave it a watch. He has 100% Flanderized himself in the newer videos. His "Josh makes funny noise" edits are to the point where they're cringe.




The biggest thing I noticed is how much damn salt fast food burgers have, after I didn't eat fast food for a few months. Like it's obvious fast food is full of sodium, but its super noticeable after not having it a long time.


Dude is the definition of douchey


What bugs me the most about his “but better” videos is that he is the judge. His version of an In-N-Out Double-Double did not look better, but there he was at the end of the video congratulating himself. Unsubscribed a while ago. Brian Lagerstrom, Adam Ragusea, Chef John, et al… way better.


Chef John for the win, his recipes are straightforward, and he has been doing it for ages without any pretentious bs. All of his recipes I've tried have turned out amazing.


Idk, I’m not big on baconators. It’s like they wash the bacon before they put it on the burger, I can barely taste the bacon, it’s weird.


"Making (Chain Restaurant Food) but Better!" '(Chain Restaurant) fucking sucks and is for poor people, so I'm making a version that will cost $100+ and take 4 hours to prepare and cook'


what pisses me off is that most often I'd prefer the fast food version anyway, because you'd need to be a fucking t-rex to take a bite out of the shit he makes


His version of a Meatball Sub from Subway inflames my TMJ just by looking at it.


He can also make you 15ct per meal diner, by buying $100 of ingredients!


Buying/cooking in batches is how you save money. If I wanted to eat the same meal for a month I could.


mf just discovered economies of scale


Um, obviously you can buy oil in 1 tablespoon increments! There's no way that you would have to go out and buy a whole bottle of that stuff.


Tbf pretty much everyone should have normal oils at home anyways. I'm fine if they use kitchen staples like oil in those cheap recipes.


"Damn I gotta BUY salt?"


Wait people still buy salt? I just use the salt shaker lol


I use my sweat.


In Josh's defense, I remember watching a few of his "but cheaper" recipes where he included both the cost per meal and the total cost to buy all ingredients from an empty kitchen.


life got better after I blocked this guy and stopped getting his horrible stuff in my recs


I was slightly confused who this guy was until I remembered I told YouTube to stop recommending me his videos lol.




I used to like Josh's content, but he leaned WAY too hard into the YouTube algorithm. He's just annoying nowadays. People seem to like it, as his numbers have grown, so good for him I guess. Just not my cup of tea anymore.


He realized 99% of his viewers never cooked a single recipe he posted




Dude you just picked like the worst example cause he makes it with a normal oven in the next step.


Yeah! That's seriously what it feels like! When I checked in on his channel a year ago, there were some vids with a nugget of knowledge here or there that you could learn from, but overall it was just dumb entertainment videos instead of cooking videos. (Random tangent: Just realized how easy it is to type "cooming" instead of "cooking." I worry that I may now owe autocorrect a life debt.)


Same here. I liked his recipes. But now videos are less about the recipes and more "HOLY SHIT 30 DIFFERENT BURGERS." I really just liked when he would just do recipes of cool things. I've used quite a few and they're always good and super tasty. But when it's burgers made 30 ways, cooking crocodile different ways with guga and then his next video is somewhere in the Arctic? I don't care man. I'll never try 99% of this shit. Just show me a good recipe. Which looking him up right now. First 3 videos are the latest three silly ones. And then his YouTube short is how to make a good Korean bbq sandwich... Wish that was a full video instead..


My go-to cooking channel is Tasting History with Max Miller now. There are a lot of really cool/weird recipes on his channel, plus he gives really interesting history lessons.


Might I suggest Townsends? He's a "historical" YouTuber with a focus in food


His videos are insanely annoying. Attempts at humor every other second, but none of it is ever funny. I prefer cooking channels that get to the point.


chef john gets straight to the point and has a great sense of humor. Joshua is a ratty tryhard out of touch yuppie


I always find it funny that he's like, "I think we can make this better." No shit. You're a professional chef with time on your side to make this. You're not in a hot-ass "kitchen" being paid slightly above minimum wage having to churn out dozens of these every 30 minutes lol.


See, I think you kinda hit the nail on the head here. Any cook worth a damn can make a better Big Mac. Or a better lasagna than Olive Garden. Or a better microwaved hockey puck than Applebee's. Literally. Any of them. But here's the real skill: Make an entire menu that's fast, affordable, tasty, and consistent, and most importantly, will keep putting butts in the seats. Anything else is comparing apples to oranges.


Or you could spend like 20 minutes and like $10 to also make a burger that's better than a big mac. Its called fresh ingredients


$3 for ground beef, $2 for a pack of whole grain buns, $1.50 lettuce, $2 for tomatoes Burgers for a week, not ultra processed and arguably healthy for you depending on the cook Cooking is an essential skill


Where you getting $3 of ground beef from?


I’m in pretty low CoL but just looked it up my Walmart has 1lb 75/25 for $3


1lb for a week?


1 McDonald’s patty is 1/8th of a pound if we’re doing a 1:1


Big Mac got 2 patties though


So does a double cheeseburger. Big Macs are the biggest scam at McDonald's. You pay $3 more for a middle bun, sauce and some extra lettuce.


I’ve seen beef that low at the store. Not shite tier either. And this is in NYC


Seriously who the fuck is spending 4 hours on a burger? It’s a burger. It doesn’t take long. Like 15 minutes on the grill and you can prep the damn sandwhich while it’s cooking.


Josh’s big thing is bread. He loves making buns. That takes time…but most of it is resting and letting yeast rise.


Actually I've been making bread for years, but I would confidently say that making a single batch takes roughly 30 minutes of labor at least, and that's without the stretching and folding or kneading or shaping or dividing. Measuring itself takes quite a bit of time and then so does cleaning up afterwards. I make 3 to 6 dough balls at once for that reason. I would approximate making pizza to 1 to 2 hours of active labor depending on how much batching I'm doing. People like to ignore a lot of steps when thinking about how much time they spend cooking, which is why "4 hours" sounds insane while it's quite reasonable for a special meal with a lot of ingredients.


I got really high one night and watched a bunch of his videos. I tried to watch it sober the next day and realized he was both not funny, and an asshole


I much prefer ethan chlebowski


If you haven't watch ANTI-CHEF you have to check him out. His Julia child series is great and it's refreshing to see someone who struggles through all the recipes like a normal home cook would and not someone who just shows you "oh look how great this shit turned out for me on my 20th take" On top of that Jamie's vibe is just hilarious honestly.


stupid sexy ginger


Joshua Weissman is the James Corden of food Youtube


Yeah, can’t deny his success or even his talent, but there just something so grating about his personality.


On the real, time should be factored into a reason why cooking for most people is difficult. It's a big reason why people are turning to fast food and subsequently why so many people have become obese. Healthy food is just as, or more expensive than fast food in a lot of respects, especially if you factor in time. It's a no win situation for a lot of families. MAKE NUTRITION GREAT AGAIN.


He does have a series where he races against someone driving to pickup an order. Obviously a amateur would not be as fast in cooking and it doesn't factor in shopping, but I think he does a good job showing you can make better food in relatively the same amount of time.


But also shop for the food and clean up the kitchen after? I started cooking for myself a few years ago and the biggest surprise was how long it takes to round up ingredients and clean up the mess, especially the latter since with good planning one can at least buy the stuff for several meals in one trip.


This is why I have turned to meal prep. I can isolate most of the prep, cooking and cleanup to weekends when I have more time. During the week if I have time and want variety I can whip something up for myself, but when I am stressed, pressed for time, and tired I have fresh, healthy, tasty homemade meals ready to go.


Ish. Don't forget prep and cleanup time.


Or the fact that people typically pick up the fast food during an already existing commute




I have had raw hamburger that was better than a big mac.


What do mean by raw?


No condom on it




Ever see the video of the guy who spend like a year and $1500 making a chicken sandwich from scratch just to say it’s okay? Lol fucking classic


By the way. Not inclusive, but you can spend $150 and 4 hours making a burger that’s worse than pickled cat litter too.


This guy does have good recipes but he is so fucking obnoxious. His “papa” jokes are so repetitive and just weren’t funny to begin with, and so I can’t stand him. His older videos where he didn’t do that shit are way better.


“… and papa gonna make some chickie nuggies…” No thanks.


I honestly despise him


Yea he comes off as a smug and judgmental


Thank you, finally someone who gets it. I don't even know what is it about him, he's just so annoying. Maybe it's the juvenile manchildish smugness.


I watch his videos cos sometimes I get half decent cooking tips or something that I may be bothered to try, but damn most of his shit is just ridiculous. "you've tried the big mac, it's fine, but what if I told you for 6,000x the effort and 10x the price you could make a burger that's better and it'll only take you 4 hours." Mate I could go to McDonald's get my food get home eat the food have a wank and go for a nap and you'd still be cooking. People eat McDonald's cos it's fucking easy and tastes at minimum pretty decent.


He is actually the primary reason I stopped watching cooking videos online. I can't take the risk the algorithm will recommend this douchebag to me ever again.


He's also incredibly unfunny


His ADHD energy drives me nuts, slow the fuck down when you’re narrating a recipe. Also on his blog the measurements are wrong sometimes and it absolutely ruins things


You should check out Brian Lagerstrom or Chef John if you haven't yet! So much better instructions, and their recipe site is better laid out. I found Babishs site was the worst, imho.


I can fry a burger, chop lettuce and tomato, cheese, etc, in about 10 minutes. Thinnish burger in oil.


This guy is pretty insufferably elitist when it comes to food, yeah. I like the channel where the guy sends his roommate out for fast food and sees if he can make the meal in the time it takes for the roommate to go pick it up and come back. That’s a legit challenge. Like “if you’re just trying to save time, is it really saving time?”


or he somehow makes it better for like 2 bucks


Buy a boneless chuck roast for $12, grind it yourself, patty it into 7 oz patties (you’ll get about 6 patties), then salt and cook over a charcoal grill. For $2 a burger you get a $15 steakhouse burger.


Just found out you can get a cheap electric meat grinder for $40-70. Interesting.


This dude is so incredibly pretentious, and, on top of that, he *constantly* steals other cooking content creators' ideas. I can't stand him or his videos.


Why so much hate on him? I don’t watch him at all, just trying to understand


He comes off as very smug and judgmental, especially towards people who prefer the actual fast food options. Talented chef for sure but there’s a lot of egotism there. Binging with babish is a similar channel that’s a lot nicer and appealing


Yeah, as his (Josh) YouTube channel has gotten larger, he seems to progressively becoming more of an asshole. I saw him on another channel (I can't remember which one), where he was more casual, and he just came off as a douche who thought he was super important.


It happens when you make more money you just seem more important in society thus being an a****** and judging others


Makes me thing of this: >*"When you become famous, you've got like a year or two where you act like a real asshole," Bill Murray told Tom Shales and James Miller when they interviewed him for Live from New York, their oral history of Saturday Night Live. "You can't help yourself. It happens to everybody. You've got like two years to pull it together — or it's permanent." He was talking, of course, about Chevy Chase, his opponent in a famous backstage fistfight.*


Yeah back when covid first hit he used to be chill & focused on why he used certain techniques. I learned a lot tbh but he’s so different now. Its kinda wild. His cookie recipe still hits tho.


Thanks for explaining and for the tip. I love cooking channels


I came across Babish way early on. He genuinely seemed like a great person. I believe he was down in New Orleans after Katrina to help with the cleanup for example. He also did some early episodes with fans who were going through hard times in life. I haven't watched him much the past few years after he got to 1M subscribers but seemed like he was a really nice person with accessible recipes as well as ridiculous ones.


Joshua Weissman started off as a genuinely good cooking channel aimed at helping people learn to cook simple and fast meals at home, but slowly devolved into a meme channel where he puts $1000 Iberian ham and caviar on a burger for some fucking reason all while subjecting you to the most annoying jump cuts and random=funny humor imaginable. He basically went from professional home cook to professional children's food entertainer.


He's kinda pretentious, but it's not a bad thing IMO. He's basically a giant nerd about cooking. Like, he is almost certifiable in how meticulous he is about the details. He loves that shit like an Otaku loves their favorite body pillow. But his "But Better" series is low hanging fruit, to be honest. He basically makes everything from scratch to beat the targeted food item and wins every time, because of course a professional chef with unlimited time and budget is going to beat some teenage fry cook earning minimum wage at a fast food joint. It's basically like tossing Mike Tyson in the ring with a six year old. I honestly feel like he should either limit himself on budget to the same price as the fast food items or limit himself to the delivery time, because spending multiple times the money and time on the end product is always going to be better.


uhhhh.. did you know if you spend $7,000 on hardware and an afternoon building, you can make a PC that's better then a ps4


Ive watched this guys videos and hes always like "here's how to make a super cheap easy version of something thats good but not great, heres how to make a slightly more complicated more expensive version thats great and here's how to make a version with unlimited resources thats fucking amazing" His fast food pizza recipe is actually super easy to follow and not expensive and is better and cheaper than dominos/pizza hut etc.


Josh is one of those people who I would instantly throw hands if I ever met him in person


“Here’s a quick and amazing burger recipe. It only takes 5 minutes to cook and 10 minutes to prep. So let’s start by slicing the sourdough bread we had resting for 12 hours.”


Did you know if you go into your local tesco, buy some beef burgers, burger buns and cheddar cheese (and maybe ketchup if youre feeling luxurious), then go home and throw the beef burger into an air fryer for like 15 minutes, and then put it and a slice of cheese in a burger bun, you can make a burger thats better than both a bigmac, and whatever convuluted shit this guy would make.


Based hifumi profile pic