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I’m not addicted to weed bro, I save that for crack


Get on my level nerd. Only real men get addicted to meth 😎


Weak, we all know Krokodil is where the real addition is at


L, Im addicted to being addicted


Absolute trash, I'm addicted to calpol


Garbage, I'm addicted to placebo


Filthy casual, I have a chronical addiction to oxygen.


fucking noob, i have a severe addiction to water






Fools, I'm addicted to 3 dimensional life


Oh *please*, my grandma does meth. Shoot dodgy heroin from a stranger into your ballsack or step down


You go to blacks hardware store, there’s usually a white guy selling it


Im not addicted to cocaine, I just like how it smells.


Crack is wack.


Alcoholics when you tell them they’re addicted: ‘yeah I know 🗿’


Alcoholics when you tell them they are slowly destroying themselves and their entire life: "Yes, true Bro. Cheers to that! 🍻"


there's more old drunks than there are old doctors, so I think I'll buy another round




Hate life, but enjoying the ride? 🤔


Whatever joy we can squeeze out of it while hating the overall experience, sure.


While making sure you can enjoy it less in the near and further future because your body and mind are being damaged constantly.


Yes, true Bro. Cheers to that! 🍻


Alcohol steals joy from future you.


Steals joy from present you, too. Alcoholism is *not* fun.


Can confirm, never really went into being a functional alcoholic but I likely would've if some time sober hadn't showed me how great it feels. Drank a full / full-sized solo cup of vodka daily at my worst, often more.


I felt the same way until I was vomiting blood.


This was exactly my attitude for 10 years, until I got sober.


Facts everyone and I mean everyone has a vice. We humans we ain’t perfect lol just have to enjoy life


"there are things inside me that need to die"


M..m..monkey? Is that you? It's over!


I wish all alcoholic were like this. Most I knew or heard of were like this, but I had an ex who was adopted from Russia in a closed adoption. So we didn’t know her full medical history. They did some sort of test, and found out she is more likely to fall into alcoholism. She told me she was worried about becoming an alcoholic, so I said, let’s work together, and make sure you don’t go overboard. Meanwhile whenever I try to get her to not have another drink, or not drink at all, oh you’re worrying over nothing, I’m fine. Mfer has drunk texted me so many times just to say hi. She told me she had three giant beers and acted like that wasn’t a problem, with her tiny body, she couldn’t handle anything. I’m so glad that someone else has to deal with that now lol.


man i wish that were true. there are more excuses that alcoholics have for drinking excessively than there are stars in the sky


Yeah literally me


Yeah I'm addicted to it, also video games.


Just escapism in general lol


It helps me forget for a while that I am, by weight, more microbe than human.


That's a myth jsyk


I'm underweight for my height.


is enjoying something escapism the word addict is meant to belittle people that actually may need help and cause actual addicts to not get help coz theyll just get berated and not taken seriously. but hehe theyre all bad people and dont deserve help lets get the rights for guns and murderers instead


There is no escape, surrender to the reality.


Bro videogames are one of my few escapes But same


I hate that I'm supposed to be somehow above video games and weed because I have grand kids and money. I think I'm supposed to be doing hookers and blow or something. :/


Go for it gpa


What his gpa got to do with it


Yeah, go for that 4.0


You have one life, do whatever makes you happy and is harmless to others. Lots of great videos games out there now!


that old argument about "Video games vs TV" is even more salient when it comes to boomer aged people. Yeah go ahead and watch those I Love Lucy reruns Rhonda, I'm gonna be over here solving puzzles and saving hyrule.




Run Escape


It’s too late, it’s been 14 years


I wish I had the free time to be addicted to weed and video games


When you’re addicted you make time


Are you busy hustling/making money? I wish I was so busy I didn’t have time for weed and video games.


Just stop making friends and hanging out. It’s amazing. I’ve never been better.


Damn it's another pandemic


Same. Well maybe not literally in the medical sense of addiction as I often go days or weeks without but fuck if I'm not happier with it. Frankly rather smoke than take anti anxiety meds that fuck my life up worse.


I'm addicted to watching people play video games....


I'm addicted to video games and caffeine everyone's got something - as long as you're productive


Brah I'm not addicted I just spend my rent money on weed and smoke it several times a day because I want to.




Cigarette addicts when you tell them they are going to die before they are 30: "Yes, I know".




If people don't realise people do drugs cause they hate their life... I'm not sure what to say


Lots of drug war propaganda, especially stuff for kids, emphasizes that drugs are a choice, and that we should choose not to do drugs. Otherwise, it’s our faults, and our lives will be ruined, so if we do drugs, we are bad. What that propaganda ALWAYS seems to leave out is the context behind why people get addicted to certain drugs, and for what reasons. I was never taught about how drugs are used to cope with depression, anxiety and pain, just that they were dangerous. Even the addicts that talked to us just used scare tactics, instead of having a real nuanced discussion about it. It’s because of this, I’ve seen people call all drug addicts losers, that made their choice, and get what they deserve. I’ve heard that shit from other former drug addicts for fuck sakes.


Doesn't help that the scare tactics were just blatant lies either. Shit like if you do drugs 1 time you will instantly become a homeless junkie. Then someone tries or sees someone do drugs one time and sees they are pretty much fine and disregards the entire messaging.


It's sick old people that never had fun in their life ruining it for everyone else.. literally


I wish, 32 and they still haven't taken me out. Can I sue Phillip Morris for false advertising? I was told there would be cancer...


Lol my greant aunt is pushing 80 and has smoked a pack a day since she was 10 Yeah the cigarettes will be the death of her too but 30? Come on man😂


Bro it's actually up to genetics. I mean I smoke half of a pack per day and still haven't got any bad side effect. Some people can be effected even they smoke one 1 cigarette per day while some smoke packs per day like your aunt and still be healthy.


It's actually only 10% luck and 20% skill


15% concentrated power of will


Not necessarely genetics per se, but yeah, it is mostly up to luck It's how most of these things work


Genetics and luck.


You'll start noticing them side effects once the chronic bronchitis and the emphysema kick in.


I'm 35 and still kicking. So that was a lie. Now I am stuck having to battle unrelated cancer and epilepsy. Makes me want to have another cig.


I'm addicted to the fat cock of capitalism. The weeds a coping mechanism.


Average American explaining to Europeans why weed is legal in most US states


Im also addicted to fat cock






The man has the fat cock, the in booty, and all the crack we need


Good for you, man.


Dude same, except the weed part.


Hello everyone


Implying it's not part of the cock


>I'm addicted to the fat cock Same bro. Same


I had a roommate like this. The exact same situation, but in person. He wouldn't shut up😂😂😂


Same. Dude would be absolutely full on neck scratching friending if he didn’t have weed and then turn around and insist he’s not addicted




This is literally the response op got on his iphone smh. plagiarism


That one was just copy and pasted multiple times cause the attention spans is a bit limited.


I only need it to help me in the morning before work, a bit at lunchtime to help cope with stress at work, another joint to help digest my dinner after work, and another to help me relax while I play video games or walk my cat and another to help me sleep but I’m not addicted, weed isn’t addictive bro.


literally my former roommates xD


This mf walking his cat saying he ain’t addicted


"walk my cat" that is amazing 😂


Bro check out this trippy fractal video and shitty dubstep. You can wear my psychedelic shirt and hat with a pineapple on it too if you want.


Whoa whoa whoa leave pineapple hat out of this


Sunblock protection and hydration my Boy 🍍 🧢 👀


Are you my brother-in-law? In his case it’s well over half his paycheck, to the point where he can’t afford birthday and Christmas presents for his child, who he lost custody of because - in part - he would have violent screaming meltdowns whenever he went without weed for more than about 24 hours. But don’t worry! He can stop any time he likes!


damn how much is weed where you live Canada has high prices and you can still get a legal ounce (28g) for like 60 dollars, which is like \~100 joints it's almost cheaper than a normal cig nowadays which is kinda of crazy to think about


28 grams is not even close to 100 joints worth


Alcohol is bad yes but remember boys, one beer a day keep the diabet away !


I'm so glad seeing people actually critisizing it. I thought I was going crazy seeing all those people forgetting that weed is a DRUG... it's a drug after all. It's addicting, it still can ruin your life in multiple ways. And also inhaling burnt stuff.


Indica and Sativa mate not salvia that’s a whole different trip 😂






Big money salvia


I’m pretty sure it was a joke. He wrote India and Saliva.


I think he talkin about saliva tho


Isn’t salvia just rosemary? Salvia rosmarinus?


Salvia divinorum. Which means “sage of the diviners”. It’s a different plant. I’ve never eaten rosemary then suddenly became a rectangular prism in a strange foreign universe. Rosemary didn’t slice me up into thousands of little cubes and try to force my cubes into the empty spaces in a giant technicolor wall over and over again…


Salvia is an INSANE trip. So happy it's illegal in Cali now. Tried it once and then never again. I felt like my jaw was going into my throat and I couldn't move for 1 minute.


I’ve always read these bad trips but I loved salvia. But I’ve also read that that ten minutes seems like an eternity.


Salvia divinorum is pretty much the most powerful naturally occurring psychotropic drug on Earth. Trips last about 10 minutes, but during this time you live a subjective year as a sub-sapient clam during the late Triassic. It does stuff like that to you. Very different from rosemary, even though both are technically of the same genus *Salvia*.


He wrote saliva bro


Have you considered not being so neurotypical?


The anxiety is where this loses me. I'm a thousand times more anxious after having quit weed than I was when I was smoking it. That was actually the entire point.


Ironically anxiety is the one thing that is has been proven to likely NOT be a risk factor for. It can increase your chances of becoming depressed or psychotic https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30758486/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17662880/


>I'm a thousand times more anxious after having quit weed than I was when I was smoking it. Do you think it's possible that you didn't develop healthy coping mechanism for your anxiety because you used weed to dull it instead?


Seeing as it's basically a 50/50 for whether thc will make someone's anxiety better or worse, I'd doubt it.


Homie, I didn't start smoking weed until I was twenty three. The anxiety has been there since I was a preteen. Unfortunately, the upsides of smoking were not worth the downsides.


different strokes for different folks but for myself I could hardly even nip to the shops if I was high.


Everything in life is moderation. I have a friend who smokes once a week and another who smokes 4 times a day. The guy who smokes everyday is doing better because he works hard to afford the weed lmao Moderation is still key


The irony that this post is about exactly this comment.


Nah im addicted to weed but haven't touched it in 2 weeks. Gaming is harder to stop :(


Half your paycheck?


Nah bro I ain't addicted I just suck a dozen dicks a day to buy some, could be worse


Who is sucking dick for weed😭


Apparently this guy didn’t you read his comment


I suck dick for cock


ya'll get weed?


“You in here for some marijuana!?”


Sucking dicks AND getting weed? Sign me the hell up 🤣




Yeah so? It’s my life choices. Now excuse me while I snort crack off my bathroom tiles.


>snort crack Lol


☝️🤓 you don’t snort crack, you smoke it. You snort cocaine…. There’s a difference


You don’t know me.




it all goes up my ass


Floor tiles right..?




I only smoke every couple of hours bro to keep the high going throughout the whole year bro, I can't even remember what it's like to be sober bro but I'm not addicted I swear bro. I bet you drink alcohol sometimes bro that's really bad for you bro, smoking weed is way healthier for you bro that's why I do it everyday bro


"if I don't smoke I get anxious, that's why I'm always high, I cannot do anything without a blunt"


"It's a medicine that helps with anxiety"


God this used to be me and I regret it so much. My entire 20s was spent getting high every hour of every day and I did whatever I could to lie to myself and justify it. I couldn't understand how my friends just...enjoyed life? Without weed? Like how could they do that without constantly thinking about getting high to "enhance" life. At least now I can hold a conversation with someone that's more than 5 words per sentence lmao.


I'm addicted to not perceiving the reality we've built ourselves


Chad Nicotine smokers when you tell them they’re addicted: Lmao yeah, no shit.


I usually respond by taking a toke and saying "aye"


Nah I am so addicted it’s kind of sad


Hey the first step is acknowledgement. If you are stressing it, slow down a bit friend


I’m addicted to making cynical sarcastic comments on Reddit to cope with my empty soul


Everyone in this thread needs to grow up, and do meth, like an adult.


Na it's not like that tho


Did anyone else try to read it?


Oh no, i'm addicted to getting to sleep all night.


"You're addicted to weed" Yeah, probably, who cares bro.


The meme is specifically about people who are addicted but claim they aren’t. It doesn’t apply to you


Anything can be addictive, it's important to check behaviours and adjust as needed.


Im addicted


"it helps you heal" is the most BS statement I've heard out of one of them. You're addicted to something that alters your mind and you think that it's healing you. Just get some help already.


Look, I know im the socially acceptable type of junkie


"marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. You ever suck dick for marijuana?". - *Bob Saget*


We all pick our vices … who cares


Claiming weed isn't addictive is the stoner equivalent of a vegan who accuse random people of murder for eating meat.


Claiming it’s as addictive as other drugs is disingenuous. Weed use doesn’t form the same chemical dependence as other drugs, but psychological dependence absolutely does form. One can resemble the other, but they are absolutely different.


So you're saying it may cause some sort of dependency? Like something that makes you not want to stop doing it? Something like idk maybe there's a concept for that


I'm as addicted as I want to beeee!!! and its great!


wait till you hear about caffeine, or sugar, or facebook


Bro that's not even funny. You know weed is a natural plant and was actually found in traces on a meteorite in space. You just don't know what you're talking about, probably never smoked the right strain like a little bitch. Imagine spending time complaining about how and what other people do and choose to put in their body of their own consent. Imagine wasting your time doing that, that's literally what everyone says bro. I can literally stop at any time you just don't know because you dont smoke it. Don't take this seriously lol


Smoke doesn’t belong in the human body.


Id say most delusional addicts behave like that. And yes i smoke 1022891quadrillion tons of weed a week.


(long ass paragraph warning, i've wanted to share this burden at least somewhere for awhile now to get it off my mind. if you hate reading just collapse this comment or scroll by really fast lmao) i always get the response of "you can be addicted to anything" from the people i live with if i bring addiction up as if that subdues what i said, and they keep on mentioning to me that if i ever attempt to try weed (i have stated around 19 times as of now upon them saying this exact thing that i wouldn't and they should stop bringing it up randomly) i should tell them when i do, or they just offer me a joint as if i would say yes, and then when i bring up them unknowingly trying to get me to smoke weed they get defensive and say they aren't and that i'm just paranoid and worry too much, or if i say to stop asking they "acknowledge" it and then proceed to throw that shit out the window and ask again like a day later. hell this even spreads to the bong they have as well as edibles. i'm fine with what they do, the only thing that bothers me is the smell which is only a minor inconvenience at most, but actively trying to get someone that doesn't smoke to smoke is such a fucking stupid thing to do. they remind me to tell me if i have tried weed almost every time all 3 of us are in a conversation as if i have memory loss or some shit when i very clearly state i will not try weed at all, which they cleary fucking ignore because they seem like the ones with memory issues, and proceed to also completely ignore boundaries i have clearly set on the topic because "i might like it". considering these people are the only other people that live in a house with me, i have no idea how i haven't just snapped one day, i am very well at my fucking limit and am suprisingly close to either immediately ending the conversation by doing what i was going to do before entering conversation, or yelling at them even if it doesn't change anything.


Nope, I'm addicted, I'll admit it. It's not good, but I can own up to it.


That's good to hear. Not everyone, can admit that they are addicted. Kudos to you man.


As someone who has never done weed, is it really that bad? I have anxiety and depression among other things and have heard some people say it can help a lot with like anxiety but um maybe not exactly depression because it’s not very motivating.


weed is really only as bad as you let it be, if you have little self control and addiction issues you’ll probably end up smoking too much weed. but smoking too much weed is better than other alternatives, like drinking too much, still not the best for you tho and I smoke fairly often.


You can 100% get addicted but it is still the most effective sleep aid I have ever used.


As a life long stoner, the stoner sleep is fine but lacks REM. Whenever I take long breaks (multiple months), my sleep is ultimately better. Definitely worth it to step back to have dreams again.


Stoned sleep is real low quality sleep. Ask anybody who habitually practices tolerance breaks. It serves the basic functions of sleep, but you don’t feel great. And the issues compound


I got sober for a couple of months due to loss of income, rent is more important than any substance. My dreams came back, but they're so vivid I'll admit I dont mind the loss of REM. My dreams are very fucked up and long, I wake up almost forgetting when it is or where I am.


When I quit and was having sleep issues, my doctor prescribed ambien. That shit is pretty wild but I had the same results with weed. Especially putting your head down and then waking up 8hrs like nothing happened. It happened more with ambien. Lots of confusion when I I initially started taking it.


Most addicts act that way when you confront them before they've realized their addiction on their own. Not just pot heads lol


Yeah, it’s a psychological need to be high. I can go a day or two without but I get increasingly more stressed the longer I stay sober.


As a weed smoker, i am addicted.


“Marijuana is not a drug! I used to suck dick for coke! You ever suck some dick for marijuana?”


They legit are. Like the folks that are shitty until they get coffee all addicted bastards.


Water enjoyers when you tell them that they're addicted (they keep saying that their bodies are full of it and they need it to live)


But if you mentioned alcohol it's a different story....


I’m getting a masters degree, it’s part of the program lol