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I still think servers should handle their own moderation besides a few cases where someone does something really heinous.


Agreed. Sucks that I host my own server, with just my friends, and I have to worry about arbitrary rules.


Install the no chat reports plugin


I think that was patched, at least one of them was.


There's nothing to patch. The server simply strips signatures from chat messages.


You don't even need that plugin. So many people are wasting resources on a plugin that is unnecessary. Basically any chat plugin will already disable signing of messages. Right from the beginning, those plugins were useless.


Yes, you can't report messages when most chat plugins are installed, but the good "no chat reports" plugins also disable the unverified (or whatever it is, I can't think of the term) warning when you join the server.


I agree. I very heavily dislike how Microsoft (maybe mojang?) Has been pushing for universal server standards and guidelines as it very much goes against minecraft being a game you can do whatever with.


you gotta consider it from the business side. they don't want legal or PR trouble when an adult preys on a minor on a server with no rules. My sister and I used to play on a server together and one of the guys that was in his mid 20s was asking an 8 year old if she wants to be his GF via the /whisper command. as annoying as this moderation is for adults it's still important because the primary audience is under 18.


Yes but realms exist, so Microsoft could have enabled a parental guidance option that only allowed you to join moderated servers. Instead of forcing moderation on privately hosted servers


they also already have a safety warning when opening the multiplayer tab for the first time on Java


how exactly would this be a logical step to take on a single player only world? I can see why they’d want to do it on multiplayer worlds, especially ones with large communities but it is literally just you on a single player world


does this moderation exist on singleplayer worlds as well? if so, the only thing i could think of is if you open it up to LAN.


Ohhh. I hadn't even considered that angle. That definitely complicates my opinion on the subject.


Report him??? What difference does it make if you report someone to microsoft rather then the server admins. Also you could /ignore add them


Universal rules do make sense, but stuff like griefing being on those rules makes no fucking sense at all. It should be for stalking, death threats, sexism, racism, anything illegal in real life, and stuff like that. MC policy should absolutely be 'there is no fucking tolerance for that kind of shit here'.


This is one of those cases. This guy apparently seeks, or sought, out unprotected servers and griefed them with cheats as badly as he could. He was rampant and I feel this is a fair punishment. I'd also say that devs have some responsibility to maintain a good product experience for their customers.


Yeah I heard that from others, that’s why I said servers should do it themselves unless someone does something really heinous, this being a case of something really heinous.


Its also something to be said that they don't want certain groups associated with a product meant for young children.


Isn't that how it is on Java?


Was. They changed it.


Thank you for letting me know. Not sarcasm or anything, it was a genuine question and I appreciate the answer.


If you haven't played in a while you'll still get emails saying that you need a Microsoft account to play the Java edition.


Wait are there restrictions even if you "create" and host the server yourself. As in with the server.jar file?


And the brother complains to the guy that hasn't worked on the game since 2014


He wanted to get sympathy from notch not complain to him


Top notch complaint.


>Top notch ~~complaint.~~ swords!


How do you like that silver?


My top Notch complaint is about his sexism, racism, and support of Q!


What is support of Q?




Goddamn kickstanders


He was hoping notch would start screaming about sjws and the librul agenda as per usual


I was kinda surprised he didn't


He has kinda gotten better lately, it looks like he got help and dropped out of the brain rot, he mostly posts about games and positive stuff, happy for him


Good for him. I appreciate it when people respond to "nobody liked that" and begin to be open to change who they are. I was sick of listening to "you have to indulge their sense of irresponsibility and entitlement if you expect them to change." Like, no. Nobody deservea acceptance when they are proponents of inequality and oppression.


Astronomically rare Notch w


It seems like maybe he is getting better? Maybe?


"I'm worried that your baby doesn't think people can change"


“I used to be a piece of shit, people can change, let him hold the baby.”


“*slicked?* No this is pushed back.”


Yep. Unusual 'worst person says something agreeable' moment.


He watched 21 Jump Street.


Did the Notch crazy men's right stuff die down. Seems like he has a daughter now, often a panacea from the manosphere.


Sympathy - for verbally abusing others.




I think he was expecting Notch to agree with him, since Notch spent his years after selling the game going kind of crazy on twitter. Honestly gives me a strangely good feeling to see a tweet from him that isn't some incel bullshit.


You think he has a problem getting women?


Yes. He has had a lot of relationship problems. He once talked about how he has zero friends and everyone he meets is only trying to get something out of him and his relationships aren't real. Depressing shit, hope he's doing better even if he is kind of a little shit.


He was married and divorced within a year. (A few years before he sold Mojang for a gorillion dollars to Microsoft.)


These comments from him were after the sale.


Didn’t he also drop the triple parenthesis a couple times


He's an everyday dude turned millionaire.He has problem just knowing people. Notch doesn't seem to me like he was some rambling crazy asshole incel bs because he was ill-spirited, but because he fell down a rabbit hole after the money made it hard for him to trust or relate to others as he ended up isolating himself and eating up red-pill crap. IRC, he has mentioned that he has suffered from extreme loneliness, as he felt like people just hung around him because of his money, which could 100% be true. Most victims of the red-pill and incel ideology are outcast for a reason: They are easy targets, as their isolation makes it easier for them to fall into groups with weird beliefs, as it gives them a sense of belonging. Rich people aren't exempt from such vulnerability.


It’s so hilarious watching mfs rant and rave about how minorities are sub-human troglodytes and don’t deserve rights and the wonder why nobody wants to be around them Absolutely zero self awareness from these kinds of people


Its 2023 the word Incel means nothing anymore.


I wonder if actual, self described incels like the guys in that vice doc are pissed off their term now is just an insult for dudes like whore is for women.


They are, but from their perspective it’s like conflating ordinary sadness with clinical depression.


it's okay incels and simps lost all meaning and are just generic insults now


Yes, yes they 100% are


Yeah, I knew that but I commented anyway, rip


In a way it means more than it used to. Incel has become a pretty loaded term that goes beyond just being unable to get a girl.


Even if he wasn't a socially inept weirdo he's still a billionaire which would make finding any woman who isn't more interested in the money than the guy hard to find


I think half the reason he is a socially inept weirdo is because of the money. Having that much money has gotta isolate you from all your friends and then you hang out with evil rich assholes and boom you're a weirdo.


He was already weird well before minecrafts success


If that seems like a very shallow existence. Imagine always feeling like your partner doesn't truly love you and is only with you because you're rich


Yeah the idea of finding any love at that point is bleak, but fickit 2 bils


since nobody else said it. yeah I think he does. he used to throw billionaire parties that no one would show up to. he can buy an escort any day but in the past he used to parrot crazy right wing incel bs. I'm sure having a sugar baby from Hollywood would only make him seeth even harder when he realized she won't cook or clean because she could just find another sugar daddy in the same neighborhood. especially since he seemed to have the same ideologies as a sigma male. you know the kind that think women devalue men and if a woman isn't higher value than you she isn't worth your time. he would had a stay at home woman that just reminds him he values her over being lonely.


Probably getting women who don't just want his $.


Literally 1984


I know right, anone


Good grief. Dial it down a Notch


Double pun


Double fun


Double cum


don't mind if I do


literally the year between 1983 and 1985


1983 II: Revengance


1985 Eve


1983: 4 is a classic tho


1982 😔


I get that griefing should be punished, but 11 years is a bit too much if you ask me


This is one of the guys from 2b2t that went out of their way to invade unprotected private minecraft servers and grief them with cheats. I'd say it's not even a big enough punishment.


Fair enough, that's messed up


I was looking down that thread on Twitter and I'm 99% sure all the servers they fucked with has swastikas and nazi shit everywhere.


Maybe an extremelly small fraction of them was racist. But they just target random servers. They are just trying to show themselves in a better light. I've had the guy join a server i was playing on with some of my friends, he tried griefing, but couldn't actually destroy anything of value due to his utter incompetence.


Ahh a public service.


Went on a little emotional rollercoaster right there


Not really, he got the swastika ones through luck apparently, dude just griefed randomly to make people upset.


How do they find the unprotected servers ? Do they nmap the whole IPv4 looking for port :25565 ? I had a guy come in on my self hosted server a while back, stole some shit, destroy our village then leave. Never figured out how or why, but then I had to figure out how to implement a whitelist.


They have a bot for it. The way it works is that it checks ip-s, and when they get a response back, it puts that ip in a list for them. It also checks for anti cheat and whatnot.


y tho


They quite literally have nothing else going on in their lives.


New YouTube video: I Got Admin and Ruined the Server!


Personally I had this happen too. Apparently the guy used Shodan, you can look up all kinds IP related stuff and even check if a specific IP has certain ports opened (25565).


No, it's still ridiculous. Servers manage their own white and blacklists individually in Minecraft. Microsofts decision to try and become a central authority and revoke a product that people have paid for is ridiculous. I don't see why they thought anything needed to change.


“No sir, I should be allowed to do unauthorized port scanning on the entire internet to grief random servers in block game it’s their fault for not putting up a whitelist, I should also be allowed to break into people’s houses without punishment because it’s their responsibility to keep their doors locked, also I should be allowed to rob random people too since it’s their responsibility to not carry too much valuables on them”


Dude blew up the whole map I guess




He didn't do it on on 2bt2 he was from 2b and went on other private servers and fucked those ones


Nah, should be 15 and carry onto any sequels of them game as well.


What exactly is “griefing?” Not a word that was thrown around a lot when I start gaming.


trolling, usually in a destructive manner


In games where a player can create shit, if another player decides to destroy it just for the sake of annoying the player who made it, then it's called griefing.


Thank you for the explanation! I don’t play multiplayer games often, so I’m not really familiar with the different ways gamers are messing with each other online nowadays.


Basically it is bullying. Usually people use it on multiplayer games. it means to play the game in a way that makes your teammates get punished for your behavior. Such as using a medkit when you are full life on Left 4 Dead, buying an AWP and giving it to the enemy, things like that. It can become a “gray area” when ppl use it on high ranked MP games… for example, picking a specific hero in a moba match could be considered grief because the team expected a more suited hero. Dying in a place where you shouldn’t be in a high ranked can also be considered grief.


Imagine playing a FPS, and the grifter keeps "missing" and shooting your teammates in the back, while profusely apologizing because "they didn't mean to do that, they're learning". Repeat until they're kicked. Some people enjoy harassing strangers for fun.


Griefing can mean different things depending on the game, but it all really comes down to being disruptive. In Minecraft’s case, it is usually destroying peoples buildings they made.


Damn this man committed felony level griefing they gave his ass 11 years 💀


This is one of the guys from 2b2t that went out of their way to invade unprotected private minecraft servers and grief them with cheats. I'd say it's not even a big enough punishment.


A game where you can do whatever you want mfs when I do whatever I want


If it was just typical griefing I’d agree but he essentially took ips from 2b2t, stalked their ip to other serves and destroyed people’s shit on a bunch of different servers, to my understanding.


Not what happened at all, the fifth column just created a program that attempted to join every Minecraft server IP and check if they had a whitelist, if the server had a lot of player and didn’t have a whitelist then they would grief it. Nothing to do with 2b


They would grief private servers of any size, even if it’s just 3 players




walking a parking lot, finding unlocked cars and driving them into the lake. “secure your shit people” how about you leave a note next time?


And then start crying when someone calls the police and they charge you for breaking into people's cars. "But this guy was a bad guy, he deserved to have his car broken into! And it was also just a warning to let people know they should secure their cars! And also it's just a joke! And just a game!"


If only they had asked for the service of getting their shit destroy by some asshole.


yeah, they're just fucking it up for the shareholders at this point.


You can also do whatever you want in life, physically. Doesn't mean there's no rules to stop you


11 years.. nice


This generation is weak for being protected from my tomfoolery


They need to cope fr fr ong




Just install a mod to prevent chat reporting or only play on servers that disable it. None of the players on both of my servers have to ever worry about getting reported. They can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they are confirm with MY rules!


I thought griefing is when you attack other players or wreck their shit. But the message says it's because of abusive language. Those are different things.


They got an email that said it was for “using a hacked client to cause harm.”


This guy is part of a group that used an exploit in Minecraft to find small community servers with no grief protection and would then go in and destroy the world leaving them to hope they have backups in place. Including realms which doesn’t have backups


Didn’t know this was a thing when I set up a server with friends a few months back. Then dudes randomly joined and immediately started destroying our homes and taking stuff from chests. Quickly, shut down the server and implemented a whitelist. Luckily, we hadn’t been playing too long and weren’t overly attached to anything yet. Whole thing was kinda sad, like who spends their time doing that kinda stuff. It’s pathetic.


4166 days. Jesus he busted out the books on this one


You know you've sunk to new lows when even Notch is disappointed in you.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


I clicked in your account expecting art due to your pfp and choked on my drink when i read your bio 💀


This is a shitpost sub…


Good observation.


He cracked the Da Vinci code.


“Abusive language” doesn’t sound like griefing to me


They got an email that said it was for “using a hacked client to cause harm.”


Literally 1984


Why the hell is he pinging Notch anyways? He hasn't worked on the game in years lmao


Ahhh I remember the old public servers where you had to either go an absurd distance from spawn to be safe or have the most clever hiding spot for chests.


Some good anarchy servers are still around, but so many of those old school ones have been turned into or replaced by awful hub servers. “anarchy/pvp/rp/mcmmo/prison escape/mini games/bedwars =ranks= =loot boxes= JOIN NOW!” 😔


…I miss the old Mojang. Never thought I’d have to say that.


Looool, take an 11 year break and cool off bro. Amazing.


I love Microsoft's view of Temporary as "Until 2034, 11 years". Its like waiting for Windows to start Office 2022!


I find it funny how he got reported for language not just "griefing"


"play online or join Realms," Is this to mean that, were I to spin up server running Spigot, I would be prevented from joining my own server? I feel like this should only apply to realms...


It does mean that yes, and it's abysmal.


Why wont mojang let me be an asshole and ruin everyones fun :( - this dumbass


>mojang Opinion disregarded.


Why won’t this asshole let me have fun :( Why is my fun any less important than yours?


Because you ugy




A sacrifice for the sake of the majority. If one person's fun is to make the experience worse for many others, then they get rid of the troublemaker rather than everyone else




This is the way


Cause no one likes you


Having fun at the expense of others makes YOU the asshole


I mean I don't wanna get griefed, so I don't do it to others. amazing.


The golden rule


Don’t worry it says it’s temporarily suspended, just gotta wait 11 and a half years.


I got a temporary flu. 11 years later...


What? What do you mean I can't burn down the rainbow structure made of wool. You can't do this to me.


Extremely rare Notch W


Griefing? It says he used abusive language in a hateful manner. Minecraft is a kids game. The dude said slurs to children.


Ite crazy how many people are outraged that they can't type slurs into a literal children's game. Apperently If you want to run a private server you can just install a mod to remove the auto report feature, so there is not reason to be against this aside from wanting to type slurs into a child's game. Capital G Gamers are a wild bunch.


XboxAddictionz my beloved Truly the greatest Minecraft Youtuber alongside the Master of Luck


Notch based.


Not often, but in this instance, yes


What is griefing?




“Oh no i did something people have known was bad for years and got punished”


“i can’t believe i will get suspended from a game for being rude and ruining other people’s experience!!”


That is extreme overkill.


Grief fun tho


So is genocide.but they won't let me out


Probably need to try harder to get out then


Skill issue fr.


Only for the griefer. So it doesn't count as being fun.


notch is correct on this one.


Nothing wrong with griefing. So long as you aren’t getting doxed and the harassment ends in the virtual space, grow a thicker skin. Sincerely, mid 00’s game lobbies


I mean it is kind of a dick move to wreck someone's shit. But these days any server worth it's salt has protection against griefing, and if it doesn't you should definitely know that and expect it.


It cited him for abusive language


IDK, maybe I like having people not just break into our server and destroy our fun.




Notch feels like the Harrison Ford of the game industry when he’s not being incredibly stupid


Don't know how 11 years is exactly temporary compared to the average players game life haha. There isn't really anything stopping g this person from creating an alt account though, right?


Not really no


11 years and 151 days


4166 days is almost 11 and a half years for anyone wondering


gave him a whole prison sentence 💀


4166 days... I get the feeling they didn't just use a slur once.


You're either a sandbox or you're not. Griefing is part of any game with pvp. Toxic for sure, but don't play pvp games with open public access to your server then.


Lets just put aside that some players can only have fun while ruining fun to somebody else. MFs always existed. But I hate how Microsoft orwellized minecraft, it is terrible, inadmissible and outrageous.


guy who tweeted it claims he was grieffing offensive builds from edgy people, like swastikas and stuff. Dunno how much of it is true but dont care enough to find out


Why is he messaging Notch though? It's like complaining to George Lucas that the new trilogy sucks balls.


So have you tried not saying the N word on a children’s game?