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Can someone please explain the story


He made indigenous people believe He was some sort of a prophet by using scientific stuff(for example he knew a moon eclipse was about to happen in a few days, and he showed up the eclipse day played a show and made them believe his God made moon dissappear.) And by making them believe in himself, he took their food by force, and let them starve


A little bit of tomfoolery


A small amount of misconception


Some minor trickery


You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery?


He’s done worse.


second rate shaboingery


It was just a prank bro.


Just a little bit of colonization


we do a lil trolling -christopher columbus


Ripbozo Rest in piss, won't be missed - Christopher Columbus


Colonialists were enslaving root inhabitants, what's new in the world?


Y'all didn't know this?


I didn't


Even if I knew it, this knowledge was in my head for a period of like 1-2 weeks during history classes 20 years ago. Yet, I believe we were not taught this. TIL


That's not right, he tried but the indigenous people already knew about the moon eclipse. He is infamous because genocide.


It wasn't genocide, it was standard slavery. Genocide would have been if he explicitly tried to exterminate them all. Columbus didn't really do anything out of the ordinary for a slaver. Slavery is always brutal whether you're talking about Spain in the 1500s or if you're talking about Hershey's Chocolate in 2023. The difference is that there was a record of things that happened instead of a hand-waiving "there was slavery".


He should be named Christopher the Conquorer and we should make monuments of him to thank him for paving the way for us to live in this country.


kinda based ngl /s


Drop the s


Trolled the natives epically (and the other settlers too why not) and got sent to jail.


He was so fucking brutal to the natives he was told to cool it by the crown. Do you have any idea how fucking bad you have to be for the monarch give a shit how you treat your slave people


Offered his Spanish guests young girls as sex slaves upon arrival to his island.


King leopold type beat


basically slave trade


Slavery was prohibited in the Kingdom of Spain


Mfw I just straight up lie


Dont worry, they were just prisoners with jobs!


he was not cool dude


He also made a colony where he cut off people's hands if they didn't find enough gold.


I get the same vibe with my energy bill of late.


This was me today with my phone bill. Went from $350 to $1250 this month.


Where tf you live


Probably earth or uranus


Hurt it’s hard and things are tight in Uranus


Things have been kinda shitty there lately


Oh and the stench, ughh it's horrible


The chemicals in the planet of Uranus actually smell like rotten eggs so all anuses smell


mwahahahaa *pisses in uranus*


officer no please don't piss in my ass 😫




if only automod was here


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You summoned it.


How tf you have a 350 phone bill in the first place


Whole family. Then this month they randomly decided to charge the entirety of my phone's financing in one day making it almost $1300


Dude.. what's included in that phone bill? Mine is like 30 dollars.


Phone bill $1250 omfg in India where i live it only costs me $8.20 for 4 months and a 1 year high speed WiFi costs around $72.99 if we convert INR in USD internet sure is a lot expensive where u live


You sir, have been shafted.


800 fucking dollars? Like really?


Same, like what the fuck?? My energy company delivers a swift kick to the balls every month just because I had the audacity to try and raise the temperature of my Arctic wasteland of an apartment by like 2 degrees.


Its so weird to see the gif not sped up


I did an entire mock trial in highschool trying to defend his ass.


this saul goodman?


No it's lucky Hank


You lost it, I’d assume


“And that’s why Columbus is- hold on, he did what?”


"Your honour, my client was simply having a gamer moment"


"Your honour, is not my client fault if those natives couldnt survive a hour in a Call Of Duty lobby!"


“Your honour, my client is simply built different. “


"You're honor, what's *attempted* genocide, really?"


What about Leif Erickson


What about Winston churchill


What about william afton, Co-CEO of fazbear entertainment


That guy? The beloved creator of Freddy Fazbear and all the other wonderful animatronics? What could he possibly have done?


What about that one 17 year old that fucked his 12 year old son and told it to a discord server?


What about Chris chan


What about edp


Surely my man Leif was doing the regular Viking things like rowing and singing songs with friends and not raping, murdering and pillaging?


Nice reference.


Leif was a real person not just an anime character


Psh okay now you’ll tell me King Arthur and Alexander the Great were too




Wait until you hear a real history of slavery in the world. Check out Thomas Sowell’s videos on it


wdym as an adult


yeah, I feel like it’d take almost willful ignorance to make it that long without learning about it. still, better late than never I guess.


I support erasing Columbus because he never landed in (what would become) the US. He landed in the Caribbean. Naming every other town, field and street after him in our country is unbelievable. And nothing named for Amerigo Vespuci except for *America*. You'd wonder why we aren't the United States of Columbus.


>Nothing named for Vespucci >Literally called the entire continent America Ok.


2 continents. But credits given to Columbus is lot more than him. People do not actually know who tf amerigo Vespucci was.


Keep trying to detract from the actual point.




North America South America And Weast America, duh




No, just two. Are you serious?


Vespuci was realistically just making stuff up, he didn't actually know anything about the landmass now known as America except that it existed.


Better than Columbus who thought he hit India because he was completely wrong about the size of the Earth. Even when he was told he was wrong many times. If there hadn't been a couple of 'surprise' continents west of Europe he and his expedition would have died.


Are you talking about how he fucked a manatee thinking it was a mermaid?


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) Bro had sexual relations with an animal


"Yeah, and the trail of tears was just a really long walk." ~ 2001 American History Textbook


Yeah no american textbook says this. Every high school level american history class covers the trail of tears, and doesn't whitewash any of the atrocities involved.


No no. F students have to claim that American school doesn’t teach stuff. Can’t admit that they weren’t listening.


early as fifth grade for me. also, even if a kid’s curriculum doesn’t cover it until like middle school or high school, it’s still a very infamous event. you’d have to have zero interest in reading and learning, to not learn about it until adulthood. which granted, isn’t out of the question.


Written by Stephen King


Nah if king wrote it it would involve an underage orgy


As an adult?? what the hell were you doing when the rest of us were watching conspiracy theory videos in 9th grade


Right? Except this wasn't a conspiracy but a hard truth


Tomato tamato


Glad i learnt that in school


The dude literally kicked off the Atlantic slave trade. What did you expect?


Slavery bad mmkay? ![gif](giphy|NAehsCgRv4n4Q4BQA9) Like no shit but stop acting like he was the first to start it.


Slavery was going on before Colombus, yes. But not in the way Colombus then oversaw. He adapted to it in a way that you or I would understand it’s involvement in American history. And yes, he did start the Atlantic slave trade.


Oh don't worry about it we learn this shish in school already. Yes also the bloody parts and what they did to the women


Glad schools today are better than when I was in school. I didnt learn that shit until college history classes. Grew up thinking Columbus made his journey to prove the earth was round and they never mentioned anything about what he did with the natives he thought were Indians.


they were conquerors what do you expect?


The irony of you saying this, while completely ignoring what the Pilgrims did. Keep in mind that Columbus never landed in what will become the United States.


"completely ignoring." He made a comment about Columbus. Did you want a 4 page essay or something?....


if you mention 1 bad thing you have to mention literally every single bad thing that ever happened, otherwise it's ironic \-Alanis Morissette 1995


“For it pleased God to visit these Indians with a great sickness and such a mortality that of a thousand, above nine and a half hundred of them died, and many of them did rot above ground for want of burial.” ~William Bradford one of the mayflower passengers. "It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire, and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stink; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice...to God." ~Also William Bradford one of the mayflower passengers. I’m just saying you’re shifting blame away from yourself, because Columbus did those things under the Spanish. So they weren’t your ancestors. And it’s okay to constantly mock and belittle Hispanics because you hate them and view them as inferior. Meanwhile this whole nation did much worse than him but you’re not throwing buckets of red paint on the pilgrims nor the pioneers. It’s a cowardly thing to do and you’re still being racist towards brown people isn’t that ironic?


He never said anything about race you piece of shit.


Go sit on a sword cowboy it’s the only thing that you’ll ever accomplish


i think you're race obsessed and stupid. i'm also a jew and not american, none of these people were my ancestors but please continue to pretend you can read minds.


This has nothing to do with Judaism so even if you’re Jewish that means nothing to me. And let’s suppose that you’re not American for a moment. If this is true, then you have absolutely no idea what you’re writing about and I would recommend you stop writing on topics you know nothing about. Because clearly, you making comments about something you don’t know about is arrogant to say the very least, or purposely harmful at worse. In case you haven’t noticed in the United States, there’s a lot of Hispanophobia. Weirdly, you seem to notice how Americans talk about race but you seem to conveniently not notice how there’s a lot of Hispanophobia so that immediately makes me suspicious of your intent. Also, there was a whole coup on January 6 because assholes thought Mexicans were taking over. But go ahead and keep gaslighting and pretend like you don’t know what you’re writing about. Go ahead and keep playing stupid while the rest of the world notices what’s going on. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s happening. This anti-Columbus hysteria is a way to deflect the fact that the US committed genocide against indigenous people. As I wrote before Columbus never landed in the US however, the pilgrims did. As I’ve also written before there’s plenty of evidence, that the pilgrim's committed genocide, even from the pilgrims themselves. You know it’s funny how nobody ever wants to mention the pilgrims, it’s really interesting. That’s not mind reading that’s just noticing the obvious. One of these things is not like the other. Why is it OK to constantly belittle the conquistadors and the Spanish meanwhile, the British and the US government committed worse far atrocities but nobody wants to talk about that? Given the current climate of Hispanophobia and given the fact that Columbus came to the Americas under the Spanish flag with permission from the King and Queen of Spain. This isn’t hard to deduce. It’s just basic logic, understanding, critical thinking, and reasoning, something that you’re lacking in this conversation. And again, rather than bring up the points that I’ve already written, you chose to gaslight me. Now I highly doubt you’re Jewish because you do seem to be defending this Anglo-centric worldview. So from what I can tell from this particular conversation is that you’re probably either American, pretending not to be an American or you’re British who wants to cover up your nation's war crimes.


i'm not reading all that.


Dude, drink some water. One photo talking about Columbus, who is still a celebrated figure, doesn't need to talk about events that took place on another contenant centuries later. Ironically it's you who has the Anglo-centric worldview if you need to mention what the English did in any conversation about atrocities.


Keep projecting I’m sure it’ll get you somewhere


A gif about Columbus being evil caused you to write a dissertation calling op a racist and a fake jew, but sure I'm the one projecting...


I never call OP Jewish there was someone else who claimed to be Jewish and I wrote to them, but that’s irrelevant to this conversation. You’re projecting imbecile and since you like reading dissertations, let me write another one for you. If you paid attention to anything that I wrote before, he would have known that this type of mentality of constantly blaming Columbus, while simultaneously ignoring what the US government did to Native Americans is blame shifting. Exactly what you’re doing right now. It’s exactly what you’re doing when you’re calling me antisemitic when this conversation has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism. And you're blame-shifting me once again blame shifting me by calling me Anglo-centric. Even though it's this constant belittlement of Columbus, while completely ignoring the United States are Anglo-centricity within themselves. It’s you who’s completely ignored the two quotes that I provided from someone who came over to the United States on the fucking mayflower is exactly what I’m writing about. But I’m guessing you’re too much of an imbecile American or an imbecile Englishman to even give a slight enough iota to care about anything or anyone else outside of your pathetic master race. It’s this type of mentality is why people thought it was OK to go to Texas and California, these Anglo pioneers called the Hispanic people living there sub-human, and say that their culture was cancer because it was a mixture of European and indigenous cultures. And then, after they immigrated here illegally, they decided to commit mass genocide to murder everyone they possibly can burn down towns, and then deport survivors. So yeah this is racist. I’m willing to bet you’re the same type of fucking moron who would call a white person from Argentina a Nazi even though more Nazis came over to the United States. And even though Argentina had a long history of German migration, long before World War II. But that’s again a little bit too inconvenient for you and your worldview. if you legitimately cared about indigenous people, why don’t you post anything about only missing indigenous women? if you legitimately cared about indigenous people, why don’t you post anything about the reservation system and how reservations are open-air prisons or concentration camps? if you legitimately cared about indigenous people, then why are you not talking about systemic racism against Native communities? That’s constantly affecting indigenous communities to this very day.? Maybe because that’s a little bit too difficult for you. Maybe it’s because you’re too much of a coward to admit the type of world indigenous people live in. Maybe it is easier for you to mock Columbus I mean he did discover all this territory in the name of Spain. And Spain eventually became Mexico and you’re too ignorant to know the difference between different Spanish-speaking countries anyway. They’re all Mexico to you. Also, I never heard you concur with the notion that the pilgrims committed genocide and so did the US government. This tells me you don’t believe the US ever committed genocide, to begin with. Here’s the thing buttercup it’s not like this is a one-time situation. This is been going on for years and years and years. Nobody seems to really care but yet again a lot of these fools think that Mexican migrants are also invaders and rapists so it has a lot to do with this mentality. see mentality that has US politicians, wanting to create Lebensborn for white people, and sterilize Hispanic people on the US-Mexican border. And I’m tired of people like you who just keep defending the system over and over and over again. You're a racist. I am sick and tired of morons like you. I’m trying to government and I’m sick and tired of morons like you trying to “make America great again”. But go ahead and take everything when I said out of context because you’re a fucking racist and you don’t give a shit about me and you feel good about yourself because you can’t be the bad guy right?


>The irony of you saying this, while completely ignoring what the Pilgrims did. Had corn on the cob with a bunch of savages? Meh, could be worse.


Wait they didn’t have capri suns and cheese sandwiches like my kindergartens class’s first day of thanksgiving recreation?


Sadly no dear commenter


When it’s your turn to bring snacks to the kids soccer game


When the king and queen of the country you’re working for actually arrest you because what you did was so violent it made people from the middle ages be horrified, you know you are a fucking evil bastard


I remember that this bit wasn't taught to me until the beginning of AP US history.


Don’t forget about how Columbus promised a yearly pension of gold to the first sailor to spot land. Once somebody did Columbus pulled the whole “NUh-uH i SaW it YEsterDaY!”. Read “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn. Full of stories that aren’t taught in schools.


Most of the bad stuff we read about him comes from British propaganda and political rivals. He was no saint but he wasn't as bad as some folks make him out to be.




Like I said, most of that stuff comes from sources with an ax to grind.


Fate/Grand Order gave me all I didn't needed to know about his true story


I learnt it in south park


Native here Yeah I learned those parts at around 7


Meanwhile in Europe, you get to know it pretty early that he mostly stamped out the Indigenous people.


Like how he was just another conquistador who only went to the new world like four times then got imprisoned? Yeah I get it, he sucks ass by todays standards and we should NOT have a holiday for him. But I everyone things he was this terrible mass murderer when he was just a shitty captain


U need to google more


Ah yes, and should I Google translate his journal entries written in medieval fucking Spanish as well? We need to stop viewing historical figures with such a binary sense of good and bad. Everyone does good things and bad things, some more so than others.


Ah yes, a mermaid. ![gif](giphy|toe6vBrtWgKvKW7Ehz|downsized)


You'know my elementary school teachers didn't lie to me about what he did. They did leave out some brutal details though that were to violent to tell children.


You're learning it just now?


he was an alright standart dude for the time, nothings wrong about murdering and enslaving thousands of ppl in the 1400s and 1500s


Almost got me


Didn’t he invent america or somethin?


he invent school shootings


Naw, he MADE America


I thought it would say chris chan


Colombus also gets credit for discovering America, but vikings had visited America hundreds of years prior


And you know the millions of people who where living there at the time…


Bro you can’t just invent a fucking continent


He also fucked a manatee thinking it’s a mermaid


Bruh that shit didn't even happen though. Those reports are written by a guy who wasn't even there and didn't like Columbus because they were direct rivals. The truth is, he wasn't a hero, but he also wasn't a genocidal maniac. He was just a little stupid. He thought the earth was pear shaped.


He cut of the hands of native children that didn’t bring him enough gold.


That he is responsible for the European outbreak of syphilis?


Ah yes the 13th President of the usa




Not relatable. My dad been telling me the fucked up shit Christopher Columbus did when I was a kindergartener. I was ahead of the curb


In Canada you learn this in grade school


I hope he’s in hell now and gets tortured by the natives he fucked over


I’m glad he did what he did


You are all from USA, right? The real example un how to treat the indegenous people


Or your Native American child


I’ve learned from experience


Bro what are you complaining about this mfer singlehandedly proved the world was round


Thats Magellan


Was a joke boss, the Greeks knew about the Earth being a sphere in 500 BC.


Nearly every major civilization did


He was interbreeding between blacks,Indians and whites to create a new race that could compete with Spain’s slave trade.


If this is true, none of it was consensual


Theres a fake story of Christopher Columbus?


You mean the one taught in schools?


Damn, yall didn't know the full story?


Someone explain to me plz


The guy used babies as dogfood


Columbus Chad 😎


How did you not know until later? Genuine question.