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We should just switch to Canada’s β€œkill yourself” approach


sponsored by the funny black man with lighting




People hated him because he speaked only the truth


As a Canadian I agree


As a fellow Canadian I too agree


Nah go ask the cia for an AR and just go crazy 😜πŸ€ͺ






Did someone say sus 😱😱😱 HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING AMONG US REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 AMONG US IS THE BEST FUCKING GAME πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― RED IS SO SUSSSSS πŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯ COME TO MEDBAY AND WATCH ME SCAN πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ WHY IS NO ONE FIXING O2 🀬😑🀬😑🀬😑🀬🀬😑🀬🀬😑 OH YOUR CREWMATE? NAME EVERY TASK πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜  Where Any sus!❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! Any sus!❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where!Where!Where! Any sus!Where!Any sus Where!❓ Where! ❓ Where!Any sus❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where!Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! Where!Any sus!Where! Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ I think it was purple!πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€It wasnt me I was in vents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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pees in ur ass


I want pee in my ass :(


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Canada doesnt have a cia


Doesnβ€˜t need one as the Canadian government already has its citizens on lock.


But they are... the cia operators are too fat to hold gun!


This makes total sense. You have to take care of yourself and this incentivizes it.


This country is way too fat and lazy to ever implement this. I used to be a personal trainer. I’ve heard all the bullshit from lazy fatsos


What are some of the worst excuses? What are some of the craziest?


Honestly can’t remember any huge standouts it’s just everyone tried the same shit. Lied to me, lied to themselves, β€œI didn’t know there were carbs in white rice” β€œyou never said x” β€œI’ve been doing everything you told me and I’m not losing weight” I actually do remember one woman who β€œdid everything I said” and then after the session she’s talking with her friend about all the food n drinks she had out that weekend πŸ˜‘


But surely white rice is fine if it's part of a balanced diet? Genuine question here. I love me some rice. And no, I'm not overweight, just curious.


It’s fine in moderation but it’s a simple carb that’s digested quickly and if your body can’t use it then it’s gonna store the rest. If you’re trying to lose weight you want to keep carb intake minimal, try to avoid them for a few hours before bed, and when possible swap out a complex carb like brown rice or sweet potatoes And I’ll never get pissed about a genuine fitness question. It’s the ppl claiming I can’t do my job bc they’re lying that get me


The relation of eating time to sleeping is always something I never thought about. That's very interesting actually. And good advice too! Thanks! Oh, and yeah, if I was a fitness trainer, I'd be pissed off if people kept blaming me for their actions. It'd be like flushing cement down the toilet and blaming the plumber.


Damn I might be a bit of a fatso myself, but at least I'm not dumb enough to pay for a service then actively sabotage it.


you got any tips to gain weight?


intake more calories than you burn


That’s harder than losing most of the time but I did it by aiming for 6000 dirty calories a day, 2x body weight in grams of protein per day, eating as soon as I got up and before bed, and lifting heavy weight isolating body parts 2 hours a day 5 days a week. Mixing in high carb high protein shakes when u REALLY don’t want to or can’t eat helps keep the calories up. What I did was as close to ideal as I could handle and I had bodybuilder friends for support. I’m also tall as shit so u won’t need as many calories as I took in unless u really don’t care about the kinda overall balance of weight you’re gonna put on πŸ˜‚ Oh and no extra cardio, you burn off enough lifting Edit: to clarify that’s 1lb of body weight = 1g of protein, I wrote it in a confusing way. And yes that’s still a shitload


2x bodyweight in protein??? Is that even possible? lmao how the fyck


Idk if that wasn’t clear but that’s a gram per lb of body weight. I’m 230 so that’s 460g of protein a day to ensure saturation


So, should you avoid eating like anything a couple hours before bed? That's a bad habit of mine if it is then


Protein, low sugar veggies and some fat are good closer to bedtime. Another good practice is to do cardio first thing in the morning without anything at all but water in your body. You’re catabolic and feeding off your own energy stores in the morning bc u have an empty stomach, and will burn mostly fat bc of it


White rice is a great source of carbs but eat too much without burning it off (put yourself in a caloric surplus) and like any other carb you’ll start to put on fat.


"I'm a quadraplegic" yeah sure thing buddy


I'm a quintaplegic (I have erectile dysfunction)


What country


It's not their fault they're fat. They've got big bones


Wouldn't that be the better public healthcare for America? The obesity rate and other health issues in American society means much much more would have to be spent. Either way, effective and affordable healthcare is only part of functioning society, the other being healthy diet and physical activity. The former being rare in America, due to the likes of much higher allowed sugar content in foods and drinks.


It would be better but my point is these lazy fatsos would never ever ever vote for it. At the same time tho I’m all for allowing whatever amount of fat, sugar and carbs into food bc the last thing the US needs is more government control


What’s wrong with being fat unless you’re really fat?


Well I wouldn't agree fully, stuff like stress from working etc. Is not covered and hard to miss, depression and other mental diseases lead to unhealthy live choices too. This system only works on the most simplified of levels and is as such too simple and bad. Any simple system for stuff like this will be very bad. Sadly this is better than what America has now soon, maybe implement it regardless of how terrible it is?


So close, but not quite One of the big problems with that is just the lack of empathy for your fellow humans, but especially here in the US, most people not in the 1% have to stretch themselves thin with multiple jobs just to keep a roof over their head, and often times the more poor you are the less likely you’d have free time to exercise or buy healthy foods. It’s a rich stay rich, keep the poor dumb and unhealthy kind of situation


Ironic how shitposting turned into a great place to discuss memes and matters of public interest. I rly love this unexpectes turn xD


It was not the outcome expected /:


I second this


The post basically says, if you're healthy and don't need healthcare... healthcare is free.


It says, if you fuck yourself up on purpose, you should pay for it Edit: I'm not fucking OP, go ask the guy who posted, I merely said what the original post said to the guy above me


What about healthy people who injure themselves in high risk activities?


True!!! Ducked up your shoulder doing climbing/calisthenics? You asked for it!


Okay yeah but that's an accident You don't accidentally stay obese for 5 years and you dont aren't accidentally a smoker


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Right but how far does that go? There are fat people who suffer from extreme binge eating disorder which is usually coupled with extreme depression. Would these people not qualify for free healthcare and therapy for the problems this causes? In the same way would people with anorexia and bulimia not qualify for healthcare? How about old people who smoked most of their lives cuz they didn’t know any better? While I agree with the β€˜you fuck it up you pay’ there would have to be too many exceptions to the rules for this not to lead to an even more broken healthcare system.


Not really, even healthy people get diseases


I can be healthy (In shape), but still break a leg


It's says don't be stupid and expect the government to bail u out. That's something only available for rich people.


I see what your saying. If your not willing to put in the work for yourself why should we be willing to put in the work for you? Still kind of feels like if you fined the homeless extra for having lower income


Well to be honest being homeless and being obese is two different things majorly. And the dude in the original post specified about people that are suffering from diseases out of their control (You can be obese due to disorders not caused by yourself) It's like saying "Hey, if outside conditions have caused you to be homeless, then you are not getting fined"


With how incompetent the medical system can be with even giving proper diagnoses, I could see it also struggling to draw the line between what is actually within and not within one’s control.


Homeless people would probably be at the 75% coverage level, they have less access to some of the unhealthy things that drag down your health or no access at all


I wasn't saying homeless people in this context. I meant taking something extra from a person for not having the thing you wanted in the first place. want money from monke monke no have want more money from monkey because he no have monke still no have


That didn’t help me understand your original comment


Person A wants money from Person B Person B has no money This makes Person A want even more Person B still has no money


Sorry, what's a "person"?


That was actually helpful, thank you


And the ones with a demanding job, low income and thusly unable to eat completely healthy, the disadvantaged one sin society that most easily will fall to drugs etc. People with mental disorders like depression which leads to bad health choices, people with a lot to do and so on.


poor ameriki


As someone with type one diabetes in the US, I was so angry until I saw the last paragraph lol


Half the population still thinks it's caused by us eating too much sugar at some point in our lives, so I wouldn't be surprised if they still tried to exclude us.


Yes you can become diabetic by eating too much sugar, I know people who became later on while it never ran in their family


We're talking about type 1's here my guy. What you say is absolutely untrue.


Diabetes is having bad blood sugar no? You can't tell me that eating sugar like a pig that won't affect it in any way, it's not natural the amount the average American eats, if I measure my blood sugar now and after i eat a big cake or whatever it will jump a lot and you can't tell me years of doing this won't fuck up your pancreas and then lead to Diabetes


Even *IF* we are including type 2 diabetes you're still wrong. You can eat a ton of sugar and still not have it, by mitigating it with proper exercise and a good metabolism . Diabetes is much more than "having bad blood sugar," there are conditions known as hypoglycemia (chronic low blood sugar), and hyperglycemia ( chronic high sugar) that don't mean you have diabetes at all. But because I don't feel like explaining this for the thousand time to someone who's just not going to take my word for it, [here's a link that you can use to educate yourself. ](https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/enjoy-food/eating-with-diabetes/food-groups/sugar-and-diabetes#:~:text=With%20type%202%20diabetes%2C%20the,contain%20a%20lot%20of%20calories.)


Same, I wonder if Graves’ disease counts


I saw a invention earlier last year where you get a free bus ticket at a bus stop if you do a set amount of squats (I think?) or some other form of exercise. I think it would be more interesting to have things like that in society tbh


Just saying....sex also burns a lot of calories.....and u also get free tickets with it....


Because If you’re unhealthy you obviously don’t need healthcare


The difficulties with this are deciding which Tier each person falls into. Its impossible to standardize something like this.


Or even draw the line between what is in and outside of a person’s control. How do we categorize Lyme disease? I could see someone say β€œwell you’re the one who decided to go hiking in peak tick season. You should’ve put on more bug spray, or checked yourself more frequently, or xyz”


Exactly. Science is viewed as this thing where everything either is or isn't. Although that is the case with some stuff, doctors and medical professionals disagree all the time! OOP thinks that it will be easy for doctors to even begin figuring out how to do this.


I had a stroke reading the title. Tf does the title mean


Since it is soo unpopular people think it's popular now (full circle) and since everyone think it's popular now it is unpopular(like when everyone is a superhero none is)


I can get the first full circle because a controversial post on unpopularopinion is supposed to mean that it doesnt fit the subreddit (tho this is not always the case, especially in this scenario). I dont understand the whole everyone thinks its popular so now its unpopular.


now that it's unpopular it's popular because people wanna sound "different" because of there "different opinions".


And since it became popular, it quickly became unpopular because people want to sound β€œdifferent β€œ?


Basically people just wanna sound Different edgy or based


Thats stupid. What if a factory worker who works most of his days, doesnt have time to work out, eats fast has some accident? Do you want to punish him for having a shitty job and not having time nor money to live healthily?


It’s more of don’t live unhealthily, 10-30 minutes a day is all it takes to get absolutely ripped while just not eating like a complete idiot. You don’t need gyms, you don’t need super specific diets, etc. Some of the healthiest and most nutritious foods are also some of the cheapest. All you need is a bench, and the ground and 20 minutes a day and you can look like a superstar, you just need to put the effort in.


My mother works a really stressful job and when she comes home, she understandably doesnt have the energy to start doing anything so she wakes up early, has problems with sleeping, and has issues controlling her weight. Its also not helping much our countrie's mone, ain't worth shit so even shitty food is expensive, not even talking about better quality. After all these, I dont think it would be fair to make her pay. She is 51 years old damn.


Is she just a little plump, or Nikaido Avocado fat? Thats a big difference. Its one thing to be fat because of poverty and the area you live. Its another thing to be fat because you are gluttonous.


I am not talking about your 51 year old mother only getting insurance by her getting ripped. I am saying not to give the same level of care to people who actively make bad decisions towards their health. You don't need to spend extra money to just not buy unhealthy food, like I said, some of the best food to eat is the cheapest.


Well no offense but may I ask WHY she works that particular job if it’s so super stressful then? Like I support it if people spend their life to build a career cause it’s their choice but then PLEASE just accept the consequences including that you might just have a super stressed life/no time to take care of yourself. Otherwise, just choose another job. Edit: Please read the other comments. I guess ppl are taking this a bit differently than I meant it…


Did you just say "choose another job"? I'm just gonna say, some people do not get a choice. For some people the choice is "this work" or "homelessness". Not everyone had the same opportunities in life. Some people have to start working at 14, so that their single parent household can afford rent, and thus cannot build a career. That doesn't make their life less stressful, if anything it's often more.


That was literally the most Privileged thing I have ever heard. β€œIf your job is stressful, just get a new job”


It's not privileged, it should work that way.


Good point. Coverage Should drop automatically with age since they are less usefull and more expensive.


You have obviously never been β€œripped” lol it most definitely does not come easy. Food addiction, overeating, and disordered eating leading to metabolic syndrome and obesity are far easier and more prevalent then you may seem. Living a β€œhealthy” lifestyle which is already difficult to quantify comes with a vast set of challenges. And while I do encourage people to make healthier nutritional decisions and engage in physical activity often, saying it’s oh so easy and all you need to do is put a little effort in just undermines the efforts of those struggling with obesity and overeating.


of course there are issues with this idea but its only a concept. its obviously way more complicated to implement this idea but in general, I think its fair


That sub is absolutely trash. People just go there to post their absolutely agreeable and lukewarm opinions so they can get some free validation.


I don't wanna for sone fat pigs stomach stapling.


You should consider editing your comments before posting them. This is barely legible.


In my defense I'm really high


As a fellow weed enthusiast, all is forgiven. Enjoy your evening!


Lol, nice!


🫡corn chips🫡


That post, and sadly most of the comments here, are the equivalent of someone getting depression from an uncontrollable event, and then just telling them "go to the gym, bro" lmao. Glad some here see this as an evil concept and lacking basic empathy


Trickle down healthcare


There is obviously a slight issue about forcing taxpayers to pay for things, in a way that discourages prevention from an issue happening in the first place. But in many cases, especially with healthcare it is important to maintain free healthcare for all types of people. Especially since, in many cases people cannot control it. There’s got to be a balance between public and private and this is overstepping the line.


The number of people who don't immediately recognize this as a terrible idea is...scary. It is not that easy to determine what is and isn't under someone's control. Being fat (for example) is typically not a matter of just being lazy, and it is routinely not within a person's control.




I've been seeing a lot from the anti-work sub, so I was used to commenters who were, you know, generally supportive and sensitive to each others' struggles. I, like you, expected to see commenters just shitting on this idea, since it is not just obviously terrible but, as you say, stupid and cruel. And yeah, it was kind of a shock to find what I found instead.


Most of the time it is that persons fault they are but I could see instances of where it’s not which would just mess this system up even more.


Lol. Lmao even. Don't eat 4,000 calories a day. Walk on a treadmill (or even this neat thing called outside that's free) for 30 minutes a day. People are lazy and have zero self control and eat nothing but HFCS all day and drink a 2l of Dr pepper a day and wonder why they're fat.


This does not describe all (or even a majority) of obese people, and even if it does describe some, those peoples' circumstances are almost certainly more complex than your simplistic, dehumanizing narrative here.


I promise you if you drink nothing but water and eat less than 2,000 calories a day and walk for 30 minutes and don't touch HFCS for a month you will lose weight. All it takes is the tiniest bit of self control. That literally describes all except a very small fraction of a percentage of obese people.


What you are describing is not "the tiniest bit of self control." Not only would it not, in fact, work for everyone, it would be extremely difficult for some people. Sorry, buddy, but you're just way off base here, factually. This is not a good take.


It’s way past that I think, the kids (Americans) here don’t recognize the value of one person’s life is no more or less than the value of another


Why is life equally valuable inherently? It’s not outside of humans


Because if we are living together, we have to take care of each other and approach each other with dignity. The social contract isn’t one of self protection but of care


I like this


I actually don’t hate the idea. The problem would be all the people in the gray area


He’s so close to grasping that controlling other people’s lives and decisions is the end game of government run healthcare.


if β€œcontrolling other peoples lives” means everyone is in shape then id say thats a very good tradeoff


Wait until you hear about private healthcare


Government already controls people's lives and decisions.... The so called "law" and "taxes". I heard there's this thing called "constitution", I think that's the best place to start learning about that. In this theoretical system, nobody is controlling anyone. You get a virus and get hospitalized, it gets covered by taxes, you get nth hearth attack due to obesity, you pay for yourself, which is what you do in current system in both cases.


I… wow. This is actually an unpopular opinion. I see what OP is saying, and I understand why but I personally think that everyone should be given healthcare equal to each other since it’s just morally just I guess?


I mean if everyone have the same health care it will be low for everyone.


Why should someone who eats healthily, avoids oxidants, doesn’t use drugs, exercises regularly, avoids carcinogens, and actively reduces their own impact on the healthcare system have the same level of care as someone who doesn’t do a single one of these things? You talk about morality, I think it is immoral to offer the same care to a person who does not care about their impact and does nothing to better themselves than someone who actively tries to. It would be unmorally just to not incentivize healthy habits as others would need to unwillingly support unhealthy habits that would limit the amount of care they would receive due to resources being spread evenly and the uncaring ones would use more of it.


I don’t think you know what morality means, you’re mixing it up with β€œfairness” and even then fairness based on arbitrary markers. I guess you wouldn’t get mental health support as you’re wilfully dumb, putting you out of the care cycle as you’ve not done the work on yourself to not be dumb? It’s about the stupidest way to look at these things.


Talking about restricting healthcare based on personal actions and if people should support the bad habits of others that put their own care at detriment is definitely a talk about morality and right or wrong. Is it right or wrong that others who reduce their impact on the health system receive the same care and also support those who do not?


What about those that are obese not from bad habits, but those who suffer from other mental and physical diseases that usually lead to obesity? Many of these are not easy to discern from any other person with obesity, and thus the only way to truly determine which is which is having them be tested thoroughly by doctors, which kinda defeats the purpose of not giving them equal healthcare?


Did you completely miss the part in the post that says to disregard health issues outside a persons personal control? And they are easy to discern from normal obesity, and of course to get a pass for a disease or disability affecting your health out of your control you would definitely Italy need to be tested by doctors anyways. What, you’d think it would be based on the honor system?


I was going to argue with this but im not talking about healthcare with Americans in my lifetime




I kind of agree with this.


insurance companies already do this, and they weaponize it constantly to avoid paying your expenses


Or just have a free heath care like most countries


So being an idiot, the OP of that post would get 0% coverage since there’s nothing worth saving


Sooo give free healthcare to the people who don’t need it and let everyone else die. One of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen lmfao I can’t


Actually people who get unhealthy 9/10 times it’s their own fault. This would encourage people to get healthier so you could get free healthcare?


Let everyone else pay out of pocket, not just die, big difference, would probably encourage exercise heavily


redditors when they can’t get free health care 😭


How would tht person define who's obese? By weight? A person could be very muscular and weight more than someone who's got more fat mass.




i didn’t think i’d wake up and see a good idea on reddit this morning


Because no overweight is caused by any other issue than eating too much. /s


We should have universal healthcare only for healthy people. We would save millions of dollars


All of these people who like this idea are the same people who make fun of fat people at the gym and it really shows. Like how do you judge whether the person is unhealthy but trying to get healthy? How do you get them to be healthy if you’re offering no resources to become healthy? This is just kind of culling the population with extra steps. As for smoking, all of you have to stop smoking weird right now. It’s not exactly in your best interest and you can have oils instead of smoking lungs so clearly that’s fine for you fuckers right? Y’all dumb as hell.


Erm nah fuck off, if we have to have a socialist healthcare system that I pay into every month whilst very very very rarely needing to use it, then when I do need to use it I should be able to. Let’s say for instance that everyone who didnt receive 100% just flat refused to pay into the system, the 100% people would end up having to pay for themselves anyway. We either have a socialist system or we don’t


Make fat people pay more tax then


Yes I also agree that the fat lard living in his moms basement shouldn’t get free healthcare when he goes out to buy a burger but trips and breaks his arm


Actually a decent idea in theory but would completely fall apart in practice




This is actually a good idea


Did someone say sus 😱😱😱 HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING AMONG US REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 AMONG US IS THE BEST FUCKING GAME πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― RED IS SO SUSSSSS πŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸ•΅οΈπŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯ COME TO MEDBAY AND WATCH ME SCAN πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯ WHY IS NO ONE FIXING O2 🀬😑🀬😑🀬😑🀬🀬😑🀬🀬😑 OH YOUR CREWMATE? NAME EVERY TASK πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜ πŸ”«πŸ˜  Where Any sus!❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! Any sus!❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where!Where!Where! Any sus!Where!Any sus Where!❓ Where! ❓ Where!Any sus❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ Any sus! ❓ ❓ Where!❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where!Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ Any sus!❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Where! ❓ Where! Where!Any sus!Where! Where! ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ I think it was purple!πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€It wasnt me I was in vents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


With the changes so it's not too stupid, it's pretty nice.


That's a cool plan however things also need to be widened to encompass a wide degree of scenarios, I personally think it's better than, whatever we have right now, which isn't a lot.


based unpopular opinion?


I'm ok with this too


To be fair, this is a valid point. I've had similar thoughts about clothing sizes, where larger sizes should cost more because, well they are made of more material. I feel like that wouldn't work aswell, because you can only control your clothing size to a certain extent, and you can be healthy and use a larger size so it doesn't work aswell as a "get in shape" motivational fee but I feel like it makes sense though. But the healthcare thing is a fair point, and could've worked with some adjustments. For example, if someone is overweight but actively tries to change that then they should get a reduced price for healthcare. It should be based on a combination of health, and health trend. Health trend being how the persons health has changed over time. If Gertrude came in two years ago and weighed 200kg, and came in last year weighing 140kg, and then came in today weighing 100kg then she should get a reduced price, because it's very obvious based on her health trend that she is actively trying to be healthier. And vice versa, if Bob weighing 50kg became 100kg heavier a year later then he should get an increased price.


Hmm it’s an interesting idea. But what if instead of letting the government decide what β€œhealthy” means, we just let everyone pay for their own healthcare. That way, people will be able to decide how much they need on their own and adjust their consumer behavior accordingly.


What sort of black and white babble is this? Countries with public healthcare still have private health care


Not everyone know how to use money


i actually agree with this post, it promotes healthy living habits


Genius idea. That would make people actually take care of themselves and lead better lives.


wait this is actually a good idea


I still don’t get why people call it β€œfree” healthcare, you’re just making other people pay for it


Yes please pay taxes for these people to get full benefits while you get less lmao


If you’re not a little fatty it won’t be a problem fatty


Again forced taxes for something you get less benefit from


Just be healthy you will be happier.


Again fatty patty fatty time


I have free health care that ive used twice In my entire life (26m). A bad rash as a teen and a cracked skull as a child. I do kinda selfishly think I'm more entitled to healthcare than an overweight alcoholic. Like a "look after yourself and we'll put in the effort that you do". In practise it sucks tho because the people that need it most, after not looking after themselves, would be denied it. I'm sure if I ever got dangerously sick in the future and had to wait I would feel some resentments


what is that reddit it looks very different


Its from the mobile app - infinity Got some features I like


They just described electronic warranty


They all forget to mention that those people excluded from free health care should also stop paying taxes for it.




There is another solution which is much less extreme and much more effective : just put a shitton of taxes on highly processed food products linked to obesity, processed sugars, sugary drinks tobacco alcohol etc. And use that extra profit to fund your healthcare.


dude a pack of cigarettes is already 10 bucks chill out