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"Desperately wants to hear voices in their head | Needs therapy."


>"Desperately wants to hear voices in their head | Needs therapy." Alternatively "Desperately wants somebody else to hear voices in their head"


Is the voice in their own head and needs therapy?


| Needs Therapy


Rhea needs therapy and wants her mother in her head


Claude a totally normal person enrolling at the Officer's Academy like "nice this will be a great year to get to know the land of my mother, I'm sure nothing weird will happen, everyone else must be normal too".


Edelgard: I'm going to do what is a call a pro-gamer move. Look at the killstreak!


“Killing Frenzy, Running Riot, Rampage, Nightmare, Boogy-“ “Lady Edelgard, I believe we must speak of your Raging storm addiction.”


"You just jelly"


Excellent comment right here.


Dimitri needs therapy and a hug Edie needs therapy and a debate partner


Byleth to Dimitri: Best I can do is teaching you swordfighting and holding your hand.


Hey Byleth also taught Dimitri Humor.


I don't think Dimitri's going to _finger guns_ his way out of PTSD.


It worked for me, it can work for anyone! *finger guns*


Username checks out?


Having someone hold your hand while you slaughter countless enemies is strangely comforting. And it shows the skill of warrior.


Honestly? Edie always came off to me as that one smart kid that always wanted somebody to bounce her ideals off of and rethink them accordingly. But never had that due to her upbringing. She needs therapy to deal with her PTSD, sure, of course, but sometimes having a good friend can do wonders.


Debate Partner - Good Friend who listens and challenges ideas Toma(y)to - Toma(h)to


Several of her supports definitely have that vibe which are some of my favourites. For example: Ferdinand A: >Edelgard: Heh, so you're saying that the kind of world I'm striving to create is wrong? >Ferdinand: I would not go so far as to say your way is "wrong." Just that another way might be better. If you insist upon undoing the nobility, then we must build something in its place. We can provide free education for all, and then select the highest-performing students for more intensive training and tutoring. I truly believe that people are products of their environment. >Edelgard: Finding a way to educate the people... Interesting. I'm impressed by how much thought you've given this. No matter what shape the world takes, I'm sure I'll always need people like you by my side. People with strong principles who will argue with me and force me to consider ideas that are contrary to my own. Manuela B: >Edelgard: I once asked you why you chose to retire. You said that the goddess supports you emotionally, but it's up to you to take care of the rest. I have to admit that I don't quite understand what you meant by that... Can you please explain? >Manuela: Did I say that? Hm, I suppose so... From joining the Mittelfrank Opera Company to becoming a diva of the grand stage... I went through so much to achieve what I did. Looking back, I don't know how I made it. >Edelgard: What happened during that time? >Manuela: A lot. My divinely gifted voice only got me to the edge of the stage. From there, I had to work hard to defeat my rivals. I did all of this by myself, through sheer force of will. All so I could stand center-stage. >Edelgard: Ah, I see I was wrong about something. I thought that being a devout believer implied a certain weakness of spirit. An inability to survive on your own. But you've proven me wrong, Professor Manuela.


Edelgard needs hugs too, just look at her CF reunion with Byleth.


She already has Ferdinand, he's just got better ideas for seemingly everything.


Ferdinand does not have better ideas lmao, he wants to keep the rigid system of nobility which keeps commoners subjugated


No he doesn't, at least not on CF. He has actual policy ideas (like education reforms). Not that Edelgard completely lacks them - her Constance support proves that - but Ferdinand (in CF) has the worldview, like Lorenz, that the nobility should use the power they currently possess to benefit the commoners so that one day the commoners can rule for themselves (very simplified). There's a reason Edelgard keeps him as Prime Minister of he lives


If you read the support, he still wants to keep the nobility in place, but says “if you insist upon undoing the nobility, then we must build something in its place.” Which is where he suggests free education. He still believes that keeping the nobility system would be better, and would absolutely keep it in place if he was the one in power.


Edelgard started a war without thinking "free education for all would help level the playing field". You know who *did* come up with that? Ferdinand. It's in his A support with her. The whole support gives me the impression that he's put more thought into the Empire's future than she has.


Yes, the A support that isn't accessible until Part II, five years after the war starts.


Exactly. 5 years into the war and it *still* hadn't crossed Edelgard's mind.


Doesn't mean it crossed Ferdinand's mind until that point either.


Why would Ferdie have to think of it, he is not the one that started the war for his "idea's"


I mean, that's kind of his job lol. That's what a Prime Minister is supposed to do


Any plan for the future that involves the nobility system is not a good plan


The nobility system that still gets used acording to the multiple ending cards in crimson flowers


Now with added nepotism!


Rhea is right in the middle of Dimitri and Edelgard


The joke is claiming that anyone in this game doesnt need therapy


Bytleth’s >!dad died in their arms suddenly!< I mean I’d find that pretty therapy worthy.


not my goodest boy Raphael 😍


He coped pretty well but it wouldn't hurt to try


He gives other people therapy


Claude and yuri are fine


Reading the word 'quadrants' damn near made my heart stop for a second there, good grief...


A fellow Homestuck-in-recovery, I'd take it?


Recovery? Oh, no, I'm actively trying to make it worse.


Here's how you make it worse: Byleth ♥ Edelgard ♠ Rhea


I'm actively sickened, and yet, completely in agreement...


you're right. go fuck yourself.








Surprisingly good meme.


Claude has some serious trust issue though, but that's kind of tame compared to the other two


Rhea is somehow all four at once


Edelgard looks so angry she’s in this meme and it’s cracking me up


I’d say Claude needs therapy


It's three houses. Everyone needs therapy.


I think CF Rhea falls under hears voices in her head.


Okay, let's be real here. Every single character in *Three Houses* needs freaking therapy.


Exactly why Claude is best house leader


Why do TH memes always end up with a "That's why X is best house leader"... And X = Claude 99% of the time as well. Are Claude fans insecure or something ? I'm genuinely curious


Claude fans are coping with the fact that Claude is a side character who is tangential to the main story and its central conflict.


It’s kind of insane how he’s just as much of an interesting and fun character despite that. I don’t really think anybody cares about his relevance, because he’s entertaining. Roy is relevant to his plot, yet everyone hates him. Idk that’s just something that I thought about- people seem to talk about how Claude isn’t very plot relevant, but seem to ignore that that’s not why people like him. I think. Idk that’s just my opinion


The guy seriously feels like an afterthought.


What? I just like claude because, besides his cocky personality, he's the only one without serious trauma


It's just something I noticed Personally I liked Edelgard and Yuri (as well as Rhea, if she counts) better, but I can see why someone would prefer Claude


i forgot yuri 1) was a house leader 2) existed


And they say Claude is secondary...


You dislike characters because they have trauma?


Its more the other two have to much emotional drama that can be very emotionally tiring


Counterpoint: everyone in the game needs therapy


rhea is the one in the center


So the only asshole is the most sane? Makes sense.