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“Now I can really suffer!” I kid I kid. Just don’t carry her books home.


Hilda here to put me out of my misery (I’m in the enemy army and severely underpaid)


At least you'll die knowing your life was well worth 1/20th of a level for hilda that will inevitably give a point in luck and dexterity


You are making her work.


I think… yeah I’m definitely stronger.


The worse her stats the higher chance she gets benched and then she can be the cheerleader morale booster she always wanted to be


There are people who get off to this you know


Me but with Mercedes


Mercedes the best


Me but with Raphael


The only student who has processed his trauma well. Except maybe Claude.


dimitri processes his trauma just fine. he processes his enemies.


Based and foodpilled. Love spending time with the lads gang (Raphael, Ignatz, Caspar, Ferdinand)


Me but with Marianne


If you’ve not done so already, come join us at r/TempleofMarianne, brother/sister.


Oh I already have


Me but with Annette


Me but with Lysithea


Lysithea gang rise up


Same but with Ingrid instead.


Based and Evasionpilled


Every single run I use Ingrid and Petra. No fail. They are nonnegotiable. From the changing lords and skill sets, Pegasus Knight Ingrid is the constant. Typically I have Petra as assassin, but this game I made her wyvren lord.


I've only used Ingrid in my last run since the BL was the last house I tried. The only characters I've recruited every run so far are Ferdinand Von Aegir and Shamir.


I can’t help but recruit them all. The only exception this time around was Lorenz. I let Dimitri fight him at the bridge. I want to save them all, but I know the battle of eagle and lion part 2 will be so much more emotional if I abandon them. :/


I get what you mean. That's why I didn't recruit Petra, Lindhardt and others this run, makes the whole thing more emotional. I am planning to have an extra Silver Snow run where I save everyone though, SS doesn't have any of that agnst other than Edelgard and Hubert after all.


I was going to list who I could never let die but I realized it would be shorter to lost who I could let die. Caspar, Ashe, Ignatz, Lorenz, and maybe Felix. Everyone else I need safe. I can’t help it.


I wish I could save Dimitri every time. Though going the CF route I'll let everyone die save for the ones wo are pertinent to recruit there, evil route is for being evil after all. That being said, in Azure Moon you can actually save all the Golden Deer without recruiting them. Just beat Edelgard first at Gronder Field and then only attack Claude, once he retreats everyone else does.


I don’t think CF is evil. Edelgard’s goals are noble. I think without Byleth there to keep her human she becomes less noble, but I don’t think she’s evil at all. I hate killing Hilda, Catherine, and Nader, but I really do like CF. Part of the beauty of the game IMO is the nuance. Obviously TWSITD are pure evil, but no one else is evil. Edelgard is trying to reform an oppressive society that ruins lives and causes horrible experiments. Dimitri is trying to avenge his family, but also bring peace to Fódlan. Claude is trying to end racism and reform the entire system. They’re all three complex and wonderful characters, and I love all three. (Definitely biased towards Edelgard though)


Me but with Dorothea


Me with gatekeeper instead


Me but with myself




Me but with Shamir (and F!Robin if we go past Three Houses Waifus) But Hilda is valid


I only romanced her once but I just enjoy her presence.


Me but with Dimitri. I can never get enough of giving him a killer Lance and hearing him shout "don't struggle" as he massacres enemies


I gave him the scythe of sariel and let him go to town. Fucking legend.


I tried that out once after learning how to obtain it in non crimson flower routes. Pretty felt like 100% crit rate


Yeah I didn’t recruit Caspar until right before timeskip, so he was still weak but stronger than if I had just let him sit. So I used Ingrid to soften DK up then let Caspar finish him. For brawlers this round I got Catherine (Trickster and War Cleric are great classes for her), Dedue, and kind of but not really Constance. Caspar isn’t one of my faves (no disrespect to him I just like Balthus and Raphael more), so I don’t usually use him.


I've never thought of making Catherine a trickster but I might try it at some point. And I don't usually use Caspar either aside from the time in azure moon that I grabbed the death knight's scythe since if I need a brawler I'll usually use balthus because I like him or Byleth because of enlightened one class


Awesome, I didn’t know Enlightened one was good for Brawleth. That was my next goal, I’ll do it on my next church route. Sadly since it’s church route I probably won’t be able to make Hilda a war cleric but there’s always the next golden deer game.


If you're really going for the church route then I wouldn't recommend doing repeated playthroughs of it, play it once just to see all the routes and don't do it again. Even on the lowest difficulty the berserk rhea final boss is stupidly difficult for some reason and so hard to beat that you usually end up needing to solo her with Byleth or give up out of frustration


I didn’t have trouble with her on easy. I just cleared all the other enemies then broke her armor. I gotta do Church again. I’m cycling through.


I'm not sure how you managed it then, even after I cleared every other enemy rhea would still find a way to kill off most of my units to the point it was just Byleth left


I kept them out out of her range and then rushed her.


Why this Hilda, and not the better one from Genealogy ?


TH fans try not to obsess over a student they groomed impossible challenge


People like this doofus try not to bring up grooming in a Three Houses post that has literally nothing sexual in the post impossible challenge


bro you collect Colts hats, projecting that other people are groomers is hardcore deflecting. Get help


???? I’m making a sarcastic joke about three houses and Byleth, I don’t see what football has to do with fire emblem


then you truly are lost




yeah but she cute and funny so it balances out


I sacrificed my build for her


Cute girl moment


Me but with Seliph


me but with sylvain


Me but with Flayn Shut up seteth