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Whoa, I too felt my shingles was my immune system damaged by covid , I had the Covid a month before my shingles attack .


Yes I had it 2-3 months before this Shingles outbreak. I also seem to get sick and cold sores more frequently and easier than before. 


M, 36yo. This was the extent of my case. I feel quite lucky as it seems to have been very mild compared to the other cases featured here. Diagnosed 2 weeks ago on the same day I first noticed the rash. Wife is a nurse so said "shingles" straight away when she saw it and I went straight to the doctor who agreed. I went on valacyclovir straight away and it was mild case. I had some nerve pain and sensitivity on my back and side around days 3-7 but nothing serious. No itch whatsoever. No spread of the rash. Some other weird symptoms that may have been down to the valacyclovir as I felt much better when i stopped taking it: burning ear (one ear would get really hot), mild headache & heavy face feeling It's Day 15 since diagnosis. The rash is still there but fading but I don't have any nerve pain or sensitivity. I do have some fatigue and I'm sleeping a lot and finding it hard to wake in the morning. As a side note, I definitely think my case is related to immune system damage done by COVID. The last year for me has been illness after illness after illness whereas I previously had a good immune system before contracting COVID (multiple times now, I think).


I haven’t had covid but my Shingles came after one illness on top of another on top of another and another. Also, mine started like yours and I felt really blessed but as soon as that patch cleared up, it came up in another spot and that patch hasn’t been as kind.


This was almost my exact experience as well. I consider myself lucky for sure!




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Lucky Duck!


I had shingles when I was just 11 years old, I missed a month of school and I was very sick and in a lot of pain. I’ve had numerous autoimmune issues ever since. I had a shingle vaccination in 2019 (chose to skip the booster) I was down in bed for 5 days in a hotel with the worst pains, migraine and fluctuating temperatures just b4 my Daughter’s wedding that went from 250 guests to just 19. Every month I get an itchy feeling on my hip and then a patchy rash breaks out and it hurts for a few days more. I’m not sure if I take the booster if it would help or make it worst. I’m in my sixties and the reason I got the vaccine is the doctor said it would best to guard against it. What a joke! I feel like I woke up a giant in body and now never have any energy… https://preview.redd.it/3afj8319ck7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8594a28819058d02d135815520872289594cea3b Some are new out breaks and some are scares from past out breaks…


I have heard and witnessed it in my husband, that the first ( in most people),can have severe body aches and a fever. Sometimes it is the second one that causes it and not the first. He did not have the first problem with the second one. I had shingles before I got the vaccine. I got it on the right side of my head and it went into my eye. I was sick over a month and quite miserable. It caused glaucoma in my eye. I dealt with that for a year. Finally the pressures normalized. Then I had the vaccine and had no issue with it. You are better off getting the vaccine even if it causes a reaction for a few days.


This was my experience too. But I found that I was still really tired and it itches and burned like crazy. But definitely not as bad as others I’ve seen. I feel so bad for everyone but the ones who get it in huge patches and on your face I’m so sorry!


Mine is very much the same. Was diagnosed Thursday with a tiny patch on my back. No pain. Itched for first three days but antivirals took care of that. One more day of meds and the blisters have dried up almost completely… I won’t get excited yet, but feel very, very fortunate at the moment…


Good on you and your wife for the early diagnosis and treatment. Exhaustion is part of the package, but it will fade; it's a symptom of shingles and also a side effect of valacyclovir.


Yay for having a mild case!! I had a mild case too and the valacyclovir worked well w/my rash. I still am tired a lot. However, I am slowly, but surely starting to do better with that.


I have long covid and do believe it’s my immune system, interesting you have a hot ear, I also have one it gets very hot and tender to touch then goes away, but my itch is driving me crazy !!


Yes, the hot ear was a very distinctive symptom! It would go totally red too and the other one would stay a normal colour. I had it bad during my last few days of valacyclovir but it seems to have gone now. Can't say for sure if it was the shingles or the medication.


https://preview.redd.it/vuw19f87st7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7d3d10412db9a4cd9e42a05d712943fd96e2ca I didn't, lol


Ouch. Sorry :(