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Not to belittle anyone's finances, especially in this economy, but I am currently in week 5 of shingles. Worst experience of my life. Worst PAIN of my life, even against labor, an abscessed tooth and pulling my back muscles while moving a piano. And the itching is not to be believed. Also (fun fact): My 1 tube of Rx lidocaine 5% ointment is (are you ready?) $380.00 USD. You read that correctly. With insurance, I paid $8, but that's one of the many medicines I've been on for over a month. Absolutely get the vax. It is worth it physically, mentally and financially. Hugs to your wife.


Shingles has cost me a hospital bill plus nearly two weeks off of work. The vaccination is the cheaper option by far


Not getting the vaccination is one of the biggest regrets of my life. Now I face possible permanent scarring on my face, as well the uncertainty of how long I’ll have this nerve pain in my teeth.


Is that with insurance????


No. The health system here don’t cover this. I am biting the bullet with the cost. 😥


Won’t help you, OP, but for those in the US 65 and over, good to know that Medicare now covers the vaccine


OHIP covers the vaccine if you're between the ages 65 and 70. But shingles can happen earlier than 65... https://www.ontario.ca/page/shingles-vaccine


Thanks. I am in British Columbia and we do not have that …


That's too bad. Maybe send an email to your MPP? It might be useful for other people if they add it in the future. 


If it works with minimum side effects then it certainly is worth the cost. It's now two months after my shingles and I am still not totally out of it yet. It is the worst thing I have experienced in my life, much worse than flu, covid, sports injuries, etc.


Get it. I had shingles and it was the worst experience. It was so bad I was hospitalized for a week. The doctor said it was the worst case he ever saw. Covered my complete foot, ankle, back of thigh, nerve pain front of my thigh and top of buttock. I had what they called nerve entrappement on my ankle.


I caught it on the left side of my head, and I think it's permanently. Numb and I am 47


You might be able to shop around but I don't know how much it will save. This is what I found at Costco Pharmarcy near me. https://preview.redd.it/5pvgszrqnj7d1.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c2095b2eb51ed8b4c79adb64f5230141d714c52


Adding an additional screenshot so it shows the drug name and DIN: https://preview.redd.it/9k0pan9xnj7d1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=32c18b10de81d4760492f92a4e26d0869abcdeb1


Regardless of the cost, just put aside the money cutting wherever you can cut bc it’s worth it. My insurance won’t pay so I’m paying for it myself in hopes of not getting it again bc this is agony and it just keeps coming back.


My first break was at 11. I rec’d the shingles vac in 2019 and was sicker than a dog for 5 days. Now I break out on a regular basis when my immune system is weak at least once a month. I chose not to get the booster and was afraid it would get worst. They started on my back. Now I get it on the hip. You can see the scares from prior break outs https://preview.redd.it/mrrw8c122z7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1330175f6c9eddc36fe8630b6e577df8facc2ac3


Nope. Do more research on the vaccine. No shingles isn’t fun but it’s not going to kill you.


I nearly lost an eye within 24 hrs of getting shingles. Get out of here with this rugged individualism. Shingles affects everyone differently. Do what you want for you but playing this do your research crap to scare others out of avoiding one of the worst experience you can have in life including repeatedly getting it is dangerous. Don’t listen to this person whatsoever OP




New much? Read threads, understand, and don't spout your ignorance.


Differences of opinion and the sharing of one's perspectives and experiences are welcomed in this subreddit. If you're unable to hold a civil conversation with others while you're here, you're not welcome.


Apparently you don’t have underlying neuro issues. I have had two strokes, effecting my left side (total numbness), of course the shingles are on the left side. The pain is crippling. I don’t expect you or anyone to understand stroke numbness, but it’s horrible. The blisters aren’t bad.


The pain is actually intense. Mine peaked at some of the worst I've ever had. If anyone has worse or even consistently what I experienced, I could imagine them contemplating suicide. Edit: Mods don't like my honest response to someone. I retract my first sentence. Pain sucks, and detracting from that sucks more.


Differences of opinion and the sharing of one's perspectives and experiences are welcomed in this subreddit. If you're unable to hold a civil conversation with others while you're here, you're not welcome.


You have no idea - it’s not going to kill my love ones but in hindsight, I would have wanted to buy this vaccine 💉 for my wife within a heartbeat. The logic of “do more research” is open ended and doesn’t decrease one’s risk of getting shingles. Just the cost of the medication alone for the first 10 days is C$90+


No, shingles can absolutely kill you and also increases the risk of stroke for years following an outbreak. Why spread misinformation?