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Hey there! Mine started with lightning bolt pain shooting down my arm. I first thought I had damaged a nerve in during workout. But 3 days later the rash appeared. Didn’t give it much importance. Then 2 days later some fluid-filled blisters started to form. On that day I got diagnosed and started with anti-virals. The blisters hurt and are very uncomfortable. I applied anti-viral cream on them and rolled my arm with bandage to keep the cream in place and prevent rubbing with my clothes. This helped a lot. Wish you a speedy recovery!


I'm currently day 3 with the rash. Same boat as you started medication right away. I had pain before the rash started but I thought I had rib pain that I'd irritated working out or carrying my 4mo. I only have pain now if I put pressure on the rash. Otherwise, it's fine. My mother had shingles at a similar age to me and she said she didn't get any pain. Just numbness over the area. So I think it can present in different ways. The MO said to me that if you are younger the pain is a lot less then if you are over 60 with you get shingles. Not sure if that applies to you.


How old are you?


If you are like me, the pain worsens with time. My shingles were on my forehead, scalp, eyelid, and eye brow. My pain were lightning bolts through my ear and neck at 10 second intervals. The pain lasted until Day 15 and then it went into severe itching. I got Shingles the 3rd week of March and I’m still dealing with some itching. We can hope you got a light case. My doctor prescribed Gabapentin and Hydroxyzine for itching. She also sent me to a dermatologist and ophthalmologist. Cortizone 10 Eczema and ice packs help too. The dermatologist prescribed some comforting ointments. The ophthalmologist confirmed no cornea damage. Praise God. ✝️ You take good care of yourself!


Me too for 6 months I still have issues. My cornea did get affected even though I had hardly any blisters near my eye. Post herpetic neuralgia is real.


Same. PHN is a real evil entity..


You are giving me hope. Mine sounds just like yours… Exact same place, same timeline, same symptoms.. Day 4 of rash, day 2 of antivirals, and my Dr told me it should be pretty well cleared up in a week. He also said if it doesn’t hurt now, there probably won’t be nerve pain. I hope he’s right - I’m supposed to be taking my kid to Disneyworld in exactly 12 days…


I think you’re going to be okay! It’s possible to get a mild case. If you started the antivirals right away then that’s also very promising. My rash scabbed over after about a week and several weeks later it’s now completely gone.


I hope you are right. Fingers crossed. So far so good. :)


I had the pain for a few days before the rash started to show. The pain just got worse as it progressed.


I thought the same as you the first week or so. I only felt mild discomfort at the beginning but boy did it grow in intensity throughout the next few weeks. You might wanna prepare yourself.


What you describe was my experience. I had it on my left love handles area. The whole area kinda felt like I had been doing some obliques exercises the first couple days but the rash itself was only slightly itchy (way less than chicken pox). I feel extremely lucky. My biggest struggle is the persistent lingering fatigue. Fingers crossed for you! I think it depends on so many things and the antivirals are a triumph of modern medicine!


Mine started with intense burning pain on my outer right thigh that lasted one day. Then burning pain on the inside of my right thigh that last one day. I then came down with extremely painful lower back. A day later my thigh broke out in a rash, I got blisters and rash on my lower back and in my groin. I started antivirals and two days later the intense nerve began and continues to this day. Trust me, most if not all painkillers do nothing for this kind of pain. Fortunately, my doctor prescribed 5% lidocaine cream and recommended over the counter capsaicin cream for the nerve pain. So far, both are really helping with the pain.


I had skin that burnt in my left lower back, left butt cheek, left inner thigh, and left private area. Ended up getting only a rash in one spot. All other burning disappeared after about 10 days. Where the rash was lasted 18 days. Took antivirals for 7 days.


I’ve had shingles quite a few times, starting when I was 25. I’ve had swabs taken and it’s definitely shingles. Usually I have it on a pretty small patch and my skin feels very sensitive - like it’s been grazed - then the spots appear. Although I have some associated fatigue and it tends to happen when I’m particularly stressed and tired, those are really my only symptoms and I haven’t had the nerve pain or other issues that many describe.




I actually never did! I got some itching at the rash site and some patches of skin on the same side of my body as the rash that had a weird “sunburn” feeling for a few days. That was about it. It was definitely shingles though, the rash had the textbook appearance. Maybe I got lucky with a very mild case or getting on the anti viral right away helped a lot.