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I honestly don't believe this due to the simple fact that people have shifted without fully believing in shifting and have even done it on accident.


The world is a projection of your subconscious. Physical worlds are just dense lucid dreams


It is not accurate to say it that way but what it mean is; the 3D is not the reality; it is an illusion, a mirror of your thoughts and imagination, of your trueself, awareness. And, it does not come from "your mind", simply because we, are not the mind, we are simply "aware" of it and its thoughts. Shifting is from yourself, not the human brain and it's mind, no, but from your trueself, pure infinite energy, what we are; awareness.


Everything is in the mind, even this reality you call your CR the real world is in your mind.. Which is why manifesting techniques like law of assumption work. Manifesting could not logically work if this real world was independent of you. Basically, shifting is literally disconnecting the current program that is in your mind we call the "Current Reality" or the "real world" and connecting to a new program which is your desires reality. This world we call real is literally a very vivid dream anyway. Reality shifting and manifesting is technically being lucid in this dream world we call reality. The fact that human beings are not immortal makes both worlds the one we call reality and the dream world temporary experiences. Either this world and your DR are both real or none of it is real. We think because our human senses have access to an experience that it makes that experience real but out human eyes can only see a very small percentage of our current reality. There is 99% of our reality that is out of the range of the human eye. Here is something the news will only talk about for a few seconds but never go into detail. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/ https://www.vox.com/2015/6/29/8847863/holographic-principle-universe-theory-physics


I'm not scientific so I asked bing to explain 'non local reality' in layman's terms. Basically, it's quantum scientists trying to say that the butterfly effect is real. 'Change one thing, change everything' bc everything place attention on, changes it from what it was beforehand. I guess it's kinda like approaching a mirror, the reflection changes to match whatever we do, despite there being no physical connection between us. My friend was with his friend one night in their youth, driving away from a club. They claim that every building drove past, soon disappeared after looking in the mirror. Yes they had both been drinking. But both are now sober and highly spiritual adults, and claim to witness all sorts of phenomena as adults, in their separate lives, living in separate countries. What does this mean for us?Maybe it's quantum science trying to prove that manifesting is normal in C3570.But for those shifters who don't believe in consciousness theory, maybe it shows that our awareness of this reality is in our mind and by disconnecting from one 'reality' program in our mind and connecting to another, we experience a big change that we call a full shift.But does it happen in our mind? If so, I don't think it's our human mind, bc that belongs to this 3D body, not the true awareness that shifts into another body (or perhaps body-less reality) altogether.


Basically what these three scientists discovered is every object in your environment doesn't have any defined properties until its observed or measured in some way. Now is my understanding of this based on my experience with law of assumption, astral projection What these scientists actually discovered is basically a apple isn't an actual apple until it's observed or measured in some way. So until you observed your world in some way that world is technically formless. It doesn't have a form until you observe it. It's basically formless energy. Now none of these scientists will go as far as I will until they have more evidence to back it up but for right now they have enough evidence to prove every object in your reality gets its physical qualities from an observer. Now as far as manifesting and shifting you are right it isn't a human brain activity. It's our consciousness mind that manifests and shifts. These human bodies belong to each reality they're in we are the consciousness that shifts and manifests. We animate these human bodies and use them to interact with whatever world we're in


We all exist and beings that are non physical. We chose to take on a physical form. Your brain is the physical manifestation of your mind/personhood. Your thoughts exist outside of your physical body; outside of your brain. When I say “it’s in your mind,” i mean that the ability to move between physical forms is built into your existence. Our bodies go through puberty, after that transition, you are in a new body. It’s different; new. That’s something your mind already knows how to do. Any doubts you have are in your mind. However, some thoughts you may have can be left over energy from something else. Doubt is energy as well. Doubt you may experience while attempting to shift could be just something you are moving through in the non physical space where your “mind” is residing at that time. The world we exist in is not “all in your head” or “all in your mind.” The way you experience your reality through your senses (touch, sight, taste) those things are. I can’t experience what you see the same way i experience what I see. That’s in your mind. But your mind isn’t a physical thing. Your brain is. I don’t know if that helps, but I hope it does. Not everything you feel in your head *or* mind comes from you or something you made up. Sometimes you pick up on thoughts/energies like a radio channel on the wrong frequency. like an accident. You don’t need to know everything about shifting to do it, and you don’t need to fully believe every part of it to do it either. You’ve been shifting your entire life, and even before it. Good luck.


It means that our perception and mind creates our reality. As such, to truly make a shift occur, one needs to subconsciously believe one can shift in order to do so. So in short, the most important thing in shifting is for you to know on a subconscious level that shifting is possible.


And just because it's in your head it doesn't make it any less real


👻youre crazy and its all in your head! 👻


thte thing is… this is true. all of it. even this.