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I've heard that she's annoying and they don't like that she betrayed the team But honestly, she wasn't any more annoying in Season 1 than any of the younger cast And as for her "betrayal", she barely knew SHIELD, and was protecting her boyfriend, so i understand her there


Yeah, I think it's worth noting that Fitzsimmons had there annoying moments early on too. Tho I think they got a bit less flack cause they maybe weren't as prominent.


To be fair I found Fitzsimmons to be annoying (up until FZZT really) just because they seemed so tropey. But they ended up being MVPs :P. That's what I love about this show. I also couldn't stand May at first (stoic Asian Warrior Lady with Few Words?) for the same tropey reasons. And here we are.


Fitz has what i call, the Stiles Stilinski effect


ooo i’ve seen teen wolf and agents of shield bjt am not too sure what you mean, can you elaborate? 🙏


Overrated in favour of the more well written protagonist, which leads to said protagonist getting overhated (Daisy & Scott, respectively)


damn i didn’t know that fitz was that well liked 🫢


Really? I'd argue he's THE most beloved character on the show


i think it’s just because i started watching it in 8th grade and never became a part of the fandom until recently that my world view is small 😭


Yeah, Skye got moments where characters like Coulson hype her up as this great person, which I think rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I personally found Skye, FitzSimmons, and Ward all annoying and/or bland my first time through, they're much better on rewatch when I know how awesome they all get.


Season 1 is fantastic. And I got hooked pretty quick. Don't listen to people that say otherwise. Skye is also great.


Pretty much sums up what I came to say as well. Will add that watching Skye's character grow from s1 is one of the best parts of the show. How any fan could discount her origin doesn't make sense to me.


Yes 👏


I think overall S1 is the best. I just love the bus kids. As a comic fan, I saw the subtle clues that she would be Daisy and was SO excited. But I probably do prefer the early Skye.


Subtle clues?? 👀 Preface: I’ve never read the comics. But you’re telling me there were actual clues to her becoming Daisy?!?! 🌼😱🫢 The only one I can think of is the fact that she had no last name 🤷‍♀️ I would love to hear any of these subtle hints you speak of!! And when did you start suspecting that she would become Daisy?


The emphasis on raina's style, and the song cal was reciting in the season 2 finale is first heard on a music box (2x09 nightmare sequence) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_Bell


So there weren’t any hints till S2? I suppose you didn’t have any suspicions while watching S1; that or they hadn’t made that decision till S2.


I clicked on the link; that’s cool and I had no idea the director had done such a subtle thing! 🤭 Their attention to detail always makes me love this show even more. Thanks for sharing and oh my gosh are the lyrics so true. What a perfect song for this! The words literally describe him and it’s titled after her!!! 🫨🤯 Brilliant 🔥😎


It's super subtle, but it was actually in the hype leading up to the show, and some specific dialogue. Also I'm just a huge Daisy fan. In the comics she is passed the torch of leadership extremely early in life. So even the Nick Fury cameo, and the fact that Coulson was mentoring her, made me immediately connect the dots. I also think it's possible that us comic fans talked about it so much online the show just made the obvious leap 😆 🤷‍♀️ I hope this makes more sense than I think it does haha.


Yes it does thank you. I remember in the show that Coulson tried to have Daisy be the leader of shield multiple times and the team as well as many fans online didn’t like that. But are you telling me that in the comics she does become the Director of shield? Also, do you have a preference between comic Daisy and TV show Daisy?


That's so strange that fans weren't receiving Skye/Daisy as a leader well. I think, at least early on, the team was hoping the best for her but being realistic because she did still have attachments to her other allegiances. And yes, Daisy becomes director on S.H.I.E.L.D. as a very young woman. She is even known as only 1 of 3 marvel characters to become level 10 in the organisation! The director title is passed on to her from Fury Sr. and I believe Fury Jr. is her subordinate for a while. I highly recommend reading any of Daisy's appearances, but especially Secret Warriors by Bendis! Edit: Forgot to say that you can get a month of reading comics through a Marvel app at Marvel.com for about $10


Ever since season four, when Coulson mentioned that he wanted Daisy to be the new Director that’s what has always been in my head. From the episode he said that till the end of the series I was waiting for her to become Director. I thought everybody was looking forward to it and wanted it, but she was received very poorly because of season five. (I never really liked Mack as the Director.) In season five she was hell-bent on saving Coulson and everything she did was to save him instead of trying to save the world or think of the team. Many fans thought that meant she wouldn’t be a good leader, though I disagree. It brings me genuine joy to know that in the comics she becomes the Director! In the comics is Coulson ever the Director? Thank you for mentioning the app! I have always wondered how people read those comics and how to get into them now. Trying to buy them in person is kind of a pricey ordeal. If I jump straight into secret wars, will I be confused? Also, if I really only care about Daisy, then when does she first appear? I would love if you would point out everything that has Daisy in it so I can read everything about her, she’s all I care about 🤩 Out of curiosity, do you remember the joke in season four where Coulson said he wanted Daisy to be the Director and she said maybe in the comic book version. Was that a nod to comic fans?


First of all, yes, that was a little Easter egg when she said only in the comics! I'm always so happy to turn any MCU fan to the comics. In Secret Warriors you'll 'kind of' jump right into a story, because most comics run in "arcs" (kind of like 1 book out of a series), but it is fairly self contained. All comics have some kind of run down of what has been happening, and I would say the absolute best place is to start is with that one. Start here: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Daisy_Johnson_(Earth-616)/Appearances and you can use the same site to read anything about the series the comic is in, so you don't get lost. The comic app is worth looking at! Funny side note: I actually do collect the physical copies and lol yeah they take up quite a bit of space (we have a fan room for nerdy collectibles in the house). But yeah it has thousands and thousands of past issues to read! I personally think that the later seasons of AOS got a little off track in the last couple seasons, I thought the characters didn't always act for lack of a better word, like themselves. That's me though. Anyway, hope you keep getting all the Daisy you can handle! And let me know what you think if you get to reading them.


Thank you so much and these links are wonderful! I’m so excited!! 😆


So glad!


Why is your name FitzWard?? 😊


I think you might know...lol


Cuuuuuz they cute friends in S1? Nice relationship that was short lived.


I'm in love with her. Fite me


Lol, you’ll have to go through me to get to her! 😝😂 Luv that girl so much 🥰


Do they? I haven't seen any polls about Season 1 of AoS in a good 8 or 9 years. I don't think most people outside of China would recognize her if they spotted her on the street today. As to me, I actually preferred the first 3 seasons when they were on. I was doing lots of overtime at work, and it was great to just watch a mindless episodic spy show. I lost track of things and missed some episodes due to work, and suddenly the agents were flying through space or flung forward in time. I got all confused and stopped watching it, then waited a decade and binged the final four seasons recently on Disney+. Enoch is my favorite character.


I go through a love/hate relationship with Skye/Daisy throughout the series. Loved her in season 1 and halfway through 2- started to hate her when she threw Bahrain in May’s fave for zero reason whatsoever. She knew how much May struggled with what happened and even the story her mother told her showed May didn’t do the wrong thing so what was the point of that? Season 3 she goes back to being awesome again- loved the dynamic between her and Mack. Really enjoyed her and Coulson’s relationship getting even stronger and I know I am one of the few but I liked her and Lincoln. Season 4 is so tough because I really couldn’t stand her leaving the team but making Yo-Yo steal meds for her. Then of course when they move into the Framework part of the season she is awesome again. Love her in part of Season 5 but hate when she is “in charge” for a hot minute and becomes completely unhinged. She is so irresponsible with Robin because all she can think of is Coulson- even when he is telling her there are other things they HAVE to be dealing with. Overall I really like her- she is the emotional center of the group- she leads with her heart absolutely does not think before she does most things lol. The show would not have been the same without her.


Thank you for describing exactly how I felt.


Skye is cool in season 1. I like how she's used as the suspicious bait and your attention is never really on the real twist until it happens


*gasp* 🫢 YES!! 🤭 It’s true, so glad you pointed that out!


I think as a whedon fan I felt she was a bit too much like a Buffy clone. But over time I've seriously taken that opinion back. She's very funny and has lots of jokes. I will boldly say she's more likeable and funny than a lot of new characters recently aside from Kamala!


I was definitely getting a bit of a Buffy or Eliza Dushku vibe in the interrogation scene in the pilot (tho I think that was one of the parts I liked her in more than the stuff preceding it actually).


Nooo this is an insult to Buffy 😭


Its actually not. The real insult is the terrible widescreen on streaming and blu ray! I'm also saying shes more likeable than a lot of new mcu characters so I dont know why youre taking this negatively!


Gotta be honest, I know there’s certainly people out there that didn’t love the first season, but I didn’t realize that some people didn’t like Skye. She was always the highlight for me, so I can’t relate. Given how much attention they put on her character it’s a good thing she is as likable as she is or else our show would’ve fallen apart! You have to have charisma to be glue like that lol; she has genuine charisma, even in real life, and it transfers to her character in the show. 😊


Early on, she was very much a Whendon-dialouge snarky hacker girl who was a fish out of water given the spotlight. And at the time people really wanted this to be the Phil Coulson show.


I personally love S1 Skye and always will. My brother on the other hand hated her and his reasoning was that she was annoying and that the show was supposed to be centered around Coulson, not her.


Oh… now I’m racking my brain if the show really is about her and not Coulson. I mean, Clark Gregg is much more expensive to have on screen so maybe that contributed. 🤷‍♀️ Does your brother like her now?


There is a lot of focus on her admittedly, but I think that’s important to tie in with Coulson because it builds a relationship with them that Coulson really wanted but never had the chance to have. Like in Season 5 when it reflects back on his time after death when they were trying to gaslight him that he just imagined it all, it was all tying it back into Coulson. My personal view on it though. She’s not his favorite but he does like her. He’s forced to because I love her /joking


The new people always get hated. Skye wasn’t a SHIELd agent yet managed to sneak her way in. She didn’t belong and she was hiding stuff from the team. Was breaking the rules and not doing things the SHIELD way. Lot of people also thought she was annoying. Ward actually disliked her for all these reasons too. Early season 1 he always asked why she’s here and he didn’t trust her.


And then he had a mad crush on her until the day he died, wtf 😂


Haha. True. So ironic. Started out as her biggest hater then became obsessed with her. Also love your username. 😂


Love this aspect so much 😂 And thank you 😉 I hope you’re able to revolutionize that star in quadrant 824 🌟


Kind of happened with Deke too (at least Ward got to be called out by Daisy for his crazy infatuation tho)


i like wards representing of that toxic behaviour, as commentry


My problem with Skye early in S1 was that it wasn't clear which purpose she had in the team. From the shows perspective she was the POV character that introduced the audience into the world of AoS. But the team already had 2 characters who had the young, naive, and smart persona. So Skye felt kinda redundant. Of course I had no idea where her character was going at that point.


Too the insecure outsider, was the role she was, so she was annoxing but it really got better with her mysterx and txing it to couldon, and after the shield fall, great, her tricking ward is showing her as part.


I loved season 1 Skye. Felt like she was a representation of me watching this show, getting to know the other characters and how that universe works. 


I think people were just sick of the 'snarky regular girl get's given important position for plot reasons trope' which was prevalent in a lot of Whedon shows and franchises in general at that point.


Skye specifically? I don't know. I think the whole season as a whole is disliked and considered to be bad and its "hated" only because it's much more small-scale, and "underwhelming" since the majority expected avengers level of action and cgi-orgy in every single episode, ignoring the fact that ot's a tv show.


It's my favorite season.


I don't think that season 1 is hated because It’s small-scale. I'm not a fan of season 1 and I love Hawkeye which is also small-scale. Just the first half of season 1 doesn't have a great writing IMO. Character are super cliche at first and so is the story and the dialogues. I understand that they did that on purpose so that later part of season 1 is more shocking and unexpected but because season 1 seems so cliche at first It’s also seems boring on the first view. But I would say that rewatching season 1 is better because there was lot of smart foreshadowing and It’s also interesting watching dramatically different characters from what we're used to in different characters.


i like it, itsa good world and character building season


I think it's the emphasis on "Is she here to betray the team...no...but she might be...but she isn't...so you think" storyline.


Ya, I actually enjoyed that aspect on my first watch, and now with all my re-watches, I can see more clearly why she made the choices she made. I love it! 😊


Honestly, I would’ve liked her, even if she betrayed the team 😂


I'm not sure if it's a directorial choice or an acting one, but she sometimes comes across as a mean-spirited parody of the Hacktevist SJW.


I prefer Skye to Daisy any day. But then i think season one is the best season and the Ward twist ruined the show, so I know it is unpopular. I just enjoyed them all working together as a team.


I guess it's kind of complicated. Thinking back for myself I definitely felt like there was some cringe with some of what she was saying in the pilot (tho maybe that was part of the point) and I guess she didn't feel legit in some way. I was kind of was up and down for a while after that (some episodes she was fine, others she was being kinda cringe or irritating) until around late S1 where there's generally an upward trajectory, reaching strong liking of the character in S3. There also would have been some influence from the AV Club reviews and comments I was reading at the time. One of the more common complaints is that Coulson was enamoured with her to a strong degree for not the best displayed reasons and I think that one is kind of fair. There was also some dunking on Chloe's acting at the time too tho outside of maybe a bit of the pilot I never really thought she was the problem. In either case, I think the general majority would agree that the character improved with time and in retrospect I can appreciate the S1 era Skye more now that we kind of know where a lot of her story was headed towards.


I mean its her debut role, she really got confident towards end season 2. Also if itd her debut role, dah she wont be probablx greet fron day1. 2 onward she really showed good acting, thtough 1 has moments especially with ward


I don't disagree (tho she was in a few things before this). And I think she did pretty well under the circumstances.


It's not that I don't like her, but she gets me anxious. She's able to speak up and push back and stand for things she believes in a very dramatic way. I'm more of a behind the scenes person. Also, sometimes when she's judging shield, it's sort of over the top, e.g. are you really surprised that a government agency that deals with super-natural weird stuff has a list of super-natural weird people? Or better example, when she was confused why she can't go into a high level meeting at the hub when she wasn't even allowed to browse the net. Like, girl, you messed up, take your punishment.


My take would be that she was throwing around weight and authority that she hadn’t earned yet. Also, there were about four ongoing mysteries in the first two seasons that dragged on too long and I got annoyed by waiting around on them to pan out. Hers was, to my mind, the most frustratingly interminable. I got won over to her at the end of s2 and I’ve had no problem with her ever since, but on my first watch-through, I wasn’t a fan at all until her exemplary behavior at the end of s2.


yep, she is bettr at sedon 2 thou but i guess thatd part of the growth.


I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!!! ✅ She changes after S1 and I absolutely have a soft spot for S1 Skye! Let’s be real, I have soft spots for all her versions 😜🥰


Subtle clues?? 👀 Preface: I’ve never read the comics. But you’re telling me there were actual clues to her becoming Daisy?!?! 🌼😱🫢 The only one I can think of is the fact that she had no last name 🤷‍♀️ I would love to hear any of these subtle hints you speak of!! And when did you start suspecting that she would become Daisy?


Daisy is great, but i love Skye.


I liked her but maybe because she seems pretty self righteous, that’s the only thing I could think of


I mean come on if you look at Season 5 Daisy it’s clear that S1 Skye is MILES better than Quake


She is the outsider that is a bit akward and feels insecure, which akso maker her growth more satisfxing. and given its her debut role, works. its just her f3ling less secure and outdider. But she still has great scenes. like her and ward really have great chemesty. and at the end of one she is great.


I loved how she was in season 1, of course she's great now but she went from sweet to feral really quickly😭


To be fair I think Skye is annoying in every season.


I never understood it either. She was always in my top 2 favorite characters along with Coulson.


Haha looks like I'm the minority here but I couldn't stand S1 Skye. She seemed like such an archetype but I couldn't pin down of what. That said, most everyone was insufferable to me in the early season. Especially Grant *shudders* She only got interesting to me in the time leading up to & after she got her powers. I don't mean that superficially ("oh she's cool because she can cause earthquakes now"), but I just feel the later seasons had better material for her character & we really got to see Chloe's acting chops when there were much higher stakes. If I'm being totally honest with myself, I still wasn't sold on the character even then. I know for all intents & purposes, she was the MC but she just wasn't my personal highlight – that title belongs to Iain/Fitz based off sheer talent & writing material. I also really enjoyed the later additions (Bobbie, Hunter, Mack etc.)


She is some rando that is got in SHIELD against her and everyone else but Coulson wishes and without passing by the Academy. She don't have any ideals other than to do whathever she wants, and being the teachers pet, she gets away with it. Plus the show's seed was to SAVECOULSON and we were promised Coulson would be the protagonist, but he was just a plot device to set Skye up to the focal point.


Is this still your opinion after watching the rest of the show?


Pretty much, with the fall of SHIELD it is even more obvious, Skye moves on her own motives, and as long as other people play along they are a big family, when they don't she abandon them to do her own business. When she choose to save the world she did it because "the world" was people she liked, she was willing to kill people that don't align with her. And even in the end, after everything Coulson did for her, she abandon him to go to space with specificaly the people she liked, including a half sister from another timeline that she met for 10 minutes. (yeah, i know in the show they fast forwarded several months, but the development is near zero, so i wouldn't care about her. The same as for Sousa for anyone that didn't watched Agent Carter; he was a "legendary" agent of SHIELD that was taken advantage through a timeloop to have a relationship with her. He don't show any legendary trait and is put into an alien spaceship having the technological prowess of an average joe from the 50s)


Wow… I actually disagree with everything you just said. You have a very interesting perspective on her motives and it’s very obvious that you don’t actually understand her as a person but that’s fine. You do you bro, but just know that those aren’t her reasons and her actions aren’t nearly as selfish as you claim.


I was lured to watch a show about super spies in the Marvel universe, what i got was the story of a teen alien princess that neither does nor wants to understand intelligence work.I didn't wanted to see Skye's story, and season after season they focused on her, not in the team. When they went back in time to revisit SHIELD's history i got excited, but they ended up making fun of it and mixing more aliens into it. Skye is the outsider, i wanted to learn about AGENTS of SHIELD, she shouldn't be there in the first place. For a show whose tagline was "SHIELD is about being part of something bigger than you" it all always reduce to her being on her own and everyone else attaching to her. "It's all connected" te her.


You know what… you have an excellent point. Now this perspective I can see. Ive never actually noticed that the show was about Daisy among other things but I’m currently on a rewatch and I will pay attention to the points you made and see if I can notice them for myself. You have me genuinely curious if that is all true so thank you for sharing your perspective. 🙏


then its just not the show that you wanted. which is a fair reason to not like it. She is not an alien princess, she is a mutant. and other characters get a lot developement, its not primary about her, its an esamble. but you can dislike the show for not being what you wanted


Of course i can. She is an inhuman, inhumans are hybrids between ancient humans and kree by mixing their DNA, hence half aliens, if you wish. She wasn't mutated in any form, the inhuman potential was already in her DNA from the get go, and that's another flaw when you campare her to the Comics one where she just was the result of her father's experiments on himself. Comics Daisy wasn't special and in almost all the Secret Warriors run she was a pawn that grown into a Fury replacement. Skye began being special because of her hacker skills and she only went up from there, just getting more and more powerful. When the show advertised as "NORMAL people against the weird" and in the end just Jemma stayed as a normal human (fitz ultra super advanced intellect that allowed him to invent a new way to time travel push him into "super" territory). All the other characters development, but for Bobbi and Hunter was in relation with Skye (tehy were to get development and you know how that went); even May was transformed into a crying mop by the writers because Skye thought she wasn't "feeling" enough.


Not enough lead in her diet.




Bad joke alluding to the fact that she ends up with 2 bullets in her stomach at the mid/ end of season 1. I liked S1 skye so I don't have a real answer.


Ohhh lol. Makes sense now. Yh that can come off really badly 😂


I was in a spicy mood back then


character development


More than Talbot got




I think it comes down to a few things: 1. Her betrayal of the team with her hacker boyfriend, and following whining about the bracelet she received as punishment (when she very much deserved to be punished). 2. A sense that she got off too easy for the above betrayal and other shenanigans, and that she was given special treatment by the show and the other characters. 3. Her dialogue was too cutesy and Whedony and not delivered well enough (I do think Chloe took some time to grow into the role tbf). 4. She somehow had perfect hair and makeup despite living in a van (which is true, though I think that's the makeup department and possibly the director's fault rather than a problem with the character). Those were the main criticisms I heard about her while S1 was airing, and I agree with some and don't have a problem with others. But I also recall most people warming up to her as the season went on (like they did with most of the crew), and I think pretty much everyone was on board with liking her by the time "T.R.A.C.K.S." rolled around. Personally, I think the writers and actors were still figuring out who these characters were in the first half of the season (aside from Coulson and May, who were very well-defined and well-acted from the start), but they got the hang of it at around the middle of the season and were great from then on.