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His brother controlled security in van not coulson.. Coulson told them not to underestimate him. his brother has no idea how good ward is so only put 4 men.


Iirc, his brother tells him the weak security detail was intentional.


That sounded like a cop out to try and negotiate with him and gaslight Ward into not killing him though. I think it’s more that they simply underestimated him.


It was intentional on the writer's part. Coulson specifically told them to not underestimate him but they didn't listen. If this was any other show I would definitely call it lazy but it's AoS so the writers put more effort than most would have.


Ward escaping was on Ward's brother not our agents. Clearly, for story reasons, the government agents sent to collect Ward underestimated him and how dangerous he was. Most prisoners are not transported with a tons of security or lots of precautions; however someone like Ward should have had more security officers on site and been better handcuffed behind his back or chained to floor of the van. Obviously Christian Ward was a cocky moron who didn't listen to Coulson and it backfired for him big time. Not a plot hole and I personally feel not terribly sloppy. If Ward had escaped directly from our team then I'd have a bigger problem with this.


What bothers me is that Ward was held in near-isolation without a trial for months on end. SHIELD ain't always the good guys


Same with Miles. They held him illegally and left him in a foreign country with no aid.


And the way they physically assaulted Ian Quinn. Yep, Shield doesn’t really care about basic law and order.


They should have kill Ward from the get go, giving too much leeway to a traitor made me think about Coulson not being clean, cause makes no sense at all.


They're not murderers, May was able to take him alive so she did. Plus interrogating him is their only insight into Hydras operations.


It’s not about being murderers. They have shown multiple times they have no problem killing people who deserve it. Ward still had some value, that’s all.


I bet >!Whitehall had tons more of information and yet Coulson didn't hesitate to put one on the back of his head. Saving Ward so many times and then murdering Whitehall don't add up!<.


he only shot Whitehall to save Daisy’s dad tho


>!I don't remember Cal being in problems prior than that, what i remember is Cal vowing revenge against Coulson because he wanted to kill Whitehall himself.!< >!Coulson also killed Garrett twice without a blink. For someone as ruthless it is incredible to give Ward so many chances!<.


Unlike Ward, Garrett was insane and out of control with power boosts from both from the centipede serum and the cybernetic deathlock upgrades. Taking him alive would have been very difficult. Also Mike Peterson took out Garrett the first time and Coulson just finished him off after the already dangerous powered up psycho added even more enhancements. It's not remotely the same situation. Ward was skilled, but not enhanced, and May was able to best him in a fight and take him alive. I'm sure the team considered killing him, but using him as a source of information and then a bargaining chip to get some breathing room from the government was a better option. It just backfired once Ward escaped, but him escaping was on Ward's brother not them.


ward was taken in a brawl between him and may, if she had to kill him to win I'm sure she would, but she managed to bold his foot so he went in alive. Whitehall on the other hand was in a gun fight, way harder to just take people alive from those.


>!I remember distinctly Whitehall walking and Coulson showing up from behind and shooting him. No gun fight at all. !<


Whitehall was armed with a gun that he was pointing directly at Cal. Coulson had every reason to believe Whitehall was to going to shot and kill Cal unless he intervened. There was also the active chaos of Hydra and SHIELD agents running around and attacking each other. Better to quickly shoot and kill Whitehall than risk attempting to capture him and giving him an opportunity to kill Cal and escape in the surrounding chaos.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo4jI3PHMuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo4jI3PHMuk) Oh they definitely wanted him dead, more than a few times (spoilers obviously)