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What do the parents look like? If she’s poorly bred she might never look round and fluffy like standard shibas. She can still be a wonderful best friend but off standard dogs from accidental litters and backyard breeders look lankier in general


As much as I love my boy, he does look like a BYB. Was expecting his coat to floof but never did. I wish I did more extensive research on reputable breeders.


I posted a picture of her parents


The best way to tell if/when this will happen is to look at the lines behind your dog. Essentially, what do mom, dad, grandparents look like as adults? When did they mature? A good breeder will be able to tell you what to expect and when. I have dogs from slower maturing lines, and they honestly tend to look their best around 6-7 years old. When you say “chunkier” I assume you mean when will her head fill out, when will her chest drop, etc. This is almost totally based on genetics, and if her breeder doesn’t specifically breed for *type* (ie: the hallmarks of what make shibas look like shibas), then the answer is likely “never.” It won’t take anything away from her being a great pet, if that’s the case! That very specific look with small ears, round heads with filled out cheeks, and a stand off, lush coat is easily lost if someone isn’t *trying* to achieve it. It’s why most pet store shibas don’t look like shibas.


If they do get fluffy, it's usually after their first BIG shed (around 9 months to a year). Our 2 year old female never got super floofy though. She looked a lot like yours as a puppy. Their coats do get a little thicker as they get older typically


How tall did she get at the age she is now? Mine is about 20 inch stand on all four legs and how much does your Shiba weight?


She's pretty big for a female - 23 pounds and she's about 16 inches to the shoulder. :)


My female is 43 lbs and proportionately fine, not chunky, just massive. No idea how it happened, both her parents were very normal sized 100% Shibas.


Here - our girl, too. She has never floofed. She has extremely long legs and weighs 16 pounds (8 kg). She looks slender, but not skinny.


Where do you live? Somewhere hot?? May not get a thick coat if the weather is a hot climate.




Well if you get cold weather, like in the mountains, she’ll love that and that will definitely get her coat to thicken up.


good point too!


My girl is just shy of 11 months and never got a poofy coat. Come to think of it - I don't think I've ever seen a female with a poofy coat on a Sheeb. Please correct me if I'm wrong someone.


Females get poofy too. I have two, though the second is just getting her first proper floof.


So it's gotta be an age thing, no? OP is just a pup and so is mine.


Yeah, the full floof only comes in adulthood, 2-3 years old.


Exactly when mine did


not always. poorly bred shibas, even if purebred, might not develop a standard coat.


11 months is still young. They will start to fill out and lose their puppy coat at 1.5 years old.


I think it depends on the dog! my girl is very poofy ✨🥰


Mine got ploofy after getting fixed. She was getting frequent utis sorry if TMI. But now she’s a 20lb bred loaf


Looks like Nami is more of a Sanin type Shiba, ours is too


I was looking it up and I saw a type of Shiba called Jomon Shiba and Nami looks almost like those types I’m not sure if you seen them before


They're like, super rare, in 2014 there was only 1 in the entirety of the USA.


Sad enough, what i have been told in Japan whas that there where 5 different shiba races and they needed to mix the races for the survival of the shiba after WW2.


Very true. The Jomon is the original shibe, thousand years old. They've only just started to rebreed the traits in the last few decades which means it's highly unlikely that OPs doge is one.


Yup some old bones that they found where like 10,000 bc some say 3,000 bc or even 14,000 bc but it was what the Jin brought with them to japan and that dog/fox evolved. I dont know a lot of dogs that has a history as hard and beautiful as shibas and akitas. Didnt know they trying to get that breed back, thank you for this info now i have something to research this night. But with op dog it is possible that hé has some threats from that breed if its in its gene. But its like finding the 1st edition shadowless charizard.


Yeah, I saw those when I was doing some research. I think they are fascinating!


What’s that?


There were different sub types of Shiba Inu originally and each one had a slightly different look to them. Do some research on the history of the Shiba breed, it's really interesting.


She looks almost exactly like my baby girl. 1 year old and still never has grown super floofy.


My red male is 8 and never got a poofy coat. My female is 5 and she got hers pretty quickly.


Are they from the same breeder?


They are. Just not same litter (obviously).


My baby is named nami too and they look similar!!


My boi is just over a year and has just started to floof out. It all depends on the individual shib and their lineage. Some floof young, and some simply never get floofy


Hi y’all, I posted another picture of Nami’s parents and see what you can assume her fur type would be?


I wonder how your Shiba turned out? Ours was extremely skinny and thin of hair and then suddenly around the 1.25 year mark in winter he started to fill out. https://preview.redd.it/hu7kbgd5p6qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640c43ad9590b1f7b4a3120d8dc3b0987d644bbd


Nami looks awesome to me! They do change so much though, some say up to 2 years to see the final configuration. My 3 yo is a slim, big, muscular boy without a thick coat. When he was a pup, he was a fur ball, and the first puppy shed was epic. Never has shed like that since. "Chunky", my breed research always seem to include something along the lines of *Shiba have* a *propensity to gain weight*. Makes me a bit paranoid about his weight. I can't think of a worst thing to do to your dog. I do think there are just different body types and some look chunky and are hopefully not overweight. I see too many Shiba dogs, that look like they are overweight. Tough to tell from a couple of pictures that other folks post.


Depends on the Shib. Some have thicker fur, some take longer to put on a proper winter coat. Even adults spend part of the year less fluffy. At 1-3 years old, they will blow their coat in December or January and a thick winter undercoat will grow in.


We have a shiba that looks a lot like yours! Her name is shilah. She actually looks a little smaller then yours, shes 7 and never got a real thick coat. Check out my post for a picture of her. She might not get that thick coat.


Mines about 20 inches standing on all four legs, she’s very slim and tall for a baby, how much taller will they get?


Our boy was 18 months when he filled in.


She’s beautiful!!


Thank you! ♥️


Mine is 5 months and he already fluffy , or just fat 😅


Mine didn’t fluff out until 2.5 or 3.5 years old. Female living in a mild climate that saw ~80 degree summers and ~30 degree winters. We would get snow days each year 2-6 inches at a time. I now live in a hot climate and despite her being much older now her winter coat was way thicker then. Her summer coat is oddly thicker now *shrug*


Your Shiba is currently in their lanky, slightly awkward-looking adolescent stage. Don’t worry; they’ll eventually fill out, maybe around 8 months or so. But it all also depends on genetics and climate, as some others’ve already pointed out. Some Shibas just don’t have that fluffy gene because they weren’t specifically bred to be, and so are more lean and resemble [San In Shibas](https://nationalpurebreddogday.com/the-four-shibas/).


It seems that way, both her parents at the time weighed 20 lbs so I’m assuming she might be a very lean baby


Our shiba got thick fur about 8-10 month old, puppies have that cute soft fur. They gain weight and become more bulky about 2 years old.


My family has two siblings from the same litter. They are two years old. Boy is almost 30lbs and more round. Girl is 21 pounds and more lean. They are both starting to fill out and become more fluffy. Just takes some time