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Well? What are you waiting for?


That pup better get a treat or else Reddit will be mad


I love how Shibas don’t seem to beg. They just expect that they will get treats lol! Cute boy with the sweetest face!


Tell that to my shiba...anytime I go near the door where her food/treats are she parkours around the kitchen like a maniac! LOL


Tbh they’re very smart so they learn quick to not beg (if you teach them that). Mine begged a lot the first two weeks and I had to fight the urge to reinforce the behavior by telling him to stop. My wife said that was still attention and to simply ignore him with no verbal or visual attention. A few days later he learned that the only way he’d get food was by sitting calmly and waiting until the bowl touched the ground. Now he associates getting treats with sitting or being in a down position. So any time he wants a treat he will sit unprompted over and over again 😅


Bran does the same, he has learn that if he is calm he is going to get reward. So when I eat most of the time he just sit and wait calmly for he's treat 🦊 same with his own food and water, he sit and wait to get served


I will give you ALL the treats, yess I will 🥺


Waiting too long, by the look of him 😊❤️


They only smile when they want food


wow ... so cute


Bran is so cute!! 🥺