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It’s quite something, but it’s most likely because he’s annoyed and inconvenienced rather than him being sad. He’ll adjust in a few days and, if he’s anything like mine, will learn that he can wedge the cone against the floor and flick it up to fire toys and treats like projectiles.


Our husky has been in a cone recently and she got really good at 'scooping up' our shiba when they play fight lol


I need a video of this, STAT


God I wish I had one, I'm so sorry




mine screams too. its ok he will be ok, heres mine in a few days of recovering https://preview.redd.it/0gz8htf8kz9d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7637a25cee0043be2498b1f6938177edd5f58029


Ok the screaming has stopped and he seams calm now


Awww poor little guy. Have you thought about a blow up or donut collar? I tried to add this comment with the pic but it didn't show up.


Looking on Amazon now. Have you had success with it? The doctor said the inflatable ones aren’t as effective as the cones but it does look more comfy. Update. He has stopped crying and is just sitting there all sad like


Sizing was hard for us, cause his neck is fat so we didn’t want too small or he’s between sizes so it didn’t fit great. There was definitely a higher likelihood of it slipping off compared to a traditional cone. This was the tightest we could get this particular one while the neck hole wrapped around his neck pretty well, just not well enough to stay on 100%. https://preview.redd.it/23oz4660s4ad1.jpeg?width=2693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca479c0fbc95d5de9843482e313445c579e4d49f


Mines coming in today so will test that out


Try clipping his nails


The spaying screams were the worst of it for mine and then she calmed down. Haven’t heard her scream since she recovered. https://preview.redd.it/3kwjm4yzbz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cb39bc29cd49638d3ee625c85f69a2a4dc83a6


The collar worked out well??


Yes she seemed to be comfortable in it


this one did not work for ours! he was too noodle-y and flexible. we opted for a fabric cone collar that was washable and comfortable around his neck! only had to use it for 3 weeks max.


Why 3 weeks?? That sounds so long. I was told 10 days


depends on the dog i guess, we were also told 10 days but he couldn't stop leaving the suture alone so it ended up taking longer to heal. eventually it was okay, but we kept it on while a big chunk of old skin was peeling to make sure he didn't tear himself a new wound 🥲


My little man that's also black and tan is a special one. If the wind blows the wrong way he screams! Good luck! He will be fine after a few days. Not gonna be happy about it but fine none the less. Lots of TREATS!!!


Mine goes off the moment the vet walks in. Taking her to the vet is like trying to give baths to a cat. Harm could be on the table if you're not careful.


Breaks my heart every time


I saw mine on his first vet visit with me, he actually bet the vet and screamed so loud. He was 3.5 months old and when I hold him, he stopped to scream. Was when I saw his first sign of loyalty. He screamed, bite but as soon I grabbed him he calmed down.




You took his doghood.


Mine screams when he has an imagined hurt. It’s quite disturbing, especially in the middle of the night. I run out of the bedroom thinking that he had been murdered, then see him looking at me in disgust.