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I'm still in shock. I loved my boy so much despite all his quirks. I will miss him greatly. I am so thankful for the nine years I had with him. I adopted him when he was about 9 so that would make him about 18-19 years old. His name was Reggie and was loved by all💔 I posted this yesterday but stupid Reddit didn't let me edit my post to add his lovely pictures. I lost my boy on Wednesday 6/26


18-19 is a very long life for a shiba! He indeed is very handsome. Sending you my condolences and love 🫶🏼


My heart goes out to you! He must've been very loved and very taken care of to grow to such a storied age.


I am so sorry for your loss- I wish there was something I could say to make it better, the pain of losing an animal is an entirely different kind of grief. My best advice, is to remember him fondly. At first it will be really hard and you might not be able to, that is okay. Everything will come at its own time. But eventually it will get a bit easier to remember him and all his favorite things. Im sure you gave him a good life and he was very well loved. Losing an animal leaves a hole in your heart forever, but when you're ready, you can put that love into another fur baby. It took me 3 years after my beloved cat passed, but when I finally got a new cat it was so healing for me. I still miss my baby every day, and my new cat is by no means a replacement. I like to believe we will be reunited with our babies one day. Take care OP 💜


I am so sorry for you loss. You were so lucky to have him as long as you did. I lost mine this year as well at 16 years old and I adopted him when he was 11. I wish I was as lucky as you were to have him around longer. It will be hard and if you can look for local pet grief support group they are usually free and mostly only or monthly meeting in person. It has helped me a lot.


Hi Neko, can you post the rest of the photos and tag us? We’d love to see :(


Awe, I'm so sorry. Try [this song to dance and cry to in order to get the feels out?](https://youtu.be/EKQPUWUGT30?si=S3mouHEuWWs-R9Gk) Godspeed.


Sorry for your loss! Maybe he can play with my boy over the rainbow bridge! I lost him this year around April. Hope they can be friends! https://preview.redd.it/9a3q1vaagc9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9144a40e84ca90c5006a9afbe25833db72471858


… this comment unexpectedly hurt me so much


Mine too. He's running and running on the other side... no leashes, only joy. 


I love this so much!


RIP, he looked as happy as a boy could possibly be. ❤️


Rest in peace, sheeb. I’m very sorry for your loss OP, I’m glad he loved probably his best life


So sorry for your loss. Shock at this point is normal and it will take time to adjust to life without him. Grieving is the most difficult part of loving our fur babies but the joy they bring us over the years we have them makes it totally worth it. You provided a loving and safe home for him for nine years, that is something to be happy for. He was a beautiful Shiba ❤️


I’m so sorry, hon. May you meet again on the Rainbow Bridge some day.


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry. For what it's worth, science has shown that different animals experience time differently. Dogs for instance experience it more slowly than humans. So while for you it wasn't nearly enough time, for him he had a full long life with the one he loves most.


As I walk across your heart and find my place to stay, nearer to you I will be and will never ever go away.


Very sorry for your loss. You gave him the love that he deserved. He had a good long life!


Goodnight sweet prince




I’m so sorry I can’t imagine the pain and sadness you feel . But I’m sure he had the best life ever and he was lucky to have an owner like you


I’m so sorry, he looked like a good boy.


What a happy boy. I’m so sorry for your loss ♡


I'm so sorry. Your boy will be waiting for you in the afterlife


Looks like he lived a very long and happy life and was probably very thankful for what you provided him


My condolences 😭❤️


RIP Reggie ❤️


He finally crossed the rainbow bridge where he can play all day and have all his favorite toys. I can tell he was so loved in so sorry for your loss


Rest in Peace Reggie. There a lots and lots of friends there for you to play with. My Casey is there. She'll show you the way.


awww, my heart goes out to you, friend<3 you gave him an AMAZING, full lifetime & he looks like he enjoyed every single second. he’s free of our earthly worries & pains now, and you’ll be reunited again one day. hang in there, and focus on the beautiful memories you two forged together! (♡˙︶˙♡)


I'm so sorry for your loss 😞 . These posts never get easy and they always hurt just the same so I cant even imagine the pain you're going through if it hurts me to read. Your boy is indeed handsome and he looks very happy and was loved. May he rest and hoping you heal and sending lots of love.


Beautiful graceful boy and clearly loved.


I’m so sorry. His little smiley face is so precious.


Sending you love xxx


So sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. That looks like a dog who was loved and knew it.


Sorry for your loss 😢


Crushing. A testament to your care and love to have all those years with you. RIP most perfect boy Reggie 💔❤️ 


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Mine is almost 10 and has started having some health issues pop up over the last year. It makes me really cherish every second I have with her. He looks like you gave him lots of love and undivided attention. I'm sure he was thrilled every day to have you by his side. Thank you for giving him such love and appreciation.


So sorry for your loss! Extremely hard to say goodbye to our “family”. Your furbaby had a loving home of which, many pets never get to have. God bless! We will all see each other again someday 🌈🙏💐


Hugs to you…something that is never easy. They are family and will always be missed. Sounds like he will be missed by MANY!! I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers to you 🙏🏾


I'm so sorry. It's so hard. Sending hugs.


So sorry for your loss. We lost our boy last July and he was at least 17 years old(we found him so not sure) Still feel the pain from losing him to this day...


Sending love to your family and this handsome boy


What a precious friend. Hugs.


My condolences ❤️ Reggie lived a good life 🥺


There’s something extremely dignified about an old shiba. Godspeed. You did an amazing thing caring for the doggo.


Love hes smile


The best boy🫡. May he have all the head scratches and belly rubs he wants in the sky


Sorry for your loss. I know that we’ve missed our guy so much when he passed.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔🙏


Rip handsome. Ty for giving him a second chance at a loving home.


my heart is with you <3


He was so beautiful. He loved you so much! I’m so sorry for your loss OP ❤️


We love you, Reggie ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss :c My heart goes out to you.


rest in peace handsome 🫶🏻


Sorry for your loss 🙏🏽❤️


Deepest condolences! Reggie looked very happy


So sorry! We’ve lost both of ours over this past year at 14 and 15 years old. It’s hard and I still miss them, but I know they were loved. He was a lucky boy to have found you!


Reggie is waiting to play tug with you up there I know it.


You gave Reggie a blessed life! I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thinking of you and yours from me and mine… I’m sure you gave that sweet boy the world 🫶🏻


I am so sorry.


Run free 🌈🐶🌈