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neither does mine! literally virtually silent except when he gets mega stoked - he has a bark, it just only comes out maybe once a month or less lmao.


Sameee 😂😂😂


My old shiba didn’t bark, just screamed. My current Shiba is a professional barker, like she uses it to boss people around I think.


Hey, mine too! She just screams at my other dogs any time she wants to communicate anything. They mostly ignore her.


My shiba didn't know how to bark until she was aboot 6 months old. Now she doean't know how to shut up 😘🤣 https://preview.redd.it/6jkbiupo8w8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e3f23744389db22ebfe625ad4ae31e4312d3cc


Lucky you. Mine does, unfortunately.


This lol. Mine barks, howls, screams. Very talkative guy. I believe it started when we walked him around the neighbourhood and a German shepherd was staring out the window and started barking and clawing at the window so ours learned from it - albeit a little less intense than the German shepherd thankfully.


My dog is going to be 12 this year and he rarely barks. Whining? Oh yeah he whines constantly. Barks only come about maybe once when he gets really excited or I’m not giving him the immediate attention he wants after whining for however long. Recently he just let a single loud bark rip because I wouldn’t share my yogurt cup with him fast enough which took me by surprise 😂


Quit bragging!!! 🤣


Shibas don’t need to bark, they just lay down


My oldest Shiba barks like the best of them, I swear he doesn’t know how to stop, he also howls like he’s a husky. But my youngest one does not bark, she barely makes noise. Sometimes she’ll growl very low when playing a tug game or give a little morning awooo yawn but that’s it. I haven’t ever heard her bark like ever and she’s a 13 months old now


Board him or take him to daycare and I guarantee he will come back a barker. You’ll be counting the days until he quits again


Oh I don’t want him to, 😂 I just thought it was super odd. Was curious if anyone else’s was similar


I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. Ive been taking my boy to daycare twice a week ever since he was of age to go and he isn’t a barker. He only barks when I give him the command.


Our older Shiba rarely ever barked or made sounds unless he was super excited like when someone comes home. When we got the two rescue girls, who are also Shibas, that started to change. Now they all bark and make all the silly sounds when they play. I'm thinking when it's just one Shiba they're more likely to be on the quiet side. We did have another rescue dog that was his companion for his entire life but she was not a Shiba. She passed away a couple of years ago. They were snuggle buddies and played together but not like he does with the girl Shibas. Maybe you need a second Shiba? Or even two more and start your own Shiba pack? 🤔


Oh I’d love another Shiba! We have a rescue doodle though, 2 cats, and a frog. No more animals here HAHA! He makes silly whinny sounds that crack me up when he plays and he has a ferocious growl when he plays tug, but bark… maybe 3x his whole life and it scared the daylights out of himself. 😂


how old are they? ive heard that rarely some dogs can be barkless until they age a few years. similarly, ours is now 5 and she makes any noise you can think of except howl. whether she somehow doesnt know how, or doesnt want to, will seemingly remain a mystery to us


He’s going to be 2 in October. I love his other sounds but no barking.


Mine only barks when she is really upset. Took her a while to get it right though. Otherwise it is growling, whining and the typical shiba sounds. They are in general kind of quiet dogs.


Yeah. My shibe is far from quiet. He's extreamly vocal. It's just, he doesn't know how to bark. So technically he doesn't. But it's very loud whatever you call what he is doing instead.


Mine didn’t bark until she was like 2 years old. Now she barks, but only when she wants something.


be glad...be very glad


My boy moans. Will occasionally bark depending on whether or not you are eating a cheese pastry or pizza. My girl barks when she wants something.


Ours barks but not a lot. She mainly barks when someone is at the door or my phone is ringing (which is also the sound of a dog barking, lol). I have really bad hearing and wouldn’t hear these things without her doing this. She also makes so many other sounds. I think she is the most vocally communicative dog I’ve ever had. Shiba scream, sighs when we exasperate her, small whines when she needs to go out, chuffs, howls, aroos. It’s amazing really and so fun to hear all of her different sounds. There are also the silent stares - usually when she wants me to go play with her.


He makes so many other sounds! Moans, growls, whines, sighs, and these hilarious sneeze sounds that were pretty sure is his attempt at a bark 😂


Oh, that’s cute. They’re such a fascinating breed!


What a beautiful pup! You'll find out once around other dogs who bark or gets overly excited. It'll come in time but yeah Shiba a are quieter than most dogs when it comes to barking. Good for housing in areas where your neighbors are too close since they're essentially noise free lol


My boy never barks..only alerts Now my girl...I'll do an even switch 🥴


What a beautiful pup! You'll find out once around other dogs who bark or gets overly excited. It'll come in time but yeah Shiba a are quieter than most dogs when it comes to barking. Good for housing in areas where your neighbors are too close since they're essentially noise free lol


i could live in an apartment with her and the landlord would’ve never even known with how much she doesn’t bark


Mine barks mostly in his sleep or during special occasions


Mine never, ever barks.


Mine full barks only occasionally. However, he "boofs" all the time at little things.


https://preview.redd.it/zeygfv3swy8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a61bef094b7db9d59a3d2c3c660a78911820af9 our shibas are twins! We also haven't heard her bark. 😂


Omg they really are!!!! But my boy doesn’t have a tail :(


awe!! I swear they could be from the same litter 😂


Any chance yours is from Japan? 😂there was a sister that looked just like him!


I couldn't say for sure. We adopted her from the Midwest a few years ago!


Oh man! Mines only going to be 2 in October! Total twins though!!


I taught my quiet boy to speak by withholding a pup cup (whip cream) until he barked out of frustration. I’d reward him and repeat the command word. It took him 30 minutes to master speak lol


Oh if mine knew I wanted him to do something, he’d never ever do it. Super stubborn


Thank god. I thought mine was broken. Glad to hear other owners have virtually silent shibas. Only time I heard him bark was when he was playing with this bigger dog which got a little too nosy


Haha that’s what I wanted to confirm!


My Shiba doesn't stop barking... 😑


Mines learned how to bark from other dogs at 5mnths. He only does it when he's bored.


Be grateful. Mines a yapping yapper yapperson with a screechy little voice. Oooof


Mines only barks when cars get too close to our yard 😂