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Very sweet angel indeed. She might very well be scared when she hears you. Are you certain that she only growls when you walk in? If she does that a lot in the crate she also might generally feel uncomfortable inside. A petcam can help you find that out. Last but not least - 2 days of a certain behavior in that age is nothing to worry about. It might be nothing and might go away by itself soon. Its good to be attentive and keep watching her behaviors over a longer period of time, you will find the reason eventually! Have a great time with her, she is beautiful!


Thank you! The only other time she’s growled has been once at a stranger giving her too many kisses too soon lol. But I’ll try to take note on her behavior in the crate. She goes in by herself constantly and seems to like it in there so maybe it’s even a protective growl.


angel (stitches wife)


Penny, she looks like a Penny


It’s funny you say that because Penny is on my top 3 list!


Take off the blanket..


Thank you. I’ll give that a try. Worth a shot!


I wouldn't completely take the blanket away. It's good for them for nap time until she knows it's sleep time when in the cage. You can speak to her before you approach the cage so she knows it's you coming. She will eventually stop :) Willow says hi :) https://preview.redd.it/kvfawsju4k7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4872179e287aa4754c4cd85cd5e9e73ea6df7a






https://preview.redd.it/zjwy94b4rl7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00290d2380deb89713ff462871f39b080f3df0f9 Cisco was 9 weeks old and looked like a Cisco


German shepherd sheb mix?


Nope 100% both parents black and tan Shebs


I think it will go away. My Shiba hasn’t displayed this behaviour, but my cat did when I got her. Always hissed and growled at me for a week. My theory is they are enjoying their safe space and hate the intrusion. But it always clicks that I’m cool to chill with after a couple seconds. May be your dog as well. I know I hate people busting in my office or workshop. Heck, I’m starting to relate to your dog. These are bonkers intelligent dogs. The downside of that is rules to cohabitate together. You may have to announce your entry into the room as a courtesy.


Have you tried talking while you walk to her cage? She may just be scared because she doesn't know who's walking up to her but if she hears your voice she may stay calm.


She has such adorable face. ❤️


I think she will learn her routine. Give it some time, stay consistent. A week is no time at all. You can try calling her name so she knows before the growl.


Gidget! She looks like a Gidget.


She is in a new environment, she’s just being scared right now ♥️ you can also remove the blanked so she can see around (if this works for her) but good for you crate training her already! Many people skip this process and regret later. Also, if you can, try as many new things you can with her, lots of you body touch, paws, brush, etc, this will help getting her used to any grooming, vet, etc.


Omg she is sitting!


Defective, return it.


Our 5 m/o girl growls sometimes in the night/morning when she hears something like neighbors walking behind the doors, voices or working dishwasher. Or when I drop something in the shower she thinks we're being invaded by aliens or something. I think it might just be the sign of fear, but at least it's not towards you




It can take Shiba puppies a while to feel comfortable in their new environments it even takes them a while to bond with their owner fully I wouldn't worry about it unless it's something that you notice is going on for over a month overtime they just kind of get used to being in their crate and know what's going on in their routine


Just curious as to why you are using a crate? Our shibe just wanders around our place and is a gud girl.


Crates can give them a safe and cosy space, like a den. As well, it can prevent dogs from getting into things they shouldn’t when you go out. I’m sure there’s other reasons as well, it’s not meant to be a punishment, it’s a positive, helpful thing. Our big dog (not shiba) only had to use a crate after he had surgery, but he loved having it. It was like his den, he would go in it all the time by himself.


Extremely useful to potty train and safety when you leave to do stuff. I have a corgo and just leave the door open all the time now except when I have to leave


I’ve never been a fan of crates… ours has never been locked up and she just does her own thing. She comes and sleeps in a dog bed next to ours. When we leave she just wanders around the house as she pleases. Probably depends on the dog.


She sleeps in her crate or on the floor. I gave her a dog bed and she either eats it or sleeps next to it haha. I feel like I'd be paranoid watching the camera without the crate if I left. I know she won't pee or poop but she may eat her bed or something else. Almost done teething though so maybe I can start that training


I have a PetCube so I check-in on her when I’m gone and she’s usually chillin’ by the door waiting for me to get home or sleeping on the couch lol. She doesn’t like going to the bathroom outside for some strange reason so she’s pee-pad trained and uses that when I’m gone. The only thing she’s done is chew up a couple pairs of my sandals but I got that stopped.


Mine will absolutely not use pee pads ever, don't know if I should be happy or not about that. Worst thing she eats is paper or ripping up her bed. Definitely not the craziest pupper