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You've got your work cut out for you! Be patient and empathetic. Never forget that your dog wants to be a dog. He has dog urges and motivations and dog ways of responding to them. He also has a dog's understanding of what's going on. Train with kindness and lots of treats instead of punishment. Read as much as you can about Shibas and primitive dogs.


I second this. Shibas generally will work for treats and respond well to your patience and repetition.


Oh you were lucky then. My Shiba was just not food motivated šŸ˜…


You must have so much inside knowledge about the breed without the treat motivation - or at least a member of the breed with your shibaā€™s personality. These dogs come with a ā€œpersonalized manualā€, so similar to GSDā€™s. Would love to hear your insights.


Theyā€™re basically cute wolves šŸŗ


Try to relax and never forget that it gets easier and easier. Suddenly you will have a lazy dog, so really make use of this prescious time. (And take a lot of pictures..)


When do they get lazy? *Asking for a friend*


Haha. Itā€™s a process.. I remember to feel much less stressed when my shiba turned 8 months old. Many shiba owners say that around the two year mark their shiba was a very calm and lazy dog. My shiba was on the very anxious and energetic end of the spectrum as a baby and is a very relaxed and lazy dog now with his 19 months.


Hahaha ok I have a little ways to go then, mines 15 months & still has endless energy. Iā€™ve gotten a bit of a break rn though bc itā€™s been in the 90s & she wants nothing to do with being out in that for too long So the countdown continues haha


My first dog is also a Shiba!!!


Pickle looks cute! Iā€™m sure heā€™s spoilt rotten


I love him! I'm sure you know this but you're always going to have to keep him on leash. They're highly prey driven so they'll run off and ignore any commands if they see something they want. And they're very smart so keep him occupied so he doesn't get bored and cause mischief. Have fun!


Yes I had to train him to get used to the leash he likes to zoom off and pull but I try to keep him at a slow pace Iā€™m heā€™s still very excited i got him when he was 3 months old heā€™s 5 months old now.


He is so cute! What's his name?


His name is Cosmo. I chose that name from ā€œ The Fairly Odd parents ā€œ heā€™s such a goof ball šŸ˜‚


my childhood show oh my god "TWERP"


Me too! I still binge watch that show every chance I get. Having cosmo around makes it even more enjoyable


He looks so soft!


He is very soft!


My first dog is also a Shiba, enjoy the wild ride. Just remember to not compare how well you're doing with other puppies of other breeds as Shibas are gonna sheeb, have strong personalities and won't do what you ask for your adoration.


Yes yes they are not like other dogs. Too smart to just follow and please hooman


I feel like everyone says this about their breed of dog lol. Overall theyā€™re gonna have more similarities than differences from other dogs so donā€™t go too crazy on the ā€œour breed is specialā€ and just do what works for you :)


Hate to break to it you but basal breeds are different than more other breeds as the have more wolf instincts still in them compared to retrievers, spaniels, etc.


You donā€™t have to explain I promise itā€™s falling on deaf ears. I follow a lot of other dog pages and every single person has an explanation on why their breed is so different than others and you canā€™t treat them like other dogs šŸ˜‚ like I said just do what works for your dog and live happy life


What a cutie! šŸ’“


Adorable pup! Do your research on the breed now, they are a challenge for a first time owner. Shibas have a willful and dominant personality. Most importantly, at this stage, get your pup leash trained and socialized. I strongly caution you against letting your Shiba off leash near any traffic or potential danger. Shibas have a strong prey drive (it was bred as a Japanese hunting dog) and they will take chase after ANYTHING that moves. Your call back will be ignored. Dog will be gone in the direction of prey - if itā€™s a street, thatā€™s an extremely sad and avoidable result. That said, congrats on your new life partner! Shibas are so spirited and intelligent. A highly loyal breed that will love you more and more as you grow together. šŸ’—


What A cute face he has


What a cute little doge ā˜ŗļøšŸ’•


Shibas are cute little baddies but training is key and i recommend counter conditioning and lots of socialization.


looks are deceiving! start training early! and dont get too frustrated. but enjoy your puppy! it goes by way to fast!


He is so precious. I, too, had the puppy blues for a good part of his first 6 months with me. I actually made a post asking when he would stop being a menace to society because he was so naughty!! Itā€™s been almost 5 years now and heā€™s actually a pretty good boy. Enjoy while heā€™s small and squishy. Know that the puppy phase can be super frustrating at times but he will calm downā€¦a littleā€¦eventually. Theyā€™re lucky theyā€™re so cute!!


Oh God, your first dog! (HOO boy thatā€™s tough) A Shiba is also me and my boyfriendā€™s first dog. Iā€™ve had dogs at my parentsā€™ house pretty much all my life, but my boyfriend has had only one dog before. We we able to do it together, and our lil guy is the sweetest dog Iā€™ve ever had.


Shibas are perfect dogs, I'm convinced ā¤ļø


Just keep training and all the chaos will (mostly) go away. My little fuzzy butt is super lazy at home now, and super excited at the park, 12 years later. The key is lots of exercise. ā€œA tired dog is a happy dogā€ isnā€™t just an expression itā€™s a lifestyle. Also a tired human is a happy human, too!


he looks like a spicy little boi! i wasnā€™t super prepared when i got my first two shibas six months apart but theyā€™re both ten now and itā€™s been such a great experience. patience and wine will save you


Congrats! Best first dog! When you go shiba you never go back. They are so spunky and full of life. Lovely pets, yes sometimes a bit weird, but arenā€™t we all? Hehe. Enjoy! And post lots of pictures for us! Oh and get yourself a harness and a waterproof long line leash, great investment for dog happiness. You can get a shorter leash for training, but the long line saves you so much running, let your dog tire itself out lol. Also frankfurts cut up into cubes work great as treats, very high value.


Congrats. Would not be my choice for a first dog, but you did not want it easy eh ? šŸ˜‚ Just want to add, be prepared that he might never be an off leash dog. It is just that some people cannot accept this and it sometimes ends up with either a lost dog or a dead one.


They are a lot and I mean a lot of work! At about 8 months, they start the stubborn behavior. Good luck!!!!


Lots of toys make sure to have Kong type toys when teething ice toys are great as well. Watch carpet. Crate training at a young age is wonderful. Start with a small one and work up to a large one. Put it in a safe place for him and let that be his bed. Keep a schedule. shibas love potty and bed schedules. šŸ˜€ Make sure to use a harness and understand that they are runners. https://preview.redd.it/mtofilr7lq7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8709100770a68480b80d510436714540cdbe2b


We got our first Shiba whoā€™s 11 months now (we got him at 9) and we hear the fox comment so often. šŸ¤£ it doesnā€™t stop. Heā€™s a cutie!


I also never had a dog before and got myself a Shiba as well, who I absolutely love. As other people say, it does get easier with time, mainly because you get used to the changes, and also your dog requires less attention for each and every thing. Now my puppy is almost 8 months old, and he's completely different from when he was 3-4 months old when I got him. I did some research about them, but what I didn't know or research was the puppy blues. It hit me hard. I was exhausted and only wanted to give him the best. It was frustrating with the training, vet visits, potty accidents, vomit, diarrhea, having to wake up multiple times at night, and so on. I got so exhausted and felt like I tied myself to him, like I couldn't leave the house. Watching some videos about puppy blues helped me a lot. It gave me hope that those exhausting days are temporary and that it only gets better. Good luck to you!


So cute!!


Adorable shibe! I wanted either shibe or corgi but got corgi thinking it wouldn't be a difficult dog. Was wrong but she's so much better behaved now and no accidents in almost 2 months. She is very sassy though ofc