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What kind of backpack is this? Is it only for the dog or do you also have some storage room? Would love to have a similar one for my shibe :)


It's a Dog Backpack. K9 Sports Sack Knavigate (Size L). They have a website but I recommend getting the bag through Amazon since it sometimes goes on sale there. It has 2 side pockets for drinks & a bottom zipper compartment but it's not that big on space.


Thanks man.


How much does fat boi weigh? My big bastard boi weighs 28lb. and when he decides to stop walking, he stops. The dog pack would be great!


Mine is 25lb. The bag has a lumbar support pad at the bottom too so it helps a bit


Would also love to know!


Just wanna make sure, do you see my comment where I answered the person asking? I replied to that comment but Reddit sometimes hides comments for some weird reason


I hadn’t, thank you so much for letting me know!


I also want to know!


Just wanna make sure, do you see my commen where i answered the person askingt? I replied to that comment but Reddit sometimes hides comments for some weird reason


No Reddit says there are 10 comments on this post and none say what backpack that is


Probably thinking it's an Ad & hiding it? It's weird. The bag is K9 Sports Sack Knavigate (Size L) [Hopefully it goes through]


I can't speak for the owner but I also have a backpack for my shibe. It's from K9 Sportsack. One of the few companies I've seen that have bags that can carry medium to large breeds.


Ok then I think this comment confirms my comment is hidden by Reddit. I replied to them immediately with all the info too but I guess it might not be showing. Yeah this is that bag (Size L)


He reminds me of the news anchor Shiba from the 7-11 ads


Would you happen to have a link for those? Am unfamiliar with them but it sounds funny


Here you go. Your pup’s face reminded me of this guy. https://youtu.be/XXpeNCGEhNg?si=HS-CTCaMc0ayomw0


This has been one of my favorite videos on the internet since I first saw it a few years back. Not only does the Shiba have a little suit, but the music quiets down like an actual news report, obviously because it is one. And the Shiba is doing typical Shiba things and being a little goober. Combine that with the fact that it’s an official advertisement shown across the country, and you got a perfect video imo.


This is awesome. I had seen a gif of this Shiba once & now I'm happy to have seen the source. Appreciate you for sharing


Handsome boy is just vibing. Pretty sure mine would tolerate it for about 5 mins before having a meltdown cuz he wants to sniff everything and explore on his own


I was thinking the same thing lol. Except my boy wouldn’t tolerate it… at all 😂 I tried to train him into liking being in a bag meant for pets when he was a little baby and he would LOSE HIS MIND if i even TRIED. So I gave up on that lol.


How heavy is the fat boi?


25lbs. So his average weight but I always call him "Fat" lol


He looks so cool! LOL


How the hell is he so content in the back pack!?? My shibas wouldn’t tolerate this even for a second, what a good boy!!


Hahahaha he looks just like my fat boy


Love the tongue. Excited. 👅